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» Search Results » MORRIS HARRIS
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Harris, Mathew 1
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Harvell, Mason 277 / 8 2 1 1 4 1
Harvell, Moses 277 / 7 1 1 3 1 1
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Harvell, Moses 1 1 3 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Hardy, Major 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Hardy, Major 1 2 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardie, Major
9 White Male 487 Elevation
Hardie, Major
9 White Male 376 Leachburg
Hardie, Mary
25 White Female 487 Elevation
Hare, Marsaline
6 White Female 555 St. Charles
Hare, Martha
15 White Female 555 St. Charles
Hare, Mary
34 White Female 772 Newton Grove
Hare, Mary
5 White Female 772 Newton Grove
Harper, Marion
9 White Male 974 Bentonville
Harper, Martain
16 White Male 974 Bentonville
Harper, Martha
17 White Female 974 Bentonville
Harper, Martha
55 White Female 557 Leachburg
Harper, Martha
10 White Female 410 Leachburg
Harper, Mary
7 White Female 556 Leachburg
Harper, Mary
9 White Female 974 Bentonville
Harper, Mary A.
52 White Female 265 Smithfield
Harris, Mary
25 White Female 401 Boon Hill
Harrison, Marenda
20 White Female 70 Clayton
Harrison, Martha
26 White Female 82 Clayton
Harrison, P. M.
30 White Male 769 Sandy Level
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardy, Major
18 White Male 167 Smithfield
Hardy, Margaret
9 White Female 167 Smithfield
Hardy, Mary
37 White Female 167 Smithfield
Hare, Mary P.
20 White Female 48 Beulah
Hare, Melton
3 White Male 185 O'Neals
Harper, Martha
20 White Female 79 Elevation
Harper, Martha
10 White Female 75 Elevation
Harper, Martha
7 White Female 133 Elevation
Harper, Martha
24 White Female 82 Bentonville
Harper, Mary
18 White Female 82 Bentonville
Harper, Mary
3 White Female 183 Bentonville
Harper, Mary
1 White Female 79 Elevation
Harper, Mary
8 White Female 201 Clayton
Harper, Mary
0 Black Female 237 Clayton
Harper, Mary
72 White Female 233 Smithfield
Harper, Milton
0 White Male 183 Bentonville
Harper, Mouring
70 Black Female 237 Clayton
Harreson, Martha
40 White Female 254 Clayton
Harrison, Mary
35 White Female 332 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardee, Malinda C.
25 White Female 295 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Martha
15 White Female 296 Pleasant Grove
Hardy, Margaret
20 White Female 110 Clayton
Hare, Matilda
19 White Female 54 O'Neals
Hare, Melvin
6 White Male 17 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
13 White Male 374 O'Neals
Harman, Minnie M.
8 White Female 422 Boon Hill
Harper, Marietta
12 White Female 27 South Smithfield
Harper, Marry
17 White Female 63 Wilson's Mills
Harper, Martha A.
26 White Female 213 Elevation
Harper, Martha E.
17 White Female 31 Elevation
Harper, Martin
35 White Male 14 Bentonville
Harper, Mary
32 White Female 9 Elevation
Harper, Mary E.
13 White Female 214 Elevation
Harper, Mary E.
6 White Female 217 Elevation
Harper, Mary G.
0 White Female 14 Bentonville
Harper, Millie F.
11 White Female 214 Elevation
Harper, Mytie
7 White Female 27 South Smithfield
Harper, Pary M.
29 White Male 36 Elevation
Harrington, Mandy H.
9 White Female 244 Selma
Harris, Mattie
20 Mulatto Female 35 South Smithfield
Harrison, Martha
48 White Female 38 Clayton
Harrison, Mary
48 White Female 126 Wilson's Mills
Hartly, Minnie
3 White Female 260 Meadow
Hartly, Morning
31 White Female 260 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardee, Mabel
1 White Female 262 Clayton
Hardee, Major
48 White Male 262 Clayton
Hardie, Calvin M.
6 White Male 187 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Maggie M.
17 White Female 189 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Manassie
8 White Male 187 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Martha L.
16 White Female 187 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Mary M.
14 White Female 187 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Mary T.
6 White Female 189 Pleasant Grove
Hardy, Maurice
1 White Male 171 Cleveland
Hare, Martha E.
17 White Female 1 Bentonville
Hare, Matilda
40 White Female 87 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
10 White Male 287 Selma
Hare, Minnie
2 White Female 145 O'Neals
Harper, George M.
26 White Male 359 Smithfield
Harper, Louia M.
14 White Female 258 Elevation
Harper, Mamie A.
6 White Female 74 Elevation
Harper, Maribh
9 Black Male 232 Banner
Harper, Martha A.
47 White Female 240 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Martha J.
23 White Female 60 Elevation
Harper, Mary
12 Black Female 232 Banner
Harper, Mary E.
12 White Female 240 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Minnie
8 White Female 240 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Myrtie L.
27 White Female 196 Smithfield
Harper, P. M.
49 White Male 2 Elevation
Harris, Macon
35 White Male 63 Clayton
Harris, Martha
65 Black Female 277 O'Neals
Harris, Mary
1 Black Female 213 Clayton
Harris, Mary
85 Black Female 240 Clayton
Harris, Mattie M.
17 White Female 204 O'Neals
Harrison, Martha R.
4 White Female 309 Clayton
Harrison, Marthey
70 White Female 238 Clayton
Harrison, Mary J.
31 White Female 309 Clayton
Hartley, Mathew
14 Black Male 158 Clayton
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardee, Ellie M.
White Female 115 Cleveland
Hardee, Mable O.
16 White Female 75 Clayton
Hardee, Major H.
58 White Male 75 Clayton
Hardee, Marvin D.
8 White Male 115 Cleveland
Hardee, Maurice E.
11 White Male 158 Cleveland
Hardie, Ila M.
16 White Female 94 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Maggie A.
27 White Female 94 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Malinda C.
56 White Female 94 Pleasant Grove
Hardie, Milliard C.
16 White Male 91 Pleasant Grove
Hardison, Martha
1/28/1900 White Female 279 Banner
Hardison, Mila L.
1/5/1900 White Female 279 Banner
Hardy, Maud P.
1/7/1900 White Female 257 Clayton
Hardy, Mira
15 White Female 340 Selma
Hare, Charlie M.
White Male 35 O'Neals
Hare, Lyda M.
1/22/1900 White Female 204 Meadow
Hare, Manda L.
5/12/2012 White Female 204 Meadow
Hare, Marceline
6 White Female 124 O'Neals
Hare, Matildia
52 White Female 60 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
20 White Male 206 Selma
Hare, Minnie
1/12/1900 White Female 307 O'Neals
Hargis, Maggie
1/18/1900 White Female 13 Elevation
Hargis, Mary M.
23 White Female 143 Pleasant Grove
Hargis, Mary N.
2/22/1900 White Female 48 Elevation
Hargis, Millie
1/26/1900 White Female 4 Elevation
Harmon, Martha
1/24/1900 White Female 457 Beulah
Harper, Dollie M.
White Female 113 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Jetson M.
1/4/1900 White Male 629 Smithfield
Harper, Magnolia
1/3/1900 White Female 165 Elevation
Harper, Martha
56 White Female 179 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Marvin
1/15/1900 Black Male 106 Banner
Harper, Mary
1/2/1900 Black Female 142 Banner
Harper, Mary
21 White Female 179 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Mary B.
1/6/1900 White Female 165 Elevation
Harper, Mary W.
1/3/1900 White Female 636 Smithfield
Harper, Meda
1/24/1900 White Female 49 Banner
Harper, Minnie L.
18 White Female 179 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Nellie M.
1/6/1900 White Female 283 Clayton
Harper, Perrian M.
2/28/1900 White Male 173 Elevation
Harrel, Maggie
23 White Female 344 Selma
Harrel, Minnie
33 White Female 344 Selma
Harrell, Madisson
2/25/1900 Black Male 420 Beulah
Harrelson, Mamie
22 White Female 213 Selma
Harrington, Annie M.
1/2/1900 Black Female 250 Beulah
Harris, James M.
22 White Male 264 Clayton
Harris, Martha
3/20/1900 Black Female 478 Smithfield
Harris, Mary
39 Mulatto Female 178 Selma
Harris, Mattie J.
36 White Female 194 Cleveland
Harrison, Maggie
20 Black Female 310 Wilders
Harrison, Meta A.
1/22/1900 White Female 26 Beulah
Harrison, Metta
1/22/1900 White Female 46 Clayton
Hartley, Leafy M.
10 White Female 88 Clayton
Hartley, Pauline M.
27 White Female 88 Clayton
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hairse, Magnolia
17 Black Female 80 Clayton
Hardee, Calvin M.
25 White Male 50 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Malind
66 White Female 43 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Manassie
28 White Male 55 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Marvin D.
18 White Male 22 Cleveland
Hardee, Mary E.
11 White Female 22 Cleveland
Hardee, Mildred
7 White Female 1 Elevation
Hardee, Myra
5 White Female 1 Elevation
Hardison, Lola M.
6 White Female 1 Banner
Hardison, Martha
40 White Female 24 Banner
Hardison, Martha
White Female 24 Banner
Hardy, Major
68 White Male 422 Clayton
Hardy, Maude
16 White Female 334 Clayton
Hardy, May
26 White Female 422 Clayton
Hardy, Mildred
White Female 289 Clayton
Hare, Mamie
21 White Female 220 Beulah
Hare, Maning W. M.
58 White Male 115 O'Neals
Hare, Marceline
16 White Female 312 Selma
Hare, Marjorie
2 White Female 115 O'Neals
Hare, Marvin
12 Black Male 489 O'Neals
Hare, Mary C.
35 White Female 312 Selma
Hare, Mattie
39 White Female 115 O'Neals
Hare, Mavis
24 White Female 114 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
10 White Male 151 O'Neals
Hare, Milton J.
52 White Male 90 Selma
Hargis, Bulah M.
15 White Female 352 Pleasant Grove
Hargis, Maggie
25 White Female 227 Elevation
Hargis, Mary
62 White Female 184 Elevation
Hargis, Millie I.
36 White Female 352 Pleasant Grove
Hargroves, Millie E.
23 White Female 53 Meadow
Harmon, Mabel
4 White Female 22 Boon Hill
Harper, Dollie M.
9 White Female 78 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Magnolia
14 White Female 262 Elevation
Harper, Mary
8 White Female 84 Elevation
Harper, Mary B.
16 White Female 262 Elevation
Harper, Mary E.
25 White Female 295 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Millie
White Female 147 Ingrams
Harrells, Mary
38 White Female 23 Wilson's Mills
Harrells, Mazie Bell
10 White Female 23 Wilson's Mills
Harrells, Mozell
9 White Female 23 Wilson's Mills
Harrells, Pearley May
7 White Female 23 Wilson's Mills
Harris, Elizabeth M.
31 White Female 83 Selma
Harris, Mary
33 White Female 165 O'Neals
Harris, Mary
35 White Female 3 Wilders
Harris, Mary
52 Black Female 186 Selma
Harris, Mattie M.
7 White Female 246 Smithfield
Harrison, Mammie
Black Female 46 Boon Hill
Harrison, Mary
16 Black Female 46 Boon Hill
Harrison, Mary
51 White Female 347 Clayton
Harrison, Maude
5 White Female 343 Clayton
Harrison, Melba
10 White Female 341 Clayton
Harrison, Metta
38 White Female 128 Wilson's Mills
Harrison, Milton
20 White Male 251 Boon Hill
Harrison, Minnie
34 Black Female 46 Boon Hill
Harrison, Minnie
Black Female 46 Boon Hill
Harrison, Mittie
7 White Female 128 Wilson's Mills
Harrison, Nana May
12 White Female 251 Boon Hill
Harrison, Zeb M.
41 White Male 251 Boon Hill
Hart, Bonear M.
19 White Female 325 Smithfield
Hartley, Mary
23 White Female 51 Beulah
Hartley, Mary
5 Black Female 230 Clayton
Hartley, Mathew H.
37 White Male 97 Bentonville
Hartley, Mathis
33 Black Male 230 Clayton
Hartley, Mathis W.
7 Black Male 230 Clayton
Hartsell, May
22 White Female 62 Wilders
Harvie, Maggie
7 Mulatto Female 412 Smithfield
Harvie, Meldon
Mulatto Male 412 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardee, Ila May
35 White Female 001 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Lela M.
4+4/12 Black Female 243 Clayton
Hardee, M. L.
40 White Male 014 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Major E.
46 White Male 088 Clayton
Hardee, Major E.
6 White Male 088 Clayton
Hardee, Mandlica
75 White Female 001 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Margaret L.
2 White Female 088 Clayton
Hardee, Margie
5 White Female 223 Clayton
Hardee, Marvin
14 Black Male 243 Clayton
Hardee, May
23 White Female 266 Boon Hill
Hardee, Mildred
17 White Female 198 Elevation
Hardee, Mildred L.
11 White Female 193 Clayton
Hardee, Millard M.
16 White Male 088 Clayton
Hardee, Morrison
9 White Male 198 Elevation
Hardee, Myra
15 White Female 198 Elevation
Hardee, Onie M.
38 White Female 120 Clayton
Hardee, Willie M.
1+9/12 White Female 266 Boon Hill
Hardie, Marvin D.
28 White Male 273 Smithfield
Hardy, Stacie M.
21 White Female 114 Banner
Hare, James M.
4+4/12 White Male 073 Selma
Hare, Marceline
26 White Female 034 O'Neals
Hare, Maria
40 White Female 021 Smithfield
Hare, Maude
18 White Female 147 O'Neals
Hare, Mavis P.
36 White Female 258 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
20 White Male 217 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
40 White Male 073 Selma
Hargis, Bertie M.
20 White Female 084 Elevation
Hargis, Glennie M.
0/12 White Female 136 Elevation
Hargis, Maggie
36 White Female 140 Elevation
Hargis, Mary G.
9 White Female 136 Elevation
Hargis, Mary N.
72 White Female 138 Elevation
Hargis, May R.
5 White Female 196 Elevation
Hargis, May V.
23 White Female 142 Elevation
Hargis, Millie
48 White Female 113 Elevation
Hargis, Muril Dean
0/12 White Female 084 Elevation
Hargis, Onese M.
4+8/12 White Female 143 Elevation
Hargis, Pearl May
17 White Female 196 Elevation
Harmon, Mabell
14 White Female 326 Selma
Harper, Bernice M.
25 White Female 108 Clayton
Harper, Ila M.
6+9/12 White Female 013 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Lela M.
3+5.12 White Female 111 Pleasant Grove
Harper, Mabel
16 White Female 112 Selma
Harper, Maggie
33 White Female 054 Selma
Harper, Magnolia
23 White Female 096 Elevation
Harper, Millie E.
12 White Female 163 Ingrams
Harper, Ula M.
6 White Female 115 Elevation
Harrington, Flossie May
4+11/12 Black Female 308 Elevation
Harrington, Lila May
25 Black Female 308 Elevation
Harrington, Martha A.
6 Black Female 308 Elevation
Harris, Lona M.
14 White Female 149 Wilders
Harris, Lula M.
20 Black Female 055 Smithfield
Harris, Major
24 White Male 314 Selma
Harris, Maria
40 Black Female 135 Smithfield
Harris, Marion Battle
20 Black Male 229 O'Neals
Harris, Marshall
3 White Male 050 Smithfield
Harris, Marvin
20 White Male 050 Smithfield
Harris, Mary
19 Black Female 135 Smithfield
Harris, Mary
44 White Female 160 O'Neals
Harris, Mary
20 Black Female 007 Wilders
Harris, Mary
12 White Female 301 Clayton
Harris, Mary G.
43 Black Female 062 Wilders
Harris, Mason
7 White Male 225 Selma
Harris, Mattie
25 White Female 158 O'Neals
Harris, Maude
36 White Female 068 Wilders
Harris, Mavis
70 Black Female 068 Wilders
Harris, Meurvia S.
57 White Female 030 Wilders
Harris, Millie
15 White Female 270 Selma
Harris, Mollie
35 White Male 270 Selma
Harris, Mozelle
3+3/12 Black Female 229 O'Neals
Harris, Willie May
3+3/12 Black Female 055 Smithfield
Harrison, Cornelia M.
50 White Female 012 Clayton
Harrison, Eric M.
10 White Male 074 Clayton
Harrison, Jesse M.
17 White Female 252 Clayton
Harrison, Margaret
6 White Female 169 Clayton
Harrison, Mary J.
61 Black Female 237 Clayton
Harrison, Mary R.
6 White Female 074 Clayton
Harrison, Maud L.
16 White Female 169 Clayton
Harrison, May
8 White Female 131 Clayton
Harrison, Melba L.
19 White Female 174 Clayton
Harrison, Metta
43 White Female 131 Clayton
Harrison, Middis
18 White Female 131 Clayton
Harriss, Mary
62 Black Female 184 Selma
Hart, Marline
49 Black Female 315 Smithfield
Hartley, Mary E.
33 White Female 081 Beulah
Hartly, Mathew H.
49 White Male 237 Bentonville
Hartsfield, Major Thomas
11 Black Male 224 O'Neals
Hartsfield, Mary
9 Black Female 224 O'Neals
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hardee, C. M.
46 White Male 311 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Charles Marvin
10 White Male 365 Smithfield
Hardee, D. Marvin
38 White Male 365 Smithfield
Hardee, Goldie Mae
3 White Female 113 Banner
Hardee, Lela Mae
14 Black Female 148 Clayton
Hardee, Lillie Mae
38 White Female 365 Smithfield
Hardee, M. Ed [Major Eddie]
56 White Male 229 Clayton
Hardee, M. L.
49 White Male 310 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Margaret
12 White Female 229 Clayton
Hardee, Margret
12 White Female 130 Banner
Hardee, Mary
20 White Female 317 Boon Hill
Hardee, May
34 White Female 323 Boon Hill
Hardee, Millard
26 White Male 229 Clayton
Hardee, Mollie
46 White Female 311 Pleasant Grove
Hardee, Morrison
19 White Male 240 Elevation
Hardee, Starie Mae
30 White Female 113 Banner
Hardee, Willie May
12 White Female 323 Boon Hill
Hardison, Mertle
22 White Female 212 Banner
Hardy, Marjory
15 White Female 91 Wilson's Mills
Hardy, Mary Ann
4 White Female 91 Wilson's Mills
Hare, Maebell
31 White Female 280 O'Neals
Hare, Margaret
7 White Female 110 Boon Hill
Hare, Maude
28 White Female 306 O'Neals
Hare, Mavis
46 White Female 349 O'Neals
Hare, Milton
30 White Male 280 O'Neals
Hare ?, Marshaline
11 White Female 94 Elevation
Hargis, Mable
18 White Female 8 Pleasant Grove
Hargis, Maggie
25 White Female 125 Meadow
Hargis, Maggie
48 White Female 80 Elevation
Hargis, Marilin F.
1 White Female 125 Meadow
Hargis, Mary
15 White Female 425 Ingrams
Hargis, Mary Edith
19 White Female 225 Pleasant Grove
Hargis, Millie
53 White Female 8 Pleasant Grove
Hargis, Mureldeane
10 White Female 174 Clayton
Harmon, Mabel
24 White Female 261 Selma
Harmon, Vonnie M.
6 White Female 258 Selma
Harper, Eula Mae
16 White Female 340 Smithfield
Harper, Lilly May
19 White Female 252 Clayton
Harper, Mabeline
3 White Female 342 Smithfield
Harrell, Georgia May
47 White Female 28 Smithfield
Harrington, Mable A.
12 Black Female 417 Ingrams
Harrington, Magaline
10 Black Female 264 Smithfield
Harrington, Martha
16 Black Female 264 Smithfield
Harrington, Myrtle
9 Black Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Harris, Ada Margie
7 White Female 1 Smithfield
Harris, Mabel
17 Black Female 94 Wilders
Harris, Macon
17 White Male 389 Clayton
Harris, Madie
36 White Female 171 O'Neals
Harris, Margaret
23 White Female 328 O'Neals
Harris, Margret
7 White Female 115 Wilders
Harris, Maria
54 Black Female 170 Smithfield
Harris, Marie
4 White Female 260 Beulah
Harris, Mary
46 Black Female 265 Smithfield
Harris, Mary
1 White Female 328 O'Neals
Harris, Mathew
7 Black Male 94 Wilders
Harris, Melissa
19 White Female 260 Beulah
Harris, Melvin
12 White Male 260 Beulah
Harris, Molly
39 White Female 260 Beulah
Harris, Mozelle
26 White Female 135 Wilders
Harris, Myrtie
19 White Female 135 Wilders
Harrison, Mabelle
23 White Female 120 Ingrams
Harrison, Margaret
16 White Female 241 Clayton
Harrison, Martha A
4 White Female 129 Clayton
Harrison, Mary R.
12 White Female 108 Clayton
Harrison, Mary V
12 White Female 130 Clayton
Harrison, Maude Lee
24 White Female 14 Clayton
Harrison, Metta
55 White Female 273 Smithfield
Harrison, Moretti
20 White Male 108 Clayton
Harrison, Wana May
17 White Female 273 Smithfield
Hart, Marceline
50 Black Female 362 Smithfield
Hart, Margaret Ann
1 White Female 132 Clayton
Hart, Margaret D
25 White Female 132 Clayton
Hartley, Mary
43 White Female 257 Beulah
Hartley, Mathew
54 Black Male 40 Clayton
Hartley, Mathew H.
59 White Male 195 Boon Hill
Hartley, Matthew
26 Black Male 347 Clayton
Hartley, Mildred
8 White Female 195 Boon Hill
Hartley, Nellie Mae
26 White Female 270 Smithfield
Harwell, Grace M.
32 White Female 97 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Harbin, Harrison M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harbin, Jasper M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Harbin, Milton 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Harbin, Milton G. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harbinson, H. M. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Harbinson, H. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves E Private C
Harbon, M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harbough, Lewis M. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Hardaway, Benjamin M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Private C
Hardee, F. M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hardee, James M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Harden, J. M. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harden, Junius M. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harden, Martin 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Harder, J. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hardesty, Burton M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Hardesty, Micajah 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Hardgrove, Francis M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Hardgrove, Thomas M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hardin, H. M. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry E Private C
Hardin, James M. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hardin, James M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hardin, Jesse M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hardin, Mark 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,B Private C
Hardin, Mark 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Private C
Hardin, Martin 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,B Private C
Hardin, Martin 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Harding, M. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Harding, McNeill 20th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hardisty, Burton M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Hardisty, Micajah B. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Hardy, Benjamin M. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hardy, Francis M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hardy, P. M. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hardy, Washington M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E First Lieutenant C
Hardy, Washington M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Colonel C
Hare, A. M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hare, J. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hare, J. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hare, M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harget, John M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry G Second Lieutenant C
Harget, M. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harget, W. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves F Private C
Hargett, Andrew M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry I,F Corporal C
Hargett, F. M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Hargett, H. M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Hargett, John M. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Hargett, John M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hargraves, Rufus M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Hargrove, Robert M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Haridson, Marshal M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harkee, J. M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harkee, M. L. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harkee, Martin A. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harkey, David M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Harkey, John M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Harkey, John M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harkey, M. L. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harkey, Marion L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harkey, Martin 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harkey, Martin 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Harkey, Martin A. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harkey, Milas 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Harkey, Moses 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harkey, T. M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) C Private C
Harkey, Thomas M. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harkness, Martin 56th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harkness, Marvin Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A,B Private C
Harlin, Hazel M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harman, Miles M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Harmon, J. M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harmon, Marcus 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harmon, W. M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harner, M. L. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harney, Frank M. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry F First Lieutenant C
Harold, M. D. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harper, F. M. Clark's Special Battalion, NC Militia A Lieutenant C
Harper, James M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harper, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Private C
Harper, Mack R. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harper, Martin W. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harper, Mason F. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harper, R. M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Private C
Harper, Ralph M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harper, Robert M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harper, W. M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harper, William M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harper, William M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harrall, M. H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Harrall, Robert M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Harras, Francis M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Harrass, E. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrass, M. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrell, A. M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harrell, J. M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Lieutenant Colonel C
Harrell, John M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harrell, M. D. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harrell, Mangrum 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harrell, Martin H. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Harrell, Moses 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) D Private C
Harrell, Moses 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C Private C
Harrell, R. M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Harrell, Samuel M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Harrell, W. M. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrell, William M. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrelsen, Marshal M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrelson, Benjamin M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrelson, Marshall M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrill, Alexander M. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrill, Robert M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Harrington, A. M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrington, J. M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, Amasa M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) B Private C
Harris, Amasa M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) B Private C
Harris, Amasa M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F,H Private C
Harris, B. M. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Harris, C. M. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harris, D. M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, Daniel M. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Harris, E. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harris, F. M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Harris, J. M. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Harris, J. M. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Sergeant C
Harris, James M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, James M. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Harris, James M. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harris, James M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) C Corporal C
Harris, John M. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Sergeant C
Harris, John M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Harris, John M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harris, John M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Harris, John M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, John M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, Jordan M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) B Private C
Harris, Lewis M. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, M. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Harris, M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, M. C. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, M. D. L. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Harris, M. D. L. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) C Sergeant C
Harris, M. H. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, M. J. Gibbs' Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Harris, M. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harris, M. S. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harris, Maingard 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harris, Marcilers 47th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Harris, Markus 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, Martin 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harris, Martin A. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Harris, Matthias 55th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harris, Maurice M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, McAney 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Harris, McCarney W. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Harris, McHenry 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Harris, McWilliam 29th Regiment, NC Infantry B,D Sergeant C
Harris, Melmouth D. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, Merriman 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harris, Mike 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Harris, Miles E. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harris, Moses 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harris, Nathan M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harris, Nicholas M. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Second Lieutenant C
Harris, R. M. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion G Corporal C
Harris, S. M. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Harris, W. M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Harris, W. M. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, W. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Harris, William M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harris, William M. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Harris, William M. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A First Lieutenant C
Harris, Wyatt M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harris, Wyatt M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrison, A. M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harrison, Frank M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Harrison, Franklin M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Harrison, Henry M. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Harrison, I. M. 1st Regiment, NC Detailed Men H Private C
Harrison, J. M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Harrison, James M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrison, Jesse M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Harrison, John M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harrison, John M. F. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Harrison, Joseph M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrison, M. A. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harrison, M. D. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Private C
Harrison, Malcolm 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harrison, Marmaduke N. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Harrison, P. M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harrison, Parrot M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harrison, Peyton M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Harrison, W. Mc. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harrison, William M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harriss, Doctor M. Jones' Company, NC Supporting Force Private C
Harroll, M. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harryson, P. M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harser, J. M. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Harshaw, M. M. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves I Private C
Hart, Macon M. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hart, Madison 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hart, Mathew 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hart, Moses N. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry I Captain C
Hartan, Elijah M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hartan, William M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hartis, M. A. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Hartis, M. L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) B Private C
Hartley, H. M. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hartley, Michael 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hartman, A. M. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Captain C
Hartness, F. M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hartness, Marion Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A,B Private C
Hartness, Milus M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hartney, M. M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hartsel, M. E. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hartsell, Frances M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hartsell, Jackson M. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Hartsell, Jacob M. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hartsell, James Mc. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartsell, McDonald Joab 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartsill, Francis M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hartsill, James Mc. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartsill, McDonald J. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartzell, James Mc. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartzell, McDonald J. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartzill, Francis M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hartzoe, Daniel M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hartzoke, D. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harvel, Marcus 34th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harvel, Moses 58th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Harvell, James M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Harverson, Marcus 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harvey, M. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry I Corporal U
Harvey, Matthew 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Harvill, Alfred M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harville, M. H. L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Harville, Moses 58th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Harvison, Marcus A. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Harvy, M. C. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Harward, Allen M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Harward, James M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Harward, L. M. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Harwell, Joseph M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Harwood, D. M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Harwood, M. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves G Private C
Hersh, S. M. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Private C
Horkey, Milas 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Hardee, Calvin Millard 1893 1943 Sunset Memorial Park
Hardee, Estella Mae Stephenson 1891 1967 Hardee
Hardee, Major 1851 1923 Baptist Center Church
Hardee, Mattie B 1908 1964 Oakland
Hardee, Mollie A 1894 1974 Sunset Memorial Park
Hardee, Monassie Lindsay 1891 1941 Hardee
Hardee, Storie Mae 1908 1980 Roselawn
Hardison, Cornelia May 1910 1911 McLamb, Isham
Hardison, Martha C 1884 1920 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Hardison, Mary A 1870 1926 McLamb, Isham
Hardison, Mertie F 1918 2006 McLamb, Isham
Hardison, Shirley May 1945 McLamb, Isham
Hare, Malissie H 1892 1921 Godwin, Nero
Hare, Matilda 1859 1922 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Hare, Mavis W 1896 1966 Oak Grove Presbyterian Church
Hargis, Malen Hardee 1885 1918 Hardee
Hargis, Mary 1858 1933 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Hargrove, Millie E 1896 1985 Barefoot, Pink
Harper, Callie McLamb Tart 1888 1978 Tart, Ellington
Harper, Iva Muriel P 1910 1931 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Harper, Lillie M 1918 2009 Deans, J. R.
Harper, Marion Franklin 1850 1870 Harper
Harper, Minnie May 1871 1872 Harper
Harper, Myrtie L 1873 1958 Riverside
Harper, Nancy M 1898 1970 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Harper, P M 1850 1915 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Harris, Mabel W 1913 1978 St. Paul's Church
Harris, Madie Parrish 1904 1978 Corinth Baptist Church
Harris, Marcellers 1894 1964 Resthaven
Harris, Maria 1890 1970 Resthaven
Harris, Mary A 1885 1938 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Harris, Mary Lee 1919 1943 Waddell/Bass
Harris, Mattie T 1903 1979 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Harris, Morris 1935 2001 Edwards, W. J.
Harrison, Martha 1832 1904 Harrison, Bud/Poole
Harrison, Mary A 1831 1898 Riverside
Harrison, Metta 1885 1965 Baptist Center Church
Harrison, Mollie J 1868 1949 Baptist Center Church
Harriss, Lillie Mae Shepherd 1902 1929 Riverside
Hartley, Hazel Marie Gaskins 1914 1946 Princeton
Hartley, Irene M 1910 Tee's Chapel Baptist Church
Hartley, Margaret Elizabeth 1921 1922 Hartley, L. B.
Hartley, Margrett Elizabeth 1921 1922 Pilkerton, Needham
Hartley, Matthew Herbert 1881 1951 Grantham
Hartley, Nellie M 1912 1977 Tee's Chapel Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Hardy, Francis M. 1864 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Hare, W. M. N. Cumberland Cross Creek Cemetery
Harkey, David Monroe 1906 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Harney, F. M. Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Harney, Frank M. 1863 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Harrell, Mathias Bertie Conner Cemetery
Harris, Maurice Milton 1862 Chatham Harris
Harris, William M. 1874 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Harrison, Minton 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Hartose, Daniel Moses 1916 Cleveland Mountain Rest Cemetery
Hartsell, Jackson M. 1883 Duplin Magnolia Cemetery
Hartsell, McDonald J. 1910 Cabarrus St. Martin's Lutheran Church Cemetery
Harvell, James Madison 1922 Brunswick Harvell Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Hardee, Major 1849
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Hardee Bibles Parrott Hardee Family Bible
Hardee Bibles Parrott Hardee Family Bible Records
Hardy-Hardee Bibles Hardy - Hardee Family Bible Records
Harper Bibles Franklin and Ardelia Fountain Harper Family Bible Records
Harvey Bibles Thomas Harvey Family Bible
Harper Court Records W.H. Rose to John Harper, 1837
Harper Deaths & Obituaries George Robert Harper, 1916
Harper-Rose Deeds John Harper to James Rose Junr, 1823
Harper-Rose Deeds John Harper to James Rose Junr, 1823 (Indenture Document)
Harper-Rose Marriages Benjamin Rose to Lucy Harper, 1787
Rose-Harper Marriages Benjamin Rose to Lucy Harper, 1787
Thompson-Harvey Marriages James Thompson to Nell Harvey, 1916
Hardcastle Wills & Estates William Hardcastle - 1776
Harison Wills & Estates John Harison - 1821
Harper Wills & Estates John Harper Sr - 1834
Harrell Wills & Estates Sarah Harrell - 1807
Hartsfield Wills & Estates Andrew Hartsfield - 1776
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Harper Sylvia Stephens
HarrellJohnston1775 - present Marilou Harrell Hanson
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