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» Search Results » PEATIE CREECH
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, Parrot
27 White Male 548 Leachburg
Creech, Patrick
20 White Male 64 Boon Hill
Creech, Patsey
9 White Female 41 Boon Hill
Creech, Patsy
1 White Female 346 Boon Hill
Creech, Penelope
25 White Female 202 Boon Hill
Creech, Peney
2 White Female 1072 Newton Grove
Creech, Polly
17 White Female 610 Pine Level
Creech, Polly
12 White Female 602 Pine Level
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creach, Parrot
2 White Male 183 Elevation
Creach, Penny
29 White Female 192 Elevation
Creach, Perrot
38 White Male 57 Elevation
Creech, James P.
30 White Male 222 Smithfield
Creech, Parrot M.
3 White Male 102 Smithfield
Creech, Patsey
11 White Female 132 O'Neals
Creech, Pency
12 White Female 65 Ingrams
Creech, Poatia
20 White Female 173 O'Neals
Creech, Polla
7 White Female 106 Beulah
Creech, Polly
70 White Female 162 Boon Hill
Creech, Polly
22 Black Female 146 Smithfield
Creech, Polly
48 White Female 143 O'Neals
Creech, Polly
32 White Female 107 O'Neals
Creech, Polly
30 White Female 175 Selma
Crenshaw, Patty
17 Black Female 54 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, James P.
40 White Male 256 Boon Hill
Creech, James P.
31 White Male 322 O'Neals
Creech, Levi P.
38 White Male 247 Boon Hill
Creech, P. Cader
6 White Male 147 Elevation
Creech, Part A.
6 White Male 264 Elevation
Creech, Patia
29 White Female 224 O'Neals
Creech, Patsy
8 White Female 85 Selma
Creech, Penny
26 White Female 351 O'Neals
Creech, Penny
39 White Female 154 Elevation
Creech, Polley
84 White Female 67 Selma
Creech, Polley
16 White Female 108 Beulah
Creech, Pollie A. D.
8 White Female 256 Boon Hill
Creech, Polly
54 White Female 47 O'Neals
Creech, Polly
38 White Female 237 O'Neals
Creech, Polly A.
23 White Female 85 Selma
Creech, William P.
9 White Male 154 Elevation
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, Henry P.
8 White Male 33 Smithfield
Creech, James P.
60 White Male 43 Boon Hill
Creech, Parish C.
27 White Male 226 Elevation
Creech, Parrot M.
32 White Male 57 Bentonville
Creech, Parry
29 White Male 254 Elevation
Creech, Patrick
1 White Male 118 Beulah
Creech, Pattie
24 White Female 211 O'Neals
Creech, Patty
28 White Female 38 Selma
Creech, Pearl M.
2 White Female 57 Bentonville
Creech, Pennie E.
4 White Female 179 O'Neals
Creech, Penny
58 White Female 219 Banner
Creech, Phelitia F.
23 White Female 71 Ingrams
Creech, Pherebe
53 White Female 231 Elevation
Creech, Piety E.
25 White Female 92 O'Neals
Creech, Pollie
52 White Female 308 Selma
Creech, Pollie
58 White Female 95 O'Neals
Creech, Pollie
24 White Female 79 Boon Hill
Creech, Pollie A.
3 White Female 102 O'Neals
Creech, Pollie A.
37 White Female 102 O'Neals
Creech, Pollie H.
44 White Female 201 Selma
Creech, Polly
52 White Female 125 Beulah
Creech, Polly
59 White Female 29 Selma
Creech, Walter P.
13 White Male 153 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, John P. L.
1/1/1900 White Male 181 Elevation
Creech, P. M.
42 White Male 149 Ingrams
Creech, Parrot C.
2/5/1900 White Male 61 Elevation
Creech, Patrick
12 White Male 82 Beulah
Creech, Pattie
2/4/1900 White Female 116 O'Neals
Creech, Paul A.
1/2/1900 White Male 65 Elevation
Creech, Paul J.
1/6/1900 White Male 244 Beulah
Creech, Paul L.
9 White Male 149 Ingrams
Creech, Paul Pou
1/7/1900 White Male 185 Elevation
Creech, Pauline
4 White Female 13 Ingrams
Creech, Pearl
1/8/1900 White Female 194 O'Neals
Creech, Pearl
7 White Female 101 Beulah
Creech, Pearl M.
11 White Female 149 Ingrams
Creech, Peaty
2/24/1900 White Female 114 O'Neals
Creech, Penninie
15 White Female 212 O'Neals
Creech, Permel
25 White Male 221 O'Neals
Creech, Phelitia F.
33 White Female 90 Ingrams
Creech, Pherbe J.
3/2/1900 White Female 65 Elevation
Creech, Pity E.
36 White Female 59 O'Neals
Creech, Polly
63 White Female 144 Selma
Creech, Polly
38 White Female 318 Wilders
Creech, Polly
62 White Female 57 Beulah
Creech, Polly H.
54 White Female 19 Selma
Creech, Preston
1/2/1900 White Male 156 O'Neals
Creech, Preston
18 White Male 189 Smithfield
Creech, Vada P.
1/2/1900 White Female 2 Elevation
Creech, Walter P.
23 White Male 210 Cleveland
Creech, William P.
2/8/1900 White Male 181 Elevation
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, Etear P.
8 White Female 256 Smithfield
Creech, Henery P.
28 White Male 194 Smithfield
Creech, L. P.
White Male 263 Boon Hill
Creech, Patrick
White Male 158 Boon Hill
Creech, Patrick
20 White Male 127 Micro
Creech, Paul
19 White Male 53 Bentonville
Creech, Paul
7 White Male 92 Boon Hill
Creech, Paul
12 White Male 2 Elevation
Creech, Paul
9 White Male 358 Selma
Creech, Pauline
White Female 162 Selma
Creech, Pauline
13 White Female 167 Banner
Creech, Pearl
16 White Female 71 Micro
Creech, Pearl
8 White Female 88 Banner
Creech, Pearl
17 White Female 63 O'Neals
Creech, Pennie
24 White Female 408 O'Neals
Creech, Perry W.
White Male 23 Smithfield
Creech, Phereby
74 White Female 58 Elevation
Creech, Philitia
43 White Female 85 Ingrams
Creech, Polly
72 White Female 72 Micro
Creech, Polly H.
64 White Female 8 Selma
Creech, Pou
16 White Male 85 Banner
Creech, Powell
White Male 205 Beulah
Creech, Preston
12 White Male 109 Wilders
Creech, Vada Prelle
12 White Female 82 Elevation
Creech, Walter P.
5 White Male 139 Clayton
Creech, Walter P.
33 White Male 220 Smithfield
Creech, William P.
48 White Male 132 Elevation
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, Edna Pearl
2+2/12 White Female 195 O'Neals
Creech, Etta P.
17 White Female 140 Smithfield
Creech, Helen P.
7 White Female 062 Pine Level
Creech, Henry P.
38 White Male 048 Smithfield
Creech, Henry P. Jr.
6 White Male 048 Smithfield
Creech, J. P.
41 White Male 119 O'Neals
Creech, J. Paul
24 White Male 013 Elevation
Creech, L. P.
10 White Male 104 Boon Hill
Creech, Mary P.
30 White Female 062 Pine Level
Creech, Neta P.
14 White Female 261 Boon Hill
Creech, Pacia
34 White Female 068 Meadow
Creech, Parrot B.
15 White Male 136 Pleasant Grove
Creech, Patrick
14 White Male 083 Pine Level
Creech, Patsy E.
16 White Female 019 Boon Hill
Creech, Pattie
55 White Female 208 O'Neals
Creech, Paul
18 White Male 037 Micro
Creech, Paul
8 White Male 073 Selma
Creech, Paul A.
22 White Male 100 Elevation
Creech, Paul E.
15 White Male 131 Elevation
Creech, Paul L.
30 White Male 070 Bentonville
Creech, Pauline
7 White Female 026 O'Neals
Creech, Pauline
13 White Female 031 Selma
Creech, Pearl
25 White Female 345 Selma
Creech, Pearley
25 White Female 132 O'Neals
Creech, Pennie
32 White Female 026 O'Neals
Creech, Percy G.
8 White Male 141 Beulah
Creech, Perry
10 White Male 144 Boon Hill
Creech, Pherby
82 White Female 100 Elevation
Creech, Piety E.
56 White Female 023 O'Neals
Creech, Pollie
52 Black Female 189 Wilders
Creech, Polly
81 White Female 004 Micro
Creech, Preston
22 White Male 034 O'Neals
Creech, Shelbert P.
12 White Male 029 O'Neals
Creech, Walter P.
43 White Male 070 Smithfield
Creech, Walter P.
47 White Male 080 Clayton
Creech, Walter P. Jr.
15 White Male 080 Clayton
Creech, William P.
59 White Male 013 Elevation
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Creech, Bernese P.
20 White Female 78 Pine Level
Creech, Charles P.
2 White Male 277 Beulah
Creech, D. P.
51 White Male 30 O'Neals
Creech, Edna Pearl
28 White Female 166 Smithfield
Creech, Edwin P.
38 White Male 47 Boon Hill
Creech, Emma P.
29 White Female 96 Smithfield
Creech, Glenn P.
8 White Male 236 Smithfield
Creech, H. Preston
48 White Male 237 Smithfield
Creech, Harold P.
15 White Male 237 Smithfield
Creech, J. P.
16 White Male 74 O'Neals
Creech, J. P.
52 White Male 269 Wilders
Creech, J. Paul
32 White Male 145 Elevation
Creech, Luther P.
10 White Male 140 Selma
Creech, M. Pauine
22 White Female 407 Clayton
Creech, P. Fannie
63 White Female 94 Ingrams
Creech, Paschal Lee
15 White Male 259 Smithfield
Creech, Patience
44 White Female 102 O'Neals
Creech, Patty
56 White Female 209 O'Neals
Creech, Paul
40 White Male 225 Beulah
Creech, Paul
29 White Male 222 Selma
Creech, Paul
24 White Male 6 Wilson's Mills
Creech, Paul Jr.
2 White Male 222 Selma
Creech, Paul A.
32 White Male 198 Elevation
Creech, Pearl
22 White Female 174 Banner
Creech, Pearl
35 White Female 256 Selma
Creech, Pearlie
35 White Female 119 O'Neals
Creech, Peggy Joyce
7 White Female 218 Smithfield
Creech, Pennia
44 White Female 41 O'Neals
Creech, Percy
18 White Male 203 Micro
Creech, Perry
20 White Male 78 Clayton
Creech, Phylis L.
1 White Female 73 Pine Level
Creech, Piety E.
68 White Female 35 O'Neals
Creech, Polly
80 White Female 450 Selma
Creech, Powell
25 White Male 175 O'Neals
Creech, Precious Ann
4 White Female 30 Wilders
Creech, Walter P.
57 White Male 18 Clayton
Creech, Walter P.
53 White Male 127 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Charikee, Adam P. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Chork, L. P. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry Lieutenant C
Craig, J. Porter 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Craig, N. P. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Craig, Porter 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Craig, Robert P. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Craig, W. P. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Craig, William P. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Creasman, Philip J. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Creasman, T. P. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Creech, Benjamin P. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Creech, James P. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Creech, Levi P. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Creecy, E. P. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry E,I Private C
Creekmore, Peter 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Private C
Creesman, W. P. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) K Private C
Cresman, P. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Cress, Philip A. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Crook, John P. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Cross, Alvin P. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Cross, Jacob P. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cross, James P. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Captain C
Cross, P. W. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cross, Peter 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Crouch, P. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Crouch, Paten 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Crouch, Payton 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Crouch, Peyton 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Cruce, Peter 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Cruse, Paul 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Cruse, Peter 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Creech, Bessie P 1913 Creech, John R.
Creech, Betty Pittman 1934 Pittman, Jethro
Creech, Dempsie P 1889 1967 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Ella P 1899 1930 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Creech, Estelle Parrish 1907 Selma Memorial Gardens
Creech, Heba L (Pud) 1929 2008 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Creech, Henry Preston 1892 1977 Sunset Memorial Park
Creech, Mrs J P Poole, G. R.
Creech, James P 1840 1900 Overbee, D. A.
Creech, James P Jim 1888 1961 Thanksgiving Baptist Church
Creech, Jim P 1869 1908 Creech, Bennett
Creech, Johnnie Paul 1908 1980 Roselawn
Creech, Laura P 1857 1924 Four Oaks Town
Creech, Laura Poole 1914 1916 Sunset Memorial Park
Creech, Levi Phillip 1841 1896 Braswell, Jacob
Creech, Levy Preston 1919 1978 Selma Memorial Gardens
Creech, Loomis Person 1924 1924 Creech, James T.
Creech, Magadalene P 1910 Crocker
Creech, Margaret Pittman 1876 1950 Old Beulah Church
Creech, Mary Ingram (Polly) 1789 1850 Creech, John Alvin
Creech, Mollie Pittman 1884 1951 Old Beulah Church
Creech, Myrtle Pierce 1894 1976 Creech, Bunyan
Creech, Olivia Pearl Holland 1904 1982 Greenwood
Creech, Ophelia Pearce 1869 1938 Peedin, James Isaac
Creech, P M 1865 1910 Four Oaks Town
Creech, Parrott Elder 1832 1874 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Creech, Patience M 1895 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Patricia Ann 1944 1944 Corinth Primitive Baptist Church
Creech, Pattie Whilley 1874 1954 Corinth Baptist Church
Creech, Paul Aden 1907 1979 Creech, Bunyan
Creech, Paul L 1900 1977 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Creech, Paul Vick 1907 1908 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Pearlie Narron 1904 1983 Creech, J. L.
Creech, Peatie Haynes 1850 1923 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Peccola 1926 1926 Dixon, Richard S.
Creech, Pennia E 1895 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Perry Wilson 1920 1958 Sunset Memorial Park
Creech, Pherby J 1845 1934 Creech, Bunyan
Creech, Piety 1874 1952 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Polly A 1862 1901 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Polly A 1844 1919 Brown & Garner
Creech, Polly Ann 1848 1936 Creech, John Alvin
Creech, Polly Ann Tolar Overby/Tolar
Creech, Polly Green 1842 1908 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Creech, Polly Toler 1874 1954 Overbee, D. A.
Creech, Rethea Pearl 1911 1913 Creech, Bunyan
Creech, Swannie P 1894 1969 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Creech, Victoria P 1898 Sunset Memorial Park
Creech, Walter P 1886 1959 Thompson, D. D.
Creech, Walter P 1882 1961 Maplewood
Creech, William Parrott 1871 1938 Dixon, Richard S.
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
Name Year
Creech, Levi P. 1896
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Creech Bibles William Sanders Creech Bible
Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemeteries Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemetery
Allen-Creech Marriages Thomas Allen to Martha Creech, 1879
Creech-Godwin Marriages Ezekial Creech to Eleanor Godwin, 1859
Creech-Horne Marriages Stanford Creech to Martha Ellen Horne
Haywood-Cressey Marriages Dr. Lewis Haywood to Sarah Cressey, 1810
Creech Wills & Estates Ezekial Creech - 1862
Creech Wills & Estates Joshua Creech - 1841
Creech Wills & Estates Joshua Creech Sr - 1866
Creech Wills & Estates Joshua Creech - 1866
Creech Wills & Estates Margaret Creech - 1848
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
CreechLenoir Johnson WakePre 1825 1825 - present 1840's - 1940's Ruth Creech
CreechJohnston James Keen
CreechJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
CreechJohnston1700 - 1850 Cathy Abrams
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Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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