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» Search Results » LILLIAN SMITH
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Lillian") and last name ("Smith")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Smi")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Smith, Lewis 289 / 13 1 1 1 1
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Smith, Alvin L. 1 1
Smith, Larkin 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Smith, Alvan L. 1
Smith, Larkin 1
Smith, Lucinda 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Smith, Larking 1
Smith, Lucinda 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Larkin
9 White Male 868 Sandy Level
Smith, Levi
15 White Male 513 Elevation
Smith, Louanna
24 White Female 875 Newton Grove
Smith, Louiza
24 White Female 259 Leachburg
Smith, Lucinda
11 White Female 188 Boon Hill
Smith, Lydia
31 White Female 904 Sandy Level
Snead, Laura
22 White Female 438 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, James L.
21 White Male 134 Wilders
Smith, Larkin
2 White Male 219 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Larra
23 White Female 166 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Laura
25 Black Female 112 Smithfield
Smith, Laurazar
13 White Male 342 Clayton
Smith, Lawrence
43 Black Male 15 Selma
Smith, Leah
3 Black Female 16 Boon Hill
Smith, Leasy
6 White Female 107 Meadow
Smith, Leonados
8 White Male 166 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Levi
25 White Male 165 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Levi
12 Black Male 105 Smithfield
Smith, Lewis
8 Black Male 260 Clayton
Smith, Lidia
50 Black Female 111 Smithfield
Smith, Lidie
12 Black Female 99 Smithfield
Smith, Liza
26 Black Female 15 Boon Hill
Smith, Lorenda
35 White Female 166 Clayton
Smith, Louiza
1 Black Female 131 Clayton
Smith, Lovit
7 Black Male 18 Boon Hill
Smith, Lucrecia
16 Black Female 111 Smithfield
Smith, Lucy
22 White Female 138 Elevation
Smith, Lucy
24 White Female 167 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Ludeler
2 White Female 156 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lueazer
2 White Female 15 Boon Hill
Smith, Lugenia
15 White Female 134 Wilders
Smith, Luiza
37 White Female 295 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lunden
21 Black Male 2 Selma
Smith, Lydia
11 Black Female 45 Selma
Smith, Lydia
40 White Female 134 Wilders
Snead, Lucy
40 Black Female 64 Bentonville
Snead, Lucy
40 Black Female 61 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, A. L.
36 White Male 197 North Smithfield
Smith, Corrinna L.
0 White Female 11 Clayton
Smith, D. L.
26 White Female 355 Pleasant Grove
Smith, I. L.
23 White Male 82 Clayton
Smith, J. L.
31 White Male 26 Wilders
Smith, Lanlia G.
7 White Female 117 Ingrams
Smith, Lanyer L.
8 Black Male 269 Selma
Smith, Larence
52 Black Male 390 Selma
Smith, Larkins C.
12 White Male 255 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Laura
39 White Female 52 Boon Hill
Smith, Laura
34 White Female 234 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Laura
3 Black Female 141 South Smithfield
Smith, Laura
2 Black Female 142 North Smithfield
Smith, Laurinda
44 White Female 185 Clayton
Smith, Leandes
0 Black Male 96 North Smithfield
Smith, Lee O.
1 Black Female 134 Bentonville
Smith, Leila
50 Black Female 96 North Smithfield
Smith, Lemuel
11 Black Male 207 Beulah
Smith, Lena A.
12 White Female 52 Boon Hill
Smith, Leonder
2 Black Male 390 Selma
Smith, Lerah
60 Black Female 267 Boon Hill
Smith, Letha J.
16 White Female 97 Meadow
Smith, Levi
38 White Male 234 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Levi
23 Black Male 147 North Smithfield
Smith, Lewis
10 Black Male 81 Town of Smithfield
Smith, Lillian
6 Black Female 167 Clayton
Smith, Lillie
0 Black Female 76 Town of Smithfield
Smith, Logan
18 Black Male 31 Town of Smithfield
Smith, London
28 Black Male 269 Selma
Smith, Lonzo
27 Black Male 5 Town of Smithfield
Smith, Lonzo
7 Black Male 218 South Smithfield
Smith, Lorra
9 Black Female 189 Beulah
Smith, Lottie
20 White Female 141 Clayton
Smith, Lou
8 Black Female 314 South Smithfield
Smith, Louella
8 Black Female 145 Bentonville
Smith, Louie C.
10 White Female 287 Meadow
Smith, Louisa
2 Black Female 96 North Smithfield
Smith, Louisa
25 White Female 26 Wilders
Smith, Louiza J.
35 White Female 24 Beulah
Smith, Lovet
19 Black Male 267 Boon Hill
Smith, Lucy
13 White Female 240 Boon Hill
Smith, Lucy
40 Black Female 187 South Smithfield
Smith, Lucy C.
30 White Female 287 Meadow
Smith, Lucy J.
33 White Female 231 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lue
8 Black Female 55 Bentonville
Smith, Luesar
37 White Female 11 Clayton
Smith, Lula
0 White Female 106 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lula
4 Black Female 167 Clayton
Smith, Luvelia
12 White Female 98 Meadow
Smith, Lydia
55 White Female 233 Wilders
Smith, Lymicad
2 Black Male 130 Clayton
Smith, Margaret L.
40 White Female 255 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Mary L.
31 White Female 165 Elevation
Snead, Laura
13 White Female 158 Bentonville
Snead, Lillia
6 White Female 284 Ingrams
Sneed, John L. T.
15 White Male 7 Town of Smithfield
Sneed, Laura
21 White Female 33 Town of Smithfield
Sneed, Lina
16 Black Female 115 Wilson's Mills
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Ana L.
14 Black Female 174 Banner
Smith, Bessie L.
11 White Female 14 Bentonville
Smith, Bettie L.
13 White Female 163 Meadow
Smith, Edwin L.
13 White Male 74 Smithfield
Smith, Ethel L.
14 Black Female 182 Beulah
Smith, Frank L.
4 Black Male 56 Banner
Smith, J--- L.
54 White Male 216 Wilders
Smith, James L.
12 White Male 322 Smithfield
Smith, James L.
17 White Male 163 Meadow
Smith, John L.
27 Black Male 369 Smithfield
Smith, John L.
11 White Male 137 Ingrams
Smith, Lala M.
8 White Female 99 Banner
Smith, Larra
25 White Female 167 Meadow
Smith, Laura
30 Black Female 93 Selma
Smith, Laura
20 Black Female 391 Smithfield
Smith, Laura
10 White Female 105 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Laura
1 Black Female 31 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Laura E.
17 White Female 137 Clayton
Smith, Law---
70 Black Male 103 Selma
Smith, Lawrence
9 Black Male 104 Selma
Smith, Leacy E.
17 White Female 442 Banner
Smith, Leather D.
19 White Male 167 Clayton
Smith, Lena
25 White Female 105 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lenora
28 White Female 1 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Leola R.
12 White Female 146 Meadow
Smith, Leonard D.
13 White Male 228 Smithfield
Smith, Leone
11 Black Female 54 Smithfield
Smith, Leonora
11 Black Female 104 Selma
Smith, Lessie P.
3 Black Female 182 Beulah
Smith, Lester
8 White Male 115 Beulah
Smith, Lettie
9 White Female 137 Ingrams
Smith, Lettie
23 Black Female 286 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
38 White Female 32 Smithfield
Smith, Liddie
75 White Female 147 Wilders
Smith, Lillian
0 Black Female 264 Clayton
Smith, Lillian P.
27 White Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lillie
2 Black Female 276 Wilders
Smith, Lillie
2 White Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lillie
2 Black Female 254 Selma
Smith, Lillie L.
15 White Female 322 Smithfield
Smith, Lillie M.
9 White Female 25 Meadow
Smith, Lilly B.
19 Black Female 54 Smithfield
Smith, Lima
39 Black Female 109 Smithfield
Smith, Lina
8 Black Female 111 Selma
Smith, Linsey
1 Black Male 116 Smithfield
Smith, Lonie
7 Black Male 195 Smithfield
Smith, Lonie
18 Black Female 57 Boon Hill
Smith, Lonzo
23 Black Male 277 Smithfield
Smith, Lonzy
2 White Male 329 Banner
Smith, Lottie E.
20 White Female 184 Elevation
Smith, Lou C.
10 Black Female 182 Beulah
Smith, Lou E.
17 White Female 146 Meadow
Smith, Louie C.
31 White Female 442 Banner
Smith, Louis
25 Black Male 34 Clayton
Smith, Louisa
41 White Female 216 Wilders
Smith, Louisa
37 White Female 137 Clayton
Smith, Louiza
25 Black Female 405 Smithfield
Smith, Loula
14 White Female 137 Ingrams
Smith, Lourila
3 Black Female 272 Clayton
Smith, Luby E.
9 White Male 228 Boon Hill
Smith, Lucy
2 Black Female 91 Cleveland
Smith, Lucy
20 White Female 203 Wilders
Smith, Lucy A.
42 White Female 324 Elevation
Smith, Lucy C.
51 White Female 442 Banner
Smith, Lula
20 Black Female 277 Smithfield
Smith, Lula
0 White Female 137 Clayton
Smith, Lula
29 White Female 27 Cleveland
Smith, Lula F.
7 White Female 176 Meadow
Smith, Lula M.
9 White Female 325 Clayton
Smith, Lulu
5 White Female 114 Beulah
Smith, Luther
10 White Male 121 Beulah
Smith, Lydia
10 White Female 115 Beulah
Smith, Mamie L.
3 White Female 228 Smithfield
Smith, Margaret L.
61 White Female 46 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Mary L.
51 White Female 324 Elevation
Smith, Minnie L.
17 White Female 51 Meadow
Smith, Ora L.
13 Black Female 56 Banner
Smith, P. L.
12 Black Male 254 Selma
Smith, Rosa L.
14 White Female 124 Clayton
Smith, Sarah L.
9 White Female 176 Meadow
Smith, Smithie L.
14 White Female 14 Bentonville
Smith, Vara L.
11 White Female 32 Smithfield
Snead, Lewis
16 Black Male 198 Bentonville
Snead, Lillie E.
6 White Female 33 Bentonville
Snead, Lizzie
3 Black Female 25 Bentonville
Snead, Lonnie
5 Black Male 25 Bentonville
Snead, Lucy
8 Black Female 25 Bentonville
Snead, Willie L.
4 Black Male 34 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Ada L.
23 Black Female 216 Cleveland
Smith, Chas. L.
26 Mulatto Male 184 Smithfield
Smith, Clara Leigh
White Female 100 Smithfield
Smith, Edwin L.
White Male 41 Clayton
Smith, Edwin L.
7 Black Male 114 Clayton
Smith, Elizabeth L.
43 White Female 181 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Frank L.
2/16/1900 Black Male 67 Banner
Smith, Herman L.
9 Mulatto Male 70 Smithfield
Smith, Irvin L.
54 White Male 194 Wilson's Mills
Smith, James L.
21 White Male 561 Selma
Smith, James L.
1/29/1900 Black Male 352 Smithfield
Smith, James L.
63 White Male 207 Wilders
Smith, Jas. L.
27 White Male 11 Meadow
Smith, John L.
1/30/1900 White Male 163 Elevation
Smith, John L.
21 White Male 48 Ingrams
Smith, L. D.
1/23/1900 White Male 184 Clayton
Smith, Lannie K.
12 White Male 23 Meadow
Smith, Larenda
4 White Female 166 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lastis
1 White Male 23 Meadow
Smith, Laura
35 White Female 26 Meadow
Smith, Laura
2/3/1900 Black Female 371 Smithfield
Smith, Laura
1/28/1900 Black Female 354 Smithfield
Smith, Laura
1/22/1900 Black Female 230 Boon Hill
Smith, Laura
44 Black Female 266 Smithfield
Smith, Laura F.
23 White Female 37 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lawer
1/3/1900 Black Male 165 Clayton
Smith, Lawrence
81 Black Male 401 Selma
Smith, Lee
3 White Male 330 Ingrams
Smith, Lee O.
1/2/1900 Black Female 352 Smithfield
Smith, Lela
8 White Female 26 Meadow
Smith, Lela
4 White Female 118 Selma
Smith, Leman
10 Black Male 153 Elevation
Smith, Lena
42 White Female 163 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lena M.
Mulatto Female 184 Smithfield
Smith, Lenner
1/15/1900 Mulatto Female 48 Clayton
Smith, Lenora
27 Black Female 63 Smithfield
Smith, Lenora
36 White Female 211 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Leoia
16 Black Male 266 Smithfield
Smith, Leon
20 Mulatto Female 172 Smithfield
Smith, Leona
20 Black Female 97 Smithfield
Smith, Leone
19 Black Female 401 Selma
Smith, Lerenda
6 Black Male 67 Smithfield
Smith, Leslie L.
2 Black Male 217 Selma
Smith, Lessie
1/1/1900 Mulatto Female 71 Elevation
Smith, Lessie
6 White Female 48 Ingrams
Smith, Lessie A.
1/4/1900 Black Female 480 Smithfield
Smith, Lester
18 White Male 174 Beulah
Smith, Letha B.
1/29/1900 White Male 24 Clayton
Smith, Lettie
48 White Female 166 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
18 White Female 48 Ingrams
Smith, Lettie
1/26/1900 Black Female 346 Smithfield
Smith, Levi
2 Black Male 206 Smithfield
Smith, Levy
Black Male 138 Cleveland
Smith, Lilian
10 Black Female 138 Cleveland
Smith, Lillian
1/22/1900 Black Female 145 Beulah
Smith, Lillie
12 Mulatto Female 221 Selma
Smith, Lillie
24 White Female 563 Selma
Smith, Lilly
1/25/1900 White Female 28 Banner
Smith, Lilly
1/22/1900 White Female 305 Banner
Smith, Lilly
1/23/1900 Black Female 467 Smithfield
Smith, Lilly
19 White Female 198 Smithfield
Smith, Lilly B.
1/22/1900 Black Female 352 Smithfield
Smith, Lina
1/15/1900 Black Female 418 Smithfield
Smith, Lina
50 Mulatto Female 184 Smithfield
Smith, Lina
17 Black Female 2 Pine Level
Smith, Lola M.
19 White Female 86 Clayton
Smith, Lonzey
12 White Male 83 Meadow
Smith, Lorenda
3/15/1900 White Female 40 Clayton
Smith, Lottie
White Female 166 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Louie
57 White Female 193 Banner
Smith, Louie C.
41 White Female 193 Banner
Smith, Louis C.
40 White Male 129 Selma
Smith, Louisa
46 White Female 407 Selma
Smith, Louisa
53 White Female 207 Wilders
Smith, Louisa
2/1/1900 Black Female 648 Smithfield
Smith, Louise
37 Black Female 114 Clayton
Smith, Louise
1/5/1900 White Female 22 Beulah
Smith, Luby
8 White Male 174 Beulah
Smith, Lucy
6 Black Female 108 Clayton
Smith, Lucy
2/4/1900 White Female 219 Clayton
Smith, Lucy A.
54 White Female 327 Ingrams
Smith, Lula
15 White Female 115 Selma
Smith, Lula
2/5/1900 Black Female 48 Clayton
Smith, Lula A.
1/17/1900 White Female 4 Clayton
Smith, Lula A.
39 White Female 108 Cleveland
Smith, Lula F.
17 White Female 198 Smithfield
Smith, Lula G.
1/5/1900 White Female 190 Clayton
Smith, Lula O.
15 Black Female 212 Smithfield
Smith, Luriler
13 Black Female 108 Clayton
Smith, Lusie A
1/3/1900 Black Female 467 Smithfield
Smith, Luther
23 Black Male 165 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lydia
20 White Female 174 Beulah
Smith, Lydia Jr.
12-Aug White Female 143 Wilders
Smith, Lydia Sr.
81 White Female 143 Wilders
Smith, Mamie L.
3 White Female 282 Wilders
Smith, Martha L.
12 White Female 181 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Mary L. M.
1/3/1900 White Female 190 Clayton
Smith, Millard L.
17 Black Male 401 Selma
Smith, Mordica L.
32 White Male 166 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Robert L.
8 White Male 561 Selma
Smith, Robert L.
3/12/2012 White Male 7 Banner
Smith, Rosa L.
2 Mulatto Female 70 Smithfield
Smith, Smithie L.
24 White Female 55 Bentonville
Smith, Thelma L.
1 Black Female 108 Clayton
Smith, Vander L.
24 Black Male 89 Cleveland
Smith, Vernon L.
1/21/1900 White Male 4 Clayton
Smith, Walter L.
11 White Male 86 Clayton
Smith, William L.
50 White Male 143 Wilders
Snead, Lillie E.
16 White Female 10 Bentonville
Snead, Lizzie
13 Black Female 52 Bentonville
Snead, Lonnie
16 Black Male 52 Bentonville
Snead, Lucy
19 Black Female 52 Bentonville
Snead, Lula M.
9 White Female 10 Bentonville
Snead, Willie L. Roy Dale
14 Black Male 12 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Annie L.
16 Mulatto Female 193 Selma
Smith, Chas. L. W.
37 Mulatto Male 394 Smithfield
Smith, Edwin L.
32 White Male 73 Smithfield
Smith, Elizabeth L.
52 White Female 291 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Erma L.
3 White Female 101 O'Neals
Smith, Georgia L.
7 Black Female 384 Smithfield
Smith, Hattie Lee
6 White Female 128 Wilders
Smith, Ida L.
43 White Female 145 Pleasant Grove
Smith, J. Lonnie
37 White Male 8 Meadow
Smith, James L.
73 White Male 21 Wilders
Smith, Jessie L.
16 White Female 72 Smithfield
Smith, L. E.
32 Black Male 199 Wilson's Mills
Smith, L. E. Jr.
4 Black Male 199 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lance
9 White Male 316 Smithfield
Smith, Larro
37 Black Female 47 Smithfield
Smith, Laura
30 Black Female 150 Pine Level
Smith, Laura
54 Black Female 207 Smithfield
Smith, Laura
45 White Female 17 Meadow
Smith, Laura
20 White Female 110 Boon Hill
Smith, Laura
7 White Female 170 Cleveland
Smith, Laura
32 White Female 28 Clayton
Smith, Lawyer
14 Black Male 78 Clayton
Smith, Leandus
6 Black Male 100 Cleveland
Smith, Leather B.
39 White Male 151 Clayton
Smith, Lecie
37 Black Female 62 Smithfield
Smith, Lee
13 White Male 316 Smithfield
Smith, Lela
23 White Female 173 Clayton
Smith, Lelia
9 White Female 101 O'Neals
Smith, Lemon
3 Black Male 157 Cleveland
Smith, Lena
3 White Female 198 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lena
39 Black Female 51 Ingrams
Smith, Lenora
35 Black Female 112 Smithfield
Smith, Lenora
39 Mulatto Female 240 O'Neals
Smith, Leo
26 Black Male 316 Smithfield
Smith, Leonard
32 White Male 172 Clayton
Smith, Leone
23 White Female 4 Cleveland
Smith, Lepolan
Black Male 132 Smithfield
Smith, Lerenda
19 Black Male 289 Smithfield
Smith, Leslie
13 Black Male 151 Ingrams
Smith, Leslie
12 Black Male 139 Selma
Smith, Leslie R.
10 White Male 95 Banner
Smith, Lessie
15 White Female 179 Ingrams
Smith, Lessie B.
7 White Female 427 Smithfield
Smith, Lessley
12 Black Male 42 Selma
Smith, Lester
28 White Male 163 Micro
Smith, Lester
7 Black Male 51 Ingrams
Smith, Lettie
57 White Female 54 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
41 Black Female 11 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
29 Black Female 93 Beulah
Smith, Lettie
18 Black Female 131 Cleveland
Smith, Levander
3 White Male 4 Cleveland
Smith, Levi S.
12 Black Male 316 Smithfield
Smith, Levy
10 Black Male 138 Cleveland
Smith, Lilian
19 Black Female 138 Cleveland
Smith, Lillia
8 White Female 427 Smithfield
Smith, Lillian F.
9 White Female 145 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lillie
35 Black Female 57 Smithfield
Smith, Lillie
35 White Female 24 Selma
Smith, Lillie
9 Black Female 171 Ingrams
Smith, Lillie
20 Black Female 342 Selma
Smith, Lillie O.
32 White Female 57 Banner
Smith, Lina M.
11 Mulatto Female 394 Smithfield
Smith, Lina W.
55 Mulatto Female 129 Smithfield
Smith, Lizzie
45 White Female 109 Smithfield
Smith, Lizzie
41 Mulatto Female 113 Boon Hill
Smith, Loid C.
White Male 151 Meadow
Smith, Lonnie
25 Black Male 376 Smithfield
Smith, Lonzo
45 Black Male 478 Smithfield
Smith, Lorane
13 Black Female 219 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lorinda
85 White Female 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lottie
10 White Female 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lottie
7 White Female 198 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Louceile
9 Black Female 14 Cleveland
Smith, Louisa
60 Mulatto Female 119 Boon Hill
Smith, Louisa
40 Black Female 217 Clayton
Smith, Louise
Black Female 93 Beulah
Smith, Louise
68 White Female 21 Wilders
Smith, Loula
48 White Female 170 Cleveland
Smith, Luby
18 White Male 124 Micro
Smith, Luceil
8 Mulatto Female 268 Smithfield
Smith, Lucile
White Female 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lucy
5 White Female 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lucy
9 Black Female 78 Clayton
Smith, Lucy
39 White Female 178 Clayton
Smith, Lucy
28 Black Female 298 Cleveland
Smith, Lucy
8 Black Female 53 Selma
Smith, Luisa
30 Black Female 478 Smithfield
Smith, Luke
5 White Male 329 Clayton
Smith, Lula
27 White Female 385 Clayton
Smith, Lula
14 Black Female 62 Smithfield
Smith, Lusier
15 White Female 138 Smithfield
Smith, Luther
Black Male 144 Cleveland
Smith, Luther
6 White Male 183 Clayton
Smith, Luther H.
30 White Male 41 Smithfield
Smith, Luthes A.
60 White Female 347 Ingrams
Smith, Lygia M.
Black Male 171 Ingrams
Smith, M. L.
42 White Male 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Margaret L.
White Female 175 Smithfield
Smith, Martha L.
21 White Female 291 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Mary L.
70 White Female 176 Elevation
Smith, N. L.
40 Black Male 41 Beulah
Smith, Nana Lee
13 White Female 51 Wilders
Smith, Roberta L.
39 White Female 116 Banner
Smith, Ruby L.
5 White Female 145 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Ruth L.
18 White Female 21 Smithfield
Smith, Sarah L.
28 White Female 175 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas Lee
2 White Male 8 Meadow
Smith, Vara L.
30 White Female 54 Smithfield
Smith, William L.
46 White Male 145 Pleasant Grove
Snead, Lena
24 Black Female 62 Bentonville
Snead, Lewis
1 White Female 140 Bentonville
Snead, Lizzie
22 Black Female 120 Bentonville
Snead, Lonnie
25 Black Male 120 Bentonville
Snead, Loula
22 Black Female 61 Bentonville
Snead, Loula
19 White Female 32 Bentonville
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Alford L.
42 White Male 102 Smithfield
Smith, Alford L. Jr.
8 White Male 102 Smithfield
Smith, Annie L.
24 White Female 409 Selma
Smith, Annie Lou
5 White Female 030 Smithfield
Smith, Bessie L.
14 Black Female 344 Clayton
Smith, Betty L.
6/12 White Female 214 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Bud L. Ab
20 White Male 150 Meadow
Smith, Charles L.
2 White Male 047 Clayton
Smith, Claudie L.
8 Black Female 040 Banner
Smith, David L.
9 White Male 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, E. L.
43 White Male 075 Smithfield
Smith, Elbert L.
2+11/12 White Male 204 Beulah
Smith, Elizabeth L.
2 White Female 023 Banner
Smith, Harold L.
5 White Male 023 Banner
Smith, Hattie L.
16 White Female 128 Wilders
Smith, J. Loyd
14 Black Male 126 Cleveland
Smith, James L.
47 White Male 150 Meadow
Smith, Jesie L.
7 Black Female 304 Pleasant Grove
Smith, John L.
7 White Male 086 Elevation
Smith, L. C.
41 White Male 198 Smithfield
Smith, Lacy G.
11/12 White Male 166 Clayton
Smith, Lara
55 White Female 247 Meadow
Smith, Laura
36 Black Female 415 Smithfield
Smith, Lawrence
18 White Male 136 Beulah
Smith, Lawrence A.
5 White Male 166 Clayton
Smith, Lawrence H.
5 Black Male 167 Cleveland
Smith, Lee
66 Black Female 039 Cleveland
Smith, Lee P.
14 Black Male 169 Smithfield
Smith, Lehman
14 Black Male 145 Cleveland
Smith, Lela
23 Black Female 214 Selma
Smith, Lela
9 Black Female 311 Clayton
Smith, Lena
44 Black Female 045 Ingrams
Smith, Lena
63 White Female 145 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lena
13 White Female 090 Smithfield
Smith, Lena M.
3 Black Female 226 Selma
Smith, Lenora
36 Black Female 177 Smithfield
Smith, Lenuar D.
1 White Male 128 Wilders
Smith, Leon
4+2/12 Black Male 304 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Leon H.
14 White Male 029 Clayton
Smith, Leonard D.
43 White Male 199 Clayton
Smith, Leroy
3 Black Male 174 Selma
Smith, Leroy
2+9/12 White Male 118 Micro
Smith, Lerundy
24 Black Male 107 Smithfield
Smith, Leslie
20 White Male 105 Banner
Smith, Lessie L.
20 Black Female 126 Cleveland
Smith, Leston
35 Black Male 179 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
68 White Female 126 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
45 Black Female 249 Pine Level
Smith, Lettie
39 Black Female 215 Beulah
Smith, Lettie M.
6/12 White Female 326 Meadow
Smith, Levi
22 Black Male 166 Smithfield
Smith, Levi
21 Black Male 032 Cleveland
Smith, Lewis
36 Black Male 104 Smithfield
Smith, Liley M.
2+4/12 Black Female 304 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lillian
10 White Female 102 Cleveland
Smith, Lillie
18 White Female 081 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lillie
31 Black Female 072 Selma
Smith, Lillie
38 White Male 009 Smithfield
Smith, Lilly-May
8 Black Female 295 Clayton
Smith, Lily
46 White Female 384 Smithfield
Smith, Lina B.
8 Black Female 414 Ingrams
Smith, Linda
9 Black Female 145 Cleveland
Smith, Lizabeth L.
63 White Female 003 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lizzie
40 White Female 192 Smithfield
Smith, Lizzie
4+11/12 Black Female 267 Pine Level
Smith, Llise A.
19 White Female 115 Wilders
Smith, Lola
14 White Female 235 Wilders
Smith, Lola
11 Black Female 036 Clayton
Smith, Lonnie
60 Black Male 258 Smithfield
Smith, Loomis
19 White Male 140 Clayton
Smith, Lottie
17 White Female 090 Smithfield
Smith, Lou
60 White Female 102 Cleveland
Smith, Lou
50 Black Female 283 Clayton
Smith, Louella
14 Black Female 158 Pine Level
Smith, Louella
14 Black Female 006 Pine Level
Smith, Louia
2+3/12 Black Female 344 Clayton
Smith, Louise
50 Black Female 039 Selma
Smith, Louise
14 Black Female 215 Beulah
Smith, Louzernie
1+2/12 Black Female 080 Selma
Smith, Lovie
3 Black Female 295 Clayton
Smith, Loyd C.
12 White Male 073 Meadow
Smith, Luby
27 White Male 015 Micro
Smith, Lucel
19 White Female 142 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Luciel
11 White Female 239 O'Neals
Smith, Lucile
19 Black Female 167 Cleveland
Smith, Lucile H.
17 Black Female 275 Clayton
Smith, Lucile L.
5 White Female 150 Meadow
Smith, Lucy
16 White Female 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lucy
20 Black Female 226 Selma
Smith, Lucy
41 Black Female 027 Smithfield
Smith, Lucy P.
45 White Male 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Luesther
13 White Female 326 Meadow
Smith, Lula
35 Black Female 039 Selma
Smith, Lula
27 White Female 047 Clayton
Smith, Lula B.
55 Black Female 024 Smithfield
Smith, Luther
12 Black Male 165 O'Neals
Smith, Maggie L.
12 White Female 286 Elevation
Smith, Maggie L.
41 White Female 108 Banner
Smith, Martha L.
29 White Female 003 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Mary L.
13 White Female 108 Banner
Smith, Mary L.
3 Black Female 167 Cleveland
Smith, Mary L.
15 Black Female 168 Smithfield
Smith, Media L.
4+10/12 White Female 048 Meadow
Smith, Mildred L.
17 White Female 313 Banner
Smith, Mordica L.
52 White Male 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Nana Lee
21 White Female 115 Wilders
Smith, Offie L.
1+5/12 Black Female 176 Smithfield
Smith, R. Lester
38 White Male 090 Micro
Smith, Robert L.
4 Black Male 201 Selma
Smith, Rochey L.
10 White Female 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Ruby L.
15 White Female 108 Banner
Smith, Thomas L.
13 White Male 150 Meadow
Smith, Virginia L.
9 Black Female 331 Smithfield
Snead, Lena
32 Black Female 046 Bentonville
Snead, Lola M.
4+1/12 White Female 258 Bentonville
Snead, Louise
13 White Female 053 Bentonville
Snead, Lula
35 Black Female 030 Bentonville
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, A. L.
53 White Male 2 Selma
Smith, A. L.
46 Black Male 314 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Annie L.
7 Black Female 188 Boon Hill
Smith, Arthur L.
9 Black Male 220 Beulah
Smith, Bettie Lee
5 White Female 043b Smithfield
Smith, Bettie Lois
10 White Female 289 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Charles Lee
4 Black Male 175 Cleveland
Smith, Charles Lee
13 White Male 311 Cleveland
Smith, David Leon
<1 Black Male 314 Smithfield
Smith, Doris L.
12 White Female 18 Smithfield
Smith, E. Lee
53 White Male 69 Smithfield
Smith, Evert Lee
17 Black Female 185 Wilders
Smith, G. L.
27 White Male 164 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Herbert L.
12 Black Male 94 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lacy
11 White Male 4 Clayton
Smith, Laddie
21 Black Male 185 Wilders
Smith, Laddie Jr.
<1 Black Male 185 Wilders
Smith, Larry
1 White Male 136 Banner
Smith, Laura
65 White Female 129 Meadow
Smith, Laura
56 Black Female 18 Smithfield
Smith, Laurance
14 White Male 122 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Lawrence
15 White Male 4 Clayton
Smith, Lawrence H.
15 Black Male 187 Cleveland
Smith, Leamond
14 Black Male 167 Cleveland
Smith, Lela
44 White Female 49 Clayton
Smith, Lelia
33 Black Female 538 Selma
Smith, Lella
47 Black Female 21 Selma
Smith, Lena
55 Black Female 60 Ingrams
Smith, Lena
39 Black Female 248 Beulah
Smith, Lenard
<1 Black Male 188 Boon Hill
Smith, Lenard
8 White Male 289 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Leo
17 White Male 118 Elevation
Smith, Leonard
53 White Male 435 Clayton
Smith, Leora
26 Black Female 66 Beulah
Smith, Lerender
30 Black Male 71 Smithfield
Smith, LeRoy
12 White Male 206 O'Neals
Smith, Leslie
49 Black Male 124 Smithfield
Smith, Lettie
54 Black Female 267 Micro
Smith, Lettie G.
70 White Female 22 Smithfield
Smith, Levi
18 Black Male 356 Clayton
Smith, Levi
30 Black Male 255 Cleveland
Smith, Levi
32 Black Male 19 Smithfield
Smith, Lillie
52 White Female 68 Micro
Smith, Lillie
56 White Female 13 Pine Level
Smith, Lillie May
8 Black Female 174 Smithfield
Smith, Lillie S.
49 White Female 18 Smithfield
Smith, Lilly Mae
25 Black Female 132 Beulah
Smith, Lilly May
12 Black Female 167 Cleveland
Smith, Linda
33 Black Female 314 Clayton
Smith, Linda
1 White Female 183 Micro
Smith, Lizzie
39 White Female 60 Smithfield
Smith, Lizzie
25 Black Female 321 Beulah
Smith, Lizzie
16 Black Female 3 Pine Level
Smith, Lois
13 Black Female 301 Clayton
Smith, Lois
8 Black Female 149 Smithfield
Smith, Lois
9 Black Female 147 Smithfield
Smith, Lois
9 White Female 376 Clayton
Smith, Lola G.
13 White Female 415 Clayton
Smith, Loleta
18 White Female 96 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lollie May
14 Black Female 92 Smithfield
Smith, Lonnie
33 Black Male 174 Smithfield
Smith, Loraine
11 White Female 32 Banner
Smith, Lorine
9 Black Female 79 Ingrams
Smith, Lougenia
10 Black Female 386 Selma
Smith, Louis
7 Black Male 292 Clayton
Smith, Lovie
12 Black Female 237 Clayton
Smith, Lovie Olilee
11 Black Female 72 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Loyd
36 Black Male 248 Beulah
Smith, Lucile
29 White Female 294 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lucile
30 White Female 310 Cleveland
Smith, Lucile
15 White Female 144 Meadow
Smith, Lucille
18 White Female 31 Smithfield
Smith, Lucy P.
58 White Female 122 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Luddie
27 Black Female 113 Selma
Smith, Lue Ellen
15 White Female 33 O'Neals
Smith, Lula
21 Black Female 3 Smithfield
Smith, Lula
34 White Female 311 Cleveland
Smith, Lula M.
69 White Female 232 Cleveland
Smith, Lulu
68 Black Female 201 Smithfield
Smith, Luther A.
50 White Male 167 Smithfield
Smith, Lydiadela
2 Black Male 26 Smithfield
Smith, Lynda
18 Black Female 217 Cleveland
Smith, Lyne
56 Black Male 161 Banner
Smith, Mary L.
14 Black Female 187 Cleveland
Smith, Mary Lynn
3 White Female 288 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Meta Loice
13 White Female 130 Banner
Smith, Minnie Lee
9 White Female 288 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Nancy L.
1 White Female 46 Meadow
Smith, O. L.
53 White Female 11 Boon Hill
Smith, Oza Lee
15 White Female 81 Cleveland
Smith, Pattie L.
26 White Female 129 Pine Level
Smith, Pearl L.
16 Black Female 314 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Retha Lee
6 White Female 289 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Robert L.
48 White Male 277 Micro
Smith, Robert Lee
9 White Male 246 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Rosa Lee
29 Black Female 325 Clayton
Smith, Victor L.
<1 White Male 38 Meadow
Smith, Willie Lee
15 Black Male 220 Beulah
Smith ?, Lucille
32 Black Female 320 Smithfield
Snead, Lee
2 White Male 228 Beulah
Snead, Lillian
25 White Female 243 Beulah
Snead, Lillie
9 White Female 312 Beulah
Snead, Lola M.
14 White Female 370 Beulah
Snead, Lonnie
41 Black Male 244 Beulah
Snead, Loula
43 Black Female 275 Beulah
Snead, Lucy
<1 White Female 228 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Senate, William L.J. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Alex L. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Smith, Calvin L. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Smith, Charles L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Smith, Charles L. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, D. L. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Smith, D. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Smith, D. L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Smith, David L. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, E. L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, E. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Smith, Elijah L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Francis L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, G. L. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Smith, George L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, George L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Smith, George L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, George L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, J. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Smith, J. L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, J. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Jackson L. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, James L. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Smith, James L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, James L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, James L. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, James L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, Jesse L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Smith, John L. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Smith, John L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, John L. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, John L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, John L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, John L. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, John L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Captain C
Smith, Joshua L. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Julius L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Julius L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Smith, L. Gibbs' Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Smith, L. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, L. A. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, L. A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, L. A. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, L. A. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Smith, L. B. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, L. D. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, L. D. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, L. G. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Private C
Smith, L. G. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, L. H. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Smith, L. H. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F&S Adjutant C
Smith, L. J. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Smith, L. J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, L. J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) Private C
Smith, L. L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, L. L. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Smith, L. M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, L. R. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, L. R. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, L. W. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, L. W. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Smith, L. W. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Smith, Laban 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Smith, Lafayette 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Larkin 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Larkin J. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Smith, Larkins G. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Smith, Laseter Hoskins' Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Smith, Lassiter 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Lawr 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Smith, Lawrence D. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Lawson M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Lawson S. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Le Roy 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Leander 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Leander F. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Lecroy 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Smith, Legrand W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Smith, Lemmon 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Lemmons 61st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Lemuel 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Lemuel 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Lemuel H. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Smith, Lemuel M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Lemuel Y. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Leroy 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Leroy 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Lester 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Leth Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion K Private C
Smith, Levi 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves F Private C
Smith, Levi 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, Levi B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Levi K. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Lewis Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Smith, Lewis 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Lewis 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Lewis 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Lewis 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Lewis 67th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Smith, Lewis D. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Lewis H. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, Lewis H. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Lewis J. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Smith, Lewis L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Smith, Lewis W. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Lindsay F. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Littleberry 54th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Loften McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Smith, Lorenzo 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, Louis 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Louis 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Louis H. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Smith, Louis J. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) K Corporal C
Smith, Love 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Lovelace 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Lucian C. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Lucias H. 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry F&S Adjutant C
Smith, Lucius H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Lucius H. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Color Guard C
Smith, M. L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Smith, M. L. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, M. L. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, M. L. D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Madison L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Smith, Miller L. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, Miller L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry B,F Sergeant C
Smith, Moses L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, R. L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, R. L. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, R. L. S. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves E Private C
Smith, R. Leyton 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Richard L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Smith, Robert L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Robert L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, S. L. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Smith, S. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Samuel L. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Corporal C
Smith, Silas L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Silas L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Sterling L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, Toliver L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, W. L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, W. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Smith, Walter L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Corporal C
Smith, William L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William L. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, William L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry H,A Private C
Smith, William L. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Smither, J. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Summit, Isaac L. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Sunday, John L. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Smith, Annie Laurie 1912 1925 Elizabeth United Methodist Church
Smith, Bessie L 1889 1901 Four Oaks Town
Smith, Bobbie Lee 1947 1983 Resthaven
Smith, Bobby Lee 1937 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Smith, David L 1927 2001 Smith
Smith, Edwin Lee 1886 1975 Oakland
Smith, Elizabeth Tomlinson (Lizzie) 1873 1942 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Smith, Flossie L 1904 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Smith, Frank L 1895 1955 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Smith, Hettie Lee 1885 1968 Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, Horace Lee 1935 1962 Sunrise (Graytown)
Smith, J L 1880 1911 Sanders/Smith
Smith, J L 1882 1932 Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, James L 1914 1970 Selma Memorial Gardens
Smith, Jane Lee 1770 1866 Smith, James
Smith, Jesse L 1928 1929 Jones Family
Smith, John Leo 1922 1984 Roselawn
Smith, L A 1889 1943 Sunset Memorial Park
Smith, L A Jr 1918 1919 Crumpler, Henry C.
Smith, L Carl 1922 2001 Smith
Smith, L Willard 1886 1933 Smith, John E.
Smith, Larkin 1911 1914 Beulah Church
Smith, Laura 1914 1915 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Smith, Laura 1888 1907 Smith, Edwin T.
Smith, Laura Johnson 1875 1944 Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, Laurinda Adams 1834 1920 Smith, Edwin T.
Smith, Leah H 1920 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
Smith, Lee Bertha 1963 Piney Grove Church
Smith, Lee V 1906 1966 Oakland
Smith, Lela 1897 1970 Resthaven
Smith, Lena 1866 1940 Smith, Edwin T.
Smith, Lena Blanch 1906 1907 Benson City
Smith, Lena Rose 1904 1905 Benson City
Smith, Leo W 1902 1943 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Smith, Leona Margarette 1914 1919 Thompson, D. D.
Smith, Leonard D 1887 1963 Maplewood
Smith, Lessie 1910 1980 Resthaven
Smith, Letha Braxton 1880 Smith, W. M.
Smith, Levi 1967 Piney Grove Church
Smith, Lillian Lucille 1898 1899 Sanders Chapel
Smith, Lillie Hannah 2011 2011 Smith
Smith, Lillie Lee 1890 1934 Williamson, Hardy #1 & #2
Smith, Lillie Mae Faulkner 1883 1977 Princeton
Smith, Lloyd Jasper 1925 2008 Princeton
Smith, Lonnie Wilson's Mills Community
Smith, Lottie Williams 1920 1984 Resthaven
Smith, Louisa 1877 1977 Sanders/Smith
Smith, Louisa E 1863 1942 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Smith, Louvie 1892 1893 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Smith, Luby C 1886 1968 Princeton
Smith, Luby Oliver 1901 1954 Smith
Smith, Lucy Catherine 1848 1908 Smith, Isaac J.
Smith, Lucy Mae Johnson 1917 1962 Little Flock Church
Smith, Lucy West 1973 Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Smith, Lula Craft 1899 1967 Princeton
Smith, Lula Mangum 1871 1973 Elizabeth United Methodist Church
Smith, Lula Margaret 1910 1911 Elizabeth United Methodist Church
Smith, Lyle 1892 Riverside
Smith, M Louise 1920 1922 Princeton
Smith, Madie L 1898 1991 Smith
Smith, Margaret Lawhorn 1916 Overbee, D. A.
Smith, Margaret Lillian 1917 1940 Riverside
Smith, Martha Larue 1943 Bethany Baptist Church
Smith, Mary L Sanders 1849 1923 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Smith, Mary Lassiter 1886 1967 Oakland
Smith, Mary Louise 1891 1919 Oakland
Smith, Maynard Lee 1893 Selma Memorial Gardens
Smith, Mertie Lee 1925 1959 Pittman, Ephriam
Smith, Mollie Lee 1919 Oakland
Smith, Morris L 1945 1974 Forest Hills
Smith, Oscar L 1875 1935 Princeton
Smith, Patsy Lamm 1943 1977 Selma Memorial Gardens
Smith, R Lester 1891 1946 Smith
Smith, Robert Leslie 1909 1983 Roselawn
Smith, Mrs Ruby L 1966 Piney Grove Church
Smith, Scoggie Lee 1866 1954 Blackmons Grove Baptist Church
Smith, Smithie L 1885 1955 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Smith, Virginia Lassiter 1922 1970 Sunset Memorial Park
Smith, W L 1907 1928 Selma
Snead, Festus Lea 1937 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Snead, Jennifer Lynn 1958 1958 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Snead, Lena 1899 Finlayson
Sneed, Flonnie Lassiter 1899 1924 Lassiter, Junius
Sneed, John L T 1865 1911 Riverside
Sneed, Lonnie 1895 1955 Sneed/Cole
Sneed, Lucy Riverside
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Smith, Alexander L. 1920 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, Charles Lamb 1872 Cumberland Cross Creek Cemetery
Smith, Lewis Sampson Smith Cemetery
Smith, Loften 1865 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, Louis Turner 1895 Durham Maplewood Cemetery
Smith, Moses L. 1911 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, S. Logan 1909 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, William L. 1864 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, William Lincoln 1887 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Smith, Lucinda 1859
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Smith Bibles Samuel Smith Bible
Smith Bibles W.H. Smith Family Bible
Smith Bibles Col. David Smith Bible
Snead Bibles Robert Snead Family Bible Records
Smith Biographies Michael Smith, 1698-1771
Smith Court Records John Smith - Deceased, 1809
Smith Court Records Col. Samuel Smith - Deceased, 1809
Smith Deaths & Obituaries Beatrice Green Smith
Snead Deaths & Obituaries Nathan Snead, 1863
Ingram-Smith Marriages Jos. A. Ingram to Mary B. Smith, 1867
Johnson-Smith Marriages James Johnson to Betsy Smith, 1862
Jones-Smith Marriages Henry Jones to Sarah Smith, 1806
Pearce-Smith Marriages Dixon Pearce to Nancy Smith
Rose-Smith Marriages C. M. Rose to Letha J. Smith, 1883
Rose-Smith Marriages Iredell Rose to Patsey Smith, 1884
Smith-Ingram Marriages Daniel Smith to Sally Ingram, 1808
Smith-Ingram Marriages Henry Smith to Nancy Ingram, 1841
Smith-Thompson Marriages Hardy Smith to Rebecca Thompson, 1796
Smith Military Hardy Smith Pension, 1833
Smith Wills & Estates Etheldred Smith - 1805
Smith Wills & Estates John Smith Sr - 1813
Smith Wills & Estates Samuel Smith - 1779
Smith Wills & Estates Samuel Smith - 1795
Smith Wills & Estates Samuel Smith - 1783
Smith Wills & Estates Britain Smith - 1793
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Smith Harold Boyette Wallace
Smith Alice Holmes
SmithJohnston, Sampson, Wayne1700's - present