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» Search Results » LOUVESTER THOMAS
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Thompson, Lewis 280 / 13 1 1
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Thomson, Lewis 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Thomson, Lewis ?
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Lucinda
50 White Female 484 Elevation
Thomas, Lucy
55 White Female 229 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lewis
45 White Male 992 Bentonville
Thompson, Lucy
40 White Female 45 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Lucinda
70 White Female 185 Elevation
Thornton, Laura
11 Black Female 74 Smithfield
Thorp, Lucy
42 Black Female 206 Clayton
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Lizzie
9 Black Female 63 Town of Smithfield
Thomas, Lucy
8 Black Female 63 Town of Smithfield
Thompson, Leah
7 White Female 181 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lerah
18 White Female 250 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lerah E.
18 White Female 181 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lewis
66 White Male 153 Ingrams
Thompson, London
4 White Male 248 Boon Hill
Thompson, Louis
20 Black Male 59 Clayton
Thompson, Lucinda
22 White Female 262 South Smithfield
Thompson, Lucretia
3 White Female 247 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lucy
65 White Female 252 Boon Hill
Thornton, Leonides
3 White Male 30 Bentonville
Thornton, Luana
0 White Female 205 Meadow
Thornton, Lucy J.
2 White Female 107 Meadow
Thornton, William L.
32 White Male 256 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomega, Lianders
13 Black Male 59 Smithfield
Thomega, Lugen R.
27 Black Female 59 Smithfield
Thompson, Ira L.
7 White Male 96 Boon Hill
Thompson, John L.
1 White Male 311 Smithfield
Thompson, L. D.
0 Black Male 314 Smithfield
Thompson, Larrena
0 White Female 139 Boon Hill
Thompson, Laura
27 White Female 139 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lewis
9 White Male 198 Selma
Thompson, Lola V.
6 White Male 139 Boon Hill
Thompson, London
24 White Male 94 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lottie A.
9 White Female 10 Ingrams
Thompson, Louisa
7 White Female 198 Selma
Thompson, Lousenda
29 Black Female 44 Beulah
Thompson, Lucinda
43 White Female 388 Smithfield
Thompson, Lucretia
23 White Female 84 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lula
22 Black Female 314 Smithfield
Thornton, Lillie
1 White Female 221 Elevation
Thornton, Linda V.
38 White Female 221 Elevation
Thornton, Liza P.
7 Black Female 91 Meadow
Thornton, Lonnie
26 Black Male 76 Bentonville
Thornton, Martin L.
36 White Male 134 Bentonville
Thornton, Mary L.
10 White Female 100 Bentonville
Thornton, William L.
56 White Male 99 Meadow
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, John Lea
1/9/1900 White Male 275 Clayton
Thomas, Lelia
7/12/2012 White Female 275 Clayton
Thomas, Lenora
2 Black Female 169 Clayton
Thomas, Lettie A.
25 White Female 247 Ingrams
Thomas, Lou
28 Mulatto Female 234 Selma
Thomas, Lucile
6 Black Female 169 Clayton
Thomason, Laura
5 Mulatto Female 185 Selma
Thompson, Albert L.
20 White Male 285 Wilders
Thompson, Alma L.
2/1/1900 White Female 131 Clayton
Thompson, Bertie L.
11 White Female 190 Ingrams
Thompson, David L.
1/2/1900 White Male 131 Clayton
Thompson, Elija L.
9 White Male 25 Ingrams
Thompson, Irie L.
17 White Male 167 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lara E.
34 White Female 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, Larena
10 White Female 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lassie
White Male 74 Bentonville
Thompson, Laurey
1/2/1900 White Female 186 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lelon
18 Black Male 45 Wilders
Thompson, Leon
8 White Male 46 Pine Level
Thompson, Leonard H.
2 White Male 25 Ingrams
Thompson, Leslie
20 White Female 351 Selma
Thompson, Lester H.
4 White Male 25 Ingrams
Thompson, Lettie
White Female 74 Bentonville
Thompson, Lettie L.
1/1/1900 White Female 206 Elevation
Thompson, Lewis S.
19 White Male 46 Pine Level
Thompson, Linda
29 White Female 25 Ingrams
Thompson, Lola V.
16 White Female 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, London
36 White Male 170 Boon Hill
Thompson, Louis
14 White Male 351 Selma
Thompson, Louiser
17 White Female 46 Pine Level
Thompson, Lucinda
39 Black Female 124 Beulah
Thompson, Lucinda
2/22/1900 White Female 386 Smithfield
Thompson, Lucy
White Female 198 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lular J.
27 White Female 265 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lura
39 White Female 285 Wilders
Thorn, Hattie L.
17 White Female 599 Selma
Thorn, Luther
12-Jul White Male 600 Selma
Thornton, James L.
40 White Male 52 Bentonville
Thornton, Leola M.
7 White Female 28 Ingrams
Thornton, Lessie
1/28/1900 White Female 247 Banner
Thornton, Lettie
8 White Female 54 Bentonville
Thornton, Lillie
1/11/1900 White Female 13 Elevation
Thornton, Livy W.
8 White Female 201 Ingrams
Thornton, William L.
3/6/1900 White Male 62 Meadow
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Joseph L.
White Male 25 Ingrams
Thomas, Lea
20 White Male 335 Clayton
Thomas, Lee
12 Black Male 82 Clayton
Thomas, Lenora
10 Black Female 82 Clayton
Thomas, Lilia Shore
10 White Female 335 Clayton
Thomas, Lillie
12 White Female 59 Beulah
Thomas, Lillie P.
3 White Female 24 Ingrams
Thomas, Lou Ester
33 Black Female 215 Selma
Thomas, William L.
54 White Male 325 Selma
Thomason, Louie
50 White Female 172 Wilders
Thomes, Letha J.
27 White Female 45 Smithfield
Thomes, Lettie A.
36 White Female 160 Smithfield
Thomes, Louis
Black Male 267 Smithfield
Thomes, Lula
29 Black Female 267 Smithfield
Thomes, Oza L.
White Female 160 Smithfield
Thompson, Harie L.
Mulatto Male 216 Smithfield
Thompson, Joseph L.
6 White Male 319 Ingrams
Thompson, L. B.
42 White Male 145 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lassie
10 White Male 283 Ingrams
Thompson, Laura
44 White Female 334 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lena
6 White Female 230 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lenard
13 White Male 77 Ingrams
Thompson, Lenland
12 White Male 312 Smithfield
Thompson, Leon
17 White Male 78 Pine Level
Thompson, Leon
White Male 231 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lester
14 White Male 77 Ingrams
Thompson, Letha
White Female 245 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lethi
8 White Female 283 Ingrams
Thompson, Lettie
11 White Female 74 Elevation
Thompson, Lewis S.
28 White Male 78 Pine Level
Thompson, Lidia
18 White Female 192 Pine Level
Thompson, Lindy
39 White Female 77 Ingrams
Thompson, Lisar C.
44 White Female 211 Smithfield
Thompson, Lizzie
17 White Female 387 Smithfield
Thompson, Lola V.
26 White Male 222 Boon Hill
Thompson, London
46 White Male 238 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lucile
25 Mulatto Female 298 Selma
Thompson, Lucy
11 White Female 292 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lula
30 White Female 319 Ingrams
Thompson, Lula
33 White Female 312 Smithfield
Thompson, Lura
12 White Female 182 Pine Level
Thompson, Lusinda
63 White Female 482 Smithfield
Thompson, Mada L.
3 White Female 136 Ingrams
Thorn, Leo
24 Black Male 232 Banner
Thorn, Leonard
5 Black Male 232 Banner
Thorn, Lillian
23 Black Female 232 Banner
Thorn, Luther
10 White Male 169 Selma
Thornton, Addie L.
White Female 230 Meadow
Thornton, Annie Lee
6 White Female 164 Elevation
Thornton, Lara
35 White Female 132 Bentonville
Thornton, Laura
37 White Female 24 Ingrams
Thornton, Leon
White Male 11 Elevation
Thornton, Lessie
White Female 106 Bentonville
Thornton, Lessie
39 White Female 224 Banner
Thornton, Lessie
White Female 225 Banner
Thornton, Lettie
26 White Female 48 Elevation
Thornton, Linda E.
White Female 11 Selma
Thornton, Lissie P.
20 White Female 225 Meadow
Thornton, Luema
18 White Female 204 Meadow
Thornton, Thaddie L.
White Male 230 Meadow
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Elmer L.
6 White Male 008 Beulah
Thomas, Joseph L.
11 White Male 299 Ingrams
Thomas, Larry
9 White Male 271 Micro
Thomas, Lawrence M.
36 White Male 123 Boon Hill
Thomas, Letha J.
37 White Female 423 Smithfield
Thomas, Letha J.
8 White Female 423 Smithfield
Thomas, Lettie A.
45 White Female 072 Smithfield
Thomas, Lila gould
12 White Female 271 Pine Level
Thomas, Lillie P.
13 White Female 067 Smithfield
Thomas, Lissie
28 Black Female 216 Selma
Thomas, Loyd G.
7 White Male 022 Ingrams
Thomas, Mildred L.
6 White Female 423 Smithfield
Thomlinson, Charles L.
1+10/12 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Thomlinson, James L.
8 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Thomlinson, Louis M.
12 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Thomlinson, Loyed
5/12 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Thomlinson, Lula F.
39 Black Female 120 Smithfield
Thompson, C. L. Jr.
11/12 White Male 078 Boon Hill
Thompson, Harry L.
20 Black Male 120 Wilson's Mills
Thompson, Jessie L.
1+6/12 White Male 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joseph L.
19 White Male 054 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joy L.
3 White Female 125 Wilders
Thompson, Lassie
21 White Male 159 Ingrams
Thompson, Lende
3 White Male 181 Selma
Thompson, Leon
12 White Male 131 Boon Hill
Thompson, Leon
28 White Male 078 Boon Hill
Thompson, Leonard
23 White Male 160 Banner
Thompson, Leonard
8 White Male 099 Boon Hill
Thompson, Leslie R.
40 White Male 223 Clayton
Thompson, Lester
5 White Male 130 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lester
5 White Male 099 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lester
24 White Male 417 Ingrams
Thompson, Letha D.
10 White Female 420 Smithfield
Thompson, Lilian B.
23 White Female 148 Selma
Thompson, Lissie
5 White Female 119 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lizzie
35 White Female 223 Clayton
Thompson, Lois
9 White Female 181 Selma
Thompson, London
55 White Male 128 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lora
2+1/12 White Female 099 Boon Hill
Thompson, Loraine
6/12 White Female 022 Pine Level
Thompson, Louis Jr.
5 White Male 193 Pine Level
Thompson, Louis Jr.
5 White Male 193 Pine Level
Thompson, Louis S.
39 White Male 193 Pine Level
Thompson, Louise
2 White Female 080 Wilders
Thompson, Lucinda
71 White Female 438 Smithfield
Thompson, Lucinda
61 Black Female 047 Micro
Thompson, Lucy
22 White Female 126 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lula
39 White Female 056 Ingrams
Thompson, Lura
60 White Female 091 Smithfield
Thompson, Maudie L.
19 White Female 125 Wilders
Thompson, Rosa L.
8 White Female 378 Smithfield
Thorn, Lillian
31 Black Female 174 Banner
Thorn, Lillian R.
10 Black Female 174 Banner
Thorn, Linwood
14 Black Male 174 Banner
Thornton, Alice L.
5 White Female 234 Banner
Thornton, Betty L.
6 White Female 133 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, Bowden L.
3/12 White Male 215 Bentonville
Thornton, Dorthy L.
3+10/12 White Female 117 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, Edna L.
6 White Female 306 Meadow
Thornton, Harris L.
9 White Male 340 Banner
Thornton, Iris L.
16 White Female 002 Elevation
Thornton, Lanie
15 White Female 122 Meadow
Thornton, Laudie
19 White Male 122 Meadow
Thornton, Laura E.
47 White Female 067 Bentonville
Thornton, Leno E.
8 White Male 133 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, Leon
14 White Male 127 Elevation
Thornton, Lessie
11 White Female 226 Banner
Thornton, Lessie
11 White Female 155 Selma
Thornton, Lessie J.
15 White Female 008 Ingrams
Thornton, Lettie F.
37 White Female 002 Elevation
Thornton, Lillie
25 Black Female 362 Ingrams
Thornton, Lillie M.
24 White Female 215 Bentonville
Thornton, Lonia
46 White Female 122 Meadow
Thornton, Lorene
5 White Female 069 Meadow
Thornton, Louise
8 White Female 069 Meadow
Thornton, Lyda M.
26 White Female 38 Ingrams
Thornton, Ruth L.
9 White Female 133 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, Sally L.
69 White Female 118 Pleasant Grove
Tomas, Luvaster
41 Black Female 032 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Bettie L.
2 White Female 33 Ingrams
Thomas, Larry W.
2 White Male 334 Smithfield
Thomas, Lee
21 White Male 277 Ingrams
Thomas, Letha J.`
48 White Female 161 Smithfield
Thomas, Lloyd G.
17 White Male 124 Ingrams
Thomas, Lou Ellen
28 White Female 125 Ingrams
Thomas, Lou Etta
18 White Female 126 Ingrams
Thomas, Louise
24 White Female 33 Ingrams
Thomas, Luester
52 Black Female 410 Selma
Thomas, Luttie
55 White Female 90 Smithfield
Thompson, Beadie L.
<1 White Female 130 Ingrams
Thompson, Bettie Lou
1 White Female 092b Boon Hill
Thompson, Charles L.
10 White Male 108 Pine Level
Thompson, Coressie Lee
5 White Female 146 Boon Hill
Thompson, Emma L.
26 White Female 50 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joe L.
28 White Male 50 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joy Lounette
13 White Female 189 Wilders
Thompson, Julia Leigh
27 White Female 132 Smithfield
Thompson, Larry
7 White Male 118 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lassie T.
31 White Male 14 Smithfield
Thompson, Lawrence
5 White Male 185 Smithfield
Thompson, Lenard
17 White Male 120 Boon Hill
Thompson, Leon
38 White Male 108 Pine Level
Thompson, Leon S.
22 White Male 81 Boon Hill
Thompson, Leona
24 White Female 120 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lesour
25 Black Male 172 Smithfield
Thompson, Lessie
15 White Female 115 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lester
37 White Male 137 Ingrams
Thompson, Lester
15 White Male 86 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lester
15 White Male 120 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lewis Jr.
15 White Male 231 Pine Level
Thompson, Lewis S.
49 White Male 231 Pine Level
Thompson, Lexene
7 White Female 145 Clayton
Thompson, Lillian
30 White Female 64 Wilders
Thompson, Linwood
11 White Male 118 Boon Hill
Thompson, London
66 White Male 90 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lonie
18 White Male 5 Ingrams
Thompson, Lora
12 White Female 120 Boon Hill
Thompson, Loraine
10 White Female 44 Pine Level
Thompson, Louise
1 White Female 285 Cleveland
Thompson, Luceil
29 White Female 092b Boon Hill
Thompson, Lucinda
73 Black Female 45 Micro
Thompson, Lucy
32 White Female 121 Boon Hill
Thompson, Lula
40 White Female 5 Ingrams
Thompson, Percy L.
29 White Male 68 Pine Level
Thompson, Rosa Lee
18 White Female 78 Smithfield
Thompson, Shirley L.
2 White Female 324 Ingrams
Thorn, Lenwood
25 Black Male 294 Banner
Thorn, Lillian
43 Black Female 294 Banner
Thorn, Lillian R.
20 Black Female 294 Banner
Thorne, Fannie Lee
8 White Female 11 Beulah
Thorne, Lester
8 White Male 71 O'Neals
Thorne, Luther
32 White Male 153 Clayton
Thorntin, Lester
8 White Male 30 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, Betty Lee
16 White Female 85 Cleveland
Thornton, Carol L.
3 White Female 227 Boon Hill
Thornton, Lara
28 White Female 297 Meadow
Thornton, Laudie
28 White Male 297 Meadow
Thornton, Laura
57 White Female 28 Ingrams
Thornton, Leamon
24 White Male 60 Pine Level
Thornton, Leo R.
18 White Male 85 Cleveland
Thornton, Leon
24 White Male 55 Elevation
Thornton, Lettie
46 White Female 206 Elevation
Thornton, Lillian
35 White Female 53 Elevation
Thornton, Lillie
35 White Female 137 Beulah
Thornton, Lillie
1 White Female 300 Meadow
Thornton, Livvie
21 White Female 55 Elevation
Thornton, Liza
45 Black Female 62 Ingrams
Thornton, Lois Jane
1 White Female 55 Elevation
Thornton, Loise
<1 White Female 59 Beulah
Thornton, Lonie
56 White Female 297 Meadow
Thornton, Lorene
5 White Female 131 Selma
Thornton, Louise
18 White Female 59 Beulah
Thornton, Louise
7 White Female 173 Selma
Thornton, Loyd D.
1 White Male 227 Boon Hill
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Tanke, Levi W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, A. L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry Corporal C
Thomas, Franklin L.D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Thomas, G. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Thomas, George L. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, H. L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Thomas, J. L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,C Private C
Thomas, James L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Musician C
Thomas, John L. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Joseph L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Thomas, L. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Thomas, L. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry B Third Sergeant U
Thomas, L. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry H Private U
Thomas, L. G. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Thomas, L. T. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Thomas, Larkin A. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Lemuel T. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Thomas, Levi 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Lewis 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, Lewis 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, Lewis 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, Lewis 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) F Private C
Thomas, Lewis 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Thomas, Lewis L. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F&S Acting Quartermaster C
Thomas, Lewis R. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Lindsey 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomas, Luther 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Luther 50th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, W. L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, W. L. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, W. L. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) C Private C
Thomas, William L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,B Private C
Thomas, William L. 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry D,C Private C
Thomason, George L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Thomason, John L. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomason, Lemuel L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Thomason, Logan 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Thomasson, George L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Thomasson, Logan 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Thomerson, Louis 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thompson, A. L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Thompson, A. L. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Thompson, George L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Thompson, J. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, James L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, James L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Thompson, John L. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thompson, John L. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) E Corporal C
Thompson, Joseph L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thompson, L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Thompson, L. C. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Thompson, L. F. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) E Private C
Thompson, L. S. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, L. W. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion D Private C
Thompson, L. W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, Lafayett 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thompson, Larkin 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, Lee 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, Lemuel 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Thompson, Levi F. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) E Private C
Thompson, Levin W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, Lewis 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Thompson, Lewis 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Thompson, Lewis 4th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thompson, Lewis 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, Littleton 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, Logan 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Thompson, Louis 4th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Thompson, Marcel L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Lieutenant C
Thompson, Robert L. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Thompson, Thomas L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thompson, W. L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, William L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Thompson, William L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Thomson, J. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomson, William L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Thones, J. L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) C Private C
Thornburg, Jacob L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thornburg, John L. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thornburg, L. A. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thornburg, Lewis S. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thornburg, S. Lewis 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thornburg, William L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Thorneburg, Leonard L. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thornton, Jacob L. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops E Private C
Thornton, John L. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops E Private C
Thornton, Luther J. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F First Lieutenant C
Thornton, M. L. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Tomes, L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Toms, L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Thompson, Liberty Duplin County Laborer/Fieldhand 20
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Thomas, John L 1922 1949 Piney Grove Church
Thomas, Lakisha Ann 1990 Sunrise (Graytown)
Thomas, Lee 1977 Sanders Grove Church
Thomas, Lethe Jones Lee 1892 1961 Pisgah Baptist Church
Thomas, Lettie Ann 1884 1966 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Thomas, Louvester 1882 1967 Selma Memorial Gardens
Thomas, Margie Louise 1917 1917 Boyette, John
Thomasson, Minnie L 1909 1977 Corinth Baptist Church
Thompson, Alma Lenora Stephenson 1878 1913 Riverside
Thompson, Charles Leon Sr 1902 1990 Princeton
Thompson, Edith Lawhon 1912 1998 Langley, C. O.
Thompson, Edward Lee 1963 2004 Princeton
Thompson, Elijah L 1901 1973 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Thompson, Eva Lane 1917 1987 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Ira L 1892 1950 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Jackie Lynn 1947 1967 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Jewell L 1926 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Laura D 1875 1961 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lealand E 1933 1933 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Leamond D 1934 1935 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lenora Thompson 1874 1924 Antioch Baptist Church
Thompson, Leon Rudolph 1912 1912 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Leon S 1917 1969 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Leona B 1915 Tee's Chapel Baptist Church
Thompson, Leona Belle 1903 1906 Hopewell Baptist Church
Thompson, Leonard H 1907 1989 Temple, S. E.
Thompson, Lester 1906 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Thompson, Lewis S 1890 1959 Watson, Robert
Thompson, Lewis S Jr 1924 1985 Watson, Robert
Thompson, Lidia 1901 1925 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lillie Maiden 1890 1892 Hopewell Baptist Church
Thompson, Lindie H 1878 1925 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Thompson, Lola V 1893 1949 Kemple, Konrad
Thompson, London 1873 1956 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lou Eloise 1939 1943 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Thompson, Louella Lassiter 1932 Sunset Memorial Park
Thompson, Lovia C 1897 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lucinda Wallace 1857 1931 Pisgah Baptist Church
Thompson, Lucy 1818 1881 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lucy A 1908 1975 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Lula J Langley 1882 1915 Langley, C. O.
Thompson, Lula Mae 1892 1948 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Thompson, Lura 1869 1934 Corinth Baptist Church
Thompson, Mary Lee 1925 1926 Thompson, John W.
Thompson, Mary Lee 1925 1926 Thompson, John
Thompson, Mary Lee Woodard, Dr. A. G.
Thompson, Mary Lou Flowers 1930 1988 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Thompson, Nancy L 1938 1997 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Thompson, Percy L 1911 1974 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Richard L 1915 1973 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Richard Lewis 1911 1913 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Robert L 1924 1973 Oakland
Thompson, Robert Lea 1925 1925 Thompson, D. D.
Thompson, Sara Lee 1933 2005 Princeton
Thompson, William L 1925 1966 Thompson, D. D.
Thomson, Lucy J Riverside
Thorn, Lillie May 1911 1912 Thorne/Broadwell
Thorn, Onnie L 1905 1953 Crocker
Thorne, Lida E 1910 1937 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Thorne, Winnie L 1900 Maplewood
Thornton, Alma Lena 1921 1922 Britt, Jim
Thornton, Annie Lee 1921 1922 Brown, Joseph
Thornton, Annie Lee 1921 1932 Phillips, Guy H.
Thornton, Laudie Norris/Thornton
Thornton, Leona 1919 1919 Thornton, W. C.
Thornton, Leroy Francis 1908 1910 Four Oaks Town
Thornton, Lessie B 1881 1952 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Thornton, Lillie 1890 1891 Thornton, A. E.
Thornton, Loyed L 1922 1923 Thornton, W. C.
Thornton, Minnie Lee 1878 1959 Crocker
Thornton, Winnie Lee 1848 1895 Thornton, Nathaniel K.
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Thomas, Lewis G. 1922 Onslow Tabernacle Methodist Church Cemetery
Thomas, Lewis L. 1896 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Thompson, Samuel Lafayette 1869 Alamance Thompson Family Cemetery
Thornton, Moore Lee 1877 Duplin Faison Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Thompson, Lewis 1882
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Thorne Bibles William Williams Thorne Family Bible Records
Thomson Biographies Reverend Thomson - Pioneer Minister
Broadwell-Thorne Cemeteries Broadwell-Thorne Cemetery
Hearne-Thornton Marriages Joseph Hearne to Miss Thornton, 1812
Ingram-Thomson Marriages Joseph Ingram to Rebeccah Thomson, 1833
Morgan-Thornton Marriages Simeon Morgan to Martha Thornton, 1860
Smith-Thompson Marriages Hardy Smith to Rebecca Thompson, 1796
Thompson-Harvey Marriages James Thompson to Nell Harvey, 1916
Thomson-Ingram Marriages David Thomson to Nancy Ingram, 1806
Thomson-Rhodes Marriages Lewis Thomson to Sophia Rhodes, 1840
Thomas Wills & Estates Alexander Thomas - 1814
Thomas Wills & Estates Elisha Thomas - 1803
Thomas Wills & Estates John Thomas - 1818
Thomas Wills & Estates Joseph Thomas - 1764
Thompson Wills & Estates William Thompson - 1769
Thompson Wills & Estates William Thompson
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
ThorntonJohnstonEarly 1800's - present Ruth Creech
Thornton Donna Sherron
ThorntonJohnston, Sampson, DuplinLate 1700's to 18?? Mamie Tate
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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