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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Emanuel") and last name ("Richardson")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Ric")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Richardson, Elias 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Richardson, Edward
18 White Male 703 Smithfield
Richardson, Egbert
2 White Male 526 St. Charles
Richardson, Elvina
18 White Female 807 Earpsboro
Richardson, Emiline
8 White Female 758 Creechville
Richardson, R. E.
14 White Female 718 Spring Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Richardson, Bettie E.
23 White Female 96 Wilders
Richardson, E.
23 Black Male 37 Beulah
Richardson, Edith
40 Black Female 170 Selma
Richardson, Edward
3 Black Male 98 Wilders
Richardson, Edward
0 Black Male 127 Boon Hill
Richardson, Egbert
12 White Male 183 Wilders
Richardson, Elisha
55 Black Male 283 Clayton
Richardson, Eliza
19 White Female 199 Boon Hill
Richardson, Elizabeth
16 Black Female 18 O'Neals
Richardson, Ellen
30 Black Female 25 Selma
Richardson, Emsley
37 Black Male 243 Smithfield
Richardson, Emsley
8 Black Male 243 Smithfield
Richardson, Martha E.
43 White Female 183 Wilders
Richardson, Robert E.
3 White Male 183 Wilders
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Rich, Elvira
8 White Female 34 Bentonville
Rich, Mary E.
6 White Female 34 Bentonville
Richardson, Charles E.
8 White Male 273 Boon Hill
Richardson, E. Clyde
12 White Male 50 Wilders
Richardson, Eddie
13 Black Male 168 Clayton
Richardson, Edgar
8 White Male 295 O'Neals
Richardson, Edith
40 Black Female 296 Selma
Richardson, Egbert
21 White Male 14 Wilders
Richardson, Elisabeth F.
4 Black Female 125 Beulah
Richardson, Elisha
60 Black Male 124 Clayton
Richardson, Eliza
28 White Female 123 Bentonville
Richardson, Elizabeth
10 Black Female 137 Selma
Richardson, Elizabeth
22 Black Female 116 Boon Hill
Richardson, Elizabeth
29 Black Female 96 Beulah
Richardson, Elizabeth
45 Black Female 125 Beulah
Richardson, Elizabeth
42 Black Female 92 Beulah
Richardson, Elizer
25 Black Female 303 Selma
Richardson, Ella
2 Black Female 320 O'Neals
Richardson, Ellen
45 Black Female 239 Selma
Richardson, Emiline
7 Black Female 33 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Emley
2 Black Female 92 Beulah
Richardson, Emry
16 Black Male 33 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Emry
55 Black Male 33 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Enough
30 Black Male 306 Selma
Richardson, Eugene G.
6 White Male 16 Wilders
Richardson, Eveline
5 White Female 294 O'Neals
Richardson, Harret E.
14 White Female 40 Beulah
Richardson, Marry E.
8 Black Female 239 Selma
Richardson, Marry E.
6 Black Female 306 Selma
Richardson, Mary E.
38 White Female 273 Boon Hill
Richardson, Nancy E.
4 White Female 273 Boon Hill
Richardson, Sarah E.
36 White Female 40 Beulah
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Richardson, Bertha E.
53 White Female 172 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Charles E.
27 White Male 195 Selma
Richardson, Charlie E.
27 White Male 19 Beulah
Richardson, Edgar
28 White Male 295 Clayton
Richardson, Edgar
24 White Male 302 O'Neals
Richardson, Edgar
21 Black Male 242 Wilders
Richardson, Edward
14 Black Male 80 Beulah
Richardson, Eliza
50 Black Female 241 Selma
Richardson, Eliza
70 Black Female 65 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Ell
11 Black Male 268 Boon Hill
Richardson, Ella
2 Black Female 52 Selma
Richardson, Ella
5 Black Female 17 Selma
Richardson, Elsie
7 Black Female 52 Selma
Richardson, Emma
20 Black Female 179 Smithfield
Richardson, Emma
25 Black Female 6 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Emma
9 Black Female 72 Beulah
Richardson, Emsley
38 Black Male 10 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Ernest
1 Black Male 72 Beulah
Richardson, Ernest
4 Black Male 88 Banner
Richardson, Ernest
8 Black Male 118 Selma
Richardson, Eviline
25 White Female 9 O'Neals
Richardson, Mary E.
58 White Female 195 Selma
Richardson, Mary E.
26 White Female 172 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Sarah E.
56 White Female 165 Beulah
Richarson, Elias
56 Black Male 3 Clayton
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Richard, Ed
22 Black Male 98 Smithfield
Richardson, Earnest
17 Mulatto Male 636 Selma
Richardson, Ed
35 White Male 349 Wilders
Richardson, Ed
1/25/1900 Black Male 115 Boon Hill
Richardson, Edward
2/9/1900 White Male 66 O'Neals
Richardson, Elbert
4 Mulatto Male 681 Selma
Richardson, Eliza
65 Black Female 190 Selma
Richardson, Eliza
75 Black Female 134 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Ella
15 Black Female 575 Selma
Richardson, Elsie
14 Black Female 56 Wilders
Richardson, Emerson
48 Black Male 186 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Emma
34 Black Female 119 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Etta
2/6/1900 White Female 390 Beulah
Richardson, Eugene
38 White Male 40 Selma
Richardson, Eugene C.
5 White Male 40 Selma
Richardson, Eunice
Black Female 119 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Eva
29 White Female 40 Selma
Richardson, Hallie E.
4 White Female 308 Wilders
Richardson, Henry Etta
1/4/1900 White Female 185 O'Neals
Richardson, Mary E.
8 Black Female 573 Selma
Richardson, Mary E.
67 White Female 17 Selma
Richardson, Robert E.
White Male 48 Selma
Richardson, Robert E.
41 White Male 48 Selma
Richerson, Erastus
10 Mulatto Male 176 Beulah
Richerson, Ernest
11 Black Male 167 Beulah
Ricks, Ellen
1/20/1900 White Female 224 Boon Hill
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Rich, Eva
10 Black Female 25 Banner
Rich, Eva
34 White Female 62 Ingrams
Rich, Everett W.
6 Black Male 6 Banner
Richard, Effie
19 White Female 174 Pine Level
Richard, Evans
23 White Male 174 Pine Level
Richardson, E. G.
50 White Male 104 Wilders
Richardson, E. G. Jr.
4 White Male 104 Wilders
Richardson, Earl B.
2 White Male 253 O'Neals
Richardson, Ed
39 Black Male 203 Pleasant Grove
Richardson, Eddie
12 Black Male 303 Clayton
Richardson, Edgar
20 White Male 104 Wilders
Richardson, Edith
6 Black Female 203 Pleasant Grove
Richardson, Edward
10 Black Male 159 Pine Level
Richardson, Effa
Black Female 86 Wilders
Richardson, Elbert
5 White Male 229 O'Neals
Richardson, Elgie
6 White Female 254 O'Neals
Richardson, Elias
58 Black Male 160 Clayton
Richardson, Elizabeth
17 Black Female 163 Pine Level
Richardson, Ell
27 Mulatto Male 48 Boon Hill
Richardson, Ella
39 Black Female 97 Wilders
Richardson, Ella
46 White Female 104 Wilders
Richardson, Eller
7 Black Female 159 Pine Level
Richardson, Ellic
26 Mulatto Male 52 Clayton
Richardson, Elnora
Mulatto Female 48 Boon Hill
Richardson, Emma
30 Black Female 163 Pine Level
Richardson, Emma
42 Black Female 239 Selma
Richardson, Enise
61 Black Male 82 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Era
5 Black Female 303 Clayton
Richardson, Erett
3 Black Male 449 O'Neals
Richardson, Etta
48 White Female 97 Beulah
Richardson, Eugene
5 Black Male 159 Pine Level
Richardson, Eugenia
5 Black Female 159 Pine Level
Richardson, Gladys E.
White Female 143 Bentonville
Richerson, Ernest
22 Black Male 276 Micro
Ricks, Effie
22 White Female 97 Boon Hill
Ricks, Elivia
39 Black Female 17 Selma
Ricks, Elovia
46 Black Female 38 Selma
Ricks, Ethel
13 White Female 18 Selma
Ricks, Etta B.
42 White Female 18 Selma
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Rich, Eva
45 White Female 097 Ingrams
Richardson, C. Elmo
4 White Male 160 Wilders
Richardson, Clyde E.
35 White Female 129 Beulah
Richardson, Doris E.
9 Black Female 140 Wilders
Richardson, Earl
14 White Male 302 O'Neals
Richardson, Earl
6/12 White Male 041 Selma
Richardson, Early
13 Black Male 046 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Ed T.
46 White Male 161 Wilders
Richardson, Edna E.
9 White Female 176 Wilders
Richardson, Edward
5 Black Male 113 O'Neals
Richardson, Effie
11 Black Female 067 Wilders
Richardson, Eldon
13 White Male 063 Boon Hill
Richardson, Elgia
16 White Female 300 O'Neals
Richardson, Eliza
27 Black Female 140 Wilders
Richardson, Elizabeth
4+2/12 Black Female 058 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Ella
15 Black Female 155 Pine Level
Richardson, Ellen
2+5/12 White Female 063 Boon Hill
Richardson, Ellie
28 White Female 160 Wilders
Richardson, Elmo R.
65 Black Male 058 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Elnora
10 Black Female 017 Boon Hill
Richardson, Elsie M.
8 Black Female 058 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Elwood
19 Black Male 155 Pine Level
Richardson, Emma
55 Black Female 094 Selma
Richardson, Eresena
5 White Female 094 Selma
Richardson, Ernest
36 Black Male 225 Micro
Richardson, Ernest L.
11 Black Male 046 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Ersel
30 White Female 176 Wilders
Richardson, Ersell
16 Black Male 113 O'Neals
Richardson, Erwin G.
8 Black Male 140 Wilders
Richardson, Estelle
3/12 Black Female 197 O'Neals
Richardson, Ethel
27 White Female 238 O'Neals
Richardson, Ethel
27 White Female 238 O'Neals
Richardson, Etta M.
3+1/12 Black Female 066 Smithfield
Richardson, Eugene
13 Black Male 155 Pine Level
Richardson, Eugenia
13 Black Female 155 Pine Level
Richardson, Eula M.
8 Black Female 180 Banner
Richardson, Eva
3+9/12 White Female 302 O'Neals
Richardson, Everett
12 Black Male 163 O'Neals
Richardson, George Edward
2+6/12 White Male 234 O'Neals
Richardson, J. Edgar
30 White Male 176 Wilders
Richardson, James E.
10 White Male 151 Micro
Richardson, Lewis Earl
3 Black Male 236 Clayton
Richardson, Madge E
2 White Female 308 Beulah
Richardson, Marion E.
7 White Male 264 Beulah
Richardson, Mary E.
2+1/12 White Female 035 Wilders
Richardson, Mary Elizabeth
4+7/12 White Female 258 O'Neals
Richardson, Sally E.
43 Black Female 057 Wilson's Mills
Richardson, Sara E.
6 White Female 001 Wilders
Ricks, Earnest
37 Black Male 254 O'Neals
Ricks, Elevia
55 Black Female 246 Selma
Ricks, Elmon
5 White Male 135 Selma
Ricks, Elsie
8 White Female 135 Selma
Ricks, Elthel M.
10 Black Female 071 Smithfield
Ricks, Eluney
36 Black Female 054 Smithfield
Ricks, Ernice
36 Black Male 071 Smithfield
Ricks, Ethel M.
10 Black Female 254 O'Neals
Ricks, Etta B.
53 White Female 224 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Rich, Eva
55 White Female 161 Ingrams
Richardson, Eamer
28 White Female 157 Wilders
Richardson, Earl B.
22 White Male 80 O'Neals
Richardson, Earnestine
4 Black Female 191 O'Neals
Richardson, Eddie
33 Black Male 104 Wilders
Richardson, Eddie Jr.
4 Black Male 104 Wilders
Richardson, Effie
23 Black Female 150 Wilders
Richardson, Eliza
39 Black Female 147 Wilders
Richardson, Elizabeth
32 White Female 10 Wilders
Richardson, Elizabeth
9 Black Female 141 Wilders
Richardson, Ellen
12 White Female 255 Boon Hill
Richardson, Ellie
37 White Female 87 Wilders
Richardson, Elmer
4 Black Male 21 O'Neals
Richardson, Elmo
14 White Male 87 Wilders
Richardson, Elmo
<1 Black Male 156 Banner
Richardson, Elvata
8 Black Female 191 O'Neals
Richardson, Elvener
6 Black Female 191 O'Neals
Richardson, Emma
65 Black Female 394 Selma
Richardson, Ernest
45 Black Male 115 Micro
Richardson, Ernestine
4 Black Female 212 O'Neals
Richardson, Ersell
44 White Female 113 Wilders
Richardson, Essie May
23 Black Female 411 Selma
Richardson, Estell
10 Black Female 212 O'Neals
Richardson, Estella
21 Black Female 223 Selma
Richardson, Etta
13 Black Female 223 Smithfield
Richardson, Eugene
23 Black Male 286 Pine Level
Richardson, Eugene
27 White Male 92 Wilders
Richardson, Eugene
5 Black Male 150 Smithfield
Richardson, Eula
18 Black Female 156 Banner
Richardson, Eva
13 White Female 78 O'Neals
Richardson, Evelyn
14 Black Female 131 Selma
Richardson, Evelyn
13 White Female 10 Wilders
Richardson, Everett
25 White Male 257 O'Neals
Richardson, Everett Jr.
<1 White Male 257 O'Neals
Richardson, Gladys E.
20 White Female 292 Beulah
Richardson, James E.
23 White Male 255 Boon Hill
Richardson, James E.
20 White Male 328 Beulah
Richardson, Marion E.
17 White Male 171 Beulah
Richardson, Mary E.
15 Black Female 18 O'Neals
Richardson, Mary E.
12 White Female 14 Wilders
Richardson, Mary Ella
17 White Female 120 Wilders
Richardson, Minnie E.
46 White Female 255 Boon Hill
Ricks, Essel
36 Black Female 196 Selma
Ricks, Ethel
20 Black Female 134 Selma
Ricks, Etta
63 White Female 276 Selma
Ricks, James E.
18 Black Male 355 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Rice, Jesse E. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Rice, William E. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Rich, E. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry F Private C
Rich, E. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Rich, E. W. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Rich, Edward McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Rich, Edward C. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery D Private C
Rich, Elezar 55th Regiment, NC Infantry G First Sergeant C
Rich, J. E. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Richard, D. E. S. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Richard, E. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal U
Richards, E. L. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Richards, Edward 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Richardson, E. B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Richardson, E. G. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Richardson, E. G. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry M Corporal C
Richardson, E. L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Richardson, Edward 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Richardson, Edward L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Richardson, Elbert 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves E Private C
Richardson, Elbert 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Richardson, Eli 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Richardson, Eli F. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Richardson, Elwood 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry F Private C
Richardson, Enoch 48th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Richardson, J. E. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G,B Private C
Richardson, J. E. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Richardson, James E. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry K Color Sergeant C
Richardson, W. E. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry I Private C
Richardson, William E. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Richey, Eben 28th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Richey, Edmond 5th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Richie, Edmond 5th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Rickard, Emanuel R. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Rickard, Z. E. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Ricker, John E. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) H Private C
Rickert, Eli P. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Rickett, E. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Rickey, E. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Rickley, E. C. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Ricks, A. E. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Ricks, Edwin 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Ricks, John E. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) H Private C
Ricks, William E. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Ricord, E. P. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Rich, Eleazar 1839 1813 Rich/Bradshaw
Rich, Eva Grady 1884 1954 Four Oaks Town
Richardson, Autney E Bunker Hill Negro
Richardson, Bettie E Atkinson 1846 1910 Mitchner, Jim M.
Richardson, Charles Elijah 1872 1964 Greenwood
Richardson, Daisy Ellen 1882 1931 Corinth Baptist Church
Richardson, E Clyde 1887 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Richardson, E R 1933 Vinson
Richardson, Edgar B 1904 1910 Richardson/Broadwell
Richardson, Edward Pou 1897 1899 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Richardson, Elbert Friendship Free Will Baptist Church
Richardson, Eliza 1844 1926 Selma
Richardson, Emanuel 1949 1978 Selma Memorial Gardens
Richardson, Etta Pierce 1871 1926 Richardson, Wesley
Richardson, Eugene C 1912 1972 White Oak Baptist Church
Richardson, Eugene G Jr 1904 1934 Greenwood
Richardson, Eugene G Sr 1873 1935 Greenwood
Richardson, Harriet Earp 1823 1862 Richardson, Bertie C.
Richardson, Henry Ed 1872 1951 Corinth Baptist Church
Richardson, Ivey Earp 1870 1923 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Richardson, James E 1919 1978 Selma Memorial Gardens
Richardson, Martha E 1827 1901 Richardson/Broadwell
Richardson, Mary Elizabeth 1842 1926 Greenwood
Richardson, Nancy Elizabeth 1875 1964 Greenwood
Richardson, Pollie Eure 1867 1917 Richardson, L. B.
Richardson, S E 1858 1882 Richardson/Broadwell
Richardson, Sarah E Pierce 1844 1929 Richardson, L. B.
Richardson, Sarah Evelyn 1906 1973 Maplewood
Ricks, Etta Blackman 1977 1949 Greenwood
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Rickerson, Emerald M. 1865 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Richardson, Martha E. 1901
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Richardson Biographies Lunsford Richardson II, 1854-1919
Richardson Cemeteries Applewhite W. Richardson Family Cemetery
Richardson-Cook Deeds M.C. Richardson to A.J. Cook, 1883
Richardson Wills & Estates Nancy Richarson - 1815
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
RichardsonWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
RichardsonWake, Johnston1750 - 1850 Clois Richardson
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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