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» Resources » Cemeteries » Wilson's Mills Cemetery
Township: Wilson's Mills, Johnston County
Full Survey: 1975
Known Graves: 104
Births: 1815 - 1935
Deaths: 1868 - 1981
Surnames: , Atkins, Atwood, Bailey, Ballenger, Barbour, Bean, Bivens, Byrd, Chamblee, Corbett, Davis, Eason, Granger, Gray, Haynes, Holt, Jansen, Johnson, Jones, Lee, Parrish, Todd, Tomlinson, Uzzle, West, Wilson, Youngblood
Condition: Well Kept
Location: 35.579746,-78.362112
Directions: Located on Swift Creek Road, just off Highway 70 in Wilson's Mill.
JCGHS*: #0501
Comments: The Wilson family came to Johnston County ca. 1870 from Warrenton, Warren County, NC and the town of Wilson's Mill is named after them. The Wilson family buried here were farmers and local store owners who were responsible for founding a large mill work operation, grist mill and cotton gin in this area.
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Name Birth Death
1868 1868
1840 1880
1864 1881
Atkins, George W 1909
Atwood, Bobby 1935 1963
Atwood, George I 1907 1971
Bailey, Ivan B 1900 1930
Ballenger, Bertha L 1892 1971
Ballenger, Edward B 1889
Ballenger, Sarah B 1861 1927
Barbour, Arrah P 1886 1946
Barbour, S Lon 1882 1936
Bean, Lilly Tomlinson 1881 1958
Bivens, Bertie J 1908
Bivens, Luther B 1903 1981
Byrd, A Battle 1911 1965
Byrd, Bessie R 1911
Byrd, William K 1932 1959
Chamblee, Maggie Parrish 1900 1955
Corbett, Lottie W 1900 1939
Davis, Lucy ... 1932
Eason, Vallie V 1881 1928
Granger, Moretta A 1868 1894
Granger, Rondall C 1888 1892
Gray, Arthue James 1900 1965
Haynes, James Arthur 1899 1966
Holt, Arrah O Uzzle 1858 1925
Holt, John T 1860 1959
Jansen, William T 1909 1973
Johnson, Eli 1853 1929
Johnson, Ida B 1883 1956
Johnson, Lucinda Crocker 1855 1932
Johnson, Woodrow W 1914 1973
Jones, Emma P 1896
Jones, J Paul 1897 1961
Lee, Infant 1928
Parrish, Carl Keen 1890 1960
Parrish, Charles Benton 1870 1950
Parrish, Cleon T 1907 1946
Parrish, Inez Honrine 1892 1970
Parrish, Leile W 1880 1956
Parrish, Vernon C 1896 1963
Parrish, Walter 1907 1935
Todd, James Allen 1867 1953
Todd, Lula M Parrish 1871 1942
Tomlinson, Alfred Gordon 1908 1935
Tomlinson, Cattie Johnson 1880 1963
Tomlinson, Charles R 1845 1925
Tomlinson, Infant
Tomlinson, Infant
Tomlinson, John Wilson 1872 1960
Tomlinson, Percy Evans 1875 1951
Tomlinson, Ralph J
Tomlinson, Susan D 1851 1932
Uzzle, Ann Rebecca 1847 1897
Uzzle, Anthony Thomas 1897
Uzzle, Dalma O 1874 1937
Uzzle, George Christopher 1903 1906
Uzzle, George Clifford 1877 1925
Uzzle, George F
Uzzle, Harriet 1819 1889
Uzzle, J N 1817 1894
Uzzle, Leon Edward 1909 1961
Uzzle, Leon F 1873 1937
Uzzle, Lulu L
Uzzle, Mattie Radford 1899 1924
Uzzle, Maude Tomlinson Wood 1906 1961
Uzzle, Ola Youngblood 1881 1951
Uzzle, Paul Kermit 1912 1912
Uzzle, Robert Franklin 1906 1952
Uzzle, Sallie
West, Arthur C 1908 1965
West, Eva J 1910
Wilson, Braxton B 1903 1937
Wilson, Caroline Holmes 1892 1972
Wilson, Charles M 1858 1937
Wilson, Clair 1880 1946
Wilson, Douglas Sloan 1878 1952
Wilson, E Raymond 1886 1938
Wilson, Eaton J 1862 1881
Wilson, Elia S 1886 1955
Wilson, Eliza 1847 1869
Wilson, Evelyn Susan 1884 1949
Wilson, Frances Gulley 1912 1976
Wilson, George Eaton 1925 1973
Wilson, Harry Nelson Sr 1894 1966
Wilson, John A 1855 1922
Wilson, John M 1815 1901
Wilson, John Marshall 1891 1892
Wilson, Mary Elizabeth 1858 1949
Wilson, Mary H 1889 1975
Wilson, Mary Rouse 1872 1927
Wilson, Mitchie Y 1890
Wilson, Myrtle Lawn 1882 1889
Wilson, Noah Roush 1895 1953
Wilson, Nov K 1856 1918
Wilson, Robert Thomas 1935 1938
Wilson, Susan Elizabeth 1967
Wilson, Susan G 1822 1886
Wilson, William G 1860 1938
Wilson, Willie T 1885 1973
Youngblood, Sallie Stephenson 1882 1939
Youngblood, William Oscar 1873 1953
"Wilson's Mills" Cemetery
Known/Suspected cemeteries in the Wilson's Mills Township
Unidentified cemeteries in the Wilson's Mills Township from Johnston County GIS

CAUTION: Every effort has been made to verify the cemetery information provided above.

* Johnston County Genealogical & Historical Society Cemetery Index
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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