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» Search Results » E LAMM
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("E") and last name ("Lamm")
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Lane, Ephraim 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
No Results found
1870 Federal Census
No Results found
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lam, Martha E.
0 White Female 250 Beulah
Lamaster, Edwin
21 White Male 130 Clayton
Lamb, Marry E.
5 White Female 70 Selma
Lambert, Enetus
4 White Male 212 Pleasant Grove
Lambert, Nancy E.
34 White Female 212 Pleasant Grove
Lane, Elizabeth
28 Mulatto Female 368 Boon Hill
Lane, Joseph E.
12 White Male 382 Boon Hill
Lemay, Elisor S.
6 White Female 147 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lam, May E.
25 White Female 41 Smithfield
Lambert, Emma
26 White Female 174 Bentonville
Lambert, Nancy E.
50 White Female 159 Wilson's Mills
Lambert, William E.
3 White Male 159 Wilson's Mills
Lamm, Monty E.
14 White Female 29 O'Neals
Lamm, Penny E.
66 White Female 47 Beulah
Lamm, Tempyan E.
33 White Female 29 O'Neals
Lane, Eddie
13 White Male 92 Beulah
Lane, Elizabeth
46 Black Female 53 Boon Hill
Lane, Mary E.
40 Black Female 358 Boon Hill
Lane, Mary E.
6 Black Female 358 Boon Hill
Lawhon, Elija
9 White Male 65 Boon Hill
Lawhon, Eva L.
6 White Female 179 Meadow
Lemay, Eliza
24 White Female 221 Cleveland
Loma, Everett
24 Black Male 194 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lamb, Etta
20 White Female 508 Selma
Lambert, Edgar
1/12/1900 White Male 11 Clayton
Lambert, Edith A.
47 White Female 184 Banner
Lambert, Mary E.
19 White Female 95 Bentonville
Lamm, Elizabeth F.
39 White Female 530 Selma
Lamm, Ezekiel C.
8 White Male 530 Selma
Lamm, Ezekiel S.
41 White Male 530 Selma
Lamm, Mattie E.
12-Feb White Female 530 Selma
Lamm, Victoria E.
11 White Female 530 Selma
Lane, Eddie
21 White Male 319 Selma
Lane, Edwin
21 White Male 242 Smithfield
Lawhon, Ella
30 White Female 189 Boon Hill
Lawhon, Emma
25 White Female 238 Ingrams
Lawhon, Ernie
3 White Male 27 Meadow
Lawhon, Lilly E.
17 White Female 44 Meadow
Louhon, Emlie
48 White Female 160 Ingrams
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lambert, Edgar
22 White Male 108 Clayton
Lambert, Edith V.
56 White Female 61 Banner
Lambert, Ella
48 White Female 335 Smithfield
Lambert, Ever M.
5 White Female 335 Smithfield
Lamm, Ethel L.
White Female 225 Selma
Lamm, Minie E.
30 White Female 225 Selma
Lane, Earl
10 White Male 109 Beulah
Lane, Edna
44 White Female 18 Boon Hill
Lane, Ela
7 White Female 119 Boon Hill
Lane, Elijah
6 Mulatto Male 308 Selma
Lane, Essie
10 White Female 119 Boon Hill
Lane, Evary M.
White Female 249 Smithfield
Lane, Joseph E.
Mulatto Male 139 Selma
Lawhon, Eva
6 White Female 163 Selma
LeMay, Margaret E.
16 White Female 197 Smithfield
Lynn, Emanda
49 White Female 9 Selma
Lyon, Ester L.
Mulatto Female 273 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lambert, Doris E.
8 White Female 093 Banner
Lambert, Edna R.
3/12 White Female 245 Bentonville
Lambert, Ella M.
28 White Female 228 Bentonville
Lambert, Ernest E.
3 White Male 030 Clayton
Lambert, William E.
32 White Male 030 Clayton
Lambert, William E. Jr.
8 White Male 030 Clayton
Lamm, Edith Lee
11 White Female 002 Selma
Lamm, Edna E.
2 White Female 035 Beulah
Lamm, Etta
36 White Female 002 Selma
Lamm, Etta
20 White Female 241 Pine Level
Lamm, Etta L.
17 White Female 122 Beulah
Lampe, Earline
19 White Female 038 Smithfield
Lane, Edna M.
5 White Female 307 Selma
Lane, Ellen B.
44 White Female 070 Banner
Lane, Elmon B.
6 White Male 142 Smithfield
Lane, Emmie
7 Black Female 133 Selma
Lane, Eulabell
18 White Female 064 Micro
Lane, Eva M.
12 White Female 141 Smithfield
Lane, Joseph E.
27 White Male 328 Boon Hill
Lane, Milton E.
4 White Male 141 Smithfield
Lawhon, Ellie
53 White Female 047 Smithfield
Lawhon, Eula M.
37 White Female 152 Banner
Lawhon, Eva
15 White Female 118 Smithfield
Lawhon, Ralph E.
6 White Male 253 Bentonville
Lynn, Elise
4 Black Female 160 Cleveland
Lynn, Ethel M.
4 Black Female 090 Cleveland
Lynn, Eula Lee
10 Black Male 160 Cleveland
Lynn, Ruth E.
1+4/12 Black Female 330 Smithfield
Lyon, Ethel M.
39 White Female 314 Pleasant Grove
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lamb, E. B.
32 White Male 161 O'Neals
Lamb, Edith A.
15 White Female 362 Smithfield
Lamb, Edward
21 White Male 121 Selma
Lamb, Etta
49 White Female 79 Selma
Lamb, Ettie
30 White Female 141 Wilson's Mills
Lamb, J. E.
8 White Male 161 O'Neals
Lambert, Edward
12 White Male 142 Clayton
Lambert, Elna Ann
8 White Female 44 Banner
Lambert, Ernest Jr.
10 Black Male 244 Clayton
Lambert, Ernest Sr.
52 Black Male 244 Clayton
Lambert, Eugene
5 White Male 364 Beulah
Lambert, W. Edgar
42 White Male 142 Clayton
Lambert, William E. Jr.
18 White Male 142 Clayton
Lamm, Edna Earle
12 White Female 48 Beulah
Lamm, Effie
55 White Female 268 Beulah
Lamm, Effie M.
31 White Female 75 Beulah
Lamm, Eugle
18 White Female 214 Beulah
Lamm, Mary E.
22 White Female 125 Selma
Lane, Donnie E.
6 White Male 219 Beulah
Lane, Earl F.
30 White Male 219 Beulah
Lane, Edna Mae
15 White Female 259 Selma
Lane, Eldridge
14 White Male 112 Micro
Lane, Elijah
31 Black Male 186 Selma
Lane, Ellen
51 White Female 248 Selma
Lane, Ellen
55 White Female 123 Banner
Lane, Ellie
40 White Female 112 Micro
Lane, Elmond B.
16 White Male 171 Smithfield
Lane, Emma Lee
17 Black Female 260 Selma
Lane, Erving
26 White Male 54 Elevation
Lane, Ezekiel
10 Black Male 186 Selma
Lane, Milton Earl
14 White Male 159 Smithfield
Lawhon, Bertha E.
27 White Female 400 Smithfield
Lawhon, Edna P.
8 White Female 400 Smithfield
Lawhon, Elijah
50 White Male 338b Beulah
Lawhon, Ellen I.
7 White Female 399 Smithfield
Lawhon, Emma L.
5 White Female 400 Smithfield
Lawhon, Eula Maie
46 White Female 12 Banner
Lawhon, James E.
1 White Male 400 Smithfield
Lawhon, William E.
6 White Male 399 Smithfield
Leone, Eugene
12 White Male 054b Micro
Lyn, Ester May
14 Black Female 219 Cleveland
Lyn, John E.
7 Black Male 219 Cleveland
Lynn, Elizabeth
10 Black Female 11 Boon Hill
Lynn, Ella L.
15 Black Female 197 Cleveland
Lyon, Ethel May
1 Black Female 178 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Lain, E. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lain, Ephraim 54th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Lamb, E. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Lamb, E. C. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lamb, E. C. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lamb, E. S. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lamb, Edman S. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lamb, Edmond S. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) L Private C
Lamb, Edward 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lamb, Edward S. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) L Private C
Lamb, Edwin 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lamb, Eli 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lamb, Eli D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lamb, Elias 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Lamb, Elias 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lamb, Elias 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lamb, Elias 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Lamb, Elkanah H. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lamb, Ennels 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lamb, Eules 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lamb, N. E. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Lamb, Richard E. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lamberson, Eli 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Lambert, E. McRae's Battalion, NC Cavalry E Private C
Lambert, E. F. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lambert, Eli 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lambert, Eli 49th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Lambeth, E. L. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Lambeth, E. T. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Lambeth, Edd. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Lamm, Edwin 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lamm, Elias Jr. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lamm, Elias Sr. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lamn, Elias 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lamn, Elias Jr. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lane, E. C. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Second Lieutenant C
Lane, E. M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Lane, E. M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Lane, Edmund 27th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lane, Elias 27th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lane, Elisha 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lane, Ephraim M. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Lane, Henry E. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Captain C
Lane, J. E. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Lane, John E. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Sergeant C
Lane, L. E. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Laney, E. G. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Laney, Eli B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Laney, Emdempsey 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lion, James E. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Lyon, Elijah H. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry E,C Captain C
Lyon, Elkanah E. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Captain C
Lyon, Elkanah E. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry E First Lieutenant C
Lyon, James E. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Guidon C
Lyon, James E. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Corporal C
Lyon, James Edwin 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C First Sergeant C
Lyon, L. E. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lyon, R. E. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Private C
Lyon, Z. E. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lyon, Zack E. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Lamb, Era Mae 1915 1980 Banner Chapel Church
Lambert, Edna Ruth 1930 1931 Selah Christian Church
Lambert, W E Bill 1921 1958 Maplewood
Lambert, William E 1897 1956 Maplewood
Lamm, E Hughes 1916 1973 Selma Memorial Gardens
Lamm, Effie Blackman 1909 1974 Old Beulah Church
Lamm, Effie V 1884 1960 Old Beulah Church
Lamm, Elias 1831 1899 Pittman, Jonas
Lamm, Etta L 1889 1980 Princeton
Lamm, Ettie P 1949 Selma Memorial Gardens
Lamm, Ezekiel Solomon 1872 1938 Oakland
Lamm, Frances Elizabeth 1874 1936 Oakland
Lamm, Martha E 1895 1966 Maplewood
Lamm, Ruby E 1909 1999 Oakland
Lane, Bessie Evans MD 1891 1968 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Lane, Edward Glenn 1912 1918 Hinnant, Josiah
Lane, Ellen Bryant 1885 1965 Roselawn
Lane, Ellen P 1887 1967 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Lane, Elmond B 1923 2003 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Lane, Eva Louise 1936 1937 Lane, H.J.
Lane, Lou E 1872 1961 Deans, J. R.
Lane, Millard E 1875 1913 Lane, Millard
Lane, Milton Earl 1926 2014 Lane, H.J.
Lawhon, Edith Strickland 1845 1891 Lawhon, Lawrence
Lawhon, Ella Creech 1875 1957 Langley, C. O.
Lawhon, Emma M 1880 1951 Lawhon, George W.
Lawhon, Nancy E 1919 2005 Langley, C. O.
Layne, Clyde E 1906 1951 Riverside
Lemay, Elizabeth 1901 1902 Riverside
Lunn, Lettie Elizabeth 1919 1941 Piney Grove Church
Lynn, John Edgar 1933 1963 Sunrise (Graytown)
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Lane, Ephraim M. Burke Missionary Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery
Lyon, J. Ed. Durham Maplewood Cemetery
Lyon, James E. 1933 Durham Duke's Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Lamb, Penny Ellen 1900
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
LeMay Bibles LeMay Family Bible Records
Lamb Court Records John Lamb, 1815
Lawhon-Rhodes Deeds John Lawhon to William Rhodes, 1767
Lane Military Charles Lane Pension, 1847
Lamb Wills & Estates John Lamb, 1815
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Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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