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» Search Results » MINNIE PULLEY
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Peal, Matthew 3 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Peele, Mathew 1 1 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Peel, Matthew 1 1 1 1
Pulley, Matthew 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pool, Madison
15 White Male 156 Clayton
Pool, Margaret
22 White Female 292 Smithfield
Pool, Martha
33 White Female 644 Elevation
Pool, Martha
45 White Female 104 Clayton
Pool, Martha
1 White Female 700 Elevation
Pool, Martha A.
19 White Female 104 Clayton
Pool, Mary
25 White Female 139 Clayton
Pool, Mary
2 White Female 37 Clayton
Pool, Mary
40 White Female 293 Smithfield
Pool, Mary
24 White Female 194 Smithfield
Pool, Mary
10 White Female 386 Boon Hill
Pool, Mary A.
15 White Female 102 Clayton
Pool, Mary P.
16 White Female 104 Clayton
Powell, Mary
14 White Female 13 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pool, Marceline
10 Black Female 255 Clayton
Pool, Mard
16 Black Male 255 Clayton
Pool, Margret
33 White Female 113 Smithfield
Pool, Marten
35 Black Male 323 Clayton
Pool, Martha
10 White Female 97 Ingrams
Pool, Martin
51 Black Male 9 Clayton
Pool, Mary
1 White Female 229 Clayton
Pool, Mary
3 White Female 113 Smithfield
Powel, Martilla
80 Black Female 70 Bentonville
Powel, Mary
0 Black Female 54 Boon Hill
Powel, Mary
7 White Female 40 Smithfield
Powel, McFab
12 Black Male 99 Clayton
Powell, Margaret
2 Black Female 227 Smithfield
Pulley, Martha
7 White Female 200 Wilders
Pully, Mac
1 Black Male 234 O'Neals
Pully, Maria
30 Black Female 112 Wilders
Pully, Mariah
23 Black Female 37 Wilders
Pully, Martha
21 White Female 82 Wilders
Pully, Robert M.
17 White Male 82 Wilders
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peal, Margret
9 White Female 109 Beulah
Peal, Mary
37 White Female 109 Beulah
Peal, Mathew
42 White Male 109 Beulah
Pool, Malcom
7 White Male 292 Clayton
Pool, Margaret
44 White Female 240 South Smithfield
Pool, Margett E.
2 White Female 283 Elevation
Pool, Martha
9 White Female 213 Clayton
Pool, Martha
8 White Female 214 Clayton
Pool, Martha
38 White Female 210 Clayton
Pool, Mary
70 White Female 277 Clayton
Pool, Mary
5 Black Female 107 Clayton
Pool, Mary
12 White Female 275 Clayton
Pool, May
10 White Female 240 South Smithfield
Pool, Meekins
13 Black Male 110 Wilders
Pool, Miley
18 Black Female 43 Clayton
Pool, Millard
2 White Male 30 Selma
Pool, Minnie
9 Black Female 41 Town of Clayton
Poole, Ida May
23 White Female 123 Clayton
Poole, Mattie
0 White Female 147 Clayton
Poole, Sally M.
6 White Female 141 Clayton
Powell, Henry M.
9 Black Male 235 Boon Hill
Powell, Margarett
12 Black Female 135 Clayton
Powell, Marsilla
40 Black Female 174 Clayton
Powell, Martha
6 Mulatto Female 225 Selma
Powell, Mary
5 Black Female 415 Boon Hill
Powell, Mary
5 Black Female 116 Wilson's Mills
Powell, Mary
5 Black Female 174 Clayton
Powell, Mary
50 White Female 165 Pleasant Grove
Powell, Mary M.
8 Mulatto Female 225 Selma
Powell, Matilda
10 Black Female 415 Boon Hill
Powell, Molly P.
4 Mulatto Female 180 Meadow
Pullen, Mollie
4 White Female 234 North Smithfield
Pulley, Mack
11 Black Male 313 O'Neals
Pulley, Mariah
24 Black Female 264 Clayton
Pulley, Martha
17 White Female 6 Wilders
Pulley, Martha
31 White Female 78 Beulah
Pulley, Robert M.
24 White Male 78 Beulah
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peele, Martha F.
3 White Female 69 Smithfield
Peele, Martha L.
35 White Female 69 Smithfield
Peele, Mary
58 White Female 71 Beulah
Peele, Matthew
62 White Male 71 Beulah
Pool, Leonia M.
0 White Female 109 Clayton
Pool, Margaret
63 White Female 283 Smithfield
Pool, Margriet A.
31 White Female 107 Clayton
Pool, Marthy
58 White Female 119 Clayton
Pool, Mary E.
31 White Female 36 Clayton
Pool, Melissa
1 White Female 168 Selma
Pool, Mollie A.
1 White Female 107 Clayton
Poole, Ava M.
13 White Female 194 Clayton
Poole, Essie M.
2 White Female 98 Clayton
Poole, Mack
20 White Male 70 Clayton
Poole, Madison
33 White Male 122 Clayton
Poole, Mattie R.
9 White Female 98 Clayton
Powel, Maggie
5 Black Female 306 Selma
Powel, Mizbery
15 Black Male 111 Clayton
Powel, William M.
40 White Male 236 Clayton
Powell, Isaac M.
7 White Male 71 Smithfield
Powell, Martha
24 Black Female 243 Selma
Powell, Mary
18 Black Female 76 Banner
Powell, Mary
33 Black Female 279 Boon Hill
Powell, Marzella
69 Black Female 293 Smithfield
Powell, Maude V.
17 White Female 71 Smithfield
Powell, Willie M.
13 Black Male 250 Selma
Pulley, Edward M.
21 White Male 302 O'Neals
Pulley, Macon
7 White Male 133 Cleveland
Pulley, Madge
4 White Female 273 Wilders
Pulley, Marcus
19 White Male 273 Wilders
Pulley, Martha
50 White Female 55 Beulah
Pulley, Martha
42 Black Female 93 Clayton
Pulley, Mattie
30 White Female 133 Cleveland
Pulley, Mora
10 White Female 145 Beulah
Pulley, Robert M.
46 White Male 145 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peal, Martha L.
1/5/1900 White Female 101 Beulah
Peal, Moses
1/13/1900 White Male 101 Beulah
Peal, Murry F.
2/8/1900 White Male 400 Beulah
Peel, Maggie
15 White Female 149 Boon Hill
Peel, Mary
70 White Female 29 Beulah
Peel, Menter
22 White Male 149 Boon Hill
Pool, Atlas M.
8 White Male 110 Wilson's Mills
Pool, Ava M.
23 White Female 262 Clayton
Pool, Eva M.
1/31/1900 White Female 267 Clayton
Pool, Lola M.
17 White Female 73 Clayton
Pool, Madolene
5 White Female 1 Clayton
Pool, Maggie
6 White Female 213 Wilders
Pool, Mamie I.
9 White Female 110 Wilson's Mills
Pool, Margarette
3/12/1900 White Female 361 Smithfield
Pool, Margret A.
2/9/1900 White Female 57 Clayton
Pool, Marth A.
3/9/1900 White Female 53 Clayton
Pool, Marthar
2/6/1900 White Female 218 Clayton
Pool, Mary
2/11/1900 White Female 2 Clayton
Pool, Mary E.
White Female 1 Clayton
Pool, Mary E.
7 White Female 173 Clayton
Pool, Mildred L.
5 White Female 44 Clayton
Pool, Mildred W.
1/9/1900 White Female 236 Clayton
Pool, Minnie
16 White Female 184 Wilders
Pool, Moley A.
1/10/1900 White Female 57 Clayton
Pool, Robert M.
1/2/1900 White Male 59 Banner
Powel, Mary
1/7/1900 Black Female 165 Banner
Powell, Isaac M.
17 White Male 225 Smithfield
Powell, Maggie
16 Mulatto Female 199 Selma
Powell, Marganer
14 Black Female 161 Boon Hill
Powell, Marselle
3/9/1900 Black Female 460 Smithfield
Powell, Mary
Mulatto Female 179 Smithfield
Powell, Mary
2/5/1900 Mulatto Female 154 Boon Hill
Powell, Mary E.
12 White Female 222 Smithfield
Powell, Mary S.
1/7/1900 White Female 523 Smithfield
Powell, Minda
19 Black Female 220 Clayton
Powell, Myrtie M.
Mulatto Female 169 Selma
Powell, Myrtle
0 White Female 220 Smithfield
Pulley, Alia M.
1/7/1900 Black Female 193 Clayton
Pulley, Effie M.
11 White Female 196 Pine Level
Pulley, Mangum
15 White Male 328 Selma
Pulley, Martha
51 Black Female 188 Clayton
Pulley, Martha J.
31 White Female 196 Pine Level
Pulley, Mattie J.
2/4/1900 White Female 164 O'Neals
Pulley, Maye
1/12/2012 White Female 164 O'Neals
Pully, Morthia
60 White Female 102 Beulah
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peele, Mary
12 White Female 384 Beulah
Peele, Mary
74 White Female 86 Micro
Pool, Maggie
52 White Female 193 Clayton
Pool, Margarett A.
50 White Female 359 Selma
Pool, Mart
63 White Female 71 Pine Level
Pool, Mary
16 White Female 337 Clayton
Pool, Mary Jane
White Female 310 Clayton
Pool, Mitchie
5 White Female 30 Wilson's Mills
Pool, Mollie A.
21 White Female 359 Selma
Poole, Mabel
7 White Female 390 Clayton
Poole, Mack
41 White Male 41 Clayton
Poole, Madialine
15 White Female 42 Clayton
Poole, Margaret
White Female 11 Clayton
Poole, Martha
79 White Female 13 Clayton
Poole, Mary
10 White Female 42 Clayton
Poole, Metta
8 White Female 282 Clayton
Poole, Mildred
15 White Female 287 Clayton
Poole, Millard
6 White Male 282 Clayton
Powell, Maggie
9 White Female 20 Bentonville
Powell, Margaret
7 Black Female 188 Smithfield
Powell, Marget M.
8 White Female 20 Smithfield
Powell, Mary
47 White Female 417 Clayton
Powell, Mary
27 Black Female 221 Selma
Powell, Mary
38 Black Female 249 Boon Hill
Powell, Mary E.
25 White Female 43 Cleveland
Powell, Marzellar
84 Black Female 133 Smithfield
Powell, Mattie G.
14 White Female 247 Cleveland
Powell, May G.
19 White Female 246 Cleveland
Powell, Mggie
27 Black Female 133 Smithfield
Powell, Mildred
17 White Female 417 Clayton
Powell, Mollie
45 Black Female 68 Boon Hill
Powell, Murtle M.
12 Mulatto Female 208 Selma
Powell, Pearl M.
Black Female 221 Selma
Powell, Rilla M.
12 White Female 82 Smithfield
Powell, Sallie M.
3 White Female 247 Cleveland
Powell, Sallie M.
Black Female 133 Smithfield
Pulley, Ethel May
2 Black Female 165 Wilders
Pulley, Ida M.
5 White Female 98 O'Neals
Pulley, Mamie
24 White Female 460 Clayton
Pulley, Mattie
45 White Female 98 O'Neals
Pulley, May
10 White Female 181 Clayton
Pulley, Mazy
10 Black Female 165 Wilders
Pulley, Millard
White Male 460 Clayton
Pulley, Virginia M.
10 White Female 98 O'Neals
Pullie, Mary
10 Black Female 73 Clayton
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Paul, Mamie
10 White Female 267 Boon Hill
Paul, Milton
17 White Male 267 Boon Hill
Pauley, Mary E.
68 White Female 005 Wilders
Peel, James M.
44 White Male 100 Clayton
Peel, Marie
2+6/12 White Female 173 Beulah
Peel, Meriel
5 White Female 173 Beulah
Peele, Bettie M.
10 White Female 239 Beulah
Peele, Carrie M.
38 White Female 003 Boon Hill
Peele, James M.
33 White Male 020 O'Neals
Peele, Mamie
23 White Female 317 Selma
Peele, Mamie P.
37 White Female 091 Beulah
Peele, Margreetta
21 White Female 214 Selma
Peele, Marietta L.
14 White Female 091 Beulah
Peele, Mary P.
7 White Female 091 Beulah
Peele, Mary P.
7 White Female 020 O'Neals
Peele, Willie M.
21 White Male 239 Beulah
Pool, Edith M.
12/12 White Female 011 Clayton
Pool, Eva M.
57 White Female 256 Clayton
Pool, Madoline
25 White Female 147 Clayton
Pool, Magualon
16 White Female 111 Wilders
Pool, Margaret
63 White Female 201 Clayton
Pool, Margarette
13 White Female 228 Clayton
Pool, Martha L.
6 White Female 011 Clayton
Pool, Mary
20 White Female 147 Clayton
Pool, Mattie S.
38 White Female 228 Clayton
Pool, Mavis
18 White Female 147 Clayton
Poole, Annie May
15 White Female 043 Clayton
Poole, Minnie
49 White Female 090 Wilders
Powell, Annie M.
9 White Female 002 Banner
Powell, Bizelie Mae
13 White Female 232 O'Neals
Powell, Elgie M.
3 White Female 033 Cleveland
Powell, Eula M.
29 White Female 165 Smithfield
Powell, Mable P.
28 White Male 155 Smithfield
Powell, Maggie
35 Black Female 170 Smithfield
Powell, Manda F.
42 White Female 232 O'Neals
Powell, Margaret
11/12 White Female 112 Smithfield
Powell, Margaret
18 White Female 115 Smithfield
Powell, Marie
48 Black Female 043 Boon Hill
Powell, Mary
45 Black Female 179 Selma
Powell, Mary
72 White Female 237 Smithfield
Powell, Mary E.
37 White Female 382 Smithfield
Powell, Mary E.
7 White Male 010 Smithfield
Powell, Mary L.
5 White Female 165 Smithfield
Powell, Molly
53 White Male 123 Smithfield
Powell, Pearl M.
13 Black Female 179 Selma
Powell, Sallie M.
13 Black Female 170 Smithfield
Pulley, E. M.
51 White Male 238 O'Neals
Pulley, Ester M.
6 White Female 227 Clayton
Pulley, Mamie
34 White Female 112 Clayton
Pulley, Millard
11 White Female 112 Clayton
Pulley, Moses E.
68 White Male 040 Clayton
Pulley, Virginia M.
20 White Female 043 Wilders
Pulliam, Mattie
41 Black Male 054 Ingrams
Pulliam, Sarrah M.
41 White Female 143 Pleasant Grove
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Paul, Mammie
54 White Female 40 Boon Hill
Paul, Milton F.
27 White Male 006b Smithfield
Peele, Carrie M.
48 White Female 91 Boon Hill
Peele, J. M.
43 White Male 37 O'Neals
Peele, James M.
52 White Male 41 Clayton
Peele, Mamie
37 White Female 267 Beulah
Peele, Marie
16 White Female 98 O'Neals
Peele, Marietta
24 White Female 267 Beulah
Peele, Marjorie
12 White Female 98 O'Neals
Peele, Mary Esther
17 White Female 37 O'Neals
Peele, Mary P.
16 White Female 267 Beulah
Peele, Willie M.
31 White Male 92 Beulah
Pool, Bettie M.
57 White Female 384 Clayton
Pool, Madaline
35 White Female 292 Clayton
Pool, Malissia Ellen
49 White Female 400 Clayton
Pool, Mamie
33 White Female 253 Selma
Pool, Marjorie
12 White Female 329 Selma
Pool, Mary
30 White Female 293 Clayton
Pool, Matty R.
72 White Female 135 Pine Level
Pool, Mazie B.
19 White Female 383 Clayton
Pool, Rose Marie
1 White Female 6 Clayton
Poole, Maggie
35 White Female 54 Wilders
Poole, Margaret
74 White Female 380 Clayton
Poole, Mary J.
22 White Female 237 Clayton
Poole, Mattie
49 White Female 83 Clayton
Poole, Minner
59 White Female 52 Wilders
Powell, Elgie May
13 White Female 119 Cleveland
Powell, Mabel
38 White Female 168 Smithfield
Powell, Maggie
40 Black Female 348 Smithfield
Powell, Margarett
10 White Female 300 Smithfield
Powell, Mary
45 Black Female 395 Selma
Powell, Mary
4 White Female 259 Clayton
Powell, Mary
7 White Female 93 Beulah
Powell, Mary A.
69 White Female 193 Smithfield
Powell, Mary E.
52 Black Female 277 Boon Hill
Powell, Mary E.
48 White Female 55 Smithfield
Powell, Mary Edna
16 White Female 283 Smithfield
Powell, Mary Irma
43 White Female 283 Smithfield
Powell, Mary Lois
15 White Female 67 Smithfield
Powell, May B.
39 White Female 67 Smithfield
Powell, Menda F.
52 White Female 64 O'Neals
Powell, Mildred V.
19 White Female 368 Smithfield
Powell, Misoura
55 White Female 58 Cleveland
Powell, Moses E.
52 White Male 93 Boon Hill
Powell, Moses E. Jr.
9 White Male 93 Boon Hill
Pulley, E. M.
61 White Male 234 O'Neals
Pulley, Esther Mae
16 White Female 419 Clayton
Pulley, Mattie
65 White Female 185 Smithfield
Pulley, Minnie
29 White Female 104 Micro
Pully, Millard
21 White Male 275 Clayton
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Bridgers, Francis Powell, Martha 23 May 1853
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Peele, Marietta 1940 Senior Western Carolina University
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Pahel, Miles 5th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Peal, Mordecai 27th Regiment, NC Infantry C First Sergeant C
Peal, Vick M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Peel, Jesse M. Unassigned Conscripts, NC Private C
Peel, M. Vick 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Peel, Mark 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Peel, Mark 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Peel, Mathew 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Peel, Matthew 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Peel, Matthew T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Peel, Matthew V. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Peel, Mordica 27th Regiment, NC Infantry C First Sergeant C
Pool, M. A. 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
Pool, Martin 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Pool, Milas M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Poole, John M. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Poole, Meredith 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Powel, E. M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Powel, H. M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powel, J. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Powel, M. C. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Powel, Manley B. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powel, Marquis D. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Powel, Martin 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Powell, A. M. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Powell, Alexander M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Powell, Amos McK. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Powell, Charles M. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Lieutenant C
Powell, D. M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Powell, Davis M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Powell, Godwin M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Powell, J. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Powell, J. M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Powell, J. M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Powell, Jackson M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Powell, John M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Powell, John M. B. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powell, Macon 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Powell, Malcom 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Powell, Marcus Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion B Brevet Second Lieutenant C
Powell, Marcus D. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Powell, Mastin J. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Powell, Mills B. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Powell, Milton 61st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powell, Moses 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Powell, N. M. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Powell, P. M. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Powell, R. M. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Powell, Thomas M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Powell, William M. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Pull, M. N. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Pulleg, F. M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Pulley, Thomas M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Pullim, M. T. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Pulling, M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Paul, Milton F 1913 1957 Sunset Memorial Park
Peel, Maggie Smith
Peel, Mathew P 1907 Smith
Peele, James Menter 1888 1954 Powhatan Church
Peele, James Moses 1896 1968 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Peele, Malissia Smith 1891 1916 Bridgers, Francis
Peele, Margaret 1904 1905 Jones, Jesse T.
Peele, Margaret Smith
Peele, Mary Carolyn 1939 1944 Princeton
Peele, Mary J 1921 Smith
Peele, Meneritta 1908 1938 Bethany Baptist Church
Peele, Miss Emma 1875 1955 Smith
Peele, Willie M 1908 1972 Kenly City
Pool, Dillie M 1883 1962 White Oak Baptist Church
Pool, Mack 1879 1956 White Oak Baptist Church
Pool, Maggie M 1866 1945 Maplewood
Pool, Mamie M 1893 1979 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Martha A 1853 1910 Clayton City
Pool, Martha E 1874 1915 Clayton City
Pool, Mary 1837 Pool, Theopulos
Pool, Milliard J 1852 1891 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Moscow 1859 1946 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Ola McCance Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Sallie M 1874 1882 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Poole, Annette Marie Stephenson 1947 1984 Stephenson, Joseph
Poole, Cornelia M 1880 1971 Powhatan Church
Poole, Ella Mae W 1905 1969 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Poole, Golda M 1909 Sunset Memorial Park
Poole, Lula Mae 1890 1967 Amelia Christian Church
Poole, Maria Smith Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Poole, Martha Ann 1841 1922 Adams, D. H./Poole/Price
Poole, Mary E 1909 Maplewood
Poole, Mary E 1857 1943 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Poole, Mattie S 1890 1962 Maplewood
Poole, Mildred W 1901 1918 Clayton City
Powell, Anne M 1897 1984 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Powell, Effie M 1909 1934 Mitchell, George
Powell, Lucy M 1874 1966 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Powell, Lula May 1873 1918 Higgins/Barham
Powell, M E 1887 1971 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Powell, Marguerite Watts 1896 1984 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Powell, Mary Anna 1873 1942 Elizabeth United Methodist Church
Powell, Mary Dodd 1930 1972 Sunrise (Graytown)
Powell, Mary G 1892 1962 Oakland
Powell, Mary Moore 1895 Riverside
Powell, May B 1900 1964 Riverside
Powell, Mildred M 1921 Oakland
Powell, Myrtle V Honeycutt 1891 1930 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Powell, William M 1859 1929 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pulley, Edward M 1879 1959 Corinth Baptist Church
Pulley, Mamie B 1895 1945 Maplewood
Pulley, Martha Jane 1877 1948 Batten/Pulley
Pulley, Minnie Jackson 1911 1973 Selma Memorial Gardens
Pulley, Moses E 1862 1930 Clayton City
Pulley, Robert M 1854 1904 Rains Crossroads
Pully, Mattie J 1874 1959 Riverside
Pyle, Martha Caroline 1827 1857 Maplewood
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Poole, John M. 1912 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Powell, R. M. Burke Glen Alpine Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Pool Court Records William Pool - Deceased, 1816
Peele Deaths & Obituaries John Ivey Peele, 1931
Peele Deaths & Obituaries Sarah Ellen Peele, 1902
Peele Deaths & Obituaries Sarah Ellen Peele, 1902
Powell Deaths & Obituaries Ruth Ogburn Powell
Powell Deaths & Obituaries Roderick J. Powell, 1826
Powell Deaths & Obituaries Penelope Powell, 1810
Powell-Grimes Marriages Isaac Powell to Frances Grimes, 1819
Powell Military Stephen Powell Pension, 1791
Powell Military C.S. Powell Account
Peele Wills & Estates Jesse Peele - 1818
Peele Wills & Estates Jesse Peele - 1817
Pool Wills & Estates William Pool - 1763
Pool Wills & Estates James Pool - 1816 - Abstract
Pool Wills & Estates Thomas Pool - 1856
Pool Wills & Estates James Pool - 1816
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
PeeleWayne, Wilson, Johnstin1800's Patricia Godwin
Poole, WilliamJohnston1700 - present Thomas Poole
PowellJohnston, Wayne Warren Bagley
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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