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» Search Results » LEE BROWN
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Bryan, Lucy 1 2
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Bryan, Lewis 2 3 5
Bryan, Lewis 1 1
Bryan, Lovit 1 20
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Bryan, Lewis 774 / 8 1 2
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Bryan, Larry 287 / 12 2 1 1 1 8
Bryan, Lewis 286 / 18 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Bryan, Lewis 4 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Bryan, Lewis 3 2 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Bryan, Lewis 2 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Brottan, Laurilla
14 White Female 898 Sandy Level
Brown, Larkin
28 White Male 212 Boon Hill
Brown, Lizzie
14 White Female 205 Boon Hill
Brown, London
21 White Male 43 Boon Hill
Brown, Lotty
12 White Female 207 Boon Hill
Brown, Louisa
8 White Female 613 Pine Level
Brown, Louisa
29 White Female 613 Pine Level
Brown, Lucinda
11 White Female 669 Beulah
Brown, Lucinda
18 White Female 652 Beulah
Brown, Lydia
22 White Female 205 Boon Hill
Bryan, Lewis
3 White Male 1023 Bentonville
Bryan, Lucius
45 White Male 53 Clayton
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Brooks, Louiza
42 White Female 6 Pleasant Grove
Brown, Larkin
37 White Male 132 Selma
Brown, Laura A.
8 White Female 158 Beulah
Brown, Leacey
1 White Female 149 O'Neals
Brown, Lemuel
0 Mulatto Male 27 Smithfield
Brown, Lewis
24 Mulatto Male 27 Smithfield
Brown, Lorrick
50 Black Male 27 Smithfield
Brown, Louiza
38 White Female 30 Selma
Brown, Louiza
17 White Female 30 Selma
Brown, Lucinda
21 White Female 149 O'Neals
Brown, Lugenia
13 Mulatto Female 27 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Broadwell, Burma L.
1 White Female 275 Selma
Broadwell, Lemma
5 White Male 275 Selma
Brown, Larkin
50 White Male 249 Selma
Brown, Lena
4 White Female 3 Town of Smithfield
Brown, Lennie
10 Mulatto Male 61 Town of Smithfield
Brown, Lettuce
8 Black Female 35 Boon Hill
Brown, Lisbon
5 Black Male 165 North Smithfield
Brown, Loueser
21 White Female 89 Selma
Brown, Louisa
30 White Female 3 Town of Smithfield
Brown, Louiza
48 White Female 367 Selma
Brown, Lucy
11 White Female 85 O'Neals
Brown, Lucy
2 White Female 89 Selma
Brown, Lura A.
17 White Female 42 Beulah
Browning, Louis
42 White Male 139 Clayton
Bryan, Lucius
65 White Male 72 Clayton
Bryan, Ludacie
2 Black Female 184 Wilders
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Barham, Lena
2 Black Female 154 Wilders
Barham, Lenora
14 White Female 173 O'Neals
Barham, Lucy J.
5 White Female 142 O'Neals
Barham, Lula
3 White Female 83 Wilders
Barham, Luther R.
0 White Male 142 O'Neals
Broadwell, Eunice L.
3 White Female 49 Pleasant Grove
Broadwell, Lorina J.
33 White Female 49 Pleasant Grove
Broadwell, Lusie P.
13 White Female 49 Pleasant Grove
Brooks, Louenzer
35 Black Female 317 Selma
Browdy, Linda
22 Black Female 190 O'Neals
Browdy, Lula
13 Black Female 190 O'Neals
Brown, Clarence L.
15 White Male 5 Selma
Brown, Jarvis L.
0 White Male 101 Selma
Brown, Lawrence
20 White Male 196 Selma
Brown, Lemuel
29 Black Male 97 Smithfield
Brown, Leonard J.
1 White Male 75 Smithfield
Brown, Leonnia
52 White Female 25 Selma
Brown, Leslie
2 White Male 129 Ingrams
Brown, Lewis
59 Black Male 97 Smithfield
Brown, Lillie
12 White Female 58 Selma
Brown, Lizzie
22 White Female 75 Smithfield
Brown, Lou D.
17 White Female 129 Beulah
Brown, Louisa
23 White Female 128 O'Neals
Brown, Louisa
69 White Female 102 Selma
Brown, Lula
20 White Female 25 Selma
Brown, Luther P.
1 White Male 3 Selma
Brown, Mary L.
6 White Female 15 Smithfield
Bryan, Hattie L.
5 White Female 63 Bentonville
Bryan, Lillie
20 White Female 323 Clayton
Bryan, Loudeffus
0 Black Female 79 Bentonville
Bryan, Luella
22 Black Female 79 Bentonville
Bryan, Paul L.
10 White Male 63 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Barham, Lula
13 White Female 123 Wilders
Borhan, Latna
17 Black Male 171 Wilders
Borhan, Lena
8 Black Female 171 Wilders
Braham, Lewis R.
2/9/1900 White Male 251 Clayton
Braham, Lula
2/3/1900 White Female 251 Clayton
Broadwell, Lessie
12 White Female 312 Wilders
Brodie, Lou E.
1/8/1900 Black Female 406 Beulah
Brooks, Laura
28 Mulatto Female 246 Smithfield
Brooks, Lelia P.
31 White Female 193 Smithfield
Brooks, Lillie
3 White Female 243 Clayton
Brown, Bernice L.
2 White Female 38 Pine Level
Brown, Clarence L.
26 White Male 627 Selma
Brown, Etta L.
12 White Female 29 Pine Level
Brown, Eunius L
10 Black Female 67 Smithfield
Brown, Harvey L.
8 White Male 690 Selma
Brown, James L.
10 White Male 35 Pine Level
Brown, Lamie
2 White Female 664 Selma
Brown, Landis
2 White Male 85 Beulah
Brown, Laura
16 White Female 696 Selma
Brown, Lawrence
30 White Male 38 Pine Level
Brown, Lecy O.
22 White Female 195 Pine Level
Brown, Lelia
19 White Female 212 Beulah
Brown, Leon
12 White Male 554 Selma
Brown, Leonard
11 White Male 184 Smithfield
Brown, Lester
2 White Male 691 Selma
Brown, Lewis
58 Mulatto Male 255 Smithfield
Brown, Lewis
3 Black Male 254 Boon Hill
Brown, Lewis D.
4 White Male 38 Pine Level
Brown, Lillian A.
1/3/1900 White Female 147 O'Neals
Brown, Lillie
16 White Female 469 Selma
Brown, Lissie E.
26 White Female 691 Selma
Brown, Lizzie
33 White Female 184 Smithfield
Brown, Lizzie
1/3/1900 White Female 96 Beulah
Brown, Lou
33 White Female 108 O'Neals
Brown, Lou
52 White Female 554 Selma
Brown, Louezar
57 White Female 195 Pine Level
Brown, Luther
12 White Male 629 Selma
Brown, Lyda
1/13/1900 White Female 51 Boon Hill
Brown, Maggie Leon
9 White Female 161 Selma
Brown, Minnie L.
28 White Female 38 Pine Level
Brown, Minnie L.
22 White Female 690 Selma
Brown, Thomas L.
49 Black Male 67 Smithfield
Browning, A. L.
24 White Male 65 Elevation
Browning, Lillian
14 White Female 93 Wilders
Browning, Lucy
24 White Female 329 Selma
Bryan, Lillie
29 White Female 118 Clayton
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Barham, Latney
25 Black Male 69 Wilders
Barham, Lena
18 Black Female 69 Wilders
Barham, Lula Mae
9 Black Female 256 Selma
Barney, Lizzie
9 White Female 222 Beulah
Branna, Beatrice L.
15 White Female 4 Clayton
Broadwell, Hollie L.
26 White Female 196 Selma
Broadwell, Lee H.
8 White Male 144 Selma
Broadwell, Lelia J.
6 White Female 196 Selma
Broadwell, Letha
8 White Female 144 Selma
Broadwell, Molaus L.
7 White Female 196 Selma
Brock, Ila L.
22 White Female 189 Meadow
Brock, Lillian L.
White Female 189 Meadow
Brooks, Laro
45 Mulatto Female 307 Smithfield
Brooks, Lelia P.
41 White Female 55 Smithfield
Brooks, Leone B.
25 White Female 196 Smithfield
Brooks, Lillie
13 White Female 343 Clayton
Brooks, Lizzie
23 Black Female 307 Smithfield
Broon, Lizzie
44 White Female 49 Smithfield
Broughton, Levi
26 White Male 258 Micro
Broughton, Lucie
White Female 258 Micro
Brown, Clerance L.
36 White Male 157 Selma
Brown, Ethel L.
White Female 157 Selma
Brown, Landis
12 White Male 118 Selma
Brown, Larence
7 White Male 31 Boon Hill
Brown, Laura A.
26 Mulatto Female 215 Smithfield
Brown, Lawrence
39 White Male 318 Smithfield
Brown, Lela
28 White Female 145 Micro
Brown, Lela Bell
9 White Female 213 Wilders
Brown, Lem
49 Mulatto Male 391 Smithfield
Brown, Leon
22 White Male 92 Micro
Brown, Lester
12 White Male 77 Selma
Brown, Lettie
35 White Female 24 Pine Level
Brown, Lillian A.
13 White Female 243 O'Neals
Brown, Lizzie
35 Black Female 345 Smithfield
Brown, Lola
10 White Female 24 Pine Level
Brown, Lola V.
26 White Female 227 Smithfield
Brown, Lomus
White Male 140 Selma
Brown, Lorna
11 White Female 140 Selma
Brown, Louie
4 White Male 145 Micro
Brown, Louis
45 Black Male 345 Smithfield
Brown, Lucy
58 White Female 204 Pleasant Grove
Brown, Lue
58 White Female 92 Micro
Brown, Luther
22 White Male 88 Micro
Brown, Roger L.
5 Black Female 345 Smithfield
Browning, Ellie L.
4 White Female 11 Elevation
Browning, Leasie J.
33 White Female 395 Smithfield
Bryan, Lenora
8 Black Female 66 Micro
Bryan, Lillian N.
6 Black Female 318 Selma
Bryan, Lillie
39 White Female 292 Clayton
Bryan, Louise A.
14 Black Male 318 Selma
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bareham, La Mark
4 White Male 090 Wilders
Barney, Lela M.
19 White Female 319 Selma
Broadie, Allison L.
52 Black Male 286 Clayton
Brock, A. L.
50 White Male 211 Smithfield
Brock, Lena
10 White Female 211 Smithfield
Brock, Lillian
14 White Female 078 Meadow
Brock, Mary L.
4+10/12 White Female 036 Meadow
Brock, Mary L.
10/12 White Female 012 Meadow
Brodwell, Donald L.
8 White Male 336 Selma
Brody, James L.
7 White Male 024 Pine Level
Brogden, Lena
39 White Female 280 Clayton
Brook, Lora
30 Black Female 199 Smithfield
Brooks, Ester L.
7 Black Female 307 Smithfield
Brooks, Ester L.
7 Black Female 307 Smithfield
Brooks, Lelia P.
50 White Female 125 Smithfield
Brooks, Lizzie
24 Black Female 197 Smithfield
Broughton, Levi
36 White Male 041 Pine Level
Broughton, Lucile
10 White Female 041 Pine Level
Brown, Arthur L.
42 White Male 144 Banner
Brown, Ethel Lee
31 White Female 172 Beulah
Brown, Ila L.
23 White Female 115 Smithfield
Brown, Lara
52 White Female 030 O'Neals
Brown, Larkin
10 White Male 078 Selma
Brown, Laura
36 Black Female 051 Smithfield
Brown, Laura
36 Black Female 086 Wilson's Mills
Brown, Laura L.
1 Black Female 086 Wilson's Mills
Brown, Lauren
0 White Female 047 Smithfield
Brown, Lawrence
50 White Male 087 Pine Level
Brown, Lawrence
19 White Male 053 Boon Hill
Brown, Leather
34 Black Female 081 O'Neals
Brown, Lehanal
6 White Male 011 Selma
Brown, Lemuel
58 Black Male 344 Smithfield
Brown, Leon
32 White Male 195 Selma
Brown, Lesett
46 White Male 075 Selma
Brown, Lettie
50 Black Female 013 Smithfield
Brown, Lewis
7 Black Male 239 Smithfield
Brown, Lilia
39 White Female 206 Micro
Brown, Lillian
16 Black Female 108 Selma
Brown, Lillie M.
9 White Female 294 Beulah
Brown, Lizzie
55 White Female 011 Pine Level
Brown, Lois L.
24 White Female 240 Selma
Brown, Lola
32 White Female 102 Pine Level
Brown, Lola
36 White Female 050 Banner
Brown, Lola
23 White Female 091 Selma
Brown, Lollie
24 White Female 244 Wilders
Brown, Louie
14 White Male 206 Micro
Brown, Louisa
78 White Female 206 Pine Level
Brown, Louise
10 White Female 052 Boon Hill
Brown, Lucy
20 White Male 047 Smithfield
Brown, Lula
35 White Female 215 Pine Level
Brown, Lula
9 White Female 144 Banner
Brown, Luther
33 White Male 095 Smithfield
Brown, Luther
4+8/12 White Male 095 O'Neals
Brown, Luz
40 White Female 086 Selma
Brown, Mary L.
3+5/12 White Female 215 Pine Level
Brown, Minnie L.
8 White Female 087 Pine Level
Brown, William L.
41 White Male 052 Boon Hill
Browning, Archie L.
44 White Male 377 Ingrams
Browning, Hazel L.
6 White Female 041 O'Neals
Browning, Lalon
8 White Female 174 Elevation
Browning, Leacy
44 White Female 174 Elevation
Browning, Lois
14 White Female 377 Ingrams
Bryan, Lillie
50 White Female 189 Clayton
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Barham, LaMark
14 White Male 162 Wilders
Barham, Larry
2 White Male 139 Clayton
Barham, Leon
17 White Male 181 Wilders
Barron, Lula
54 White Female 260 Pine Level
Broadwell, Lillian
39 White Female 1 Micro
Brock, Leonard
9 White Male 199 Meadow
Brock, Levin
9 White Male 561 Selma
Brock, Loulla
31 White Female 7 Ingrams
Brock, Mary Lou
14 White Female 17 Meadow
Brogden, Lena
44 White Female 38 Wilders
Brooks, Lelia Parker
61 White Female 119 Smithfield
Brooks, Lizzie
41 Black Female 230 Smithfield
Brooks, Lucile
27 Black Female 151 Smithfield
Brooks, Paul L.
18 Black Male 94 Smithfield
Brooks, Rose L.
8 Black Female 272 Beulah
Broughton, Levi
45 White Male 27 Boon Hill
Broughton, Ruby L.
15 White Female 59 Smithfield
Brown, Braxton L.
17 White Male 28 Selma
Brown, Clara Lee
12 White Female 41 Selma
Brown, Clarence L.
57 White Male 191 Selma
Brown, D. L. Jr.
10 White Male 292 Clayton
Brown, Doris L.
7 White Female 189 Selma
Brown, Dorothy Lee
11 White Female 166 Selma
Brown, Gladis L.
1 White Female 70 Clayton
Brown, James L.
12 White Male 84 Selma
Brown, Jamie L.
19 White Male 25 Meadow
Brown, Laland Marie
4 White Female 32 Micro
Brown, Larkin
18 White Male 231 Selma
Brown, Laura A.
46 Black Female 176 Smithfield
Brown, Leaesther
4 White Female 55 Meadow
Brown, Leamon
21 White Male 59 O'Neals
Brown, Lela
22 White Female 37 Micro
Brown, Lela Mae
50 White Female 304 Beulah
Brown, Leolin
16 White Male 196 Pine Level
Brown, Leon
32 White Male 120 Selma
Brown, Leone
21 White Female 307 Beulah
Brown, Leroy
4 Black Male 181 Micro
Brown, Lester E.
8 White Male 16 Selma
Brown, Letha
44 Black Female 247 O'Neals
Brown, Lettie
65 Black Female 196 Smithfield
Brown, Lewis
10 Black Male 177 O'Neals
Brown, Lida
31 White Female 15 Selma
Brown, Lida May
21 White Female 110 O'Neals
Brown, Lillian
28 White Female 200 Selma
Brown, Lillian
23 Black Female 71 Selma
Brown, Lillie Mae
18 White Female 219 Beulah
Brown, Lillie May
3 Black Female 177 O'Neals
Brown, Lizzie A.
20 White Female 41 Pine Level
Brown, Lois
34 White Female 46 Selma
Brown, Lois
5 White Female 121 Selma
Brown, Lois Jane
1 White Female 192 Selma
Brown, Lola M
41 White Female 94 Pine Level
Brown, Lola May
14 White Female 196 Selma
Brown, Lonnie M.
24 White Male 307 Beulah
Brown, Lorene
5 Black Female 114 Wilson's Mills
Brown, Lou
49 White Female 41 Selma
Brown, Louise
15 White Female 100 Wilson's Mills
Brown, Loulla
33 White Female 311 Banner
Brown, Lucile
23 White Female 209 Selma
Brown, Lucille
30 White Female 189 Selma
Brown, Lue
63 White Female 51 O'Neals
Brown, Lula
32 White Female 64 Micro
Brown, Lula
48 White Female 237 Pine Level
Brown, Lula B.
25 White Female 288 Beulah
Brown, Luther
42 White Male 62 Micro
Brown, Luther Jr.
14 White Male 62 Micro
Brown, Mary L.
13 White Female 237 Pine Level
Brown, Mattie Lou
17 Black Female 285 Selma
Brown, Robert L.
1 White Male 15 Selma
Brown, Tommy L.
32 White Male 16 Selma
Browning, Archie L.
54 White Male 245 Banner
Browning, Lelon
18 White Female 231 Elevation
Browning, Lucy
27 White Female 186 Wilders
Bryan, Mary Lou
1 White Female 94 Meadow
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Brown, Landis Gold 1931 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
Name Year Member Lodge
Bryan, Lucius 1852 Yes Fellowship Lodge, No. 84, Smithfield
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Barham, Alfred L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Barham, George L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Barham, L. M. Mc 45th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Barne, Levi 5th Regiment, NC Infantry E Lieutenant C
Barrem, L. M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Barrien, J. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Berney, L. B. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Brame, L. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Brann, Lewis L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Brian, L. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Brien, L. D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brock, Daniel L. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Brock, L. E. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Brock, Levi J. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry HI Private C
Brock, Levin 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brock, Levy J. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B Private C
Brockwell, Joseph L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Broddy, L. H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Brodie, J. L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Broke, J. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Brook, C. L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brooks, J. L. 2nd Battalion, NC Home Guards H Private C
Brooks, J. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brooks, James L. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Brooks, James L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brooks, James L. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry G First Sergeant C
Brooks, John L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Brooks, L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Brooks, Larken 35th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Brooks, Larken B. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Brooks, Samuel L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Brooks, Samuel L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Brooks, T. L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Brookser, Larkin H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brooksher, Larkin H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brookshire, Bethel L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry K First Sergeant C
Brookshire, L. H. Mallett's Company, NC Private C
Brookshire, Larken H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Broom, Albert L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Broom, Ellerson L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Broom, John L. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Broom, John L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Broom, L. C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Broom, L. E. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Broom, Levi 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Broom, Levi E. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Broom, Loyd 15th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Broom, W. L. D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Broun, John L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brow, L. M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Sergeant C
Brower, John L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Brower, Lewis S. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brower, Willis L. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, Allan L. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry C Private C
Brown, Alleny L. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry C Private C
Brown, Alney L. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant Major C
Brown, B. L. R. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) A Private C
Brown, Benjamin L. R. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) G Private C
Brown, Calvin L. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Brown, Council L. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brown, David L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brown, David L. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Brown, F. L. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Brown, Grey L. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Captain C
Brown, H. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Second Lieutenant C
Brown, J. L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, J. L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) C Private C
Brown, J. L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Brown, J. L. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Brown, J. L. Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard) Private C
Brown, J. L. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Brown, James L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry E Private C
Brown, James L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, James L. Cox's Company, NC Local Defense (Provost Guard Kingston) Private C
Brown, James Logan 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brown, John L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) B Private C
Brown, John L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brown, John L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) H Private C
Brown, John L. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Brown, John L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Second Lieutenant C
Brown, John L. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery D Sergeant C
Brown, John L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Quartermaster Sergeant C
Brown, John L. A. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Brown, L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brown, L. B. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Brown, L. B. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Private C
Brown, L. D. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, L. E. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, L. M. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Brown, L. M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I First Sergeant C
Brown, L. V. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, Lafayette W. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, Larkin 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brown, Lawrence 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, Lawson 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, Lawson 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Brown, Leander 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Brown, Lee 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Brown, Lemuel 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B Corporal C
Brown, Lemuel 66th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Brown, Leonard 27th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, Leonard C. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion BE Private C
Brown, Levi 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, Levi John 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Second Lieutenant C
Brown, Lewis 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Brown, Lewis 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brown, Lewis T. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, Lewis U. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, Lewis W. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brown, Lindsey 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Brown, Littleberry 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Private C
Brown, London 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Second Lieutenant C
Brown, Lonet 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, Lucian 15th Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Brown, Lucian 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Private C
Brown, Lutt 60th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brown, Nathaniel L. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry C First Lieutenant C
Brown, Richard L. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Brown, S. L. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Brown, Stephen L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry D Sergeant C
Brown, W. L. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Brown, William L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Brown, William L. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brown, William L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Brown, William L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Brown, William L. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Brown, William L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Browning, Anthony L. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Browning, James L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Browning, Louis R. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Brume, Lewis L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Bryan, Benjamin L. C. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G,A Private C
Bryan, Charles L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K First Lieutenant C
Bryan, Henry L. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Bryan, Jesse L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Captain C
Bryan, L. F. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Second Lieutenant C
Bryan, L. W. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Bryan, Lemar 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Bryan, Levi 51st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Bryan, Lewis 54th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Bryan, Lewis C. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) A Private C
Bryan, Lewis C. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Bryan, Lewis W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry H First Lieutenant C
Bryan, Lorenzo D. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Bryan, Lorenzo D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bryan, Lucian 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Sergeant C
Bryan, Lynn W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Bryan, Marcus L. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry F Private C
Bryan, W. L. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Burham, L. M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Burney, L. B. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Burney, Lewis B. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Byron, Lewis T. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D,B Private C
Byron, Lewis W. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D,B Private C
Byron, W. L. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Byrum, Reuben L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Brown, Larry Smithville None 16
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Barham, Lillian G 1903 1905 Creech, Bennett
Broadwell, Lee Harrison 1911 1925 Broadwell & Price
Broadwell, Lillian H 1900 1979 Holland
Broadwell, Martha Louisa 1903 1903 Richardson/Broadwell
Brocco, Lessie Snipes 1893 1983 Princeton
Broch, J L 1919 1919 Massey, Charles
Brock, Archie L 1904 1947 Oakland
Brock, Arthur L 1880 1931 Oakland
Brooks, Lelia Parker 1878 1946 Riverside
Brooks, Lelia Parker 1964 Wesley Chapel A.M.E. Church
Broughton, Mamie L 1926 Selma Memorial Gardens
Brown, Alder L 1895 1979 Brown, John Mincy
Brown, Annie Lee 1914 Greenwood
Brown, Annie Lenora W 1886 1976 Princeton
Brown, Ethel L 1898 1973 Woodard, W. G.
Brown, Harvey L 1902 1978 Selma Memorial Gardens
Brown, James L (Pete) 1928 Brown McCall
Brown, James Larry 1954 1995 Carter's Chapel Church
Brown, Jessie L 1921 1995 Brown & Garner
Brown, Jessie Leonard 1900 1950 Sunset Memorial Park
Brown, Joseph Leon 1897 1965 Sunset Memorial Park
Brown, Lamuel Thomas, John D.
Brown, Larme Hinton 1919 1991 Forest Hills
Brown, Laura Alice 1918 1987 Green Chapel Baptist Church
Brown, Laura Ann 1892 1986 Resthaven
Brown, Lawrence R 1911 1972 Princeton
Brown, Lee David 1917 1976 Selma Memorial Gardens
Brown, Lela Pace 1890 1959 Bethany Baptist Church
Brown, Lemuel H 1912 1983 Greenwood
Brown, Leo 1923 1924 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Brown, Lester Jr 1930 Brown, Condary
Brown, Lettie Hawkins 1920 1920 Brown, Bardin
Brown, Lida Turner 1910 1964 Brown, John Mincy
Brown, Lidie Woodard 1917 1984 Carter's Chapel Church
Brown, Lillian Bond 1911 1982 Brown McCall
Brown, Linn V 1910 1911 Batten/Brown
Brown, Lou E 1856 1925 Brown, Joseph
Brown, Lou E 1856 1925 Phillips, Guy H.
Brown, Lou Phillips 1877 1971 Brown, Joseph
Brown, Lou Phillips 1877 1971 Phillips, Guy H.
Brown, Lougenia Smith 1930 1977 Selma Memorial Gardens
Brown, Louisa 1833 1907 Brown, John Mincy
Brown, Louise Matilda 1915 1916 Brown, Condary
Brown, Lue Garner 1891 1964 Brown, Condary
Brown, Lueazur 1852 1937 Brown, John Mincy
Brown, Lula P 1890 1971 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Brown, Luther Patrick 1897 1974 Brown McCall
Brown, Redick L 1934 1980 Boykin, J. B.
Brown, Robert Lee 1938 1940 Brown, John Mincy
Brown, Ronald Lee 1971 1988 Sunrise (Graytown)
Brown, Rossie Lee 1916 1997 Carter's Chapel Church
Brown, Susie L 1911 1993 Brown & Garner
Brown, Walter L Jr 1959 1984 Bethany Baptist Church
Brown, Walton Lester 1897 1899 Hatcher, Charlie
Brown, Warren Leroy 1968 1968 Brown McCall
Brown, Warren Leroy 1968 Phillips, Guy H.
Brown, William Lawrence 1880 1946 Princeton
Browning, Archie L 1885 1971 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Browning, Lacy 1884 1939 Browning, Lacy
Bryan, B L 1885 Princeton
Bryan, Lillie P 1880 1966 Benson City
Bryan, Loverd 1798 Bryan, Loverd
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Brooks, Larkin B. 1910 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Bryan, Charles L. 1865 Bladen Bryan Cemetery
Bryan, Rev. Levi 1911 New Hanover Bellevue Cemetery
Bryan, Lorenzo D. 1894 Onslow Burton Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Bryan, Lewis 1818
Bryan, Lovard 1798
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Brooks Bibles Brooks Family Bible Records
Broadwell Cemeteries Julius Hutson Broadwell Cemetery
Broadwell-Thorne Cemeteries Broadwell-Thorne Cemetery
Brown-Batten Cemeteries Brown-Batten Family Cemetery
Brookway Court Records Jesse Brookway - Deceased, 1816
Bryan Court Records Needham Bryan Poisoning
Bryan Court Records Hardy Bryan - Collect Arrears, 1800
Bulls-Brooks Court Records Barnaby Bulls v. Jacob Brooks, 1819
Brown Deaths & Obituaries Elisha Bradley Brown, Jr., 2003
Bryan Deaths & Obituaries General Hardy Bryan, 1815
Bryan Deaths & Obituaries Mrs. Hardy Bryan, 1815
Bryan Deaths & Obituaries John Bryan, 1815
Bryan Deaths & Obituaries Hardy Bryan, 1805
Bryan Deeds Bryan Family A-G
Bryan Deeds Bryan Family H-L
Bryan Deeds Bryan Family M-S
Bryan Deeds Bryan Family T-W
Bryan-Cogdell Deeds John Bryan to Richard Cogdell, 1755
Bryan-Cogdell Deeds John Bryan to Richard Cogdell, 1756
Bryan Letters Winifred Bryan to Sons, 1814
Bryan-M'Cullers Marriages Maj. William Bryan to Martha M'Cullers, 1810
Bryan-Robertson Marriages John Bryan to Elizabeth Robertson, 1810
Hill-Brooks Marriages S.J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904
Hill-Brooks Marriages S. J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904
Brown Military Austin Brown Wanted, 1863
Bryan Military Asa Bryan Pension, 1845
Bryan Military Hardy Bryan Pension, 1854
Bryan Military William Bryan Pension, 1843
Bryan Military William Bryan Pension, 1845
Brown Wills & Estates William Brown - 1806
Bryan Wills & Estates Bython Bryan - 1849
Bryan Wills & Estates Lovard Bryan - 1798
Bryan Wills & Estates Needham Bryan - 1767
Bryan Wills & Estates Needham Bryan - 1787
Bryan Wills & Estates Needham Bryan - 1815
Bryan Wills & Estates Wm. Bryan - 1780
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
BarhamJohnston, Wake1700's - early 1800's Warren Bagley
BroadwellWake, Johnston1750 - 1850 Clois Richardson
BroadwellJohnston Kay Sakaris
BroughtonJohnston, Wake1700's - 1800's Carl Oehmann
BrownWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
BrownHarnett, Johnston Iris Hill Brown
Brown Freda Robertson Noble
BryanJohnston, Wake1700's - 1800's Carl Oehmann
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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