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» Search Results » LYNN PARTIN
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Lynn") and last name ("Partin")
  • 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("L")
  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Par")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Lucinda
18 White Female 647 Beulah
Parish, Luke
0 White Male 104 Boon Hill
Parker, Leonard
13 White Male 793 Newton Grove
Parker, Lillie
35 White Female 799 Newton Grove
Parker, Louiza
22 White Female 119 Smithfield
Parker, Lucinda
13 White Female 877 Newton Grove
Parker, Lucinda
40 White Female 865 Newton Grove
Parnell, Lorenza
24 White Female 551 Leachburg
Parrish, Laura
13 White Female 398 Leachburg
Parrish, Louisa
24 White Female 378 Leachburg
Parrish, Lydia
8 White Female 216 Leachburg
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parker, Antoneza L.
24 White Male 271 Smithfield
Parker, Leonard
25 White Male 132 Ingrams
Parker, Liby
50 White Female 46 Meadow
Parker, Lucinda
77 White Female 262 Ingrams
Parker, Luvina
3 White Female 84 Meadow
Parrish, Lana
23 White Female 19 Beulah
Parrish, Langdon
1 White Male 194 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Larrance
3 White Male 22 Elevation
Parrish, Laurah
23 White Female 145 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leasa
36 White Female 144 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leonadus
11 White Male 154 Wilders
Parrish, Leonodus
2 White Male 194 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lysanias
16 White Male 318 Clayton
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, John L.
18 White Male 288 Clayton
Parish, L. S.
26 White Male 12 South Smithfield
Parish, Laney
45 White Female 288 Clayton
Parish, Laura
33 White Female 218 Clayton
Parish, Lillie
2 White Female 12 South Smithfield
Parish, Lomone H.
14 White Male 207 Ingrams
Parish, Louisa
30 White Female 8 Clayton
Parker, Alice L.
7 White Female 59 Ingrams
Parker, Anthony L.
32 White Male 105 Wilson's Mills
Parker, L. E.
33 White Male 66 Ingrams
Parker, Lanly A.
9 White Female 69 Ingrams
Parker, Laura J.
7 White Female 279 Meadow
Parker, Lela R.
1 White Female 105 Wilson's Mills
Parker, Leonades
1 White Male 164 Bentonville
Parker, Lilia G.
53 White Female 182 Meadow
Parker, Louisa J.
1 White Female 183 Beulah
Parker, Louiza
29 Black Female 295 Boon Hill
Parker, Louvenia
13 White Female 279 Meadow
Parker, Lula
1 White Female 179 Selma
Parker, Lula E.
4 White Female 164 Bentonville
Parnel, Jerry L.
1 White Male 81 Selma
Parrish, L. N.
7 White Female 21 South Smithfield
Parrish, Langdon E.
10 White Male 26 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Laura Ann
34 White Female 238 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Laura J.
24 White Female 139 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lenard A.
1 White Male 15 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lenora
1 White Female 17 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leonzo O.
12 White Male 26 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lidda D.
9 White Female 38 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louis D.
1 White Male 136 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Louis D. H.
3 White Male 29 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louiza
49 White Female 38 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lucretia
26 White Female 17 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lugener
6 White Female 235 Beulah
Parrish, Martha L.
15 White Female 38 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Peter L.
1 White Male 331 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Lessee H.
3 White Male 51 Smithfield
Parish, Lilla E.
2 White Female 166 O'Neals
Parish, Lysonius
46 White Male 51 Smithfield
Parish, Odia L.
15 White Female 51 Smithfield
Parker, Annie L.
27 White Female 154 Smithfield
Parker, Ila L.
2 White Female 182 Ingrams
Parker, Laura
43 Black Female 275 Selma
Parker, Laura A.
6 Black Female 275 Selma
Parker, Laura E.
21 White Female 165 Ingrams
Parker, Lelia C.
17 White Female 492 Smithfield
Parker, Lenerd E.
53 White Male 165 Ingrams
Parker, Leondus
6 White Male 155 Meadow
Parker, Lesker D.
0 White Male 102 Meadow
Parker, Letha E.
9 White Female 182 Ingrams
Parker, Lillie J.
87 White Female 246 Meadow
Parker, Lilly M.
2 White Female 303 Ingrams
Parker, Lissie
25 Black Female 275 Selma
Parker, Lomnia
15 White Male 165 Ingrams
Parker, Louise C.
22 White Female 181 Ingrams
Parker, Lounner
21 White Female 102 Meadow
Parker, Lucy A.
29 White Female 229 O'Neals
Parker, Lucy E.
3 White Female 127 O'Neals
Parker, Luella
0 White Female 181 Ingrams
Parker, Lula C.
5 White Female 156 Meadow
Parker, Lundy
3 White Male 217 Ingrams
Parker, Luther
2 White Male 162 Selma
Parker, Robert L.
18 White Male 123 O'Neals
Parnell, Laura E.
39 White Female 167 Elevation
Parnell, Lee
22 White Male 37 Selma
Parnell, Lenora
6 White Female 15 Selma
Parnell, Lessa J.
5 White Female 166 Beulah
Parnell, Levi W.
14 White Male 297 Smithfield
Parnell, Lueza
18 White Female 37 Selma
Parnell, Millard L.
18 White Male 297 Smithfield
Parrish, Bettie L.
0 White Female 256 Clayton
Parrish, Edward L.
14 White Male 143 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, George L.
16 White Male 143 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, John L.
38 White Male 96 Clayton
Parrish, La---
31 White Male 358 Elevation
Parrish, Laura F.
1 White Female 197 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Laura J.
43 White Female 197 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Leonard
20 White Male 361 Smithfield
Parrish, Leonidas
32 White Male 239 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lerie
4 White Female 114 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lettie L.
17 White Female 177 Smithfield
Parrish, Lilla
9 White Female 98 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lillie A.
5 White Female 346 Elevation
Parrish, Lillie L.
5 White Female 160 Clayton
Parrish, Linna
16 White Female 156 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lodonia
1 White Female 98 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lona C.
13 White Female 166 O'Neals
Parrish, Lonnie
21 White Male 164 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louia F.
18 White Female 358 Elevation
Parrish, Louie
17 White Female 98 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Louis D.
21 White Male 15 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Louis H.
22 White Male 170 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louisa
65 White Female 92 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louisa
50 White Female 45 Banner
Parrish, Louisa A.
45 White Female 306 Elevation
Parrish, Louise
26 White Female 161 Smithfield
Parrish, Loula J.
7 White Female 197 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Loyd A.
17 White Male 346 Elevation
Parrish, Lula D
14 White Female 177 Smithfield
Parrish, Lula G.
15 White Female 50 Clayton
Parrish, Lummie J.
9 White Female 175 Elevation
Parrish, Martha L.
19 White Female 51 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Mattie L.
19 White Female 197 Wilson's Mills
Partin, Burt L.
4 White Male 35 Pleasant Grove
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parham, Leona
12 White Female 236 Wilders
Parham, Lillie M.
2 White Female 236 Wilders
Parish, Edward L.
White Male 106 Smithfield
Parish, Franis L.
3 White Female 106 Smithfield
Parish, Kenneth L.
9 White Male 106 Smithfield
Parish, Leland F.
7 White Male 106 Smithfield
Parish, Lennie A.
1/30/1900 White Male 622 Smithfield
Parish, Lenora
1/7/1900 White Female 622 Smithfield
Parish, Lewis R.
1/3/1900 White Male 622 Smithfield
Parish, Lilly M.
1/5/1900 White Female 622 Smithfield
Parish, Louise
35 White Female 106 Smithfield
Parker, Flossie L.
White Female 99 O'Neals
Parker, Ila L.
12 White Female 124 Ingrams
Parker, L. Fester
1/5/1900 White Male 345 O'Neals
Parker, Laura Annee
14 Black Female 202 Selma
Parker, Laurence F.
34 White Female 146 Smithfield
Parker, Leala M.
4 White Female 9 Ingrams
Parker, Lelia
20 White Female 134 Ingrams
Parker, Lelia F.
White Female 6 Meadow
Parker, Lellon
24 White Female 40 Elevation
Parker, Lena
2 White Female 22 Smithfield
Parker, Lenard
1/6/1900 White Male 386 Smithfield
Parker, Leo
1/8/1900 Black Male 209 Beulah
Parker, Leon
1/8/1900 Black Male 209 Beulah
Parker, Leon
17 White Male 22 Meadow
Parker, Leonard E.
63 White Male 135 Ingrams
Parker, Lester D.
10 White Male 87 Meadow
Parker, Letha E.
20 White Female 124 Ingrams
Parker, Lillie M
13 White Female 133 Ingrams
Parker, Lillie M.
7 White Female 26 Ingrams
Parker, Lizzie
9 Mulatto Female 243 Smithfield
Parker, Lizzie
11 White Female 127 O'Neals
Parker, Lonnie
White Male 22 Smithfield
Parker, Lossie
2/6/1900 Black Female 209 Beulah
Parker, Louella
10 White Female 121 Ingrams
Parker, Louie
24 White Female 135 Ingrams
Parker, Louisa
32 White Female 121 Ingrams
Parker, Luamea
30 White Female 87 Meadow
Parker, Lucile
5 White Female 47 Pine Level
Parker, Lucy
13 White Female 127 O'Neals
Parker, Lufar
White Female 386 Smithfield
Parker, Luie H.
26 White Female 26 Ingrams
Parker, Lula C.
15 White Female 19 Meadow
Parker, Lunda
13 White Male 183 Ingrams
Parker, Lutter H.
White Female 26 Ingrams
Parker, Margaret L.
1/2/1900 White Female 82 Banner
Parnell, Frank L.
1/3/1900 White Male 337 Beulah
Parnell, Lee
31 White Male 166 Pine Level
Parnell, Lessie J.
1/16/1900 White Female 350 Beulah
Parnell, Lillie
1/9/1900 White Female 358 Beulah
Parnell, Lilly
5 White Female 167 Smithfield
Parnell, Mary L.
1/12/1900 White Female 144 Elevation
Parnell, Sydney L.
15 White Male 174 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Bettie L.
10 White Female 257 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Carry L.
4 White Female 293 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, James L.
1/9/1900 White Male 71 Clayton
Parrish, Joseph L.
20 White Male 74 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Langdon E.
2/9/1900 White Male 151 Elevation
Parrish, Lannie
65 White Female 183 Beulah
Parrish, Laura A.
64 White Female 200 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Laura B.
12 White Female 134 Cleveland
Parrish, Laura J.
54 White Female 134 Cleveland
Parrish, Lela J.
25 White Female 88 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lelia
28 White Female 177 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lesse
13 White Male 115 O'Neals
Parrish, Lessie
12-Dec White Female 335 Selma
Parrish, Lewis H.
31 White Male 58 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lillian
52 White Female 128 O'Neals
Parrish, Lillie A.
1/15/1900 White Female 145 Elevation
Parrish, Lina P.
11 White Female 74 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Linia
18 White Female 59 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Liza
2/5/1900 White Female 150 Elevation
Parrish, Liza A.
17 White Female 54 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lloyd A.
1/27/1900 White Male 147 Elevation
Parrish, Lodonia
11 White Female 323 Selma
Parrish, Lonnie
2/11/1900 White Male 115 Elevation
Parrish, Lonnie
1/1/1900 White Male 178 O'Neals
Parrish, Louis
29 White Male 480 Selma
Parrish, Luceile
4 White Female 257 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lueazer
2/28/1900 White Female 21 Banner
Parrish, Lula J.
16 White Female 134 Cleveland
Parrish, Lular
22 White Female 185 Beulah
Parrish, Lummie
37 White Female 262 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Luna
13 White Male 111 Wilders
Parrish, Lydia
1/2/1900 White Female 152 Elevation
Parrish, Lydia
38 White Female 293 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lydia
19 White Female 495 Selma
Parrish, Lynie
2 White Female 185 Beulah
Parrish, Mildred L.
1/9/1900 White Female 32 Banner
Parrish, Oara L.
2 White Female 495 Selma
Part, Lilla
1/20/1900 White Female 309 Banner
Partin, Bert L.
14 White Male 6 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Lydia F.
5 Black Female 128 Cleveland
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parash, Annie L.
White Female 223 Smithfield
Parash, Berta L.
9 White Female 224 Smithfield
Parash, Lessie
10 White Female 330 Smithfield
Parash, Luna
21 White Female 376 Smithfield
Parham, L.T.
37 White Male 204 Wilders
Parham, Lillie
24 Black Female 27 Wilders
Parham, Lillie M.
6 Black Female 27 Wilders
Parham, Lucy
White Female 204 Wilders
Parham, R. L.
32 White Male 204 Wilders
Parish, Leroy
20 White Male 129 Boon Hill
Parish, Loomis
23 White Male 89 Wilders
Parish, Luther
10 White Male 28 Wilders
Parish, Ora Lee
8 White Female 89 Wilders
Parker, Chas. L.
35 White Male 69 Smithfield
Parker, Edwin L.
5 White Male 96 Smithfield
Parker, James L.
2 White Male 87 Ingrams
Parker, L. Etta
21 White Female 416 Ingrams
Parker, Laura
25 Black Female 171 Selma
Parker, Laura M.
27 White Female 6 Meadow
Parker, Laurah A.
8 White Female 229 Banner
Parker, Leaner
14 White Female 121 Smithfield
Parker, Leecy
20 White Female 139 Meadow
Parker, Lela
18 White Female 230 Banner
Parker, Lela
33 White Female 429 Ingrams
Parker, Lela F.
11 White Female 51 Meadow
Parker, Lelina
34 White Female 79 Ingrams
Parker, Lemm
27 White Male 18 Meadow
Parker, Lenard
16 White Male 482 Smithfield
Parker, Lenora
White Female 229 Banner
Parker, Leola
8 White Female 48 Meadow
Parker, Leon C.
6 White Male 51 Meadow
Parker, Lester D.
20 White Male 252 Banner
Parker, Lethie L.
White Female 357 Ingrams
Parker, Lettie H.
10 White Female 113 Meadow
Parker, Lillice M.
7 White Female 121 Smithfield
Parker, Lillie
18 White Female 24 Meadow
Parker, Lillie
White Female 355 Ingrams
Parker, Lillie
25 Black Female 160 Beulah
Parker, Lily Mae
17 White Female 113 Meadow
Parker, Linwood
24 Black Male 160 Beulah
Parker, Lithie
20 White Female 3 Ingrams
Parker, Lizzie
19 Mulatto Female 377 Smithfield
Parker, Lizzie
8 White Female 53 Micro
Parker, Lizzie B.
8 White Female 51 Meadow
Parker, Lola J.
9 White Female 20 Meadow
Parker, Lonia
11 White Male 121 Smithfield
Parker, Lonzaro
19 White Male 356 Ingrams
Parker, Lottie E.
6 White Female 20 Meadow
Parker, Louanna
40 White Female 305 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Loui H.
42 White Female 113 Meadow
Parker, Louie E.
5 White Female 413 Ingrams
Parker, Louise
14 White Female 106 Banner
Parker, Louise
4 White Female 421 O'Neals
Parker, Lovie
36 White Female 126 Banner
Parker, Lucea
15 White Female 68 Pine Level
Parker, Lucile
32 White Female 332 Selma
Parker, Lueza E.
42 White Female 413 Ingrams
Parker, Luiza
37 White Female 33 Meadow
Parker, Lula M.
11 White Female 482 Smithfield
Parker, Lundy
23 White Male 442 Ingrams
Parker, Lunett
White Female 305 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Luther G.
22 White Male 68 Pine Level
Parker, Mary L.
24 White Female 357 Ingrams
Parneel, Leanie
38 White Male 332 Smithfield
Parnell, Lee
41 White Male 70 Pine Level
Parnell, Leland
13 White Male 9 Beulah
Parnell, Lessie
20 White Female 24 Beulah
Parnell, Lillie
25 White Female 83 Beulah
Parrish, Cara L.
14 White Female 277 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Edward L.
11 White Male 27 Smithfield
Parrish, Joseph L.
29 White Male 64 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Kenneth L.
19 White Male 27 Smithfield
Parrish, Lala
3 White Female 254 Micro
Parrish, Langdon E.
50 White Male 234 Elevation
Parrish, Latrel
11 White Male 96 Clayton
Parrish, Laura
16 White Female 300 Selma
Parrish, Laura A.
72 White Female 174 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Laura G.
63 White Female 130 Cleveland
Parrish, Laura M.
14 White Female 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lavill
White Male 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leather
19 White Male 145 Clayton
Parrish, Lector
White Female 101 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lee
9 White Male 25 Banner
Parrish, Lela
22 White Female 249 Clayton
Parrish, Lela
39 White Female 81 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lela A.
34 White Female 314 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leland F.
16 White Male 27 Smithfield
Parrish, Leon
8 White Male 149 Clayton
Parrish, Leone
White Female 293 Clayton
Parrish, Lester
12 White Male 284 Micro
Parrish, Letha
5 White Female 177 Elevation
Parrish, Letha
12 White Female 161 Boon Hill
Parrish, Letta
20 White Female 198 O'Neals
Parrish, Lettie
7 White Female 74 Selma
Parrish, Lewis
45 White Male 8 Selma
Parrish, Lexie C.
7 White Male 97 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lillie
21 White Female 191 Elevation
Parrish, Lillie
24 White Female 194 Elevation
Parrish, Lillie
15 White Female 134 Clayton
Parrish, Limdom O.
52 White Male 283 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lina M.
28 White Female 116 Cleveland
Parrish, Linnie
39 White Male 134 Clayton
Parrish, Liza
33 White Female 65 O'Neals
Parrish, Lizzie M.
White Female 27 Elevation
Parrish, Lloyd A.
37 White Male 246 Elevation
Parrish, Lona M.
8 White Female 78 O'Neals
Parrish, Lonnie
10 White Male 65 O'Neals
Parrish, Lonnie
10 White Male 479 O'Neals
Parrish, Lonnie
40 White Male 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louis
13 White Male 134 Clayton
Parrish, Louis H.
42 White Male 97 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louise F.
12 White Female 27 Smithfield
Parrish, Louise S.
45 White Female 27 Smithfield
Parrish, Louvina
36 White Female 313 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Loyd
White Male 224 Beulah
Parrish, Luceil
9 White Female 306 Clayton
Parrish, Lucile
White Female 18 Elevation
Parrish, Lucile
White Female 191 Elevation
Parrish, Lucile
White Female 1 Selma
Parrish, Lucy
24 White Female 170 Clayton
Parrish, Lucy B.
22 White Female 233 Elevation
Parrish, Lula
32 White Female 154 Selma
Parrish, Lula
5 White Female 78 O'Neals
Parrish, Lummie F.
43 White Female 323 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lydia D.
49 White Female 277 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Melvin L.
White Male 103 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Tyson L.
6 White Male 313 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Viola L.
18 White Female 21 Elevation
Parson, Iola L.
5 White Female 174 Meadow
Parson, Leta M.
White Female 174 Meadow
Parson, Normand L.
28 White Female 174 Meadow
Partin, Burt L.
24 White Male 154 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Lector N.
12 White Female 106 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Loucile
8 Mulatto Female 127 Cleveland
Partin, Lydia F.
15 Mulatto Female 127 Cleveland
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parham, Lonie
20 Black Male 308 Pleasant Grove
Parham, Lucile
29 Black Female 054 Boon Hill
Parity, Laona L.
7 White Female 003 Wilders
Parity, Leborae B.
38 White Male 003 Wilders
Parker, Arthur L.
6 White Male 353 Smithfield
Parker, David L.
5 White Male 166 Smithfield
Parker, Edna L.
2 White Female 372 Ingrams
Parker, H. Lois
31 White Female 178 Boon Hill
Parker, John L.
9 Black Male 154 Beulah
Parker, John L.
8 White Male 069 Ingrams
Parker, L. C.
6 Black Male 154 Beulah
Parker, L. D.
30 White Male 231 Smithfield
Parker, Lassie
17 Black Female 050 Selma
Parker, Laura
18 White Female 207 Banner
Parker, Laura E.
16 White Female 100 Meadow
Parker, Laura M.
36 White Female 100 Meadow
Parker, Lela
44 White Female 341 Ingrams
Parker, Lela A.
28 White Female 069 Meadow
Parker, Lela F.
21 White Female 197 Banner
Parker, Lelia E.
42 White Female 014 Banner
Parker, Lemon C.
13 White Male 083 Meadow
Parker, Lena M.
7 White Female 208 Meadow
Parker, Lenard
10 White Male 321 Ingrams
Parker, Lennie E.
18 White Female 346 Ingrams
Parker, Lenora
14 White Female 207 Banner
Parker, Lenore
7 White Female 231 Smithfield
Parker, Leola
20 White Female 347 Banner
Parker, Leola
18 White Female 006 Meadow
Parker, Leola M.
22 White Female 347 Ingrams
Parker, Leon
5 Black Male 152 O'Neals
Parker, Leon H.
12 White Male 003 Meadow
Parker, Leon W.
8 White Male 083 Meadow
Parker, Leonard
27 White Male 438 Smithfield
Parker, Leondus
37 White Male 082 Meadow
Parker, Leonie
21 White Female 438 Smithfield
Parker, Letha L.
11 White Female 343 Ingrams
Parker, Lewis D.
6 White Male 079 Meadow
Parker, Lillian
26 White Female 243 Smithfield
Parker, Lillie
34 Black Female 169 Beulah
Parker, Lillie Mae
17 White Female 059 Smithfield
Parker, Lillie P.
11 White Female 125 Banner
Parker, Lilly E.
28 White Female 015 Meadow
Parker, Linwood
34 Black Male 169 Beulah
Parker, Linwood
20 White Male 347 Banner
Parker, Linzie E.
14 White Male 202 Ingrams
Parker, Lissie E.
19 White Female 386 Ingrams
Parker, Lizzie B.
18 White Female 003 Meadow
Parker, Lola
21 White Female 438 Smithfield
Parker, Lola M.
5 White Female 347 Ingrams
Parker, Lola M.
20 White Female 053 Meadow
Parker, Lon H.
1+7/12 White Male 082 Meadow
Parker, Lonnie
21 White Male 059 Smithfield
Parker, Lottie
16 White Female 155 Meadow
Parker, Louie D.
46 White Female 241 Banner
Parker, Louie E.
16 White Female 345 Ingrams
Parker, Louie M.
9 White Female 241 Banner
Parker, Louisa
47 White Female 083 Meadow
Parker, Louise
16 White Female 044 O'Neals
Parker, Louise
6/12 White Female 319 Meadow
Parker, Louise C.
52 White Female 345 Ingrams
Parker, Luanna A.
50 White Female 300 Banner
Parker, Lula
1+4/12 White Female 099 O'Neals
Parker, Lundy
33 White Male 386 Ingrams
Parker, Lunette
13 White Female 300 Banner
Parker, Lynn C.
10 White Male 275 Ingrams
Parker, Mary L.
10/12 White Female 015 Meadow
Parker, Mary L.
5 White Female 171 Banner
Parker, Mattie L.
26 White Female 319 Meadow
Parker, Mattie L.
33 White Female 290 Smithfield
Parker, Mattie L.
3+7/12 White Female 290 Smithfield
Parker, Ralph L.
23 White Male 350 Smithfield
Parker, Warren L.
5 White Male 275 Ingrams
Parker, Willie L.
5 White Male 044 O'Neals
Parkes, Lula
21 White Male 019 Meadow
Parnell, Lawrence
3+9/12 White Male 117 Boon Hill
Parnell, Lee
50 White Male 242 Pine Level
Parnell, Levi R.
46 White Male 148 Smithfield
Parnell, Lillie M.
3+2/12 White Female 127 Beulah
Parnell, Lucile
8 White Female 117 Boon Hill
Parnell, Pollie L.
48 White Female 127 Beulah
Parriish, Liddie D.
58 White Female 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Anna L.
25 White Female 109 Banner
Parrish, Annie L.
12 White Female 109 Smithfield
Parrish, Ava L.
38 White Female 173 Elevation
Parrish, Benjamin L.
10 White Male 062 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Birta L.
18 White Female 203 Clayton
Parrish, Clora L.
1 White Female 210 Wilders
Parrish, Douglas L.
3+8/12 White Female 278 O'Neals
Parrish, Fred L.
2+4/12 White Male 216 Smithfield
Parrish, James L.
26 White Male 079 Elevation
Parrish, Joseph L.
40 White Male 108 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Larenze
20 White Male 027 Selma
Parrish, Lawrence
27 White Male 109 Banner
Parrish, Lawrence H.
1+4/12 White Male 109 Banner
Parrish, Learon
2+7/12 White Male 109 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lector
13 White Female 131 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lector
13 White Female 131 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lee Wayne
7 White Male 243 O'Neals
Parrish, Lela
19 White Female 156 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lelia
43 White Female 109 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lelia
10 White Female 069 Micro
Parrish, Len A.
4 White Male 088 Clayton
Parrish, Lena
17 White Female 274 O'Neals
Parrish, Lena M.
38 White Female 097 Elevation
Parrish, Lennard
9 White Male 221 Clayton
Parrish, Leoman
12 White Male 163 Clayton
Parrish, Leon
18 White Male 015 Clayton
Parrish, Leon
2+9/12 White Male 047 Micro
Parrish, Leondiss O.
62 White Male 081 Elevation
Parrish, Lessie H.
13 White Female 210 Wilders
Parrish, Lester H.
32 White Male 067 Smithfield
Parrish, Lester M.
19 White Male 016 Wilders
Parrish, Lettie
17 White Female 025 Selma
Parrish, Lettie
30 White Female 163 Clayton
Parrish, Lettie I.
19 White Female 229 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Levon
3+6/12 White Male 256 Elevation
Parrish, Lewis
23 White Male 221 Clayton
Parrish, Lewis Jr.
1 White Male 251 Wilders
Parrish, Lewis D.
54 White Male 251 Wilders
Parrish, Lexie C.
17 White Male 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Liddie D.
58 White Female 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lilian
4+6/12 White Female 051 Banner
Parrish, Lillie
31 White Female 091 Elevation
Parrish, Lillie M.
3 White Female 251 Wilders
Parrish, Lillie R.
3 White Female 210 Wilders
Parrish, Linclon
5 White Male 108 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Linney A.
50 White Male 221 Clayton
Parrish, Linwood
9 White Male 251 Wilders
Parrish, Lizzie M.
10 White Female 408 Ingrams
Parrish, Lloyd A.
48 White Male 168 Elevation
Parrish, Lloyd J.
9 White Male 168 Elevation
Parrish, Lois
2 White Female 091 Clayton
Parrish, Lois
7 White Female 073 Micro
Parrish, Lola
24 White Female 246 Pine Level
Parrish, Lola
12 White Female 068 Micro
Parrish, Lolla
34 White Female 028 Clayton
Parrish, London L.
9 White Male 109 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lonnie
53 White Female 150 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lonnie F.
51 White Male 096 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lori V.
13 White Female 061 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lottie
4 White Female 091 Clayton
Parrish, Loucile E.
18 White Female 004 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Louis H.
54 White Male 107 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Louise
22 White Female 207 Smithfield
Parrish, Louise I.
55 White Female 207 Smithfield
Parrish, Louize
2+4/12 White Female 105 Micro
Parrish, Lovell
10 White Male 096 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lucile
11 White Female 088 Clayton
Parrish, Lucile
14 White Female 142 Elevation
Parrish, Lucile
11 White Female 355 Selma
Parrish, Lucy B.
32 White Female 110 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lula
45 White Female 083 Micro
Parrish, Lula
14 White Female 274 O'Neals
Parrish, Lummie
29 White Female 034 Smithfield
Parrish, Lummus
8/12 White Male 075 Micro
Parrish, Luneva
46 White Female 061 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lurma
19 White Female 125 Elevation
Parrish, Margaret Lee
4 White Female 034 Smithfield
Parrish, Mattie L.
10 White Female 275 Smithfield
Parrish, Ora Lee
17 White Female 054 Wilders
Parrish, Otis L. Jr.
9 White Male 188 Pine Level
Parrish, Penny L.
3+7/12 White Female 109 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Romie L.
16 White Male 096 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Ruby Lee
8 White Female 091 Elevation
Parrish, Ruth L.
13 White Female 097 Elevation
Partin, A. L. A.
18 White Male 305 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Lee J.
16 White Male 305 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Leo
7 White Male 092 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Leola G.
25 White Female 088 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Luther G.
34 White Male 088 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Luther G. Jr.
3 White Male 088 Pleasant Grove
Parton, Lee
22 Black Male 208 Pleasant Grove
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Levan
13 White Male 47 Elevation
Parish, Lillie
41 White Female 77 Elevation
Parker, Anna Laura
10 Black Female 184 Selma
Parker, Arthur Lee
16 White Male 196 Smithfield
Parker, Callie L.
49 White Female 191 Banner
Parker, Charles L.
7 Black Male 154 Beulah
Parker, Cinda Lou
4 White Female 18 Meadow
Parker, Dorothy Lee
3 Black Female 166 Beulah
Parker, Edith Lounette
<1 White Female 240 Meadow
Parker, Elonzo L.
40 White Male 82 Ingrams
Parker, Gilbert L.
<1 White Male 318 Elevation
Parker, Hattie Lays
41 White Female 212 Boon Hill
Parker, Isaac L.
30 White Male 191 Banner
Parker, Johnie Lee
18 Black Male 142 Beulah
Parker, Julius Lee
13 Black Male 184 Selma
Parker, Jutta Lasene
1 White Female 91 Ingrams
Parker, L. C.
16 Black Male 142 Beulah
Parker, L. E.
78 White Male 104 Banner
Parker, L. P.
2 Black Male 143 Beulah
Parker, Larry
<1 White Male 47 Micro
Parker, Larry
2 White Male 61 Ingrams
Parker, Las
5 White Female 81 Ingrams
Parker, Laura
47 White Female 141 Meadow
Parker, Leacy
40 White Female 18 Meadow
Parker, Lela
54 White Female 129 Banner
Parker, Leland P.
7 White Male 18 Meadow
Parker, Lelier
49 White Female 60 Ingrams
Parker, Lena
31 White Female 170 Meadow
Parker, Lena May
17 White Female 34 Meadow
Parker, Lenwood
7 White Male 58 Micro
Parker, Leola
31 White Female 176 Smithfield
Parker, Leon
26 White Male 127 Meadow
Parker, Leon
47 White Male 161 Meadow
Parker, Leon
14 Black Male 267 O'Neals
Parker, Leon
1 White Male 315 Elevation
Parker, Leonard
36 White Male 157 Smithfield
Parker, Leota
30 White Female 191 Banner
Parker, LeRoy
3 White Male 389 Ingrams
Parker, Leta F.
31 White Female 190 Banner
Parker, Lettie M.
23 White Female 34 Meadow
Parker, Lila
30 White Female 157 Smithfield
Parker, Lilian
35 White Female 270 Elevation
Parker, Lilley
44 Black Female 126 Beulah
Parker, Lillie
32 White Female 83 Ingrams
Parker, Lillie
37 White Female 179 Meadow
Parker, Lilly
41 White Female 193 Banner
Parker, Lilly
21 White Female 38 Banner
Parker, Linard
20 White Male 231 Banner
Parker, Linda
3 White Female 212 Boon Hill
Parker, Lindsy C.
9 White Male 294 Ingrams
Parker, Linnie
28 White Female 330 Elevation
Parker, Linwood
45 Black Male 126 Beulah
Parker, Lola
21 White Female 289 Meadow
Parker, Lola
39 White Female 309 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Lola Mae
15 White Female 176 Smithfield
Parker, Lonnie J.
30 White Male 243 Beulah
Parker, Lorraine
16 White Female 220 Meadow
Parker, Louanna
60 White Female 109 Meadow
Parker, Louise
15 White Female 202 Meadow
Parker, Louise C.
62 White Female 331 Elevation
Parker, Lovie
56 White Female 281 Banner
Parker, Lundy
43 White Male 366 Ingrams
Parker, Luther G.
43 White Male 32 Pine Level
Parker, Lynn
19 White Male 44 Ingrams
Parker, Lynwood
6 White Male 366 Ingrams
Parker, Mary Lena
45 White Female 337 Elevation
Parker, Mary Lou
9 White Female 179 Meadow
Parker, Mattie L.
13 White Female 148 Smithfield
Parker, Mattie Lee
43 White Female 148 Smithfield
Parker, Minnie L.
24 White Female 18 Pine Level
Parker, R. L.
57 White Male 114 O'Neals
Parker, Ralph L.
32 White Male 200 Smithfield
Parker, Virginia L.
13 White Female 11 Banner
Parker, Willie Lee
15 White Male 3 O'Neals
Parnell, Ethel Louise
1 White Female 76 Smithfield
Parnell, Laurence
13 White Male 17 Boon Hill
Parnell, Lee D.
1 White Male 314 Beulah
Parnell, Levi W.
58 White Male 326 Smithfield
Parnell, Lillie M.
18 White Female 295 Beulah
Parnell, Lilly
37 White Female 232 Beulah
Parnell, Lilly M.
11 White Female 288 Beulah
Parnell, Mary L.
43 White Female 214 Smithfield
Parnell, Millard Lee
64 White Male 67 Smithfield
Parnell, Vernie L.
6 White Male 288 Beulah
Parrish, Annie Laura
35 White Female 119 Banner
Parrish, Billie Lou
9 White Female 147 Smithfield
Parrish, Crettie Lou
4 White Female 136 Wilders
Parrish, Dorothy L.
13 White Female 1 Wilders
Parrish, Douglas L.
12 White Male 28 O'Neals
Parrish, Douglas L.
14 White Male 22 Boon Hill
Parrish, Emma L.
23 White Female 99 Clayton
Parrish, Gladys L.
32 White Female 96 Boon Hill
Parrish, J. L.
50 White Male 288 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, James L.
39 White Male 13 Clayton
Parrish, Johnnie L.
2 White Male 34 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, L. C.
<1 White Male 284 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, L. H.
60 White Male 300 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, L. H. Jr.
12 White Male 119 Banner
Parrish, L. James
9 White Male 56 Elevation
Parrish, Lander
30 White Male 123 Elevation
Parrish, Laralee
2 White Female 87 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lawrence
38 White Male 119 Banner
Parrish, Lawrence
8 White Male 1 Smithfield
Parrish, Leamon
22 White Male 121 Wilders
Parrish, Leck
25 White Male 284 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lee
16 White Male 266 Boon Hill
Parrish, Lela
41 White Female 335 Clayton
Parrish, Lela
60 White Female 53 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lela Jane
1 White Female 70 O'Neals
Parrish, Lelie
20 White Female 263 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leo
17 White Male 70 O'Neals
Parrish, Leola
29 White Female 348 Selma
Parrish, Leola
29 White Female 161 Smithfield
Parrish, Leon
5 White Male 142 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leon I.
28 White Male 99 Clayton
Parrish, Leona
20 White Female 16 Clayton
Parrish, Lerma
29 White Female 114 Elevation
Parrish, Leron
13 White Male 291 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Leslie
24 White Male 303 Selma
Parrish, Lessie
32 White Female 76 O'Neals
Parrish, Lester
29 White Male 79 Wilders
Parrish, Lettie
40 White Female 121 Wilders
Parrish, Levin
3 White Male 122 Elevation
Parrish, Lillian
14 White Female 177 Banner
Parrish, Lillian
15 White Female 120 O'Neals
Parrish, Lillie
7 White Female 79 Wilders
Parrish, Lillie M.
14 White Female 353 Selma
Parrish, Lina
48 White Female 216 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lincoln
15 White Male 288 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Linda R.
1 White Female 348 Selma
Parrish, Linwood
19 White Male 353 Selma
Parrish, Liza
66 White Female 273 Micro
Parrish, Liza
52 White Female 81 O'Neals
Parrish, Lloyd
57 White Male 89 Elevation
Parrish, Lois
17 White Female 266 Micro
Parrish, Lois V.
11 White Female 121 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lola
27 White Female 79 Wilders
Parrish, Lola
23 White Female 259 Micro
Parrish, Lola M.
32 White Female 22 Boon Hill
Parrish, Lonnie
72 White Male 14 Elevation
Parrish, Loomas
10 White Male 272 Micro
Parrish, Lottie M.
13 White Female 121 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Louis
66 White Male 353 Selma
Parrish, Louis
12 White Female 27 Boon Hill
Parrish, Louis Jr.
11 White Male 353 Selma
Parrish, Louise I.
66 White Female 24 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lucie
41 White Female 126 Elevation
Parrish, Lucile
18 White Female 33 Wilders
Parrish, Lucille
20 White Female 219 Selma
Parrish, Lucy B.
44 White Female 105 Clayton
Parrish, Lula
52 White Female 195 Pine Level
Parrish, Lummie
39 White Female 129 Ingrams
Parrish, Lummie
64 White Female 167 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lunda
19 White Male 263 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lysert B.
10 White Male 22 Boon Hill
Parrish, Neta Lee
19 White Female 105 Smithfield
Parrish, Otis Lee
18 White Male 238 Selma
Parrish, Penniel Lou
13 White Female 263 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Rommie L.
26 White Male 34 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Vira L.
14 White Female 224 Beulah
Parson, Jessie Lee
<1 Black Male 298 Boon Hill
Parson, Lanolia
18 White Female 158 Ingrams
Parson, Leta
20 White Female 172 Meadow
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Parrish, Leland Frederic 1931 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
Parrish, Mildred Louise 1922 Senior Salem College
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Paradoe, L. H. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) B Private C
Paradoe, L. H. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Paradoe, Lewis A. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Paradore, L. H. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Pardew, Jo. L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Pardew, John Lellan 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Pardew, L. L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Pardew, L. R. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Pardew, Leland 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Pardie, Thomas L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Pardu, Thomas L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Pardue, John L. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops G Acting Corporal C
Pardue, Leander J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Pardue, Lellan 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parham, Louis 1st Regiment, NC Artillery E,H Private C
Parid, J. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Paris, Levi 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Paris, Lewis 16th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Paris, Lindsey 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parish, Louis J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parker, Anthony L. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Parker, Caleb L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G First Lieutenant C
Parker, Henry L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parker, J. L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, Jesse L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parker, John L. 68th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parker, Joseph L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parker, L. W. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Parker, Larkin N. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Parker, Lazarus J. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Parker, Leander A. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, Lee 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Bugler C
Parker, Lemuel P. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parker, Leonard 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parker, Leonidas 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, Levi G. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parker, Lewis 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parker, Marcus L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parker, S. L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parker, S. L. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves I Private C
Parker, Solomon L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Parker, W. L. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B,C Private C
Parker, W. L. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parker, William L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, William L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parker, William L. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Parkes, Clinton L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parkington, Joseph L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
Parks, A. L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Parks, Austin L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Parks, George L. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Parks, J. L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Parks, John L. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Parlier, L. L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parlier, Leonard 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parnell, Larkin N. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parris, Levi 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Parris, Lewis 16th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parrish, David L. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Parrish, Jesse L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parrish, John L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parrish, K. L. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parrish, Levi L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parrish, Lindsay 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parrott, John L. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Parsons, A. L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parsons, D. L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parsons, James L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parsons, L. C. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Parsons, Larkin 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Parsons, Larkin J. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Partian, W. L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parton, Albert L. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Parton, Albert L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry A,E Private C
Parton, Joseph L. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Pruden, J. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Pruden, John L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Parker, Annie L 1904 2006 Clement Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Annie Lassiter 1904 Clement Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Bessie L 1906 1980 Stones Creek Church
Parker, Betharia L 1848 1933 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Bonnie Lou 1951 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Parker, Charles Lindberg 1930 1962 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Parker, Cindy Lou 1962 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Parker, E Lonnie 1887 1919 Lassiter, Shadrach B.
Parker, Edgar L 1877 1878 Vinson, Drury
Parker, Emily Leona Stephenson 1909 1994 Pisgah Baptist Church
Parker, Esther Langdon 1896 1954 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Grace Lee 1926 1980 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Parker, Hattie Lois 1898 1971 Sunset Memorial Park
Parker, J Lonnie 1908 1963 Oakland
Parker, John L 1883 1884 Peacock, John B.
Parker, John Leonard 1920 1953 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, Junius Lee 1922 1979 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, L Millus 1922 1955 Stones Creek Church
Parker, Lalian Pauline 1913 1919 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parker, Lassy F 1908 1910 Parker, W. F.
Parker, Laura M 1892 1945 Wood, Larry
Parker, Laura M 1875 1918 Riverside
Parker, Leacy M 1900 1979 Morgan, William G.
Parker, Lealer E 1883 1955 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Parker, Lela B 1887 1949 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Lela F 1908 Johnson/Lee
Parker, Lenard E 1847 1918 Parker, Leonard E.
Parker, Lennie Stanley 1911 Four Oaks Town
Parker, Leonard M 1903 1955 Pisgah Baptist Church
Parker, Leslie Dixon 1897 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Parker, Lettie Jackson 1917 1967 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Parker, Lettie Moore 1908 Johnson/Lee
Parker, Levander 1889 1970 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parker, Lewis Walter 1879 1956 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parker, Lila M Moore 1908 1978 Pisgah Baptist Church
Parker, Lillian Jackson 1899 1968 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Parker, Lillie Beulah 1914 1991 Massengill, W. Bennett
Parker, Lillie M 1911 1934 Beulah Church
Parker, Linda Sue 1950 1952 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Parker, Linwood Lee 1947 1953 Parker, Cicero
Parker, Lissie 1944 2011 Atkinson, Wesley
Parker, Lizzie B 1926 2003 Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Lloyd Ray 1944 Beulah Church
Parker, Lois L 1918 Beulah Church
Parker, Lola O 1879 1883 Vinson, Drury
Parker, Louanna Thornton 1879 1958 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, Louis P 1909 1977 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, Louise Weaver, J. J.
Parker, Love Denning 1883 1970 Benson City
Parker, Lucinda 1795 1879 Parker, Joseph
Parker, Lucy E Allen 1874 1895 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Lundy 1896 1963 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Parker, Lynn Albert 1940 1940 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Parker, Mary Lee 1899 1925 Johnson, John
Parker, Nellie Lassiter 1892 1944 Lassiter, Shadrach B.
Parker, Neta Lee 1932 1968 Blackmons Grove Baptist Church
Parker, Pearl Langdon 1900 1981 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Robert Lee 1882 1943 Hatcher, Charlie
Parks, George L 1928 1978 Roselawn
Parnell, Gaston L 1910 1986 Princeton
Parnell, Lillian 1914 1935 Creech, John R.
Parnell, Lillie 1896 Young Family
Parnell, Lillie May 1895 1950 Radford, Ruffin
Parnell, Lizzie Baker 1893 1919 Mitchell, Albert
Parnell, Lloyd 1909 1972 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parnell, Lonnie 1891 1945 Young Family
Parnell, Lou Jones 1889 1967 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parnell, Lucy Mae Massengill 1900 1971 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Parnell, Luther Edward 1908 1910 Flowers, Henry
Parnell, Lyda H 1916 1997 Princeton
Parnell, Millard L 1870 1953 Oakland
Parrish, Benjamin Lacey 1919 1967 Sunset Memorial Park
Parrish, Bettie Lue Della 1878 1919 Carroll/Lee
Parrish, D Laney 1891 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Parrish, Delaney L 1891 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Parrish, Eddie Lester 1886 1965 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Eliza Little 1873 1956 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Emma Lee 1926 Knollwood
Parrish, Ethel Langdon 1892 1982 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, G Leonard 1883 1969 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, J L 1881 1918 Wood, J. H.
Parrish, James L 1900 1967 Maplewood
Parrish, Joseph Lester 1889 1956 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, L S 1853 1909 Hatcher, Charlie
Parrish, Laney G 1846 1917 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Larry Gene 1953 1953 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Parrish, Laura A 1843 1929 Parrish Family
Parrish, Laura Jane 1856 1924 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lawrence H Jr 1902 1977 Roselawn
Parrish, Lawson Carlie 1887 1935 Coats City
Parrish, Leamon Nelson 1904 1905 Bethesda Baptist Church
Parrish, Leile W 1880 1956 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Lela B 1884 1961 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lela J 1883 1914 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lenie Dell 1896 1908 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lennie 1920 1968 Oakland
Parrish, Leola Gautier 1911 1944 Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Leola L 1909 1999 Selma Memorial Gardens
Parrish, Leon I 1911 1967 Knollwood
Parrish, Leonard A 1880 1952 Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Leroy P 1897 1962 Kenly City
Parrish, Leslie 1897 1933 Hatcher, Charlie
Parrish, Leslie 1922 1924 Coats City
Parrish, Leslie M 1916 1968 Greenwood
Parrish, Lettie 1883 1904 Riverside
Parrish, Rev Levon 1926 1976 McLamb, Isham
Parrish, Lidie Della 1871 1930 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lillian Hurst 1895 1927 Benson City
Parrish, Lillie Ethel 1897 1919 Thanksgiving Baptist Church
Parrish, Lillie Mae 1907 1907 Parrish, Benjamin
Parrish, Lillie Nancy Marie 1939 1945 Greenwood
Parrish, Lillie Thornton 1898 1967 Elevation United Methodist Church
Parrish, Lina 1891 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Parrish, Lisha Ann 1860 1917 Thanksgiving Baptist Church
Parrish, Lloyd A 1882 1955 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Parrish, Lloyd Jeff 1920 1975 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Parrish, Lois Ruth 1934 1935 Capps, John
Parrish, Lola S 1905 1978 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Lonnie 1909 1935 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
Parrish, Lonnie O 1867 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Parrish, Loomis 1976 Salem Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lorine 1915 1915 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Parrish, Louis D 1873 1958 Oakland
Parrish, Louisa Stephenson 1834 1907 Parrish Family
Parrish, Louise Grantham 1874 1959 Riverside
Parrish, Louise Hodges Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Parrish, Lucile C 1904 1934 Riverside
Parrish, Lucile M 1930 1931 Powhatan Church
Parrish, Lucy A 1895 1970 Powhatan Church
Parrish, Lucy B 1897 1948 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Lueazer P 1849 1916 Benson City
Parrish, Lula 1886 1945 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Lummie B 1899 1975 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Parrish, Lummie J 1875 1953 Ennis
Parrish, Mary Little 1902 1978 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Norma Lee 1963 1966 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Odie L 1885 1960 Bethany Baptist Church
Parrish, Patricia L 1944 Selma Memorial Gardens
Parrish, Sarah Lewis 1871 1927 Rains Crossroads
Parrish, Wanda Low 1963 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrott, Luther Brodie 1908 1956 Sunset Memorial Park
Partin, Lula A 1908 1951 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
Partin, Lynn B 1902 1953 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Paris, John L. 1910 Iredell Holly Springs Baptist Church Cemetery
Parker, Larkin N. 1897 Sampson Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery
Parker, William L. 1901 Cleveland Parker Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Partin Cemeteries Partin Family Cemetery
Parker-Rose Court Records Annie Moore Parker vs. William N. Rose & Sarah Rose, John w. Rose & Susan A. Rose, and D. W. Fuller, 1896
Parker Deaths & Obituaries Fannie Georgianna Parker, 1992
Howard-Parish Marriages Edward Howard to M. A. Parish
Rose-Parish Marriages Tobias Rose to Sally Parish, 1849
Parker Photographs Judy Kay Parker of Johnston County, North Carolina, a member of the 4-H clothing program
Parish Wills & Estates John Parish - 1822
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
ParishJohnston1700's - present Shelly Mendenhall
Parker Sandra Shaffner
Parrish Sylvia Stephens
Parrish Diane Pollard Keiser
ParrishJohnston1800 - 1900 Carla Stancil
ParrishJohnston Mary Grether
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Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming

County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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Site last updated on December 19, 2024