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» Search Results » B BATTEN
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batten, Berry
10 White Male 716 Spring Hill
Batten, Bethany
6 White Female 771 Sandy Level
Batten, Bettie
14 White Female 638 Beulah
Batten, Bettie
50 White Female 627 Pine Level
Battin, William B.
45 White Male 111 Clayton
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batten, Betsey
4 White Female 65 O'Neals
Batten, Betsey
25 White Female 31 Selma
Batten, Bettie
10 White Female 131 Boon Hill
Batten, Bryant
56 White Male 256 Clayton
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batten, Becky J.
9 White Female 371 Selma
Batten, Berry
30 White Male 11 Clayton
Batten, Berry E.
3 White Male 373 Selma
Batten, Bunyon
10 White Male 73 O'Neals
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batten, Addie B.
4 White Female 234 Beulah
Batten, Barden
12 White Male 14 Selma
Batten, Batten
24 White Male 8 Beulah
Batten, Berry
52 White Male 143 Clayton
Batten, Berry E.
23 White Male 98 Selma
Batten, Bertha
7 White Female 34 Beulah
Batten, Bettie
43 White Female 130 Beulah
Batten, Bettie C.
11 White Female 7 Selma
Batten, Bettie R.
21 White Female 96 Selma
Batten, Bryant
17 White Male 9 Wilders
Batten, Burtha A.
0 White Female 105 O'Neals
Batten, Stephen B.
16 White Male 66 O'Neals
Batton, Burke
3 White Male 219 Wilders
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batten, Ada B.
1/15/1900 White Female 233 Beulah
Batten, Arron B.
4 White Male 211 O'Neals
Batten, Beatrice
9 White Female 689 Selma
Batten, Belvia
9 White Female 8 Beulah
Batten, Bertha
17 White Female 607 Selma
Batten, Bertha A.
10 White Female 211 O'Neals
Batten, Bessie
65 White Female 70 Beulah
Batten, Bethia
67 White Female 673 Selma
Batten, Bette
22 White Female 602 Selma
Batten, Bettie
20 White Female 216 Beulah
Batten, Bettie F.
31 White Female 537 Selma
Batten, Birgan
10 White Male 132 Selma
Batten, Borden
23 White Male 85 O'Neals
Batten, Bunn
40 White Male 211 O'Neals
Batten, Stephen B.
1/25/1900 White Male 234 Beulah
Battin, Bryant
1/27/1900 White Male 145 O'Neals
Batton, Burke
13 White Male 265 Wilders
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batson, Bennie
26 White Male 233 Ingrams
Batten, Alvin B.
62 White Male 131 Micro
Batten, B. B.
33 White Male 166 O'Neals
Batten, Beatrice
18 White Female 110 Selma
Batten, Berie
64 White Male 110 Selma
Batten, Berrie
43 White Male 91 Selma
Batten, Bertie
7 White Female 139 Selma
Batten, Bettie
27 White Female 413 O'Neals
Batten, Bettie F.
41 White Female 387 Selma
Batten, Bitha
75 White Female 307 Selma
Batten, Boney
18 White Female 165 Selma
Batten, Burke
23 White Male 44 Wilders
Batton, D. B.
38 White Male 112 Wilders
Betten, Belma
18 White Female 12 Micro
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bateman, Bernice
37 White Male 155 Elevation
Bateman, Bessie
28 White Female 155 Elevation
Bates, Beatrice
19 Black Female 054 Elevation
Batten, Bailey
15 White Female 043 Selma
Batten, Barden B.
44 White Male 008 O'Neals
Batten, Barlie
16 White Female 065 Selma
Batten, Benjamin E.
17 White Male 162 Beulah
Batten, Bennie
29 White Male 258 Beulah
Batten, Berry V.
2+2/12 White Male 180 Beulah
Batten, Bettie
73 White Female 118 Smithfield
Batten, Bettie
47 White Female 043 Selma
Batten, Betty
37 White Female 032 O'Neals
Batten, Bunion
23 White Male 074 O'Neals
Batten, Ethel B.
17 White Female 008 O'Neals
Batten, J. B. Jr.
6 White Male 077 O'Neals
Batten, Lilly B.
27 White Female 083 Smithfield
Batten, Mary B.
24 White Female 005 O'Neals
Batten, Ora B.
26 White Female 258 Beulah
Batten, Otha B.
14 White Male 008 O'Neals
Battten, Stephen B.
45 White Male 162 Beulah
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Batten, A. B.
3 White Male 350 O'Neals
Batten, B. B.
53 White Male 64 O'Neals
Batten, Bertha
52 White Female 27 Micro
Batten, Bettie
47 White Female 14 O'Neals
Batten, Beula Mae
8 White Female 54 O'Neals
Batten, Billie
6 White Male 17 Selma
Batten, Billie Gene
<1 White Male 187 Selma
Batten, Billie Rae
5 White Male 72 O'Neals
Batten, J. B.
66 White Female 132 O'Neals
Batten, J. B.
16 White Male 131 O'Neals
Batten, O. B.
24 White Male 176 O'Neals
Batten, Stephen B.
55 White Male 251 Beulah
Batten, Van B.
42 White Male 297 Boon Hill
Batts, Balem
62 Black Male 236 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Baiden, B. C. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Batchelder, W. B. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Batchelor, B. B. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) H Private C
Batchelor, B. B. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Batchelor, B. J. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Batchelor, Brown 12th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Batchelor, R. B. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Batchelor, Van Buren 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Batchelor, Wrigh B. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) C Private C
Bateman, Thomas B. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Bates, Alexander B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Bates, Benjamin H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Corporal C
Bates, Benjamin H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Corporal C
Batten, James B. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Battle, Benjamin F. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Battle, George B. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Batton, Benjamin 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Batton, James B. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Batts, Benjamin C. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Private C
Batts, D. B. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Batts, William B. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Baty, Samuel B. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Bowden, B. B. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Bowden, B. J. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Bowden, Bealy J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Bowden, Benjamin C. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Second Lieutenant C
Bowden, Bryant 15th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Bowden, Bryant 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bowden, Buckner 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Bowden, James B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Bowden, Jesse B. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Sergeant C
Bowden, John B. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Bowden, M. B. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bowden, M. B. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Bowden, W. B. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Bowden, W. B. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bowden, W. B. Howard's Cavalry Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Bowden, Whitford B. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Bowden, Whitford B. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Bowden, William B. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Bowden, William B. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Bowden, William B. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Bowton, B. J. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Batchlor, Carolyn Barbour 1950 1972 Oakland
Batson, Bennie 1893 1945 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Batson, Bessie Baker 1901 1964 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Batten, A B 1837 1909 Batten, A. B.
Batten, B E 1875 1933 Batten
Batten, Barden B 1885 1969 Bethany Baptist Church
Batten, Beatrice C 1919 1971 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Batten, Bertha 1914 1914 Batten
Batten, Bertha Johnson 1890 1943 Oakland
Batten, Bessie 1893 1893 Batten, Iredell
Batten, Bessie G 1909 1958 Batten
Batten, Bethaney 1910 1930 Batten
Batten, Bettie C 1891 1963 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Batten, Bettie Florence Garner 1887 1928 Batten/Brown
Batten, Betty F 1880 1924 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Batten, Betty S 1919 2005 Scott, R. L.
Batten, C B 1909 1927 Batten, Wiley
Batten, Celia Brown 1810 1891 Batten, James W.
Batten, D B Batten, Henry J.
Batten, David Bryant 1888 1939 Batten, Henry J.
Batten, Eva B Renfrow 1901 1978 Princeton
Batten, Gladie B 1928 Raper, Wesley
Batten, Grany Betsy 1833 1928 Phillips, Jesse
Batten, Henry Edwards (Bud) 1931 1994 Batten, James W.
Batten, John B 1869 1923 Batten, Robert
Batten, John B 1910 1910 Batten, James W.
Batten, Lenora Barrem 1885 1952 Batten, Wiley
Batten, Luther B 1916 1918 Batten
Batten, Otha B 1915 1980 Bethany Baptist Church
Batten, P B 1899 1919 Batten, Henry J.
Batten, Rufus B 1850 1926 Phillips, Jesse
Batten, Stephen B 1885 1960 Batten
Batten, Van Buren 1898 1949 Princeton
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Batchelor, Van Buren 1902 Nash Forest Hills Cemetery
Batchelor, William B. 1865 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Battle, George Boardman 1862 Wilson Maplewood Cemetery
Batts, John B. 1918 Wilson Cedar Grove Cemetery
Bowden, Benjamin 1905 Duplin Carr-Millard Cemetery
Bowden, Benjamin Christopher 1901 Duplin Bowden Cemetery
Bowden, Whiteford Bellamy 1903 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Batten Bibles Eli Batten Bible
Batten Bibles J. B. Batten Bible
Bethany Cemeteries Bethany Church Cemetery
Brown-Batten Cemeteries Brown-Batten Family Cemetery
Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemeteries Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemetery
Rose-Batten Marriages James W. Rose to M. A. R. Batten, 1880
Battain Wills & Estates John Battain Sr - 1852
Surname Researchers
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Batten Jimmy Montgomery
Batten/BattonJohnston Barbara Batton Pierce
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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