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» Search Results » STEPHEN HINNANT
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Hinton, Sarah 2 2 1 1
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Hinton, Sarah 1 1 4
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Hinnant, Sarah 1 1 1 1
Hinnant, Stephen 1 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Hinnant, Sarah 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Saphrony
12 White Female 72 Boon Hill
Hinnant, S.
52 White Female 558 St. Charles
Hinnant, Sally
55 White Female 577 Beulah
Hinnant, Sarah
18 White Female 762 Creechville
Hinnant, Sarah
18 White Female 178 Smithfield
Hinnant, Sarah
3 White Female 743 Creechville
Hinnant, Sarah
3 White Female 221 Boon Hill
Hinton, Sarah
3 White Female 854 Earpsboro
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hinnant, Claudius S.
26 White Male 22 Beulah
Hinnant, Sallie
9 White Female 174 Wilders
Hinnant, Sally
64 White Female 38 O'Neals
Hinnant, Sally J.
23 White Female 63 Beulah
Hinnant, Sarah
5 Black Female 10 Beulah
Hinnant, Sarah
13 White Female 192 Wilders
Hinnant, Sarah
14 White Female 125 Ingrams
Hinnant, Sarah E.
32 White Female 174 Wilders
Hinnant, Shade
70 Black Male 193 Wilders
Hinnant, Shade
17 Black Male 195 Wilders
Hinnant, Sintha
13 White Female 105 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen
6 White Male 18 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen
3 White Male 69 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephener
10 White Male 167 Beulah
Hinson, Samuel
30 Black Male 4 O'Neals
Hinson, Sylva
24 Black Female 4 O'Neals
Hinton, Sarah
3 White Female 83 O'Neals
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Shelly
35 White Female 191 Selma
Hinnant, Clodus S.
2 White Male 239 Beulah
Hinnant, Sarha
18 White Female 62 Wilders
Hinnant, Sissie
11 Black Female 149 Wilders
Hinnant, Stephen
13 White Male 78 Selma
Hinnant, Stephen H.
20 White Male 117 Beulah
Hinton, Samuel
5 Black Male 255 Clayton
Hinton, Sandy
19 Black Male 112 Wilders
Hinton, Sarah
12 White Female 149 O'Neals
Hinton, Sidney
5 Black Male 108 Wilders
Hinton, Sukie
1 Black Female 108 South Smithfield
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Samuel
14 Black Male 200 Smithfield
Hines, Sarah E.
39 Black Female 286 Clayton
Hinnant, Sallie
1 Black Female 212 O'Neals
Hinnant, Sally
15 White Female 56 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen
1 White Male 209 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen
31 White Male 138 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen Jr.
7 White Male 138 Beulah
Hinnant, Susanna
14 Black Female 83 O'Neals
Hinton, Sc---
21 White Male 263 O'Neals
Hinton, Sela
44 White Female 120 O'Neals
Hinton, Solomon
60 Black Male 266 Wilders
Hinton, Susan
17 Black Female 29 Clayton
Hinton, Sylvia
25 Black Female 226 Cleveland
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Sallie
White Female 15 Bentonville
Hines, Sallie
26 White Female 79 Beulah
Hinnant, Jewell S.
1 White Female 176 Wilders
Hinnant, S. L.
1/5/1900 Black Female 130 Clayton
Hinnant, Saylie
26 White Female 231 Pine Level
Hinnant, Scyntha E.
1/24/1900 White Female 227 Beulah
Hinnant, Sidney
1/15/1900 Black Male 192 Boon Hill
Hinnant, Stephen
43 White Male 18 Smithfield
Hinnant, Stephen
1/11/1900 White Male 274 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen Rayford
16 White Male 18 Smithfield
Hinnant, Sula
27 White Female 236 Pine Level
Hinnant, Sylvester
7 Black Male 191 Clayton
Hinton, Sampson
25 Mulatto Male 242 Selma
Hinton, Schore J.
2/2/1900 White Male 219 O'Neals
Hinton, Schore O.
3/12/2012 White Male 219 O'Neals
Hinton, Silas
8 Black Male 217 Clayton
Hinton, Silver J.
1/23/1900 White Female 318 O'Neals
Hinton, Sophie
25 Mulatto Female 242 Selma
Hinton, Swannie
1/2/1900 White Female 226 O'Neals
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hinant, Sadie
27 Black Female 19 Wilders
Hines, Sallie
9 White Female 123 Bentonville
Hines, Samuel
35 Black Male 198 Smithfield
Hines, Sarah
56 White Female 33 Boon Hill
Hinnant, Jewel Syble
11 White Female 77 Wilders
Hinnant, Sophronia
29 White Female 66 Beulah
Hinnant, Stephen
9 White Male 66 Beulah
Hinnant, Sula
30 White Female 167 Pine Level
Hinson, Stella F.
43 White Female 78 Clayton
Hinton, S. J.
43 White Male 298 O'Neals
Hinton, Sadie R.
8 White Female 77 O'Neals
Hinton, Sallie
15 Black Female 241 O'Neals
Hinton, Susa A.
20 White Female 313 Smithfield
Hinton, Swonnie
12 White Female 294 O'Neals
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Sallie
20 White Female 189 Cleveland
Hines, Shirley M.
6/12 White Female 045 Boon Hill
Hines, Silas R.
4/12 White Male 129 Wilson's Mills
Hines, Susan
22 Black Female 079 Smithfield
Hinnant, Gladys S.
29 White Female 025 Wilders
Hinnant, James S.
39 Black Male 233 O'Neals
Hinnant, Jewel S.
21 White Female 001 Wilders
Hinnant, Sallie A.
40 Black Female 187 O'Neals
Hinnant, Sarah
45 Black Female 229 Wilders
Hinnant, Sealy G.
6 White Female 071 Wilders
Hinnant, Sidney
34 Black Male 126 Wilders
Hinnant, Sidney
59 White Female 228 Selma
Hinnant, Sophrona E.
40 White Female 076 Beulah
Hinnant, Stella
30 White Female 029 Micro
Hinnant, Stephen A.
19 White Male 076 Beulah
Hinnant, Steven R.
37 White Male 276 Smithfield
Hinnant, Susanna
6 Black Female 173 O'Neals
Hinton, S. J.
8 White Male 117 O'Neals
Hinton, Sadie
18 White Female 272 O'Neals
Hinton, Sallie
25 Black Female 186 Wilders
Hinton, Sallie S.
26 White Female 291 Boon Hill
Hinton, Sallie V.
9 Black Female 063 Clayton
Hinton, Sarah Louise
7 White Female 272 O'Neals
Hinton, Sarvis
2 Black Male 221 Wilders
Hinton, Score J.
53 White Male 117 O'Neals
Hinton, Seba
2+612 White Male 101 O'Neals
Hinton, Sophia
48 Black Male 112 Selma
Hinton, Susie
30 Black Female 172 Wilders
Hinton, Swannie
22 White Female 028 O'Neals
Hinton, Sylvia
40 Black Female 183 Wilders
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hines, Shirley F.
1 White Female 279 Ingrams
Hines, Swezette
6 Black Female 101 Wilson's Mills
Hinnant, Sallie
19 Black Female 326 Cleveland
Hinnant, Sam
17 White Male 199 Micro
Hinnant, Senie
32 White Female 189 Beulah
Hinnant, Shelva J.
2 White Female 109 Pine Level
Hinnant, Sophie
51 Black Female 215 Selma
Hinnant, Sophronia
49 White Female 151 Beulah
Hinnant, Stella F.
39 White Female 19 Micro
Hinnant, Susan
16 Black Female 5 Beulah
Hinton, S. J.
17 White Male 319 O'Neals
Hinton, S. Obbie
30 White Male 359 O'Neals
Hinton, Sallie
37 White Female 284 Boon Hill
Hinton, Sallie
9 White Female 113 O'Neals
Hinton, Score J.
60 White Male 319 O'Neals
Hinton, Seba
13 White Male 237 O'Neals
Hinton, Sidney
48 Black Male 4 Wilders
Hinton, Susie A.
43 White Female 17 Wilders
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Deans, Charles Hinnant, Sally 23 May 1853
Wall, Joseph I. Hinton, Sarah C. 29 Nov 1853
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Hammond, Samuel 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Hammond, Sidney P. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Hammond, Stephen 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hammond, Stephen 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hammond, Stephen 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hammond, Stradford 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Hammonds, Samuel 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Hammonds, Stradford 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Hinchey, J. S. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hinchman, Samuel 20th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Hindes, S. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hinds, S. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Hindsaman, Jacob S. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hines, Alexander S. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hines, George S. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry C Ordnance Sergeant C
Hines, H. S. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hines, Henry S. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Hines, James S. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Major C
Hines, John S. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry Acting Quartermaster C
Hines, S. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Hines, S. M. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B,E Private C
Hines, S. M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hines, Samuel 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hines, Samuel 27th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Hines, Samuel H. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry I Captain C
Hines, Samuel H. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Hines, Samuel N. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hines, Sherwood 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hines, Sol 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
Hines, William S. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hines, William S. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Hines, William S. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Hingle, Silas 12th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Hiniricurt, Solomon 28th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hinman, Samuel 49th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hinnant, C. S. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hinnant, Charles S. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Hinnant, Cladius S. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Hinnant, Claud S. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hinseaman, J. S. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hinseamon, Jacob S. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hinson, Samuel M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Hinson, Stewart M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hinton, S. A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hinton, Sidney A. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H First Lieutenant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Hinnant, Ada S Braswell 1898 1968 Sunset Memorial Park
Hinnant, Rachel S 1924 2011 Selma Memorial Gardens
Hinnant, Sadie H 1884 1908 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Hinnant, Samuel Wesley 1923 1998 Hinnant, Needham B.
Hinnant, Saphronia J 1890 1972 Jones, C. R.
Hinnant, Stephen 1899 1918 Hinnant, H. W.
Hinnant, Stephen 1866 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Hinnant, Stephen Raeford 1893 1977 Sunset Memorial Park
Hinnant, Stephen Dennis 1966 2005 Holland, W. D. N.
Hinton, Bettie Strickland 1888 1974 Princeton
Hinton, Hattie S 1891 1965 Friendship Free Will Baptist Church
Hinton, Lucy S 1882 1969 Antioch Baptist Church
Hinton, Nancy S 1868 1941 Antioch Baptist Church
Hinton, S Evelyn 1925 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, Sallie Williamson 1873 1917 Williamson, Hardy #1 & #2
Hinton, Score J 1876 1959 Antioch Baptist Church
Hinton, Seley 1856 1916 Madon, Joseph L.
Hinton, Seley 1856 1916 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Hinton, Susie A 1898 1976 Forest Hills
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Hines, James Stephen 1904 Duplin Faison Cemetery
Hines, Stephen Miller 1864 Duplin Gresham Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Hinnant, Sarah 1837
Hinton, Solomon 1778
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Rand-Durham-Hines Bibles Rand-Durham-Hines Family Bible Records
Hinton Court Records Malachi Hinton - Deceased, 1811
Hiner-Johnson Deaths & Obituaries Pauline Martin Johnson Hiner, 2008
Hines Deaths & Obituaries Hettie T. Hines
Hines Deaths & Obituaries Joshua Desford Hines, 1987
Hinton-Rand Deaths & Obituaries Celestia (Rand) Hinton, 1863
Bedingfield-Hinton Deeds John Bedingfield to Hardy Hinton, 1762
Hinton Deeds Solomon Hinton to William Hinton, 1787
Hinton Deeds Solomon Hinton, 1779
Hines-Adams Marriages Benjamin Hines to Altona Adams, 1859
Hinton Marriages James Hinton to Betsey Hinton, 1812
Hinnant Wills & Estates John Hinnant Sr. - 1767
Hinton Wills & Estates Hardy Hinton - 1760
Hinton Wills & Estates Isaac Hinton - 1784
Hinton Wills & Estates Malichia Hinton - 1807
Hinton Wills & Estates Solomon Hinton - 1760
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
HinnantJohnston1700's - early 1800's Warren Bagley
HinnantEdgecombe, Johnston1700 - 1850 Helen L. Zink
HintonWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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