All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("J") and last name ("Parrish")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("J")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Par")
1784-1787 State Census |
Name |
WM21-60 |
WM-Other |
WF |
B21-50 |
B-Other |
Parnal, James |
1 |
3 |
Parnal, Jeremiah |
1 |
5 |
4 |
Parrish, Jestus |
1 |
1 |
8 |
Parrish, Jorge |
1 |
Pearce, Jesse |
1 |
5 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Pearce, John |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Price, James Jr. |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Price, James Sr. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Price, Jeremiah |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Price, John |
1 |
1 |
6 |
Price, John |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1790 Federal Census |
Name |
FWM16- |
FWM16+ |
Slaves |
Parish, Jabis |
3 |
1 |
7 |
Parnal, Jeremiah |
4 |
1 |
2 |
Pierce, Jesse |
4 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Pierce, John |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
Powers, Jesse |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Price, James |
1 |
2 |
Price, James Jr |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Price, Jeremiah |
3 |
1 |
3 |
Price, John |
1 |
6 |
Price, John |
2 |
3 |
1800 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Parish, Jestice |
766 / 3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Parnold, Jerrimiah |
759 / 8 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Parnold, John |
758 / 17 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pearce, Jesse |
751 / 19 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
9 |
Pearce, Jesse |
752 / 2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Pearce, John |
753 / 12 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
Powers, Jesse |
766 / 25 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Prise, James |
757 / 25 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Prise, Jerry |
770 / 17 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1810 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Parish, John |
274 / 8 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
Parker, Jonathan |
288 / 4 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Parnal, Jeremiah |
282 / 21 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Parnel, John |
281 / 11 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pearce, Jessey |
279 / 8 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pearce, John |
283 / 13 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
Pearce, Joshua |
280 / 13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Powers, Jesse |
272 / 7 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Price, James |
286 / 7 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Parish, John |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Parish, Johnson |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Parker, James |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Parnal, John |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pearce, John |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
Pearce, Joshua |
1 |
1 |
Price, James |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Price, John |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Parker, James |
1 |
1 |
Parnold, John |
1 |
1 |
Parrish, James |
3 |
1 |
Parrish, Johnson |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Parrish, Justice |
2 |
1 |
Pearce, John Jr. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Price, James |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Price, John |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70 |
M80 |
M90 |
Parker, Jonathan |
2 |
1 |
Parrish, James |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Parrish, Johnson |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Parrish, Justice |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, J. B. |
Parish, Jack |
Parish, Jacob |
Parish, James |
Parish, James |
Parish, James |
Parish, James D. |
Parish, John |
Parish, John |
Parish, Justus |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, Jane |
Parker, Jane |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, John |
Parker, John |
Parker, Jonathan |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph |
Parks, Jane |
Parks, Jerome |
Parks, M. J. |
Parnell, John |
Parnell, John |
Parnol, Julia |
Parnold, Jerry |
Parnold, John |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James T. |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John D. |
Parrish, Johnson |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, Jane |
Pearce, Jas. W. |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Julia C. |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, Jane |
Price, Jefferson |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, Joseph |
Price, Josiah |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parker, James |
Parker, James H. |
Parker, Jane |
Parker, Jenny |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, Jesse Jr. |
Parker, Joanna |
Parker, John |
Parker, John |
Parker, John H. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Julious |
Parker, Mary J. |
Parnel, James H. |
Parnel, John W. |
Parnel, Nerva J. |
Parnell, John |
Parrish, Jacob |
Parrish, Jacob E. |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, Jane |
Parrish, Jane |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, Johnson |
Parrish, Johnson |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Josiah |
Pearce, A. J. |
Pearce, E. J. |
Pearce, J. W. |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, James B. |
Pearce, James D. |
Pearce, Jas. R. |
Pearce, Jenevers |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, Jorden |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Joseph B. |
Pearce, Josephene |
Pearce, Julier |
Pearce, Mary J. |
Powers, James |
Powers, John |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, Jason |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, Josiah |
Price, Julia |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Pare, Jane |
Parish, Betsy Jane |
Parish, Jackson |
Parish, James E. |
Parish, John |
Parish, John F. |
Parish, John L. |
Parish, John W. |
Parish, Junius |
Parker, J. W. |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James D. |
Parker, James H. |
Parker, James H. |
Parker, James H. |
Parker, James I. |
Parker, James P. |
Parker, James W. |
Parker, Jane C. |
Parker, Jeremiah |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, Jesse Jr. |
Parker, Jesse A. |
Parker, Jimmie |
Parker, Joanna |
Parker, Joe |
Parker, Joel A.
Parker, John
Parker, John |
Parker, John |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John H. |
Parker, John K.
Parker, John V. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph A. |
Parker, Julius D. |
Parker, Laura J. |
Parker, Louisa J. |
Parnel, Jerry L. |
Parnel, Sarah J. |
Parnell, Elvi Jane |
Parnell, John |
Parnell, John W. |
Parrish, Amos J. |
Parrish, C. J. |
Parrish, Harriet J. |
Parrish, J. B. |
Parrish, J. M. |
Parrish, Jacob |
Parrish, Jacob E. |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John E. |
Parrish, John P. |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Josephus |
Parrish, Julius E. |
Parrish, Justis |
Parrish, Laura J. |
Parrish, Martha J. |
Parrish, Matilda J. |
Parrish, Prestey J. |
Parrish, Ransom J. |
Parrish, Wila J. |
Parrish, William J. |
Pearce, Cornelia J. |
Pearce, Elizabeth J. |
Pearce, J. M. |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, James D. |
Pearce, James W. |
Pearce, Jeree |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, Jessie |
Pearce, Joanna |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, John E. |
Pearce, John H. |
Pearce, Joseph M. |
Pearce, Joseph S. |
Pearce, Josephine |
Pearce, Josephine |
Pearce, Julia |
Pearce, Julia |
Pearce, Jurotha |
Pearce, Nancy J.
Pearce, William J. |
Pierce, James R. |
Pierce, James W. H. |
Pierce, Jane E. |
Pierce, Jas. H.
Pierce, John E. |
Pierce, Jorden |
Pierce, Joseph B. |
Pierce, Saraha J. |
Powers, James Samuel |
Powers, John S. |
Price, Alvin J. |
Price, F. J. |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James C. |
Price, James C. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James R. |
Price, Jane |
Price, Jane |
Price, Jane |
Price, Jason |
Price, Jesse |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, John C. |
Price, John S. |
Price, John W. |
Price, Joseph |
Price, Joseph C. |
Price, Julia |
Price, L. Jane |
Price, Martha J. |
Price, Mattie J. |
Price, William J. |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parham, John W. |
Parham, Samuel J. |
Parish, Bertha J. |
Parish, Jona I. |
Parish, Joseph E. |
Parke, Maggie J. |
Parker, Emely J. |
Parker, Florence J. |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James A. |
Parker, James D. |
Parker, James H. Jr. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James W. |
Parker, Jane E. |
Parker, Jeremiah |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, Jesse E. |
Parker, Jessie |
Parker, John |
Parker, John |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John H. |
Parker, John J.
Parker, John K. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, Johnnie M. |
Parker, Joseph A |
Parker, Joseph A. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph D. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph P. |
Parker, Julia |
Parker, Julia |
Parker, Julius D. |
Parker, Julius M. |
Parker, Junius V. |
Parker, Lillie J. |
Parker, Mattie J. |
Parker, Mc. J. |
Parker, Nellie J. |
Parker, Ridley J. |
Parker, Rildia J. |
Parker, Sarah J. |
Parnell, Elva J. |
Parnell, James |
Parnell, James H. |
Parnell, John |
Parnell, John |
Parnell, Johnnie |
Parnell, Johnnie |
Parnell, Joseph |
Parnell, Lessa J. |
Parnell, Mary J. |
Parnell, William J. |
Parris, Jad--- |
Parris, John |
Parrish, Carrie J. |
Parrish, George J. |
Parrish, J. Arthur |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James B. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, James E. |
Parrish, James F. |
Parrish, James F. |
Parrish, James M. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, Jerry R. |
Parrish, Jesse |
Parrish, Jesse D. |
Parrish, Jessie J. |
Parrish, Joe E. |
Parrish, Joe R. |
Parrish, John A. |
Parrish, John C. |
Parrish, John D. |
Parrish, John L. |
Parrish, John R. |
Parrish, John S. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph A. |
Parrish, Joseph W. |
Parrish, Julian B. |
Parrish, Julius B.
Parrish, Justice |
Parrish, Laura J. |
Parrish, Loula J. |
Parrish, Lummie J. |
Parrish, Nancy J. |
Partin, James A. |
Partin, Joseph |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, James R. |
Pearce, Jennie |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, John E. |
Pearce, John L. |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Joseph B. |
Pearce, Joseph G. |
Pearce, Joseph L. |
Pearce, Joseph S. |
Pearce, Josephine |
Pearce, Josephine |
Pearce, Julia F. |
Pearce, Ruthy J. |
Perris, Jacob |
Perris, James |
Perris, James E. |
Price, Hattie J. |
Price, Henry J. |
Price, J. |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James A. |
Price, James B. |
Price, James G. |
Price, James T. |
Price, James W. |
Price, Jane |
Price, Jennie
Price, Joe |
Price, Joel |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, John S. |
Price, John W. |
Price, John W. |
Price, Johnnie |
Price, Jona |
Price, Joseph |
Price, Joseph
Price, Joseph L. |
Price, Josephine |
Price, Julia E.
Price, Richard J. |
Price, Sarah J. |
Price, Sarah J. |
Price, William J. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Pairrish, John L. |
Pairrish, Julia F. |
Parham, Elisha J. |
Parham, Julia |
Parham, Marth J. |
Parish, Eliza J. |
Parish, James M. |
Parish, Jesse |
Parish, John B. |
Parker, Ben J. |
Parker, Emily J. |
Parker, Gracy J. |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James D. |
Parker, James D. |
Parker, James F. |
Parker, James F. |
Parker, James I. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James P. |
Parker, Jasper |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, Jessica |
Parker, Jessica V. |
Parker, Jessie E. |
Parker, Jessie R. |
Parker, Joe C. |
Parker, Joe P. |
Parker, John |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, John H. |
Parker, John K. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, John W. |
Parker, John Willy C. |
Parker, Johnnie |
Parker, Johnnie V. |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph A. |
Parker, Joseph A. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph B. Jr. |
Parker, Joseph D. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph F. |
Parker, Joseph O. |
Parker, Joseph P. |
Parker, Julius M |
Parker, Julius M. |
Parker, Junius |
Parker, Maggie J. |
Parker, Martha J. |
Parker, Mattie J. |
Parker, Ridley J. |
Parker, William J. |
Parker, Young J. |
Parnell, Debie J. |
Parnell, Elva J. |
Parnell, James E. |
Parnell, James H. |
Parnell, James R. |
Parnell, Jerry H. |
Parnell, Joe |
Parnell, John |
Parnell, John |
Parnell, Johnnie |
Parnell, Joseph |
Parnell, Lessie J. |
Parnell, Martha J. |
Parnell, Mary J. |
Parnell, Rilla J. |
Parnell, William J. |
Parrish, Harrison J. |
Parrish, J. E. |
Parrish, Jacob |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James A. |
Parrish, James A. |
Parrish, James B. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James L. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, James S. |
Parrish, Jesse |
Parrish, Jessie |
Parrish, Jessie |
Parrish, Jessie D. |
Parrish, Jessie H. |
Parrish, Jimmie F. |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John B. |
Parrish, John R. |
Parrish, John S. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, Johnnie J. |
Parrish, Johnnie V. |
Parrish, Jonis |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph A. |
Parrish, Joseph E. |
Parrish, Joseph L. |
Parrish, Joseph S. |
Parrish, Joseph W. |
Parrish, Julius E. |
Parrish, June M. |
Parrish, Junius |
Parrish, Junius D. |
Parrish, Laura J. |
Parrish, Lela J. |
Parrish, Lula J. |
Parrish, Martha J. |
Parrish, Rebecca J. |
Parsons, Joe |
Parsons, John B. |
Parsons, John O. |
Partin, Eddie J. |
Partin, Joe J. |
Pearce, Jesse |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, Joseph E. |
Pearce, Joseph L. |
Pearce, Joseph W. |
Pearce, Julia |
Pearce, Junia |
Percey, Jeptha |
Perrish, John A. |
Pierce, James D. |
Pierce, Jane |
Pierce, Joe |
Pierce, John |
Pierce, Joseph |
Pierce, Joseph B. |
Price, Henry J. |
Price, James |
Price, James |
Price, James C. |
Price, James E. |
Price, James H. |
Price, James J. |
Price, James L. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James P. |
Price, James W. |
Price, Jane L. |
Price, Jennie |
Price, Jesse F. |
Price, Jessie |
Price, Jim T. |
Price, Joe |
Price, Joe |
Price, John |
Price, John |
Price, John H. |
Price, John S. |
Price, Jones J. |
Price, Joseph |
Price, Joseph E. |
Price, Joseph F. |
Price, Laura J. |
Price, Mary J. |
Price, Nancy J. |
Price, Sarah J. |
Price, Spicy J. |
Price, William J. |
Price, Willis J. |
Price, Zilpha J. |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parash, Fleeter J. |
Parash, James M. |
Parash, Jessie |
Parash, Jessie |
Parash, John C. |
Parash, Julieus B. |
Parham, J. H. A. |
Parham, John |
Parish, James H. |
Parker, Betty J. |
Parker, J. A. |
Parker, J. E. |
Parker, J. E. |
Parker, J. Ira |
Parker, J. Monroe |
Parker, J. Sephus |
Parker, Jahaob D. |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James C. |
Parker, James D. |
Parker, James E. |
Parker, James G. |
Parker, James L. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James Malcolm |
Parker, James P. |
Parker, Jeffroe |
Parker, Jeramia |
Parker, Jesse |
Parker, Jesse E. |
Parker, Jessica |
Parker, Jessie |
Parker, Jessie |
Parker, Jethro |
Parker, Joel E. |
Parker, Joha |
Parker, Johar D. |
Parker, John Archie |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, John C. |
Parker, John H. |
Parker, John H. |
Parker, John James |
Parker, John K. |
Parker, John M. C. |
Parker, John Quincey |
Parker, John R. |
Parker, John V. |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph D. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph H. |
Parker, Julius N. |
Parker, Junious |
Parker, Lola J. |
Parker, Maggie J. |
Parker, William J. |
Parnell, Elvi Jane |
Parnell, J. T. |
Parnell, J. W. |
Parnell, James |
Parnell, John |
Parrish, Edie J. |
Parrish, Harrison J. |
Parrish, J. E. |
Parrish, Jacob |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, James E. |
Parrish, James E. |
Parrish, James F. |
Parrish, James F. |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, James Ray |
Parrish, James Ray |
Parrish, James S. |
Parrish, James W. |
Parrish, Jennie |
Parrish, Jerldine |
Parrish, Jesse D. |
Parrish, Jessie |
Parrish, Jessie |
Parrish, Jewel |
Parrish, Joe S. |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John C. |
Parrish, John S. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, Johnie |
Parrish, Jona |
Parrish, Joseph L. |
Parrish, Joseph W. |
Parrish, Judd |
Parrish, Julia |
Parrish, Julia |
Parrish, Julius E. |
Parrish, Ruth Jane |
Parrish, Theron J. |
Parson, John B. |
Parson, John M. |
Partin, Eddie J. |
Partin, Jessee A. |
Partin, Joseph |
Partin, Joseph Jr. |
Partridge, John |
Pearce, James |
Pearce, James A. |
Pearce, Joe |
Pearce, John |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Joseph |
Pearce, Joseph W. |
Pierce, J. B. |
Pierce, James D. |
Pierce, Jarvis |
Pierce, Jesse |
Pierce, Jesse |
Pierce, John |
Pierce, John W. |
Pierce, Joseph B. |
Pierce, Junie |
Pierce, Junius |
Price, J. E. |
Price, J. Edward |
Price, J. H. |
Price, J. W. |
Price, Jacin |
Price, James |
Price, James C. |
Price, James E. |
Price, James H. |
Price, James H. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James M. |
Price, James P. |
Price, James T. |
Price, James W. |
Price, James Y. |
Price, Jane |
Price, Jane E. |
Price, Jesse |
Price, Jesse J. |
Price, Jessie |
Price, Jessie F. |
Price, Jethro |
Price, Jetson |
Price, Jimmie P. |
Price, Joe |
Price, Joe |
Price, Joe F. |
Price, Joel G. |
Price, John C. |
Price, John D. |
Price, John H. |
Price, Joseph |
Price, Joseph H. |
Price, Julia |
Price, Junious |
Price, Leonard J. |
Price, Lettie J. |
Price, Mollie J. |
Price, Mollie J. |
Price, Rom J. |
Price, Ruby J. |
Price, S. J. |
Price, W. J. |
Price, William J. |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parity, James G. |
Parker, Alda J. |
Parker, Bettie J. |
Parker, Bin James |
Parker, J. B. |
Parker, J. D. |
Parker, J. E. |
Parker, J. H. |
Parker, James |
Parker, James |
Parker, James B. |
Parker, James C. |
Parker, James C. |
Parker, James D. |
Parker, James E. |
Parker, James I. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James M. |
Parker, James P. |
Parker, James R. |
Parker, James R. |
Parker, James R. |
Parker, James W. |
Parker, Jane |
Parker, Jeffrson |
Parker, Jefro |
Parker, Jerusha |
Parker, Jessie |
Parker, Jessie A.
Parker, Jessie B. |
Parker, Joe |
Parker, Joe F. |
Parker, John |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John A. |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, John J. |
Parker, John K. |
Parker, John L. |
Parker, John L. |
Parker, Johnnie B. |
Parker, Jones F. |
Parker, Joselphus |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph D. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph E. |
Parker, Joseph E. Jr. |
Parker, Joseph P. |
Parker, Joseph P. Jr. |
Parker, Julius M. |
Parker, Julius M. |
Parker, Julius N. |
Parker, Julius O. |
Parker, Junious |
Parker, Junius M. |
Parker, Nellie J. |
Parker, Riddly J. |
Parker, Sallie J. |
Parks, Jenny |
Parnell, Homer J. |
Parnell, James |
Parnell, James H. |
Parnell, Jane E. |
Parnell, Joe T. |
Parnell, John |
Parriish, James H. |
Parrish, Bettie J. |
Parrish, Harrison J. |
Parrish, J. Clee
Parrish, J. Hue |
Parrish, J. J. |
Parrish, Jacob |
Parrish, James B. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, James D. |
Parrish, James E. |
Parrish, James E. |
Parrish, James E. |
Parrish, James F. |
Parrish, James F. |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James H. |
Parrish, James J. |
Parrish, James L. |
Parrish, James P. |
Parrish, James Q. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, James R. |
Parrish, James W. |
Parrish, Jana K. |
Parrish, Janice |
Parrish, Jasper C. |
Parrish, Jean B. |
Parrish, Jennie |
Parrish, Jesse |
Parrish, Jessie |
Parrish, Jessie |
Parrish, Jimmie |
Parrish, Jimmie Jr. |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John |
Parrish, John C. |
Parrish, John P. |
Parrish, John R.
Parrish, John W. |
Parrish, John W.
Parrish, Johnie |
Parrish, Johnnie |
Parrish, Johnnie |
Parrish, Jonah |
Parrish, Jones W. |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph |
Parrish, Joseph E. |
Parrish, Joseph E. Jr. |
Parrish, Joseph E. Jr. |
| | | | |