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» Search Results » PAUL LEE
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Lee, Peter 3 1 1
Lee, Polly 2 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Lee, Peter 1 2 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Lee, Peter 1 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Paul
1 White Male 734 Spring Hill
Lee, Pearcy
4 White Female 1074 Newton Grove
Lee, Penelope
23 White Female 874 Newton Grove
Lee, Peter
1 White Male 797 Newton Grove
Lee, Peter
55 White Male 837 Newton Grove
Lee, Pharaoh
18 White Male 873 Newton Grove
Lee, Pheraba
8 White Female 763 Smithfield
Lee, Pheraba
9 White Female 811 Newton Grove
Lee, Pheraba
10 White Female 780 Newton Grove
Lee, Pheraba
11 White Female 797 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Pater
60 Black Male 177 Meadow
Lee, Patience
65 Black Female 32 Clayton
Lee, Patsey
25 White Female 127 Meadow
Lee, Paul
12 White Male 83 Wilders
Lee, Penny
34 White Female 104 Meadow
Lee, Peter
12 White Male 134 Ingrams
Lee, Pharoah
1 White Male 78 Ingrams
Lee, Pherabe
10 Black Female 118 Wilders
Lee, Pherby
19 White Female 192 Meadow
Lee, Polly
35 Black Female 120 Wilders
Lee, Polly
11 Black Female 117 Wilders
Lee, Polly
7 White Female 179 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lea, John P.
21 White Male 207 Elevation
Lee, George P.
9 White Male 2 Meadow
Lee, George P.
16 White Male 99 Meadow
Lee, Patsy
53 Black Female 20 Meadow
Lee, Patsy E.
37 White Female 239 Meadow
Lee, Patty
9 Black Female 20 Meadow
Lee, Paul
21 White Male 54 Wilders
Lee, Pauline
1 White Female 21 Town of Clayton
Lee, Penney
44 White Female 93 Meadow
Lee, Penny E.
0 White Female 92 Meadow
Lee, Peter
70 Black Male 87 Meadow
Lee, Peter
3 Black Male 167 Bentonville
Lee, Pharoah
11 White Male 104 Meadow
Lee, Phebe A.
31 White Female 248 Meadow
Lee, Phillip
21 White Male 232 Ingrams
Lee, Pollie
19 Black Female 41 Wilders
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Archie P.
23 White Male 79 Ingrams
Lee, James P.
22 White Male 283 Meadow
Lee, Mary P.
2 Black Female 107 Banner
Lee, Parry A.
1 White Male 359 Banner
Lee, Patric H.
16 White Male 172 Meadow
Lee, Patsy
54 White Female 235 Elevation
Lee, Paul
3 White Male 121 Ingrams
Lee, Paul S.
3 White Male 23 Banner
Lee, Pearl
1 White Female 293 Clayton
Lee, Penneulp
64 White Female 34 Meadow
Lee, Pennie F.
30 White Female 32 Ingrams
Lee, Penny
7 White Female 55 Smithfield
Lee, Permilas A.
19 White Male 29 Meadow
Lee, Perrey
28 White Male 281 Meadow
Lee, Pharaba
5 White Female 131 Bentonville
Lee, Pharoah
30 White Male 119 Ingrams
Lee, Phebe A.
50 White Female 37 Meadow
Lee, Phebe L.
8 White Female 276 Banner
Lee, Pherebe
29 White Female 143 Ingrams
Lee, Pherebe E.
59 White Female 121 Ingrams
Lee, Pherebe J.
19 White Female 121 Ingrams
Lee, Philip
41 White Male 121 Ingrams
Lee, Plora
33 White Female 32 Meadow
Lee, Preston
7 White Male 30 Ingrams
Lee, Preston
25 White Male 281 Meadow
Lee, S. P. J.
25 White Male 63 Smithfield
Lee, Vira P.
12 White Female 64 Ingrams
Lee, William P.
16 White Male 39 Meadow
Lee, Zora P.
7 White Female 64 Ingrams
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Addie P.
1 White Female 29 Meadow
Lee, Archy P.
33 White Male 47 Ingrams
Lee, George P.
2/15/1900 White Male 15 Meadow
Lee, James P.
1/7/1900 White Male 36 Meadow
Lee, James P.
1/12/1900 Black Male 52 Banner
Lee, John P.
2/23/1900 White Male 343 Smithfield
Lee, Mary P.
1/7/1900 White Female 34 Banner
Lee, Mary P.
4 White Female 151 Cleveland
Lee, Patsey
66 White Female 280 Boon Hill
Lee, Pattie
18 Black Female 100 Smithfield
Lee, Pattie
34 White Female 501 Selma
Lee, Paul
18 Black Male 42 Smithfield
Lee, Paul
1/6/1900 White Male 277 Banner
Lee, Paul H.
1/2/1900 White Male 165 Meadow
Lee, Paul H.
1/16/1900 White Male 340 Smithfield
Lee, Paul P.
12 White Male 49 Ingrams
Lee, Paul S.
1/14/1900 White Male 34 Banner
Lee, Pauline
10 White Female 83 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline M.
4 White Female 31 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
1/7/1900 White Female 350 Smithfield
Lee, Pearl
3 White Female 119 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl A.
7 White Female 103 Cleveland
Lee, Peary A.
11 White Male 122 Banner
Lee, Penny
3/14/1900 White Female 14 Meadow
Lee, Percy
2 White Male 51 Elevation
Lee, Percy
1/6/1900 White Male 606 Smithfield
Lee, Pete L.
1/23/1900 White Male 213 Meadow
Lee, Pharoah
40 White Male 52 Ingrams
Lee, Phebie A.
3/2/1900 White Female 5 Meadow
Lee, Pheby L.
18 White Female 59 Banner
Lee, Pherby F.
49 White Female 84 Ingrams
Lee, Phereby E.
61 White Female 348 Ingrams
Lee, Phillip
52 White Male 49 Ingrams
Lee, Poley G.
1/6/1900 White Male 163 Meadow
Lee, Preston
34 White Male 92 Meadow
Lee, Preston
1/16/1900 White Male 584 Smithfield
Lee, Preston
20 White Male 82 Banner
Lee, Price
1/10/1900 White Male 8 Meadow
Lee, Purl
1/10/1900 White Female 70 Clayton
Lee, Purley
1/12/1900 Black Female 211 Banner
Lee, Thomas P.
5 White Male 68 Bentonville
Lee, Vira P.
21 White Female 70 Ingrams
Lee, William P.
1/26/1900 White Male 36 Meadow
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Addie Pearl
12 White Female 98 Meadow
Lee, Aneas P.
20 White Female 18 Smithfield
Lee, Annie P.
White Female 176 Ingrams
Lee, Daniel P.
6 White Male 452 Smithfield
Lee, Dora P.
22 White Female 181 Cleveland
Lee, Ettie P.
41 White Female 249 Ingrams
Lee, Eugenia P.
8 White Female 164 Meadow
Lee, Florne P.
4 Black Female 73 Smithfield
Lee, Fredie P.
21 White Male 210 Meadow
Lee, George P.
56 White Female 164 Meadow
Lee, James P.
18 White Male 180 Meadow
Lee, James P.
14 White Male 139 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Lalla P.
3 White Female 167 Ingrams
Lee, Luther P. B.
63 White Male 169 Meadow
Lee, Oscar P.
14 White Male 3 Banner
Lee, Pall
5 White Male 75 Smithfield
Lee, Pall
12 White Male 120 Smithfield
Lee, Paschal
19 White Male 21 Bentonville
Lee, Patrick H.
38 White Male 4 Meadow
Lee, Pattie
10 Black Female 179 Wilders
Lee, Paul
16 White Male 6 Banner
Lee, Paul P.
22 White Male 176 Ingrams
Lee, Paul S.
23 White Male 75 Banner
Lee, Pauline
5 White Female 224 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
White Female 148 Banner
Lee, Pauline
14 White Female 88 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
White Female 322 Ingrams
Lee, Pawnee
9 White Male 171 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
20 White Female 172 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
10 White Female 195 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
White Female 133 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
13 White Female 403 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
21 White Female 274 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
Black Female 86 Smithfield
Lee, Pearl
22 White Female 175 Ingrams
Lee, Percy J.
11 White Male 57 Elevation
Lee, Perl M.
14 White Female 225 Cleveland
Lee, Perll
16 White Female 53 Smithfield
Lee, Perry A.
21 White Male 168 Banner
Lee, Persey
7 White Male 293 Ingrams
Lee, Pete L.
33 White Male 133 Elevation
Lee, Peuray W.
White Male 197 Meadow
Lee, Phero
50 White Male 174 Ingrams
Lee, Phillip
60 White Male 178 Ingrams
Lee, Phoebe A.
71 White Female 98 Banner
Lee, Phoebe A.
8 White Female 3 Banner
Lee, Plora
58 White Female 157 Meadow
Lee, Polie G.
15 White Male 55 Meadow
Lee, Press L.
25 White Male 322 Ingrams
Lee, Preston B.
46 White Male 245 Banner
Lee, Preston B.
32 White Male 195 Meadow
Lee, Sanders P. J.
46 White Male 31 Meadow
Lee, Sandes P. M.
33 White Male 210 Meadow
Lee, Thelma P.
White Female 172 Meadow
Lee, William P.
35 White Male 18 Meadow
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Addie P.
21 White Female 282 Banner
Lee, Bettie P.
8 White Female 262 Ingrams
Lee, Della Perry
50 White Female 254 Clayton
Lee, Esther P.
22 White Female 109 Meadow
Lee, George P.
65 White Male 105 Meadow
Lee, Jasper P.
2+10/12 White Male 065 Meadow
Lee, Luther P.
74 White Male 309 Elevation
Lee, Nellie P.
45 White Female 235 Clayton
Lee, Nola P.
24 White Female 156 Bentonville
Lee, Parry A.
31 White Male 085 Meadow
Lee, Patie
18 Black Female 173 O'Neals
Lee, Patrick H.
47 White Male 094 Meadow
Lee, Paul
33 White Male 104 Banner
Lee, Paul
15 White Male 131 Smithfield
Lee, Paul
5 White Male 065 Meadow
Lee, Paul H.
23 White Male 231 Smithfield
Lee, Paul P.
32 White Male 098 Ingrams
Lee, Paul Wilton
9 White Male 049 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
2+6/12 White Female 005 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
3+10/12 White Female 138 Meadow
Lee, Pauline
19 Black Female 024 Smithfield
Lee, Pauline
17 White Female 098 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
11 White Female 252 Banner
Lee, Pauline
21 White Female 168 Pine Level
Lee, Pauline
12 White Female 142 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
21 White Female 292 Clayton
Lee, Pauline
16 White Female 398 Smithfield
Lee, Pauline
2 White Female 254 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
1+10/12 White Female 262 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline M.
24 White Female 083 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
30 White Female 071 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
8 White Female 173 Smithfield
Lee, Pearl
32 White Female 129 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
34 White Female 036 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
16 White Female 064 Bentonville
Lee, Pearl
13 Black Female 067 Smithfield
Lee, Pearl
28 White Female 033 Elevation
Lee, Pearl
21 White Female 208 Bentonville
Lee, Pearl R.
31 White Female 262 Ingrams
Lee, Penny
21 White Female 171 Banner
Lee, Peral
10 White Female 297 Meadow
Lee, Percy
17 White Male 164 Ingrams
Lee, Percy
24 White Male 068 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Percy
9 White Male 063 Meadow
Lee, Percy Jr.
22 White Male 150 Elevation
Lee, Perlene
9 White Female 071 Meadow
Lee, Perley M.
10 White Male 246 Banner
Lee, Perry
9 White Male 106 Boon Hill
Lee, Pete L.
43 White Male 065 Meadow
Lee, Pete L.
38 White Male 065 Meadow
Lee, Phebe
3+4/12 White Female 063 Meadow
Lee, Phebe G.
5 White Female 228 Banner
Lee, Phereby
67 White Female 161 Ingrams
Lee, Phernia B.
19 White Male 054 Banner
Lee, Preston B.
57 White Male 149 Bentonville
Lee, Silas P.
10 White Male 085 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Thomas P.
29 White Male 161 Bentonville
Lee, William P.
46 White Male 228 Banner
Lee, William P.
5 Black Male 284 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Bettie P.
18 White Female 233 Ingrams
Lee, George P.
76 White Male 72 Meadow
Lee, Henry P.
1 White Male 64 Meadow
Lee, James P.
15 White Male 63 Meadow
Lee, Margaret P.
26 White Female 209 Smithfield
Lee, Matha Pearl
19 White Female 40 Banner
Lee, P. A.
41 White Male 43 Banner
Lee, Pansy M.
9 White Female 19 Pine Level
Lee, Parlie
19 White Male 84 Ingrams
Lee, Pascal
39 White Male 65 Beulah
Lee, Pastor
56 White Male 399 Banner
Lee, Paul
24 White Male 92 Wilders
Lee, Paul
35 White Male 104 Meadow
Lee, Paul
43 White Male 66 Ingrams
Lee, Paul Jr.
15 White Male 104 Meadow
Lee, Paul H.
33 White Male 200 Smithfield
Lee, Pauline
11 White Female 233 Ingrams
Lee, Pauline
12 White Female 153 Smithfield
Lee, Pauline
13 White Female 109 Meadow
Lee, Pauline
21 White Female 148 Banner
Lee, Pearl
18 White Female 267 Smithfield
Lee, Pearl
20 White Female 210 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
38 White Female 68 Meadow
Lee, Pearl
42 White Female 273 Clayton
Lee, Pearl
43 White Female 224 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl
25 White Female 99 Beulah
Lee, Pearl
25 White Female 134 Beulah
Lee, Pearl
30 White Female 328 Beulah
Lee, Pearl R.
41 White Female 233 Ingrams
Lee, Pearl T.
29 White Female 57 Meadow
Lee, Peggie
<1 White Female 259 Meadow
Lee, Peggy A.
<1 White Female 318 Beulah
Lee, Pegie
<1 White Female 107 Ingrams
Lee, Penny
33 White Female 157 Banner
Lee, Percy
19 White Male 69 Meadow
Lee, Percy
32 White Male 29 Elevation
Lee, Percy
27 White Male 20 Ingrams
Lee, Percy Owen
42 White Male 95 Clayton
Lee, Perry Lee
15 Black Male 334 Banner
Lee, Pete
22 White Male 257 Meadow
Lee, Pharbie
77 White Female 43 Ingrams
Lee, Pheba
3 White Female 104 Meadow
Lee, Philus
<1 White Female 113 Clayton
Lee, Phoba
15 White Female 399 Banner
Lee, Phoebe H.
13 White Female 69 Meadow
Lee, Press
50 White Male 60 Boon Hill
Lee, Proctor
5 White Male 14 Clayton
Lee, Shirley P.
5 White Female 186 Ingrams
Lee, Silva Poe
20 White Male 244 Pleasant Grove
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Lay, Peter 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lee, A. P. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Lee, David P. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lee, Joshua P. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lee, Lemon P. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lee, P. D. Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard) Private C
Lee, Peyton L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Lee, Pharaoh 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lee, S. P. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Lee, William P. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lee, William P. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lee, William P. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Leeward, I. P. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Lowe, Andrew P. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lowe, James P. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Lowe, Leander P. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lowe, W. P. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Loy, Peter 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Lee, Ada Pearl 1906 1906 Allen, John G.
Lee, Anna Pearl Hill 1899 1921 Sanders Chapel
Lee, Annie Pauline Neighbors 1900 1961 Roselawn
Lee, Archie P 1876 1958 Wood, John S.
Lee, Arnold P 1928 1929 Wood, John S.
Lee, Autney Pearl 1918 1918 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Lee, Bessie P 1905 Denning
Lee, Chester Paul 1923 1980 McLamb, Isham
Lee, Emmie P 1885 1957 Johnson, J. Q.
Lee, Esther P 1916 2001 Johnson, J. Q.
Lee, G P 1870 1896 Lee, James
Lee, George Penuel 1863 1945 Johnson/Lee
Lee, Hawkins Price 1835 1919 Corinth United Methodist. Church
Lee, James Parker 1911 1999 Princeton
Lee, Julia Peacock 1849 1891 Lee, Thomas Tilghman
Lee, Lovetta P 1917 Knollwood
Lee, Martha P 1887 1971 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Lee, Mary Parker 1881 1951 Beulah Church
Lee, Mary Pearl 1905 1922 Shiloh Baptist Church
Lee, Milton (Pete) 1918 1979 Roselawn
Lee, Mollie P 1896 Parker, Cicero
Lee, Nellie Parrish 1883 1964 Benson City
Lee, Oscar P 1903 1971 McLamb, Isham
Lee, P L 1883 1936 Lee, Monroe
Lee, Parthenia H 1839 1887 Wood, John S.
Lee, Patricia A 1941 1941 Princeton
Lee, Patrick H 1882 1934 Lee, Thomas Tilghman
Lee, Patsy 1846 1916 Bryant, Billy/Lee
Lee, Patsy Hood's Grove Baptist Church
Lee, Paul Jr 1925 1957 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Lee, Paul 1915 1965 Selma Memorial Gardens
Lee, Paul John 1922 2002 Lee Family
Lee, Paul L 1903 1975 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Lee, Paul Phillip 1897 1979 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Lee, Paul Sexton 1896 1923 Barber, B. T.
Lee, Pearl A 1896 1946 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, Pearl H 1897 Knollwood
Lee, Pearl L 1919 1991 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Pennie M 1909 1980 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Penny F 1870 1932 Dunn, Dicey
Lee, Percy E 1912 1969 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, Perry 1872 Tart, Furney
Lee, Perry Allen 1898 1963 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Pharoah 1869 1929 Blackmons Grove Baptist Church
Lee, Pharoah 1842 1864 Johnson/Lee
Lee, Pherbie Lee, Cader
Lee, Pherbie Adams 1866 1942 Lee, John "Jackie"
Lee, Phillip 1910 Four Oaks Town
Lee, Phillip 1858 1922 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Lee, Poley Gardner 1904 1941 Langston/Rose/Lee
Lee, Polly 1937 1978 Lee, G. W.
Lee, Polly Eldridge Eldridge, William B.
Lee, Preston L 1893 1929 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, Sara P 1897 1925 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Lee, Sarah Pleasant 1900 1977 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Lee, Virginia Pope 1927 Roselawn
Lee, William P 1884 1964 Roselawn
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Lee, S. P. 1865 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Griffin-Lee Bibles Griffin-Lee Family Bible
Lee Deaths & Obituaries Zachariah Lee, 1862
Lee Deaths & Obituaries J. Lee, 1863
Lee Deaths & Obituaries Mary Jane Lee, 1922
Morton-Lee Deaths & Obituaries Caroline C. (Lee) Morton, 1859
Lee Deeds Godfrey Lee, 1780-1784
Lee Deeds Robert Lee, 1748-1756
Lee-Hooks Deeds Blackman & Mary Lee to Franklin & John Hooks, 1848
Lee-Rose Deeds Samuel Lee Jr. to Nicholas Rose, 1822
Lee Letters Thomas Lee, 1792
Ingram-Lee Marriages Isaac Ingram to Winefred Lee, 1786
Ingram-Lee Marriages Loverd Ingram to Martha Lee, 1816
Ingram-Lee Marriages William Ingram to Barthma Lee, 1816
Ingrim-Lee Marriages Isaac Ingrim Jr to Betsy Lee, 1848
Lee-Hood Marriages Gideon Lee to Polly Ann Hood, 1861
Lee-Ingram Marriages James Lee Jr to Ann Ingram, 1785
Lee-Ingram Marriages James Lee to Ellinder Ingram, 1821
Lee-Rose Marriages Ransom Lee and Lucy Rose, 1854
Rhodes-Lee Marriages Moses Rhodes to Pherebe Lee, 1820
Rhodes-Lee Marriages Joseph E. Rhodes to Elizabeth Lee, 1854
Rhodes-Lee Marriages Moses Rhodes to Pherube Lee, 1820
Rose-Lee Marriages Henderson Rose to Cathrine Lee, 1879
Rose-Lee Marriages Charles M. Rose to Lucy E. Lee, 1890
Rose-Lee Marriages William N. Rose to Pherebee, 1847
Lee Military James Lee Pension, 1847
Lee Military John Lee Pension, 1853
Lee Military Lemuel Lee Pension, 1834
Lee Military Young Lee, 1864
Lee Wills & Estates John Lee Sr - 1766
Lee Wills & Estates Robert Lee - 1774
Lee Wills & Estates John Lee - 1768
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Lee Alice Holmes
Lee Donna Sherron
LeeJohnston David Dunn
LeeDuplin, Sampson, Johnston1700's & 1800's Mamie Tate
LeeJohnston, Sampson, Wayne1700's - present Auburn Hall
Lee, James of Edgecombe Co.Johnston, Edgecombe, Nash, Wake1700's Warren Bagley
Lee, John & Peter Sylvia Stephens
Lee, John Esq.JohnstonEarly Jim Williams, Sr
Lee, Long David & Short DavieSampson1750 - present Ruth Creech
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Michael W. Kay
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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