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» Search Results » PATSY PARKER
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Parish, Peter 1 1
Parker, Patience 1 2 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Parker, Powell 2 1
Parrish, Simon P. 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Parrish, Petter 1 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Paul
21 White Male 759 Creechville
Parish, Pennina
1 White Female 104 Boon Hill
Parish, Penny
3 White Female 576 Beulah
Parker, Patience
3 White Female 313 Smithfield
Parker, Patsy
30 White Female 472 Beulah
Parker, Pheraba
11 White Female 793 Newton Grove
Parker, Powell
58 White Male 472 Beulah
Parks, Patrick
3 White Male 644 Beulah
Parnold, Patience
8 White Female 348 Boon Hill
Parrish, Paschal
21 White Male 641 Elevation
Parrish, Penelope
17 White Female 369 Elevation
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parker, Patience
12 White Female 95 Smithfield
Parker, Patsy
40 White Female 95 Smithfield
Parker, Pharoah
50 White Male 46 Meadow
Parker, Polly
27 White Female 28 O'Neals
Parnall, Polly
62 White Female 242 Ingrams
Parnel, Pasha A.
20 White Female 109 Beulah
Parrish, Paschal
31 White Male 194 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Patsy
13 White Female 252 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Penina
12 White Female 202 Beulah
Parrish, Penney
14 White Female 273 Boon Hill
Parrish, Penny
26 White Female 181 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Phinetta
35 White Female 244 Pleasant Grove
Parten, Perren
12 White Male 230 Pleasant Grove
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Penney
23 White Female 222 Beulah
Parker, David P.
4 White Male 215 Ingrams
Parker, James P.
7 White Male 221 Meadow
Parker, Patience
20 White Female 269 South Smithfield
Parker, Phero
48 White Male 182 Meadow
Parker, Russel P.
6 White Male 69 Ingrams
Parker, William P.
4 White Male 310 Meadow
Parnel, Pauline
5 White Female 266 Beulah
Parnell, Patience A.
24 White Female 398 Boon Hill
Parrish, David P.
2 White Male 254 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, John P.
11 White Male 38 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, P. B.
41 White Male 26 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Paschal B.
8 White Male 26 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Penelope
38 White Female 40 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Penina
21 White Female 247 Beulah
Parrish, Penney C.
9 White Female 36 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Penny A.
23 White Female 24 Elevation
Parrish, Peter L.
1 White Male 331 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Prestey J.
5 White Male 254 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Putney
41 White Male 254 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Parian
22 White Male 263 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parham, Mollie P.
34 White Female 247 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Alex P.
11 White Male 154 Meadow
Parker, Bettie P.
0 White Female 150 Ingrams
Parker, Joseph P.
18 White Male 6 Smithfield
Parker, Percy E.
0 White Male 488 Smithfield
Parker, Plaords
5 White Male 246 Meadow
Parker, Pollie A.
32 White Female 36 Banner
Parker, Polly A.
55 White Female 43 O'Neals
Parker, Preston
24 White Male 386 Banner
Parker, Roberd P.
18 White Male 154 Meadow
Parker, Young P.
0 White Male 303 Ingrams
Parnell, Paul
7 White Male 15 Selma
Parnell, Polly
20 White Female 167 Beulah
Parrish, Bud P.
40 White Male 258 Boon Hill
Parrish, Emily P.
13 White Female 86 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Mary P.
45 White Female 150 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Parham
19 White Male 66 Elevation
Parrish, Parnell
34 White Male 160 Clayton
Parrish, Parrot A.
2 White Male 346 Elevation
Parrish, Pascal
29 White Male 357 Elevation
Parrish, Pearcy R.
13 White Male 50 Clayton
Parrish, Pearl
0 White Female 146 Cleveland
Parrish, Penelope A.
43 White Female 346 Elevation
Parrish, Penny
29 White Female 108 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Penny
53 White Female 120 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Polly
34 White Female 124 Beulah
Parrish, Polly M.
5 White Female 124 Beulah
Parrish, Puss
60 White Female 71 O'Neals
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parker, A. P.
32 White Male 22 Smithfield
Parker, Alac P. P.
21 White Male 17 Meadow
Parker, Bethana P.
4 White Female 183 Ingrams
Parker, Bettie P.
10 White Female 9 Ingrams
Parker, James P.
37 White Male 86 Banner
Parker, Joe P.
1/28/1900 White Male 454 Smithfield
Parker, Joseph P.
20 White Male 140 Banner
Parker, Maggie P.
8 White Female 100 O'Neals
Parker, Owen P.
18 White Male 41 Meadow
Parker, Patsy H.
27 White Female 42 Banner
Parker, Penny
45 White Female 98 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Percy E.
1/9/1900 White Male 393 Smithfield
Parker, Phairoah
15 White Male 117 Meadow
Parker, Pitie E.
28 White Female 175 O'Neals
Parker, Preston
1/5/1900 White Male 187 Beulah
Parker, Robert P.
28 White Male 18 Meadow
Parker, William P.
38 White Male 54 Meadow
Parker, Willie P.
5 White Male 175 O'Neals
Parker, Young P.
9 White Male 133 Ingrams
Parnell, Pattie
36 White Female 166 Pine Level
Parnell, Polly
1/29/1900 White Female 348 Beulah
Parrish, Bud P.
2/19/1900 White Male 80 Boon Hill
Parrish, Lina P.
11 White Female 74 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Mary P.
55 White Female 57 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Parham P.
1/29/1900 White Male 152 Elevation
Parrish, Parrot A.
1/11/1900 White Male 145 Elevation
Parrish, Pascal
1/6/1900 White Male 71 Clayton
Parrish, Paschal B.
2/8/1900 White Male 150 Elevation
Parrish, Pattie
1/31/1900 White Female 178 O'Neals
Parrish, Penelope
2/22/1900 White Female 145 Elevation
Parrish, Penny
64 White Female 285 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Percy
5 White Male 89 Elevation
Parrish, Piety
31 White Female 232 Pine Level
Parrish, Poos
67 White Female 237 Cleveland
Partin, Patrick H.
8 White Male 6 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Varina P.
10 White Female 6 Pleasant Grove
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parash, Fleeter P.
5 White Female 223 Smithfield
Parish, Polly May
3 White Female 89 Wilders
Parker, Foster P.
14 White Male 63 O'Neals
Parker, James P.
48 White Male 230 Banner
Parker, Mary P.
3 White Female 357 Ingrams
Parker, Patsey H.
38 White Female 282 Banner
Parker, Pearl
15 White Female 442 Ingrams
Parker, Pearl
20 White Female 106 Banner
Parker, Peny
54 White Female 71 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Persie
20 White Male 447 Smithfield
Parker, Pharoah
24 White Male 139 Meadow
Parker, Plummer
37 Black Male 157 Beulah
Parker, Preston
White Male 33 Meadow
Parker, Robert P.
38 White Male 20 Meadow
Parker, Y. P.
18 White Male 411 Ingrams
Parneel, Prise
43 White Female 332 Smithfield
Parnel, Panida
29 White Female 287 Selma
Parnell, Pattie
46 White Female 70 Pine Level
Parnell, Polly
38 White Female 27 Beulah
Parnell, R. P.
55 White Male 9 Beulah
Parrish, Alice Pearl
8 White Female 18 Elevation
Parrish, Bud P.
60 White Male 25 Boon Hill
Parrish, Parrot A.
21 White Male 194 Elevation
Parrish, Pascal B.
49 White Male 233 Elevation
Parrish, Paul
19 White Male 300 Selma
Parrish, Pauline
White Female 233 Elevation
Parrish, Pennie
73 White Female 314 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Pennie A.
63 White Female 194 Elevation
Parrish, Percy C.
15 White Male 121 Cleveland
Parrish, Piety
40 White Female 164 Pine Level
Parrish, Plar
21 White Female 63 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Pressie
28 White Female 254 Micro
Partin, Patric H.
17 White Male 154 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Varina P.
19 White Female 154 Pleasant Grove
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parker, A. P.
52 White Male 059 Smithfield
Parker, James P.
56 White Male 346 Banner
Parker, Joseph P.
48 White Male 395 Smithfield
Parker, Joseph P. Jr.
19 White Male 395 Smithfield
Parker, Lillie P.
11 White Female 125 Banner
Parker, Marie P.
7 White Female 344 Banner
Parker, Mary P.
14 White Female 343 Ingrams
Parker, Mattie P.
6/12 White Female 386 Ingrams
Parker, Maud P.
9 White Female 171 Banner
Parker, Mavis P.
8 White Female 381 Ingrams
Parker, Minnie P.
12 White Female 145 Banner
Parker, Patsy H.
47 White Female 324 Banner
Parker, Pauline
25 White Female 358 Smithfield
Parker, Pearl
20 White Female 207 Elevation
Parker, Pearl
29 White Female 300 Banner
Parker, Pearline
5 Black Female 169 Beulah
Parker, Penie
65 White Female 099 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Percy E.
30 White Male 353 Smithfield
Parker, Phylls
7 White Female 166 Smithfield
Parker, Pieta
49 White Female 111 O'Neals
Parker, Preston
25 White Male 099 O'Neals
Parker, Robert P.
4+8/12 White Male 069 Meadow
Parker, S. P.
61 White Male 105 O'Neals
Parker, William P.
3+8/12 White Male 015 Meadow
Parker, William P.
11 White Male 083 Meadow
Parker, Young P.
29 White Male 320 Ingrams
Parks, Willie P.
12 Black Male 080 Selma
Parnell, Pattie
45 White Female 242 Pine Level
Parnell, Penia
38 White Female 117 Boon Hill
Parnell, Pollie L.
48 White Female 127 Beulah
Parnell, Priscie
65 White Female 148 Smithfield
Parrish, Bud P.
70 White Male 099 Boon Hill
Parrish, Carl P.
18 White Male 256 Selma
Parrish, Ethel P.
10 White Female 110 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Fleeta P.
17 White Female 109 Smithfield
Parrish, James P.
1+7/12 White Male 110 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, John P.
62 White Male 054 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Parhom P.
49 White Male 079 Elevation
Parrish, Parrott A.
32 White Male 032 Ingrams
Parrish, Parrott A. Jr.
3+4/12 White Male 032 Ingrams
Parrish, Pascal B.
59 White Male 110 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Paul
2+8/12 White Male 173 Elevation
Parrish, Paul
1 White Male 088 Clayton
Parrish, Pauline
7 White Female 131 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Pearl
18 White Female 142 Elevation
Parrish, Penny J.
11 White Female 061 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Penny L.
3+7/12 White Female 109 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Perline
5 White Female 228 Elevation
Parrish, Person
3+0/12 White Female 188 Pine Level
Parrish, Pieta
51 White Female 248 Pine Level
Parrish, Pollie M.
13 White Female 054 Wilders
Parrish, Pressie
41 White Male 068 Micro
Parrish, Tommie P.
71 White Male 247 Pine Level
Partin, Patrick
27 White Male 091 Pleasant Grove
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Pearline
15 White Female 300 Elevation
Parker, Ab P.
62 White Male 240 Beulah
Parker, Flossie Pearl
1 White Female 330 Elevation
Parker, J. Primro
58 White Male 31 Smithfield
Parker, Joseph P.
55 White Male 11 Banner
Parker, Joseph P.
15 Black Male 154 Beulah
Parker, L. P.
2 Black Male 143 Beulah
Parker, Leland P.
7 White Male 18 Meadow
Parker, Mary Pearl
13 White Female 296 Smithfield
Parker, Mattie P.
10 White Female 366 Ingrams
Parker, Moran P.
7 White Male 21 Pine Level
Parker, O. P.
40 White Male 309 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Parlia
12 White Male 179 Meadow
Parker, Patsy H.
57 White Female 40 Banner
Parker, Pauline
14 White Female 173 Smithfield
Parker, Pauline
35 White Female 53 Clayton
Parker, Pear
39 White Female 324 Banner
Parker, Pearl
31 White Female 200 Smithfield
Parker, Pearl
29 White Female 242 Ingrams
Parker, Pearline
16 Black Female 126 Beulah
Parker, Peggie
2 White Female 53 Clayton
Parker, Peggy Bowen
24 White Female 242 Smithfield
Parker, Percy E.
40 White Male 196 Smithfield
Parker, Perline
19 White Female 282 Meadow
Parker, Pharoah
44 White Male 18 Meadow
Parker, Phyllis
17 White Female 91 Smithfield
Parker, Pittie
59 White Female 130 Selma
Parker, Plummer
41 Black Male 154 Beulah
Parker, Preston
21 White Male 111 Pleasant Grove
Parker, Preston
<1 White Male 289 Meadow
Parker, Vida P.
27 White Female 389 Ingrams
Parker, Virginia P.
19 White Female 37 Banner
Parker, Y. Paul
39 White Male 335 Ingrams
Parnell, Pattie
67 White Female 160 Pine Level
Parnell, Pennie
50 White Female 17 Boon Hill
Parnell, Polly
55 White Female 287 Beulah
Parnell, Prissie
63 White Female 326 Smithfield
Parrish, Huey P.
36 White Male 1 Wilders
Parrish, J. Paschel
11 White Male 126 Elevation
Parrish, Miley P.
47 White Male 131 O'Neals
Parrish, Pansy
2 White Female 108 Wilders
Parrish, Parrott
41 White Male 94 Elevation
Parrish, Parrott
13 White Male 94 Elevation
Parrish, Patricia
1 White Female 70 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Pattie
25 White Female 136 Wilders
Parrish, Paul
13 White Male 96 Elevation
Parrish, Pauline
20 White Female 11 Elevation
Parrish, Pauline
17 White Female 256 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Pearl
20 White Female 313 Selma
Parrish, Penniel Lou
13 White Female 263 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Percy
35 White Male 56 Elevation
Parrish, Person
7 White Male 96 Boon Hill
Parrish, Pittie
50 White Female 173 Pine Level
Parrish, Pricie
50 White Female 259 Micro
Parrish, Virginia Person
13 White Female 238 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Parker, David Preston 1900 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Parham, Philip 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parish, P. B. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Parish, Pinkney 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Parish, Pinkney 34th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parish, Putna 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Parker, Abner P. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Parker, Alfred P. 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Parker, Alfred P. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parker, Arthur P. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Parker, Benjamin P. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parker, G. P. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Parker, George P. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Parker, H. P. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Parker, J. P. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, J. P. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Parker, J. P. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Parker, J. P. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parker, James P. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, John P. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Private C
Parker, Lemuel P. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parker, P. S. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parker, Peter A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parker, Peter P. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) D Private C
Parker, Peter P. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C Sergeant C
Parker, Peter W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Parker, Pharoah 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Parker, Plasan M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Third Lieutenant C
Parker, Pleasant 44th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parker, Pleasant 27th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Parker, Pleasant M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Third Lieutenant C
Parkes, J. P. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Parkes, J. P. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Corporal C
Parks, E. P. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) D Private C
Parks, J. P. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Corporal C
Parks, John P. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Parks, William P. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Parmer, E. P. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parmer, P. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parris, W. P. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry E Private C
Parrish, Edward P. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parrish, Parkam P. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Parrish, Pascal B. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parrish, Paschal 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parrish, Pinkney 34th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Parrish, Pinkney C. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Parrish, Putna 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parrish, Putney 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Parrish, W. P. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Parrott, Joseph P. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Parrott, P. H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery A Saddler C
Parrott, R. P. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parry, P. A. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Parsons, George P. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Parsons, M. P. L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parsons, Payton 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Parsons, W. P. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Parsons, William P. Giddin's Company, NC Detailed and Petitioned Men Private C
Partin, George P. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Partin, J. P. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Partin, James P. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Purser, Noah P. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Parker, A P 1878 1957 Oakland
Parker, Alex P 1888 1946 Parker, W. F.
Parker, Belvia Parrish 1901 1973 Pisgah Baptist Church
Parker, Bill P 1907 1967 Parker, Cicero
Parker, Charity Pittman 1874 1963 Old Beulah Church
Parker, Charles Patrick 1909 1934 Greenwood
Parker, Eliza Parrish 1859 1883 Riverside
Parker, Eliza Parrish Parker, J. C.
Parker, J Preston 1872 1933 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, J Pulley 1888 1971 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, James P 1877 1901 Parker, Leonard E.
Parker, John P 1913 1914 Parker, W. F.
Parker, Joseph Primro 1881 1957 Sunset Memorial Park
Parker, Lalian Pauline 1913 1919 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parker, Louis P 1909 1977 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, Martha Peoples (Patsy) Parker, J. C.
Parker, Mary Price 1845 1909 Parker, Needham Powell
Parker, Miles Perine 1912 1934 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Parker, Needham Powell 1843 1908 Parker, Needham Powell
Parker, Patience 1832 Parker, Needham Powell
Parker, Patience Jarrell 1829 Parker, Amos
Parker, Patsy Hawkins Beasley 1882 1956 Beasley, James
Parker, Paul 1895 1895 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Pearl Langdon 1900 1981 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Pennie 1865 1939 Sunset Memorial Park
Parker, Percy Eli 1900 1957 Sunset Memorial Park
Parker, Pharaoh 1896 1975 Morgan, William G.
Parker, Pherbia E 1899 1957 Rhodes, Joseph E.
Parker, Pherbia E 1899 1957 Adams, J. S.
Parker, Piety Evelyn Godwin 1880 1975 Old Beulah Church
Parker, Powell 1802 1863 Parker, Amos
Parker, Primrow B 1935 1964 Roselawn
Parker, Robert P 1881 1926 Parker, W. F.
Parker, Roland Pierce 1889 1918 Greenwood
Parker, Russell P 1873 1911 Antioch Baptist Church
Parker, Sidney Powell 1869 1932 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Parker, Virginia P 1927 1928 Parker, W. F.
Parker, William Preston Pres 1915 Weaver, J. J.
Parker, Y Paul 1900 1971 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Young Paul 1900 1971 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parnell, Harvey P 1895 1964 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Parnell, John P 1880 Parnell
Parnell, Penina Wood 1890 1968 Oakland
Parnell, Polly Ann 1881 1963 Parnell
Parnell, R P 1864 1920 Parnell, R. P.
Parrish, Adell P 1917 1981 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, B P 1859 1936 Langley, Zeno H.
Parrish, Carl P 1912 1970 Selma Memorial Gardens
Parrish, Easter P 1897 Crocker
Parrish, Ella Parrish 1880 1910 Capps, John
Parrish, Hazel Parrish 1926 1927 Capps, John
Parrish, Hessie P 1890 1963 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Ida P 1882 1926 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Isabella P 1891 1953 Maplewood
Parrish, John P 1868 1934 Parrish Family
Parrish, Leroy P 1897 1962 Kenly City
Parrish, Lueazer P 1849 1916 Benson City
Parrish, Martha Stephenson (Patsy) 1796 1887 Parrish Family
Parrish, Michael P 1879 1972 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Miley P 1895 1963 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Parrish, Parham P 1880 1940 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Parrott A 1898 1951 Sunset Memorial Park
Parrish, Patricia L 1944 Selma Memorial Gardens
Parrish, Pauline Smith 1930 2002 Smith
Parrish, Pearl Denning 1905 1973 Denning, George
Parrish, Pearl N 1884 1895 Wood, J. H.
Parrish, Penelope Ann 1856 1934 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Pennie 1856 1893 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Percy R 1886 1958 Clayton City
Parrish, Pervy Foster 1917 1985 Micro Memorial Gardens
Parrish, Phyllis E 1934 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
Parrish, Piety 1879 Capps, John
Parrish, Polly 1875 1941 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Parrish, Polly 1866 1942 Rains Crossroads
Parrish, Prissie W 1890 1970 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Parrish, Puss 1917 Friendship Free Will Baptist Church
Parrish, Silas P 1908 Selma Memorial Gardens
Partin, Dorothy P 1901 1958 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
Partin, P H 1902 1938 Partin, B. F.
Partin, Perrin 1858 1931 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Parker, Andrew P. 1886 Cleveland Parker Cemetery
Parks, James P. 1934 Burke Linvill Methodist Church Cemetery
Partin, James P. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Parish, Paty 1827
Parker, Patience 1829
Parker, Powell 1863
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Partin Cemeteries Partin Family Cemetery
Parker-Rose Court Records Annie Moore Parker vs. William N. Rose & Sarah Rose, John w. Rose & Susan A. Rose, and D. W. Fuller, 1896
Parker Deaths & Obituaries Fannie Georgianna Parker, 1992
Howard-Parish Marriages Edward Howard to M. A. Parish
Rose-Parish Marriages Tobias Rose to Sally Parish, 1849
Parker Photographs Judy Kay Parker of Johnston County, North Carolina, a member of the 4-H clothing program
Parish Wills & Estates John Parish - 1822
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
ParishJohnston1700's - present Shelly Mendenhall
Parker Sandra Shaffner
Parrish Sylvia Stephens
Parrish Diane Pollard Keiser
ParrishJohnston1800 - 1900 Carla Stancil
ParrishJohnston Mary Grether
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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