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» Search Results » BARLEY HINTON
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Hinnant, Beady 1 1 1
Hinnant, Berry 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Hinant, Briant R. 1 1
Hinnant, Beda 1
Hinnant, Berry 3 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Benj.
21 White Male 300 Smithfield
Hinnant, B.
22 White Male 765 Creechville
Hinnant, B. R.
44 White Male 496 Beulah
Hinnant, Becky
14 White Female 358 Boon Hill
Hinnant, Bethany
11 White Female 254 Boon Hill
Hinnant, Bryant
9 White Male 872 Sandy Level
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Benjamin
38 White Male 87 Ingrams
Hinnant, B. R.
54 White Male 17 Beulah
Hinnant, Baldy
14 Black Male 29 Smithfield
Hinnant, Benjamin
95 Black Male 10 Beulah
Hinnant, Berry
31 White Male 177 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie
8 White Female 192 Wilders
Hinnant, Bias
50 Black Male 176 Wilders
Hinnant, Bitha
7 Black Female 193 Wilders
Hinnant, Bryant
16 White Male 234 Wilders
Hinnant, Bythel
14 Black Male 58 O'Neals
Hinnant, T. B.
18 White Male 17 Beulah
Hinton, Betty
8 White Female 100 Clayton
Hinton, Bob
0 Black Male 180 Clayton
Hinton, Brag
1 White Male 104 O'Neals
Hinton, Bryant
55 Black Male 123 Clayton
Hinton, Bunn
86 Black Male 93 Clayton
Hinton, Burline
10 Black Female 120 Wilders
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Benjamin
47 White Male 139 Ingrams
Hines, Bettie
1 White Female 139 Ingrams
Hines, Birtie
7 White Female 139 Ingrams
Hines, W. B.
2 Black Male 291 South Smithfield
Hinnant, B. R.
26 White Male 168 Wilders
Hinnant, Benjamin
40 Black Male 71 Boon Hill
Hinnant, Bettie
18 White Female 264 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie
1 Black Female 153 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie
11 White Female 122 Wilders
Hinnant, Billy
7 Black Male 149 Wilders
Hinnant, Biner
45 Black Female 205 O'Neals
Hinnant, Birch
43 Black Female 250 Wilders
Hinnant, Joseph B.
1 White Male 73 Beulah
Hinnant, L. B.
42 White Male 155 Wilders
Hinnant, N. B.
31 White Male 238 Beulah
Hinnant, Rose B.
5 White Female 155 Wilders
Hinton, Babe
0 Black Female 171 Wilders
Hinton, Barley
4 White Male 234 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie
25 Black Female 213 Wilders
Hinton, Bettie
21 White Female 127 Wilders
Hinton, Brasil
9 Black Male 194 Clayton
Hinton, Bryant
5 Black Male 285 Clayton
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Benjamin J.
61 White Male 44 Ingrams
Hines, Bettie F.
21 White Female 44 Ingrams
Hinnant, Berry
61 White Male 45 Wilders
Hinnant, Berry W.
12 White Male 45 Wilders
Hinnant, Bertha
16 White Female 45 Wilders
Hinnant, Bessy
8 Black Female 312 O'Neals
Hinnant, Bettie
21 Black Female 77 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie
15 Black Female 126 Clayton
Hinnant, Bryant
48 White Male 68 Wilders
Hinnant, Buela
16 White Female 223 Wilders
Hinnant, Cassy B.
2 Black Male 321 O'Neals
Hinnant, John B.
1 White Male 7 Beulah
Hinton, Alma B.
20 White Female 53 Clayton
Hinton, Bettie
42 White Female 53 Clayton
Hinton, Bettie
10 White Female 232 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie B.
21 White Female 26 Wilders
Hinton, Bija
7 White Male 233 O'Neals
Hinton, Birtha
1 Black Female 203 Smithfield
Hinton, Bradley N.
5 White Male 1 Boon Hill
Hinton, Bragg
30 White Male 7 O'Neals
Hinton, Maude B.
6 White Female 20 Boon Hill
Hinton, Nora B.
1 White Female 216 O'Neals
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hamton, Bettie
1/1/1900 Black Female 199 O'Neals
Hamton, Bettie
2/17/1900 Black Female 199 O'Neals
Hines, Benjamin J.
7 White Male 45 Bentonville
Hines, Bettie J.
16 White Female 38 Bentonville
Hines, Lucinda B.
2/12/1900 Black Female 588 Smithfield
Hinnant, Baby
White Male 479 Smithfield
Hinnant, Berry
72 White Male 371 Wilders
Hinnant, Berry W.
23 White Male 371 Wilders
Hinnant, Carva B.
3 Black Male 284 Wilders
Hinnant, Clarah B.
1/2/1900 White Female 107 Beulah
Hinnant, Claud B.
31 White Male 374 Wilders
Hinnant, John B.
1/11/1900 White Male 143 Beulah
Hinnant, Marjorie B.
5 White Female 243 Wilders
Hinnant, Needham B.
61 White Male 20 Beulah
Hinton, Begah
1/17/1900 White Male 270 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie
1/20/1900 White Female 251 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie
2/21/1900 White Female 95 Clayton
Hinton, Bijah
1/17/1900 White Male 14 O'Neals
Hinton, Billie
1/20/1900 Black Female 243 Clayton
Hinton, Bitha
6/12/2012 White Female 377 Beulah
Hinton, Blanch
1/11/1900 White Female 230 O'Neals
Hinton, Bose
1/29/1900 Black Male 345 Boon Hill
Hinton, Bradley N.
1/14/1900 White Male 202 Boon Hill
Hinton, Brag
2/8/1900 White Male 186 O'Neals
Hinton, Norwood B.
2/9/1900 White Male 202 Boon Hill
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hinant, B. W.
32 White Male 25 Wilders
Hinant, Blarey Pray
11 White Female 151 Wilders
Hines, Bessie
2 White Female 227 Micro
Hines, Bryant
36 White Male 109 Selma
Hinkle, Bessie
27 White Female 60 Smithfield
Hinnant, Berry
White Male 98 Pine Level
Hinnant, Bessie
6 Black Female 157 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie
20 White Female 281 Beulah
Hinnant, Bettie
57 White Female 286 Beulah
Hinnant, Bettie
32 White Female 47 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie H.
3 Black Female 159 Wilders
Hinnant, Blisstron
12 Black Female 9 Wilders
Hinnant, Bryant
21 White Male 190 Beulah
Hinnant, C. B.
6 White Male 5 Micro
Hinton, Auton B.
1 White Male 31 O'Neals
Hinton, Bennet
5 White Male 193 Wilson's Mills
Hinton, Berlias A.
4 White Male 53 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie
Black Female 61 Clayton
Hinton, Bettie
13 Black Female 241 O'Neals
Hinton, Bigue
28 White Male 122 O'Neals
Hinton, Bradley
25 White Male 19 Boon Hill
Hinton, Braxton B.
5 White Male 77 O'Neals
Hinton, Charles B.
10 Black Male 200 Selma
Hinton, Libbie B.
8 Black Female 200 Selma
Hinton, Norwood Brent
50 White Male 69 Boon Hill
Hinton, Rosa Bell
4 White Female 316 Selma
Hinton, William B.
49 White Male 77 O'Neals
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Bessie
12 White Female 060 Micro
Hines, Bryant
45 White Male 103 Selma
Hines, C. B.
10 White Male 060 Micro
Hinnant, Bernice
8 White Female 073 Smithfield
Hinnant, Berry W.
42 White Male 033 Wilders
Hinnant, Bessie
17 Black Female 229 Wilders
Hinnant, Bettie
30 White Female 035 Boon Hill
Hinnant, Bettie L.
6 White Female 069 Beulah
Hinnant, Bettie M.
42 White Female 011 Wilders
Hinnant, C. B.
16 White Male 019 Micro
Hinnant, Harvey B.
28 White Male 021 Micro
Hinton, Alton B.
11 White Male 347 Selma
Hinton, Bessie
13 Black Female 059 Clayton
Hinton, Bettie
23 White Female 025 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie
12 Black Female 221 Wilders
Hinton, Bige
35 White Male 054 O'Neals
Hinton, Bill
30 White Female 058 Wilders
Hinton, Billie
5 White Male 279 Boon Hill
Hinton, Blanch
9/12 Black Female 083 Selma
Hinton, Bobby
2+8/12 White Male 061 O'Neals
Hinton, Bradley W.
34 White Male 279 Boon Hill
Hinton, Braxton
14 White Male 272 O'Neals
Hinton, Bythia
20 White Female 031 Micro
Hinton, David B.
47 White Male 347 Selma
Hinton, Hattie B.
38 White Female 258 Smithfield
Hinton, Lizzie B.
48 White Female 106 Clayton
Hinton, Lula B.
31 White Female 050 Clayton
Hinton, Mae Belle
17 White Female 090 O'Neals
Hinton, W. Bragg
59 White Male 272 O'Neals
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Ben Gerald
9 White Male 231 Beulah
Hines, Bob
14 White Male 236 Micro
Hines, James B. Jr.
8 White Male 109 Pine Level
Hinnant, Abner B.
71 White Male 222 Micro
Hinnant, Asa Bell
10 Black Female 185 O'Neals
Hinnant, B. W.
52 White Male 142 Wilders
Hinnant, Barney
<1 White Male 188 Beulah
Hinnant, Beatrice
7 Black Female 185 O'Neals
Hinnant, Bernie
14 White Female 8 Beulah
Hinnant, Bessie
26 White Female 109 Pine Level
Hinnant, Bettie E.
56 White Female 199 Beulah
Hinnant, Betty
<1 White Female 335 O'Neals
Hinnant, Bleson
35 White Male 189 Beulah
Hinnant, Bub
58 Black Male 299 O'Neals
Hinnant, James B.
<1 Black Male 77 Beulah
Hinnant, Lucille B.
16 White Female 199 Beulah
Hinson, Beatrice
34 White Female 127 Smithfield
Hinson, Bradford
13 White Male 127 Smithfield
Hinson, Brice
13 White Male 127 Smithfield
Hinton, B. Coy
37 White Male 226 O'Neals
Hinton, Bettie
33 White Female 34 Pine Level
Hinton, Bettie
52 White Female 77 Boon Hill
Hinton, Bill
10 White Male 275 Boon Hill
Hinton, Bill
15 White Male 106 Boon Hill
Hinton, Billie
11 White Male 79 Clayton
Hinton, Billy
4 White Male 364 O'Neals
Hinton, Billy Hue
4 White Male 228 O'Neals
Hinton, Bobby
12 White Male 226 O'Neals
Hinton, Bobby
6 White Male 364 O'Neals
Hinton, Bradley N.
46 White Male 106 Boon Hill
Hinton, David B.
58 White Male 295 O'Neals
Hinton, Hattie B.
48 White Female 199 O'Neals
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Hinnant, Charles B. 1934 Senior Barton College
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Hinant, Berry 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Hinds, Benjamin 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Hospital Steward C
Hinds, Benjamin H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Corporal C
Hines, B. B. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G First Sergeant C
Hines, B. F. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hines, Benjamin 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hines, Benjamin 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hines, Benjamin 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Hospital Steward C
Hines, Benjamin F. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hines, Benjamin H. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Hines, Benjamin H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery J Corporal C
Hines, Benjamin J. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Hines, G. B. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry E Private C
Hines, John B. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hines, M. B. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hines, R. B. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G First Sergeant C
Hines, Richard B. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hinnant, Berry 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Hinnant, Little B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Hinsen, W. B. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hinshaw, J. B. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Hinson, Ambrose B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Hinson, B. F. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hinson, Benjamin 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hinson, Beyman 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hinson, Brinkley 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hinson, Bryant J. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Hinson, Bythel 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hinson, W. B. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hinson, William B. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hinton, Bernard 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Hinton, Bernard A. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Hinton, James B. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Howenton, Baker 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Hines, Benjamin 1902 1918 Corinth Primitive Baptist Church
Hines, Benjamin G 1930 1969 Oakland
Hines, Billy Earl 1937 1938 Aycock, Needham
Hines, Bobby W 1926 1997 Aycock, Needham
Hines, Bryant 1883 1935 Selma Memorial Gardens
Hines, Clarence B Jr 1920 2010 Aycock, Needham
Hines, Clarence Becton III 1948 1996 Aycock, Needham
Hines, Clarence Becton 1887 1944 Aycock, Needham
Hines, Delma B 1911 1917 Aycock, Needham
Hines, Mildred B 1912 1971 Batten/Hines
Hines, Valaria B 1879 1925 Bass, William A.
Hinnant, A B Smith
Hinnant, Belviel Lee 1918 1919 Smith
Hinnant, Bettie 1854 1918 Corinth Baptist Church
Hinnant, Bettie H 1883 1963 Holly Springs Free Will Baptist
Hinnant, Bettie W 1899 1959 Holly Springs Free Will Baptist
Hinnant, Betty Honneycutt 1888 1930 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Hinnant, Bryant Ruffin 1816 1888 Kenly City
Hinnant, Charles Bryant 1913 2003 Hinnant, Needham B.
Hinnant, Claude Bernard 1878 1960 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Hinnant, Elver Bains 1908 1998 Hinnant, Needham B.
Hinnant, Janyce B 1931 2004 Dixon, William J.
Hinnant, L B Capt 1837 1915 Salem Primitive Baptist Church
Hinnant, Mary Batten 1873 1957 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Hinnant, Myra B 1882 1962 Corinth Baptist Church
Hinnant, N B 1849 1914 Hinnant, Needham B.
Hinnant, Needham B 1927 1928 Hinnant, Needham B.
Hinnant, Robena B 1897 1965 Kenly City
Hinson, Betty 1942 Oliver, Robert E.
Hinson, Raymond B Hinson Family
Hinson, William B 1880 1960 Hinson Family
Hinton, Avon B 1903 1946 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, B Coy 1902 1973 Friendship Free Will Baptist Church
Hinton, Bailey 1876 1891 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, Barley 1876 1891 Madon, Joseph L.
Hinton, Bettie N 1905 Antioch Baptist Church
Hinton, Bettie Strickland 1888 1974 Princeton
Hinton, Biegay 1894 1934 Antioch Baptist Church
Hinton, Bobby Wayne 1970 1975 O'Neal, Early B.
Hinton, Bradley Norwood 1895 1964 Sunset Memorial Park
Hinton, Bradley Rivers 1918 1955 Princeton
Hinton, Braxton B 1915 1980 Selma Memorial Gardens
Hinton, Bulah M 1899 1900 Richardson/Broadwell
Hinton, David B 1882 1958 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, Dobbin B 1916 1992 Deans, J. R.
Hinton, Effie B 1894 1957 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, Lucy B 1921 2005 Selma Memorial Gardens
Hinton, Marvin Bernard 1931 1982 Forest Hills
Hinton, Minnie Bunn 1880 1953 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, Norwood B 1869 1922 Princeton
Hinton, W Brag 1871 1949 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Hines, M. B. Burke Missionary Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery
Hinson, Bryant J. Columbus Hinson Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Hinnant, N. B. 1913
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Rand-Durham-Hines Bibles Rand-Durham-Hines Family Bible Records
Hinton Court Records Malachi Hinton - Deceased, 1811
Hiner-Johnson Deaths & Obituaries Pauline Martin Johnson Hiner, 2008
Hines Deaths & Obituaries Hettie T. Hines
Hines Deaths & Obituaries Joshua Desford Hines, 1987
Hinton-Rand Deaths & Obituaries Celestia (Rand) Hinton, 1863
Bedingfield-Hinton Deeds John Bedingfield to Hardy Hinton, 1762
Hinton Deeds Solomon Hinton to William Hinton, 1787
Hinton Deeds Solomon Hinton, 1779
Hines-Adams Marriages Benjamin Hines to Altona Adams, 1859
Hinton Marriages James Hinton to Betsey Hinton, 1812
Hinnant Wills & Estates John Hinnant Sr. - 1767
Hinton Wills & Estates Hardy Hinton - 1760
Hinton Wills & Estates Isaac Hinton - 1784
Hinton Wills & Estates Malichia Hinton - 1807
Hinton Wills & Estates Solomon Hinton - 1760
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
HendonWake1700 Patricia Godwin
HinnantJohnston1700's - early 1800's Warren Bagley
HinnantEdgecombe, Johnston1700 - 1850 Helen L. Zink
HintonWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
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Michael W. Kay
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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