All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Minnie") and last name ("Pulley")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("M")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Pul")
1784-1787 State Census |
No Results found |
1790 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1800 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1810 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Peal, Matthew |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Peele, Mathew |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70 |
M80 |
M90 |
Peel, Matthew |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pulley, Matthew |
1 |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Pool, Madison |
Pool, Margaret |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Martha A. |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary A. |
Pool, Mary P. |
Powell, Mary |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Pool, Marceline |
Pool, Mard |
Pool, Margret |
Pool, Marten |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Martin |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Powel, Martilla |
Powel, Mary |
Powel, Mary |
Powel, McFab |
Powell, Margaret |
Pulley, Martha |
Pully, Mac |
Pully, Maria |
Pully, Mariah |
Pully, Martha |
Pully, Robert M. |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Peal, Margret |
Peal, Mary |
Peal, Mathew |
Pool, Malcom |
Pool, Margaret |
Pool, Margett E. |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Martha |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, May |
Pool, Meekins |
Pool, Miley |
Pool, Millard |
Pool, Minnie |
Poole, Ida May |
Poole, Mattie
Poole, Sally M. |
Powell, Henry M. |
Powell, Margarett |
Powell, Marsilla |
Powell, Martha |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary M. |
Powell, Matilda |
Powell, Molly P. |
Pullen, Mollie |
Pulley, Mack |
Pulley, Mariah |
Pulley, Martha |
Pulley, Martha |
Pulley, Robert M. |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Peele, Martha F. |
Peele, Martha L. |
Peele, Mary |
Peele, Matthew |
Pool, Leonia M.
Pool, Margaret |
Pool, Margriet A. |
Pool, Marthy |
Pool, Mary E. |
Pool, Melissa |
Pool, Mollie A. |
Poole, Ava M. |
Poole, Essie M. |
Poole, Mack |
Poole, Madison |
Poole, Mattie R. |
Powel, Maggie |
Powel, Mizbery |
Powel, William M. |
Powell, Isaac M. |
Powell, Martha |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Marzella |
Powell, Maude V. |
Powell, Willie M. |
Pulley, Edward M. |
Pulley, Macon |
Pulley, Madge |
Pulley, Marcus |
Pulley, Martha |
Pulley, Martha |
Pulley, Mattie |
Pulley, Mora |
Pulley, Robert M. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Peal, Martha L. |
Peal, Moses |
Peal, Murry F. |
Peel, Maggie |
Peel, Mary |
Peel, Menter |
Pool, Atlas M. |
Pool, Ava M. |
Pool, Eva M. |
Pool, Lola M. |
Pool, Madolene |
Pool, Maggie |
Pool, Mamie I. |
Pool, Margarette |
Pool, Margret A. |
Pool, Marth A. |
Pool, Marthar |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary E. |
Pool, Mary E. |
Pool, Mildred L. |
Pool, Mildred W. |
Pool, Minnie |
Pool, Moley A. |
Pool, Robert M. |
Powel, Mary |
Powell, Isaac M. |
Powell, Maggie |
Powell, Marganer |
Powell, Marselle |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary E. |
Powell, Mary S. |
Powell, Minda |
Powell, Myrtie M. |
Powell, Myrtle |
Pulley, Alia M. |
Pulley, Effie M. |
Pulley, Mangum |
Pulley, Martha |
Pulley, Martha J. |
Pulley, Mattie J. |
Pulley, Maye |
Pully, Morthia |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Peele, Mary |
Peele, Mary |
Pool, Maggie |
Pool, Margarett A. |
Pool, Mart |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mary Jane |
Pool, Mitchie |
Pool, Mollie A. |
Poole, Mabel |
Poole, Mack |
Poole, Madialine |
Poole, Margaret |
Poole, Martha |
Poole, Mary |
Poole, Metta |
Poole, Mildred |
Poole, Millard |
Powell, Maggie |
Powell, Margaret |
Powell, Marget M. |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary E. |
Powell, Marzellar |
Powell, Mattie G. |
Powell, May G. |
Powell, Mggie |
Powell, Mildred |
Powell, Mollie |
Powell, Murtle M. |
Powell, Pearl M. |
Powell, Rilla M. |
Powell, Sallie M. |
Powell, Sallie M. |
Pulley, Ethel May |
Pulley, Ida M. |
Pulley, Mamie |
Pulley, Mattie |
Pulley, May |
Pulley, Mazy |
Pulley, Millard |
Pulley, Virginia M. |
Pullie, Mary |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Paul, Mamie |
Paul, Milton |
Pauley, Mary E. |
Peel, James M. |
Peel, Marie |
Peel, Meriel |
Peele, Bettie M. |
Peele, Carrie M. |
Peele, James M. |
Peele, Mamie |
Peele, Mamie P. |
Peele, Margreetta |
Peele, Marietta L. |
Peele, Mary P. |
Peele, Mary P. |
Peele, Willie M. |
Pool, Edith M. |
Pool, Eva M. |
Pool, Madoline |
Pool, Magualon |
Pool, Margaret |
Pool, Margarette |
Pool, Martha L. |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Mattie S. |
Pool, Mavis |
Poole, Annie May
Poole, Minnie |
Powell, Annie M. |
Powell, Bizelie Mae |
Powell, Elgie M. |
Powell, Eula M. |
Powell, Mable P. |
Powell, Maggie |
Powell, Manda F. |
Powell, Margaret |
Powell, Margaret |
Powell, Marie |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary E. |
Powell, Mary E. |
Powell, Mary L. |
Powell, Molly |
Powell, Pearl M. |
Powell, Sallie M. |
Pulley, E. M. |
Pulley, Ester M. |
Pulley, Mamie |
Pulley, Millard |
Pulley, Moses E.
Pulley, Virginia M. |
Pulliam, Mattie |
Pulliam, Sarrah M. |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Paul, Mammie |
Paul, Milton F. |
Peele, Carrie M. |
Peele, J. M. |
Peele, James M. |
Peele, Mamie |
Peele, Marie |
Peele, Marietta |
Peele, Marjorie |
Peele, Mary Esther |
Peele, Mary P. |
Peele, Willie M. |
Pool, Bettie M. |
Pool, Madaline |
Pool, Malissia Ellen
Pool, Mamie |
Pool, Marjorie |
Pool, Mary |
Pool, Matty R. |
Pool, Mazie B. |
Pool, Rose Marie |
Poole, Maggie |
Poole, Margaret |
Poole, Mary J. |
Poole, Mattie |
Poole, Minner |
Powell, Elgie May |
Powell, Mabel |
Powell, Maggie |
Powell, Margarett |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary |
Powell, Mary A. |
Powell, Mary E. |
Powell, Mary E. |
Powell, Mary Edna |
Powell, Mary Irma |
Powell, Mary Lois |
Powell, May B. |
Powell, Menda F. |
Powell, Mildred V. |
Powell, Misoura |
Powell, Moses E. |
Powell, Moses E. Jr. |
Pulley, E. M. |
Pulley, Esther Mae |
Pulley, Mattie |
Pulley, Minnie |
Pully, Millard |
Bastardy Bonds |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
Date |
Bridgers, Francis |
Powell, Martha |
23 May 1853 |
NC Yearbooks |
Name |
Year |
Class |
School |
Peele, Marietta |
1940 |
Senior |
Western Carolina University |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Pahel, Miles
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Peal, Mordecai
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
First Sergeant |
Peal, Vick M.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Peel, Jesse M.
Unassigned Conscripts, NC
Private |
Peel, M. Vick
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Peel, Mark
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
H |
Private |
Peel, Mark
51st Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Peel, Mathew
16th Battalion, NC Cavalry
A |
Private |
Peel, Matthew
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Peel, Matthew T.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Peel, Matthew V.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Peel, Mordica
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
First Sergeant |
Pool, M. A.
3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves
C |
Private |
Pool, Martin
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pool, Milas M.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Poole, John M.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Poole, Meredith
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Powel, E. M.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Powel, H. M.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Powel, J. M.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
D |
Private |
Powel, M. C.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
D |
Private |
Powel, Manley B.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Powel, Marquis D.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Powel, Martin
4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops)
B |
Private |
Powell, A. M.
67th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Powell, Alexander M.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Powell, Amos McK.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
D |
Private |
Powell, Charles M.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Lieutenant |
Powell, D. M.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Powell, Davis M.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Powell, Godwin M.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Powell, J. M.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
D |
Private |
Powell, J. M.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Powell, J. M.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
E |
Private |
Powell, Jackson M.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
D |
Private |
Powell, John M.
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Powell, John M. B.
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Powell, Macon
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Powell, Malcom
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Powell, Marcus
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
B |
Brevet Second Lieutenant |
Powell, Marcus D.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Powell, Mastin J.
4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops)
B |
Private |
Powell, Mills B.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Powell, Milton
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Powell, Moses
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
D |
Private |
Powell, N. M.
7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Powell, P. M.
51st Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Powell, R. M.
6th Regiment, NC Cavalry
H |
Private |
Powell, Thomas M.
22nd Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Powell, William M.
13th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Pull, M. N.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pulleg, F. M.
47th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Pulley, Thomas M.
47th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Pullim, M. T.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Pulling, M.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
NC Civil War Sailors Index * |
No Results found |
Southern Claims Commission |
No Results found |
Executions |
No Results found |
Cemetery Graves |
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Cemetery |
Paul, Milton F |
1913 |
1957 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Peel, Maggie |
Smith |
Peel, Mathew P |
1907 |
Smith |
Peele, James Menter |
1888 |
1954 |
Powhatan Church |
Peele, James Moses |
1896 |
1968 |
Creech's Primative Baptist Church |
Peele, Malissia Smith |
1891 |
1916 |
Bridgers, Francis |
Peele, Margaret |
1904 |
1905 |
Jones, Jesse T. |
Peele, Margaret |
Smith |
Peele, Mary Carolyn |
1939 |
1944 |
Princeton |
Peele, Mary J |
1921 |
Smith |
Peele, Meneritta |
1908 |
1938 |
Bethany Baptist Church |
Peele, Miss Emma |
1875 |
1955 |
Smith |
Peele, Willie M |
1908 |
1972 |
Kenly City |
Pool, Dillie M |
1883 |
1962 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Pool, Mack |
1879 |
1956 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Pool, Maggie M |
1866 |
1945 |
Maplewood |
Pool, Mamie M |
1893 |
1979 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Pool, Martha A |
1853 |
1910 |
Clayton City |
Pool, Martha E |
1874 |
1915 |
Clayton City |
Pool, Mary |
1837 |
Pool, Theopulos |
Pool, Milliard J |
1852 |
1891 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Pool, Moscow |
1859 |
1946 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Pool, Ola McCance |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Pool, Sallie M |
1874 |
1882 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Poole, Annette Marie Stephenson |
1947 |
1984 |
Stephenson, Joseph |
Poole, Cornelia M |
1880 |
1971 |
Powhatan Church |
Poole, Ella Mae W |
1905 |
1969 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Poole, Golda M |
1909 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Poole, Lula Mae |
1890 |
1967 |
Amelia Christian Church |
Poole, Maria Smith |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Poole, Martha Ann |
1841 |
1922 |
Adams, D. H./Poole/Price |
Poole, Mary E |
1909 |
Maplewood |
Poole, Mary E |
1857 |
1943 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Poole, Mattie S |
1890 |
1962 |
Maplewood |
Poole, Mildred W |
1901 |
1918 |
Clayton City |
Powell, Anne M |
1897 |
1984 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Powell, Effie M |
1909 |
1934 |
Mitchell, George |
Powell, Lucy M |
1874 |
1966 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Powell, Lula May |
1873 |
1918 |
Higgins/Barham |
Powell, M E |
1887 |
1971 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Powell, Marguerite Watts |
1896 |
1984 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Powell, Mary Anna |
1873 |
1942 |
Elizabeth United Methodist Church |
Powell, Mary Dodd |
1930 |
1972 |
Sunrise (Graytown) |
Powell, Mary G |
1892 |
1962 |
Oakland |
Powell, Mary Moore |
1895 |
Riverside |
Powell, May B |
1900 |
1964 |
Riverside |
Powell, Mildred M |
1921 |
Oakland |
Powell, Myrtle V Honeycutt |
1891 |
1930 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Powell, William M |
1859 |
1929 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Pulley, Edward M |
1879 |
1959 |
Corinth Baptist Church |
Pulley, Mamie B |
1895 |
1945 |
Maplewood |
Pulley, Martha Jane |
1877 |
1948 |
Batten/Pulley |
Pulley, Minnie Jackson |
1911 |
1973 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Pulley, Moses E |
1862 |
1930 |
Clayton City |
Pulley, Robert M |
1854 |
1904 |
Rains Crossroads |
Pully, Mattie J |
1874 |
1959 |
Riverside |
Pyle, Martha Caroline |
1827 |
1857 |
Maplewood |
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database* |
Name |
Death |
County |
Cemetery |
Poole, John M. |
1912 |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Powell, R. M. |
Burke |
Glen Alpine Cemetery |
Wills Index * |
No Results found |
Other Resources |
Surname |
Resource |
Title |
Pool |
Court Records |
William Pool - Deceased, 1816 |
Peele |
Deaths & Obituaries |
John Ivey Peele, 1931 |
Peele |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Sarah Ellen Peele, 1902 |
Peele |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Sarah Ellen Peele, 1902 |
Powell |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Ruth Ogburn Powell |
Powell |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Roderick J. Powell, 1826 |
Powell |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Penelope Powell, 1810 |
Powell-Grimes |
Marriages |
Isaac Powell to Frances Grimes, 1819 |
Powell |
Military |
Stephen Powell Pension, 1791 |
Powell |
Military |
C.S. Powell Account |
Peele |
Wills & Estates |
Jesse Peele - 1818 |
Peele |
Wills & Estates |
Jesse Peele - 1817 |
Pool |
Wills & Estates |
William Pool - 1763 |
Pool |
Wills & Estates |
James Pool - 1816 - Abstract |
Pool |
Wills & Estates |
Thomas Pool - 1856 |
Pool |
Wills & Estates |
James Pool - 1816 |
Surname Researchers |
NCGenWeb Project USGenWeb® Project USGenWeb® Archives USGenWeb® Archives Srch Tombstone Transcript Proj The Heritage Center JC GIS MapClick JC Register of Deeds NC Yearbook Index ArchiveGrid NC State Archives NCGH Library NCGH Pinterest NCGH Flickr Transcript Proj FamilySearch ACPL Genealogy Center The Family History Guide FamilySearch Learning Center US African American Griots Family Group Sheet Project USGenWeb Kidz |
Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
Johnston County, Oklahoma
Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming
County Coordinator |
W. Kay |
County Volunteers |
Ross Sippel |