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» Resources » Cemeteries » Doc Berry Oliver Cemetery
Township: Pine Level, Johnston County
Full Survey: 1976
Last Update: 2013
Known Graves: 118
Births: 1825 - 1972
Deaths: 1855 - 1974
Surnames: Brown, Butler, Champion, Evans, Faulk, Godwin, Gurley, Hales, Hughes, Jones, Kornegay, Little, McArtan, Oliver, Parker, Pusey, Rae, Ray, Rose, Snipes, Stancil, Starling, Styron, Twisdale, Wiggs
Condition: Well Kept
Location: 35.511042,-78.22836
JCGHS*: #0298 - Turn west off 70A by Old Pine Level Oil Mill. Continue on this road and the cemetery is on the left side of the road.
Other URLs:
Updated July 2013 by Gloria Starling Johnson
Name Birth Death
Brown, Gertrude S 1908 1971
Brown, John H 1879 1935
Butler, Charles 1930
Butler, Louise 1930 1969
Champion, Mary Elizabeth Jones 1923 1965
Evans, Anna S 1873 1927
Evans, W Alonza 1875 1943
Faulk, Infant 1921
Faulk, Myrtle K 1893 1971
Faulk, Van B 1895
Godwin, Alexander Rae 1881 1961
Godwin, Berry 1859 1929
Godwin, Bertha 1902
Godwin, Bobbie 1912 1920
Godwin, Flora P 1885 1960
Godwin, Lisa Elaine 1958 1958
Godwin, Lori Edmen 1957 1957
Godwin, Mary E 1863 1961
Godwin, Walter Berry 1902 1960
Gurley, Alice S 1869 1950
Gurley, J Lemuel 1869 1947
Hales, Lillian 1901 1970
Hughes, James L 1908 1908
Hughes, Jessie M 1906 1907
Jones, E Street 1889 1974
Jones, Elizabeth 1916
Jones, Jonas C 1914 1960
Jones, Lorena G 1895 1972
Jones, Sarah Jane Spencer 1862 1937
Kornegay, Ancy 1825 1894
Kornegay, Bettie P 1884 1965
Kornegay, Clifton B 1889 1970
Kornegay, Clifton Raymond 1889 1970
Kornegay, Diana 1884 1969
Kornegay, H Graham 1916 1974
Kornegay, Herbert K 1882
Kornegay, James Frank 1878 1962
Kornegay, Kinchen 1924
Kornegay, Lomie Creech 1888 1972
Kornegay, Mavis B 1917
Kornegay, Mittie Mae 1876 1949
Little, Saul 1882
Little, Silas 1884 1902
Little, W C 1846 1885
Little, Winnie Starling 1916
McArtan, William O 1939
Oliver, A O 1875 1875
Oliver, Beatrice Dixie 1884 1909
Oliver, Charlie Carlisle 1890 1892
Oliver, Dan U 1871 1954
Oliver, Doc Berry 1867 1951
Oliver, Doc Rand 1913 1972
Oliver, E A 1843 1891
Oliver, Eula M 1940 1963
Oliver, Frances Starling 1932
Oliver, Frederick Bernard 1880 1908
Oliver, George H 1903 1968
Oliver, Herbert Graham 1881 1881
Oliver, Herman Otey 1919 1940
Oliver, Ida 1897 1963
Oliver, Infant 1932 1932
Oliver, Infant 1904 1904
Oliver, James Herman 1885 1903
Oliver, James Upton 1859 1895
Oliver, Jim U 1896 1933
Oliver, John T 1882 1903
Oliver, Jonie Alma 1876 1911
Oliver, Kenneth Lee 1937 1957
Oliver, Lou E 1902 1903
Oliver, Louis Daniel 1934 1963
Oliver, Mable M 1887 1889
Oliver, Mamie 1884 1855
Oliver, Marjorie Cecil 1906 1907
Oliver, Mary Mitchiner 1885 1969
Oliver, Mary P 1869
Oliver, Mary Pauline 1882 1902
Oliver, Ola Moore 1909
Oliver, Peatie Barnes 1856 1927
Oliver, Richard P 1884 1957
Oliver, Ruby Edith Braswell 1904 1926
Oliver, Ruby Elizabeth 1925 1925
Oliver, Sallie A 1872 1952
Oliver, Sarah L 1872
Oliver, Simon H 1891 1939
Oliver, T T 1837 1903
Oliver, W B 1836 1902
Oliver, William J 1916 1916
Oliver, William S 1884
Parker, Ida R 1873 1893
Parker, Mary Elizabeth 1910 1961
Parker, William Brian 1958 1958
Pusey, Marjorie Kornegay 1913 1966
Rae, Cecil T 1920 1944
Ray, Charles Aycock 1912 1913
Ray, Edith C W 1903
Ray, John F 1907 1921
Ray, O Cole 1918 1973
Ray, Omega Oliver 1877 1945
Ray, R L Sr 1870 1938
Ray, Thomas Turner 1908 1957
Rose, Irvin 1917 1917
Rose, Linton 1910 1911
Rose, Wilbert 1908 1908
Snipes, H Ralph 1893 1957
Snipes, Lillie J 1892 1968
Stancil, Gregory Hale 1949 1969
Starling, Edward Theodore 1902 1918
Starling, Herman C 1917 1969
Starling, James Ruffin 1881 1954
Starling, Minnie W 1887 1962
Starling, Wallace Earl 1918 1924
Starling, William N 1928 1974
Styron, Florence P 1919 1972
Styron, John Eric 1972 1972
Styron, Ralph G 1921
Twisdale, Sallie Aim 1842 1890
Wiggs, Jasper J 1903 1971
Wiggs, Lucille Parker 1906
"Doc Berry Oliver" Cemetery
Known/Suspected cemeteries in the Pine Level Township
Unidentified cemeteries in the Pine Level Township from Johnston County GIS

CAUTION: Every effort has been made to verify the cemetery information provided above.

* Johnston County Genealogical & Historical Society Cemetery Index
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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