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» Search Results » MICEJAH BALEY
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Bailey, Micajah 1 1 1
Bales, Margrit 4
Ballinger, Mary 3 3
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Bailey, Margaret 4
Bailey, Micajah 2 1 2
Ballanger, Mary 1 1 2
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Balenger, Mary 773 / 22 1 2
Baley, Micejah 754 / 9 2 1 2 1 1
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Balenger, Mary 289 / 3 1 1 2
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Ballance, Martin 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Ballance, Margaret
Ballance, Martin 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Mary E.
12 White Female 318 Smithfield
Baily, Martha
7 White Female 550 St. Charles
Baily, Mary
28 White Female 550 St. Charles
Ballance, Martha
9 White Female 332 Boon Hill
Ballance, Martha
45 White Female 332 Boon Hill
Ballance, Mary
20 White Female 332 Boon Hill
Ballance, Melvina
21 White Female 332 Boon Hill
Ballinger, Mariah
38 White Female 419 Boon Hill
Bell, Mary
12 White Female 851 Earpsboro
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Mary
4 White Female 25 Smithfield
Baily, Martha
20 White Female 60 O'Neals
Baily, Mary
35 White Female 60 O'Neals
Ballance, Martha J.
19 White Female 74 Beulah
Ballance, Melvina
32 White Female 74 Beulah
Bell, Mansey
30 Black Female 150 Smithfield
Bell, Mary
17 Black Female 227 Smithfield
Bell, Mary
7 Black Female 147 Smithfield
Bell, Mary
4 Black Female 146 Smithfield
Bell, Merrot
35 Black Male 202 Smithfield
Bell, Mingo
20 Black Male 151 Smithfield
Blow, Margret
6 Black Female 222 Wilders
Blow, Margret
6 Black Female 20 O'Neals
Blow, Mary
14 Black Female 20 O'Neals
Blow, Mary
16 Black Female 222 Wilders
Blow, Merinda
11 Black Female 20 O'Neals
Blow, Merit
54 Black Male 14 Selma
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Martha
25 White Female 95 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha
24 White Female 190 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha
36 White Female 265 Wilders
Bailey, Mary
45 White Female 190 O'Neals
Ball, Mary
35 White Female 153 Clayton
Ballance, M. E.
48 White Female 95 Beulah
Ballance, Martha
67 White Female 245 Beulah
Ballance, Martha Jr.
27 White Female 245 Beulah
Ballance, Martha E.
4 White Female 138 Beulah
Ballance, Matta F.
6 White Female 20 Beulah
Beell, Mary J.
19 Black Female 201 Elevation
Bell, Mary
13 Black Female 205 South Smithfield
Bell, Mary
25 White Female 170 O'Neals
Bell, Mary
38 Black Female 92 Beulah
Bell, Mary
6 Black Female 154 North Smithfield
Bell, Mauetry
7 Black Female 97 South Smithfield
Bell, Mingo
30 Black Male 150 South Smithfield
Bell, Mintie
22 Black Female 150 South Smithfield
Blow, Margret
16 Black Female 354 O'Neals
Blow, Matilda
11 Black Female 348 O'Neals
Blow, Merrit
65 Black Male 388 Selma
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Beulah M.
2 White Female 30 Beulah
Bailey, Isaac M.
8 White Male 134 O'Neals
Bailey, Lillie May
3 White Female 193 Clayton
Bailey, Maggie L.
10 White Female 30 Beulah
Bailey, Maine
7 White Female 258 O'Neals
Bailey, Marcessie
21 Black Female 313 O'Neals
Bailey, Marion B.
4 White Male 258 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha
43 White Female 260 Smithfield
Bailey, Martha
45 White Female 133 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha V.
28 White Female 136 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary
50 White Female 109 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary J.
34 White Female 134 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary J.
2 White Female 13 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary M.
9 White Female 193 Clayton
Bailey, Melburn l.
3 White Male 123 Banner
Bailey, Melvina L.
39 White Female 136 O'Neals
Bailey, Milton
11 White Male 260 Smithfield
Bailey, Milton
12 Black Male 160 O'Neals
Bailey, Myrtle E.
9 White Female 135 O'Neals
Bailey, Pollie M.
33 White Female 246 O'Neals
Bailey, Shellie M.
66 White Female 30 Beulah
Bailey, Wilver M.
7 White Male 85 Selma
Baily, Mary
18 White Female 157 Selma
Ballance, Maphew
11 White Male 200 Beulah
Ballance, Martha
47 White Female 163 Beulah
Ballance, Mary
10 White Female 59 Beulah
Ballance, Mattie
24 White Female 172 Beulah
Ballance, Milfred J.
2 White Male 172 Beulah
Ballance, Millie
12 White Female 59 Beulah
Ballance, Sarah M.
42 White Female 59 Beulah
Ballard, Martha
30 White Female 55 Selma
Bell, Martha
87 Black Female 546 Smithfield
Bell, Mary
19 Black Female 121 Elevation
Bell, Mattie
1 Black Female 121 Elevation
Bell, Millie
6 Black Female 314 Smithfield
Bell, Mingo
43 Black Male 101 Cleveland
Bell, Pherby M.
79 White Female 95 Selma
Biley, Eva M.
13 Black Female 264 Smithfield
Biley, Mabel L.
10 Black Female 264 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, I. Mayo
18 White Male 129 Smithfield
Bailey, Lillie M.
12 White Female 68 Clayton
Bailey, Mable
1/7/1900 Black Female 117 O'Neals
Bailey, Maine
1/17/1900 White Male 333 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha
1/5/1900 Black Female 117 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha
1/22/1900 White Female 558 Smithfield
Bailey, Mary
1/12/1900 White Female 136 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary
1/2/1900 White Female 327 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary J.
43 White Female 129 Smithfield
Bailey, Mary M.
18 White Female 68 Clayton
Bailey, Mary N.
2/28/1900 White Female 236 O'Neals
Bailey, Maryland
1/13/1900 White Male 333 O'Neals
Bailey, May W.
2/1/1900 White Male 133 O'Neals
Bailey, Milton
1/23/1900 Black Male 25 O'Neals
Bailey, Milton G.
21 White Male 318 Ingrams
Bailey, Minnie
1/22/1900 White Female 135 O'Neals
Bailey, Minnie
1/3/1900 White Female 274 O'Neals
Bailey, Mollie
2/1/1900 White Female 280 O'Neals
Bailey, Myrtie
1/1/1900 Black Female 117 O'Neals
Baily, Mamie
1/9/1900 White Female 244 Banner
Baily, Melbud
1/12/1900 White Male 244 Banner
Balance, Martha
2/26/1900 White Female 292 Beulah
Balance, Mattie
2/3/1900 White Female 291 Beulah
Balance, Mattie
1/20/1900 White Female 293 Beulah
Balance, Minnie
White Female 293 Beulah
Baldwin, Margarette
6 Black Female 251 Smithfield
Baley, Mamie
9 White Female 110 O'Neals
Baley, Marcus
2 White Male 103 O'Neals
Baley, Marion
3 White Male 103 O'Neals
Baley, Minnie
9 White Female 110 O'Neals
Baley, Mirtle
18 White Female 110 O'Neals
Baley, William M.
Black Male 177 Boon Hill
Ballard, Mark V.
11 White Male 381 Selma
Ballard, Martha
38 White Female 163 Pine Level
Bayley, Mary
1/29/1900 Black Female 42 Beulah
Bell, Mable
6 Black Female 15 Clayton
Bell, Maggie
1/18/1900 Black Female 677 Smithfield
Bell, Margaret
41 Black Female 71 Cleveland
Bell, Martha
1/20/1900 Black Female 609 Smithfield
Bell, Meekins
2/24/1900 Black Female 674 Smithfield
Bell, Melia
2/11/1900 Black Female 205 Clayton
Bell, Milliard
1/4/1900 Black Male 677 Smithfield
Bell, Millie
1/17/1900 Black Female 674 Smithfield
Bell, Mingo
62 Black Male 71 Cleveland
Bell, Willie May
4 Mulatto Female 188 Selma
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Annie M.
39 Black Female 192 Selma
Bailey, Charlie M.
Black Male 192 Selma
Bailey, Cleon M.
16 White Male 143 Banner
Bailey, Eugine M.
29 White Male 257 Selma
Bailey, John M.
52 Black Male 192 Selma
Bailey, Lee M.
22 White Male 143 Banner
Bailey, Mabel
5 White Female 174 Ingrams
Bailey, Marry
4 Black Female 102 O'Neals
Bailey, Mary
11 White Female 41 O'Neals
Bailey, May W.
43 White Male 12 O'Neals
Bailey, Milton G.
33 White Male 174 Ingrams
Bailey, Minnie
12 White Female 134 O'Neals
Bailey, Minnie
30 White Female 81 O'Neals
Bailey, Minnie M.
7 White Female 81 O'Neals
Bailey, Monnie
18 White Female 143 Banner
Bailey, P. M.
50 White Female 37 O'Neals
Bailey, Syril M.
White Female 257 Selma
Bailey, William M.
11 Black Male 192 Selma
Balden, Margert
19 Black Female 314 Smithfield
Balden, Melvin
20 Black Male 66 Wilders
Balden, Rena M.
14 Black Female 66 Wilders
Baley, Miggie
White Female 46 Clayton
Baley, Milton
White Male 46 Clayton
Ballance, Mamie
21 White Female 176 Micro
Ballance, Mary
18 White Female 91 Beulah
Ballance, Mattie
43 White Female 263 Beulah
Ballance, Millie
22 White Female 203 Beulah
Ballard, Mary E.
Black Female 392 Smithfield
Balley, Martha
32 White Female 433 Smithfield
Ballinger, Monnie
20 White Female 332 Clayton
Bell, Ester M.
24 Black Female 177 Smithfield
Bell, Mabel
16 Black Female 96 Clayton
Bell, Magie
26 Black Female 186 Smithfield
Bell, Mamie
Black Female 177 Smithfield
Bell, Margrett
53 Black Female 100 Cleveland
Bell, Mattie
Black Female 186 Smithfield
Bell, Maud E.
Black Female 9 Banner
Bell, Milard
14 Black Male 186 Smithfield
Bell, Mingo
72 Black Male 100 Cleveland
Bell, Willie M.
15 Black Female 203 Selma
Boalie, Mollie
35 White Female 30 O'Neals
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Dorouthy M.
2 White Female 118 Beulah
Bailey, Eva M.
34 White Female 249 Smithfield
Bailey, Jessie M.
14 White Female 098 Selma
Bailey, Lillie M.
7 White Female 016 Boon Hill
Bailey, Lillie M.
12 White Female 207 O'Neals
Bailey, Mabel
15 White Female 174 Ingrams
Bailey, Maggie
29 White Female 007 Wilson's Mills
Bailey, Mamie
28 White Female 064 O'Neals
Bailey, Margaret
5 White Female 250 Smithfield
Bailey, Margus
22 White Male 042 O'Neals
Bailey, Martha E.
42 White Female 265 Smithfield
Bailey, Martha V.
58 White Female 107 Beulah
Bailey, Marvin
9 White Male 097 Selma
Bailey, Mary
31 White Female 016 Boon Hill
Bailey, Mary L.
6 Black Female 004 Selma
Bailey, Mary P.
3 White Female 250 Smithfield
Bailey, Mason
22 White Male 202 Micro
Bailey, Mavelle
8 White Female 202 O'Neals
Bailey, May Warren
52 White Female 211 O'Neals
Bailey, Melvina L.
69 White Female 107 Beulah
Bailey, Miggie
11 White Female 164 Clayton
Bailey, Milbry L.
32 White Male 149 Banner
Bailey, Mildred
15 White Female 048 O'Neals
Bailey, Millard T.
11 White Male 250 Smithfield
Bailey, Milton
38 Black Male 144 O'Neals
Bailey, Milton G.
40 White Male 174 Ingrams
Bailey, Minnie
15 White Female 016 Boon Hill
Bailey, Monnie
22 White Female 149 Banner
Bailey, Muriel
17 White Female 278 O'Neals
Bailey, Myrtie
23 White Female 264 O'Neals
Bailey, Mystie
21 Black Female 034 O'Neals
Bailey, Poly M.
60 White Female 079 O'Neals
Bailey, Roy M.
35 White Male 224 Clayton
Bailey, Roy M. Jr.
11 White Male 224 Clayton
Bailey, Winie M.
15 White Female 173 O'Neals
Balalok, Milton C.
2+3/12 White Male 313 Pleasant Grove
Balance, Dorris M.
2+7/12 White Female 034 Beulah
Balance, Mary L.
9 White Female 223 Beulah
Balance, Myra C.
5 White Female 049 Beulah
Baldwin, Missouri
24 Black Female 348 Smithfield
Ballance, Mattie
55 White Female 259 Beulah
Ballance, Mattie A.
40 White Female 254 Beulah
Ballance, Mildred
24 White Female 075 Pleasant Grove
Ballance, Milford J.
33 White Male 225 Beulah
Ballance, Ora M.
26 White Female 259 Beulah
Ballard, Mary E.
11 Black Female 167 Smithfield
Ballenger, Flora M.
8 White Female 010 Pine Level
Ballinger, Murry
24 White Male 322 Banner
Ballinger, Murry B.
2+0/12 White Male 322 Banner
Ballzigler, Mildred
3 White Female 035 Smithfield
Bell, Maggie
29 Black Female 245 Selma
Bell, Maggie
38 Black Female 053 Smithfield
Bell, Maggie P.
22 Black Female 166 Cleveland
Bell, Maizie
11/12 Black Female 054 Smithfield
Bell, Mamie
11 Black Female 054 Smithfield
Bell, Margaret
63 Black Female 043 Cleveland
Bell, Marie
2+9/12 Black Female 183 Banner
Bell, Mary E.
6 Black Female 031 Banner
Bell, Mattie
14 Black Female 053 Smithfield
Bell, Maud E.
12 Black Female 183 Banner
Bell, Mildred
7 Black Female 048 Wilson's Mills
Bell, Mildred
5 Black Female 054 Smithfield
Bell, Minnie
23 White Female 123 Ingrams
Bell, Minnie
17 Black Female 132 Selma
Bell, Mozelle
7 Black Female 054 Smithfield
Bell, Sallie M.
12 Black Female 148 Meadow
Blue, Milton J.
5 Black Male 052 Smithfield
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bailey, Annie M.
25 White Female 371 Clayton
Bailey, Duncan Monroe
59 White Male 23 Smithfield
Bailey, Jessie M.
6 White Female 371 Clayton
Bailey, Lena May
18 White Female 184 Selma
Bailey, M. V.
32 White Male 66 O'Neals
Bailey, M. W.
62 White Male 104 O'Neals
Bailey, Mable
24 White Female 113 Banner
Bailey, Maelle
33 White Female 451 Selma
Bailey, Mamie
39 White Female 88 O'Neals
Bailey, Mandy E.
33 White Female 62 Beulah
Bailey, Marion
32 White Male 320 Beulah
Bailey, Martha
52 White Female 236 Smithfield
Bailey, Martha
27 White Female 151 Pine Level
Bailey, Marvin
19 White Male 162 Selma
Bailey, Mary A.
52 White Female 242 O'Neals
Bailey, Maybell
18 White Female 219 O'Neals
Bailey, Miggie
21 White Female 166 Wilders
Bailey, Milton
48 Black Male 169 O'Neals
Bailey, Milton G.
50 White Male 5 Ingrams
Bailey, Myrtie
31 White Female 96 O'Neals
Bailey, Myrtle
48 White Female 88 O'Neals
Bailey, Myrtle
6 White Female 127 O'Neals
Bailey, Sallie M.
7 White Female 41 Beulah
Baily, Mannie
23 White Female 92 Wilson's Mills
Ballance, M. Jasper
42 White Male 13 Beulah
Ballance, Mack R.
2 White Male 100 Beulah
Ballance, Martie
7 White Female 112 Beulah
Ballance, Mary
39 White Female 118 O'Neals
Ballance, Mary
19 White Female 197 Beulah
Ballance, Mattie
64 White Female 197 Beulah
Ballance, Mavis B.
26 White Female 100 Beulah
Ballance, Melba Gray
1 White Female 13 Elevation
Ballence, Mattie Mae
51 White Female 102 Beulah
Ballenger, Clara M.
7 White Female 153 Pine Level
Ballenger, Murry
34 White Male 6 Wilson's Mills
Ballinger, Murray B.
12 White Male 298 Banner
Bell, Bertha May
5 Black Female 308 Cleveland
Bell, Lizzie Mae
3 Black Female 64 Smithfield
Bell, Lucy May
5 Black Female 248 Cleveland
Bell, Mable
30 Black Female 75 Smithfield
Bell, Maggie
48 Black Female 537 Selma
Bell, Maggie
46 Black Female 84 Smithfield
Bell, Maggie
32 Black Female 192 Clayton
Bell, Malcolm
9 Black Male 268 Selma
Bell, Malcomb
7 Black Male 144 Meadow
Bell, Marshal
52 Black Male 308 Cleveland
Bell, Mathew
16 Black Male 279 Smithfield
Bell, Mazie
10 Black Female 83 Smithfield
Bell, Mildred
12 Black Female 158 Banner
Bell, Mildred
14 Black Female 83 Smithfield
Bell, Mollie
29 Black Female 144 Meadow
Bell, Mozelle
16 Black Female 83 Smithfield
Bell, Myrtle
42 Black Female 171 Banner
Bell, Ula May
18 Black Female 62 Smithfield
Bell, Willie May
4 Black Female 84 Smithfield
Blue, Lula Mae
6 Black Female 130 Beulah
Blue, Malchi
8 Black Male 130 Beulah
Blue, Marshel
16 Black Male 195 Meadow
Blue, Mary
25 Black Female 195 Meadow
Blue, Milchie
40 Black Male 121 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Barnes, Henry Bell, Mily 30 Aug 1867
Barnes, Henry Bell, Mily 30 Aug 1867
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Bailey, Beulah May 1918 Senior Meredith College
Bailey, Isaac Mayo 1913 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Bailey, A. M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry E Musician C
Bailey, Francis M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Bailey, Francis M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Bailey, George M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Bailey, Mabin D. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Bailey, Milas Alexander 49th Regiment, NC Infantry E Musician C
Bailey, Milton 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Bailey, Milus M. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) B First Sergeant C
Bailey, W. M. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Bailey, William M. H. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Baily, F. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Baily, John M. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Balding, M. D. L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry F,B Private C
Balding, Marquis D. L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Baldwin, Albert M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Baldwin, Charles M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Baldwin, Dudley M. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Baldwin, F. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry F,B Private C
Baldwin, Francis M. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Baldwin, John M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Baldwin, Madison 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Baldwin, Martin 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Private C
Bales, Elijah M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Baley, Samuel M. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion G Private C
Ball, B. M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Ball, Daniel M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Ball, George M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Ball, John McDowell 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E,D Private C
Ball, M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Ball, Manley 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) D,G Private C
Ball, Martin V. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Ball, Thomas M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Ballard, Alexander M. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Ballard, Franklin M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Ballard, George M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Ballard, J. M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Ballard, James M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) G Private C
Ballard, John M. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Ballard, John M. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Ballard, M. W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Ballard, Marcus 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Ballard, Marcus G. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Ballard, Matthew T. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Ballard, Matthew T. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry B Second Lieutenant C
Ballard, Miles M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Ballard, Sidney M. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Ballard, William M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Ballard, William M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Balldin, John M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Ballerd, James M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) G Private C
Ballew, F. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Ballew, George M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Ballew, George M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Ballew, S. M. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Ballinger, Michael 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves C Second Lieutenant C
Ballinger, Milton H. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Ballou, W. M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Ballow, John M. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Balls, Mack 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Balwin, J. M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Balwin, M. D. L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Beal, Benjamin M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Beal, D. M. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) K Third Lieutenant C
Beal, Dallas M. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Third Lieutenant C
Beal, Mark 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves E Private C
Beale, J. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Beale, Willis M. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B,C Private C
Bell, A. M. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Bell, Franklin M. Swindell's Company, NC Partisan Rangers Private C
Bell, J. M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry G Corporal C
Bell, J. M. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Bell, L. M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bell, M. N. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Bell, M. P. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry G Blacksmith C
Bell, M. R. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Bell, Marcus B. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Private C
Bell, Marcus L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Bell, Marmaduke 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Bell, Martin 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Bell, Martin 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Bell, Matthias 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) B Private C
Bell, Mc 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Bell, McGilbrey 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Bell, Michael J. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Bell, Milton 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bell, Monroe 1st Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Bell, Monroe 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Bell, Monroe W. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Bell, R. M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bell, Robert M. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I First Sergeant C
Bell, Theophilus M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) B Private C
Bell, W. Monroe 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Sergeant C
Bell, Walter M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Sergeant C
Bell, William M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Bell, William M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Sergeant C
Blue, Eiander Mc. N. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry C Captain C
Blue, M. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Blue, Malcom P. N. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Blue, Murdock I. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops F Private C
Boyle, William Murkson 55th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Buil, H. M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Bailey, Aunt Mary Nancy 1847 1926 Strickland, Calvin
Bailey, Bessie M 1903 1971 Evans/Godwin
Bailey, Cyril M 1915 1974 Selma Memorial Gardens
Bailey, Infant M C 1940 1941 Bailey, Lorenzo
Bailey, Loursin M 1861 1935 Bailey, Lorenzo
Bailey, Martha 1889 Pisgah Baptist Church
Bailey, Martha Ann Montgomery 1855 1920 Bailey, Ruffin
Bailey, Marvin E 1921 1970 Selma Memorial Gardens
Bailey, Mary P 1917 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
Bailey, Mary Smith 1866 1950 Oakland
Bailey, May Warren 1877 1951 Bailey, Jack
Bailey, Milton G 1899 1945 Corinth United Methodist. Church
Balance, Sarah M 1858 1918 Bridgers, Joseph Thad
Ballance, Laurrie M 1900 1972 Tee's Chapel Baptist Church
Ballance, Mary A 1847 1875 Jones, Jesse T.
Ballance, Mary E 1905 1905 Boyette, John
Ballance, Mary Ellen 1900 1951 Evans
Ballance, Mattie Garner 1875 1946 Kenly City
Ballance, Mattie O 1889 1957 Boyette, John
Ballance, Ora May Overman 1904 1967 Kenly City
Beal, Doris Mitchell 1952 2013 Grace Baptist Church
Bell, Maggie 1943 Walls
Bell, Mary Cynthia Stephenson 1942 1972 Sunset Memorial Park
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Bailey, William M. 1904 Yancey Bailey Cemetery
Baldwin, Albert M. 1934 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Ballard, Miles M. 1865 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Blue, Marcus W. 1906 Bladen Brown Marsh Presbyterian Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Bell, Mary 1827
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Ballard-Barham Bibles Ballard - Barham Family Bible Records
Bailey Wills & Estates Hosey Bailey - 1816
Bailey Wills & Estates Henry Bailey - 1787
Ballinger Wills & Estates John Ballinger - 1792
Bull Wills & Estates Henry Bull - 1787
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
BaileyJohnston TD Pucket, Sr.
BalanceJohnston1800 - present Joan-Marie Cummins
Balance Dan Ballance
Ballard Jimmy Montgomery
BallentineJohnston Linda Stewart
BellJohnston, Wake1700's & 1800's Mamie Tate
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 Adjacent CountiesAdjacent Counties
Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
 Other GenWeb SitesSimilar Counties
Johnston County, Oklahoma Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming

County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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Site last updated on December 19, 2024