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» Resources » Cemeteries » Bethel Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery
Township: Ingrams, Johnston County
Full Survey: 1976
Last Update: 2015
Known Graves: 276
Births: 1825 - 1965
Deaths: 1886 - 2014
Surnames: Adams, Allen, Baker, Barefoot, Benson, Blackman, Blackmon, Dowdy, Dudley, Dunn, Edison, Elam, Ellis, Ferrell, Gilbert, Grice, Guin, Hayes, Hockaday, Ingram, Jackson, Johnson, Keen, Lassiter, Lee, Massengill, Moore, Norris, Nowell, Parker, Parrish, Phillips, Slaughter, Stanley, Stechert, Strickland, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Tiner, Toole, Upchurch, Williams
Condition: Well Kept
Location: 35.408870,-78.416630
Directions: The Bethel Original Free Will Baptist Church is located at 3168 N Carolina 96, Four Oaks, NC 27524. The cemetery is behind the church.
JC Parcel ID: 08H99031 - BETHEL CEMETERY
JCGHS*: #0061
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Updated January 2015 by Connie Adams
76 Photos
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People Photos
Name Birth Death
Adams, Albert G 1927 2003
Adams, Alfred C 1968
Adams, Curtis Wayne 1964
Adams, Donzie 1951 1952
Adams, Helen K 1932 2009
Adams, Jesse A 1891 1970
Adams, Jesse Almon 1912 1996
Adams, Julia F 1886 1960
Adams, Lemon 1944 1944
Adams, Lena M 1913 2000
Adams, Lillie T Allen 1890 1931
Adams, Lora Jean 1927 2012
Adams, Melvin Hooks 1923 2001
Adams, Minnie S 1903 1962
Adams, Shelton Ray 1965 2010
Adams, W Blake 1928 1982
Adams, W Roy 1948 1985
Adams, William Ezra 1908 1968
Adams, William Jasper 1940 1991
Allen, Alex 1882 1956
Allen, Azell D 1901 1975
Allen, Bettie Jackson 1915 1963
Allen, Bettie L 1903 1944
Allen, Estelle 1891 1963
Allen, Infant 1937
Allen, Infant
Allen, John Lewis 1879 1953
Allen, Junius Elton 1923 1925
Allen, Monatha Joy 1954
Allen, Polly A 1871 1938
Allen, Spicey A 1880 1935
Allen, Tommie M 1907 1971
Baker, Lossie M 1931 1933
Barefoot, Callie B 1897 1959
Barefoot, Ila Johnson 1902 1975
Benson, Pauline Lee 1928 1969
Benson, Willie P 1919
Blackman, Susan Eason 1863
Blackman, Wright 1859 1904
Blackmon, Vernie Moore 1911 1954
Dowdy, Callie A 1891 1956
Dowdy, Dorothy Grace Thompson 1928 2014
Dowdy, Lonnie G 1890 1945
Dudley, Litha S 1896 1929
Dudley, Willie L 1891 1967
Dunn, Bud
Dunn, Ila Belle 1898 1970
Dunn, Lillie
Dunn, Vernon 1917 1939
Edison, Raymond G 1912 1972
Elam, John Phillip 1950 1968
Ellis, A B 1856 1931
Ellis, Donnie E 1893 1968
Ellis, Infant 1917
Ellis, Mary F 1867 1944
Ellis, Percy 1889 1964
Ferrell, Carrie Barnes 1887 1950
Ferrell, Rev W M 1886 1937
Gilbert, Alfred Allen 1926 2005
Grice, Janet Lucille 1942 1957
Guin, Ferby Ellen 1924
Guin, Howard Raeford 1937
Guin, Infant 1942
Guin, Infant 1947
Guin, Infant 1941
Guin, Infant 1948
Guin, Larria 1904 1924
Guin, Little John 1924 1924
Guin, Lummie S 1906 1964
Guin, Raeford Howard 1938 1939
Hayes, twins 1934
Hockaday, Dora Blackman 1872 1955
Hockaday, James Anderson 1867 1945
Hockaday, Joe
Hockaday, Lucian McNeil 1871
Hockaday, Mary Eason 1915 1954
Hockaday, Melba Veril 1928 1934
Hockaday, Nora Y 1912 1963
Ingram, Addie
Ingram, Dorothy
Ingram, Mrs Leslie
Ingram, Leslie
Jackson, Carrol B 1876 1950
Jackson, Florence Massengill 1895 1973
Jackson, Jessie 1920 1939
Jackson, Pauline 1926 1941
Johnson, Benjamin Blake 1906 1946
Johnson, Bittie W 1877 1939
Johnson, Infant 1933
Johnson, John E 1870 1942
Keen, Ava A
Lassiter, D Oscar 1887 1969
Lassiter, Dessie Bell Massengill 1917 1940
Lassiter, Infant 1939
Lassiter, Jo Ann 1942 1967
Lassiter, Minnie Lee 1891 1937
Lee, Cora Massengill 1900 1967
Lee, Dosia Blackman 1863 1939
Lee, Floyd D 1924
Lee, Gerald Rowland 1930 1952
Lee, John Harvey 1923 1924
Lee, John Robert 1946 1966
Lee, Lloyd B 1922 2010
Lee, Lumas B 1898 1971
Lee, Raymon 1929
Lee, Ruby 1917 1918
Lee, Samuel L 1897 1962
Massengill, Alfred Walter 1902 1975
Massengill, Bertie L 1900 1945
Massengill, Bettie Wheeler 1875 1952
Massengill, Billy Rufus 1938 1938
Massengill, Bonnie Lou 1947 1949
Massengill, D E 1861 1913
Massengill, Delia Ann 1868 1947
Massengill, Delma E 1931
Massengill, Delmon E 1887 1970
Massengill, Edgar 1900 1946
Massengill, Edie L 1956 1956
Massengill, Eva Myrtle 1908 1927
Massengill, Golda Mae 1909 1938
Massengill, Hermon Haywood 1905 1989
Massengill, Infant 1926
Massengill, Infant 1930
Massengill, Infant 1937
Massengill, Infant 1945
Massengill, Jeny 1940 1946
Massengill, Joe Robbie 1903 1935
Massengill, John R 1864 1941
Massengill, Laura A 1866 1935
Massengill, Lena May 1917 1968
Massengill, Lonnie E 1885 1886
Massengill, Lonnie R 1892 1967
Massengill, Lucy Mae 1893 1966
Massengill, Martha Stanley
Massengill, Myra Allen 1908 1990
Massengill, Noah Bright 1871 1954
Massengill, Nola Hayes 1897 1970
Massengill, Percy B 1894 1949
Massengill, William Henry Dunk 1893 1962
Moore, Annie Elizabeth 1875 1932
Moore, David G 1912 1913
Moore, Della Williams 1877 1910
Moore, George Edward 1869 1931
Moore, George Robert 1909 1982
Moore, Elder J W 1845 1932
Moore, James H 1878 1944
Moore, John Ira 1876 1962
Moore, John Samuel 1908 1962
Moore, Johnnie 1914 1954
Moore, Lucretia E 1889 1933
Moore, Lula Adams 1909 1975
Moore, Manuel 1872 1953
Moore, Mary E Lee 1860 1923
Moore, Mary F 1908 1998
Moore, Mattie Allen 1882 1945
Moore, Millie E 1889 1956
Moore, Ralph E 1922 1958
Norris, Larry Wayne 1946 1949
Norris, Mary Clyde 1903 1940
Nowell, Infant 1948
Nowell, Joseph P 1931
Parker, Bonnie Lou 1951
Parker, Charles Lindberg 1930 1962
Parker, Lettie Jackson 1917 1967
Parker, Linda Sue 1950 1952
Parrish, Lloyd Jeff 1920 1975
Phillips, Jerilene 1930 1931
Slaughter, Addie Stanley 1907 1951
Slaughter, Milton S 1903 1966
Stanley, B 1871 1942
Stanley, Belle M 1899 1984
Stanley, Bettie Hayes 1907 1927
Stanley, Cathy Jo
Stanley, Rev Chester V 1912 1968
Stanley, Christine 1918 1961
Stanley, Claud L 1887 1934
Stanley, Cora
Stanley, Doris Mae 1934 1941
Stanley, Doris Marie 1935 1939
Stanley, Edmond 1935
Stanley, Elizabeth 1861 1924
Stanley, Etta 1937
Stanley, Floyd M 1905 1950
Stanley, H Mozell 1914 2011
Stanley, Ida
Stanley, Ila T 1884 1957
Stanley, Iler Bessie 1895
Stanley, Infant 1924
Stanley, Infant 1933
Stanley, Infant 1934
Stanley, Infant 1937
Stanley, Infant 1912
Stanley, Infant 1908
Stanley, Infant 1912
Stanley, Infant 1915
Stanley, Infant 1897
Stanley, Infant
Stanley, Infants 5
Stanley, J E 1873 1923
Stanley, J W M 1839 1913
Stanley, J Walter 1910 1982
Stanley, Jarvis G 1940 1961
Stanley, John C 1920 1973
Stanley, John W 1869 1901
Stanley, Johnnie Hugh 1948
Stanley, Joseph D 1914 1957
Stanley, Joseph R 1918 1919
Stanley, Kathy Jo 1953 1958
Stanley, Lanie F 1902 1940
Stanley, Laura 1879 1922
Stanley, Lillie M 1890 1923
Stanley, Lou Rether 1928 1928
Stanley, Mazie Gladys 1923 1935
Stanley, Nannie 1842 1896
Stanley, Nickie Adason 1865 1929
Stanley, Pauline 1924 1948
Stanley, Pherlicia Thomas 1864 1919
Stanley, Preston M Pet 1900 1964
Stanley, Rachel G 1927 1927
Stanley, Rufus D 1871 1945
Stanley, Sallie K 1875 1964
Stanley, Sophronia H Temple 1866 1926
Stanley, Thenie Lizer 1925
Stanley, Vida E 1938 1940
Stanley, W Bennett 1872 1938
Stanley, W Owen 1944 1966
Stanley, W R 1905
Stanley, W W Bill 1878 1945
Stanley, Walter Kermit 1910 1964
Stanley, William A 1895 1972
Stanley, William G 1942 1950
Stanley, William Ransom 1857 1927
Stanley, Willie D 1894 1958
Stechert, Fred W 1916 1971
Strickland, Carl 1935 1938
Strickland, Delmar C 1916 1969
Strickland, Fred C 1937 1938
Strickland, Leon Robert 1930 1971
Strickland, Rubel 1935 1935
Strickland, Thurl Jack 1920 1965
Temple, E M 1870 1925
Temple, Effie E Stanley 1929 1939
Temple, Ernest Hugh 1965
Temple, Infant 1936
Temple, Lance M 1952 2000
Temple, Nancy A 1875 1947
Temple, R S 1904 1925
Temple, Wade C 1935 1935
Thomas, Charlie Junius 1886 1967
Thomas, Ellender 1848
Thomas, George D 1916 1916
Thomas, Infant 1935
Thomas, Infant Twins 1915
Thomas, James Twin 1923
Thomas, Junius Owen 1921 1974
Thomas, Mariah Stanley 1825
Thomas, Martha Ellen Lee 1882 1948
Thomas, Rufus Daniel Dan 1861 1922
Thomas, Ruth Twin 1923
Thomas, Spicey 1846
Thomas, Viola M 1918 1918
Thompson, G Ronnie 1948 1954
Thompson, Junius H 1881 1960
Thompson, Lou Eloise 1939 1943
Thompson, Ora Anna 1886 1950
Tiner, Hepsy A 1854 1915
Toole, Hattie Massengill 1888 1975
Toole, Infant 1925
Toole, Lonnie L 1892 1963
Upchurch, George T 1939 1961
Upchurch, Hubert C 1896 1966
Upchurch, Minnie A 1902 1970
Williams, Bright 1833 1905
Williams, Kittie M 1889 1964
Williams, Mary A 1843 1912
Williams, William M 1880 1958
"Bethel Freewill Baptist Church" Cemetery
Known/Suspected cemeteries in the Ingrams Township
Unidentified cemeteries in the Ingrams Township from Johnston County GIS

CAUTION: Every effort has been made to verify the cemetery information provided above.

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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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