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» Search Results » JOHN THOMAS
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Thomas, Julon 1 1
Thompson, Jarrot 1 2 5 1
Thorn, John 1 2 6
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Thomas, John 1 1 2
Thomson, Jarret 2 1 4 1
Thorn, John 3 1 5
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Thomas, John 756 / 23 3 1 2 1 1
Thompson, John 747 / 16 1 1 1 1
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Thomas, Jacob 281 / 9 1 1 1 1 1
Thomas, John 285 / 8 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
Thomas, Joseph 281 / 10 1 1 1
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Thomas, Jacob 1 1 1 2 1
Thomson, John 4 1 1 2
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Thomlinson, James 1 3 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, John
35 White Male 229 Boon Hill
Thompson, J. R.
33 White Male 646 Beulah
Thompson, James
8 White Male 317 Smithfield
Thompson, James
6 White Male 94 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
11 White Male 34 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jane
6 White Female 983 Bentonville
Thompson, Jerusia
10 White Female 983 Bentonville
Thompson, Jesse
42 White Male 34 Boon Hill
Thompson, John
19 White Male 992 Bentonville
Thompson, John R.
33 White Male 94 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joseph
15 White Male 992 Bentonville
Thompson, Joseph
17 White Male 34 Boon Hill
Thornton, James
13 White Male 861 Newton Grove
Thornton, James
65 White Male 843 Newton Grove
Thornton, Joanna
36 White Female 843 Newton Grove
Thornton, John
17 White Male 861 Newton Grove
Thornton, Joseph
5 White Male 861 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, James
1 White Male 236 Elevation
Thomas, John
23 White Male 236 Elevation
Thomas, John
51 Mulatto Male 76 Smithfield
Thomas, John Jr.
9 Black Male 76 Smithfield
Thomas, Jonathan
8 White Male 35 O'Neals
Thomas, Joseph
19 Black Male 52 Smithfield
Thompson, Joseph
25 White Male 9 Ingrams
Thompson, Julian
48 White Female 301 Smithfield
Thorn, Jacob
13 White Male 44 Smithfield
Thornton, James
23 White Male 105 Meadow
Thornton, James
23 White Male 8 Meadow
Thornton, Joseph
15 White Male 8 Meadow
Tomas, John
28 Black Male 193 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, John
35 White Male 113 Elevation
Thomas, John
62 Mulatto Male 63 Town of Smithfield
Thomas, John D.
18 Black Male 63 Town of Smithfield
Thomlinson, John W.
6 White Male 144 Wilson's Mills
Thompson, Charlott J.
11 White Female 154 Selma
Thompson, Henry J.
24 White Male 250 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
24 White Male 456 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
32 White Male 192 Boon Hill
Thompson, James D.
2 White Male 252 Boon Hill
Thompson, James M.
13 Black Male 124 Boon Hill
Thompson, James P.
0 White Male 248 Boon Hill
Thompson, James R.
9 White Male 154 Selma
Thompson, James R.
28 White Male 248 Boon Hill
Thompson, James R.
2 White Male 172 Selma
Thompson, Janie
28 White Female 192 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jesse
62 White Male 197 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jesse D.
14 White Male 181 Boon Hill
Thompson, John R.
52 White Male 181 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
16 White Male 181 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joseph
34 White Male 154 Ingrams
Thompson, Martha J.
49 White Female 181 Boon Hill
Thompson, Mary J.
60 White Female 456 Boon Hill
Thompson, Tilitha J.
9 White Female 192 Boon Hill
Thornton, James F.
10 White Male 107 Meadow
Thornton, James M.
2 White Male 19 Meadow
Thornton, James W.
33 White Male 19 Meadow
Thornton, John E.
0 White Male 19 Meadow
Thornton, Johnnie C.
17 White Female 190 Meadow
Thornton, Joseph
21 Black Male 241 Meadow
Thornton, Joseph B.
23 White Male 190 Meadow
Thornton, Lucy J.
2 White Female 107 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Charlie J.
14 White Male 247 Ingrams
Thomas, John D.
4 Black Male 129 Smithfield
Thomas, John R.
10 White Male 247 Ingrams
Thomas, Junius
14 White Male 413 Banner
Thomason, Julius
7 Black Male 275 Pleasant Grove
Thompson, Adam J.
9 White Male 93 Boon Hill
Thompson, Henry J.
44 White Male 83 Boon Hill
Thompson, Ida J.
1 White Female 26 Smithfield
Thompson, James
51 White Male 96 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
29 White Male 112 Smithfield
Thompson, James D.
22 White Male 82 Boon Hill
Thompson, James M. D.
13 White Male 96 Boon Hill
Thompson, James R.
47 White Male 85 Boon Hill
Thompson, James W.
48 White Male 216 Smithfield
Thompson, James W.
2 White Male 94 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jesse
7 White Male 216 Smithfield
Thompson, Jessey
34 White Male 139 Boon Hill
Thompson, John
5 White Male 272 Ingrams
Thompson, John
15 White Male 216 Smithfield
Thompson, John L.
1 White Male 311 Smithfield
Thompson, John R.
72 White Male 142 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
36 White Male 97 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
4 White Male 134 Boon Hill
Thompson, Judy A.
40 White Female 272 Ingrams
Thompson, Julia A.
49 White Female 85 Boon Hill
Thompson, Junius
18 White Male 272 Ingrams
Thompson, Mary J.
18 White Female 93 Boon Hill
Thompson, Patsy J.
48 White Female 96 Boon Hill
Thompson, Rhoda J.
13 White Female 97 Boon Hill
Thompson, Sarah J.
13 White Female 220 Bentonville
Thompson, Zilpha J.
2 White Female 134 Boon Hill
Thornton, James
30 White Male 98 Bentonville
Thornton, James
53 White Male 99 Meadow
Thornton, James E.
21 White Male 115 Meadow
Thornton, Jane S.
61 White Female 103 Bentonville
Thornton, Joberal S.
41 Black Male 91 Meadow
Thornton, John F.
8 White Male 233 Elevation
Thornton, John M.
22 White Male 99 Meadow
Thornton, John W.
6 White Male 323 Banner
Thornton, Joseph B.
43 White Male 110 Meadow
Thornton, Joseph T.
9 Black Male 91 Meadow
Thornton, Marry J.
22 White Female 110 Meadow
Thorp, Andrew J.
1 Black Male 545 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Charlie J.
24 White Male 173 Ingrams
Thomas, Jack
55 Mulatto Male 234 Selma
Thomas, Joe
1/24/1900 White Male 58 Elevation
Thomas, John
32 Mulatto Male 234 Selma
Thomas, John D.
11 Mulatto Male 28 Smithfield
Thomas, John Lea
1/9/1900 White Male 275 Clayton
Thomas, John R.
18 White Male 171 Ingrams
Thomas, Junious Jr.
23 White Male 198 Wilders
Thomas, Junita
9 Mulatto Female 28 Smithfield
Thompson, Adam J.
19 White Male 165 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
2/10/1900 Black Male 117 Beulah
Thompson, James D.
32 White Male 185 Boon Hill
Thompson, James M.
61 White Male 167 Boon Hill
Thompson, James M. D.
23 White Male 166 Boon Hill
Thompson, James R.
58 White Male 195 Boon Hill
Thompson, James W.
6 White Male 266 Boon Hill
Thompson, James W.
1/4/1900 White Male 131 Clayton
Thompson, Jasper
5 White Male 46 Pine Level
Thompson, Jeneva
29 White Female 263 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jennie
37 White Female 351 Selma
Thompson, Jesse D.
44 White Male 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jessie D.
1/17/1900 White Male 131 Clayton
Thompson, Jimmie
1/5/1900 White Male 186 Boon Hill
Thompson, John
39 Black Male 177 Beulah
Thompson, John W.
46 White Male 250 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
56 White Male 293 Boon Hill
Thompson, Johnie
6 White Male 248 Boon Hill
Thompson, Johnie
2 White Male 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, Julian
62 White Female 195 Boon Hill
Thompson, Julius
42 White Male 351 Selma
Thompson, Junius H.
27 White Male 190 Ingrams
Thompson, Lular J.
27 White Female 265 Boon Hill
Thompson, Patsey J.
58 White Female 167 Boon Hill
Thompson, William J.
3 White Male 74 Bentonville
Thomson, Julia A.
57 White Female 91 Elevation
Thorn, Jessie J.
13 White Male 599 Selma
Thorn, John W.
30 White Male 597 Selma
Thorn, William J.
59 White Male 599 Selma
Thornton, Elizabeth J.
41 White Female 28 Ingrams
Thornton, James E.
30 White Male 105 Meadow
Thornton, James L.
40 White Male 52 Bentonville
Thornton, James M.
6 White Male 49 Bentonville
Thornton, James R.
53 White Male 40 Meadow
Thornton, James T.
5 White Male 147 Meadow
Thornton, James W.
3/4/1900 White Male 62 Meadow
Thornton, James W.
1/4/1900 White Male 25 Elevation
Thornton, Jas. E.
16 White Male 33 Meadow
Thornton, Jesse D.
1/2/1900 White Male 25 Elevation
Thornton, John
1/3/1900 White Male 247 Banner
Thornton, John
1/18/1900 White Male 212 Elevation
Thornton, John M.
1/30/1900 White Male 247 Banner
Thornton, John S.
White Male 54 Bentonville
Thornton, John T.
54 White Male 28 Ingrams
Thornton, Joseph
19 Black Male 32 Ingrams
Thornton, Joseph B.
52 White Male 100 Meadow
Thornton, Joseph R.
White Male 232 Smithfield
Thornton, Josiah
51 Black Male 32 Ingrams
Thornton, Josie
16 White Female 28 Ingrams
Thornton, Mary J.
32 White Female 100 Meadow
Thornton, Susan J.
71 White Female 41 Bentonville
Thorp, Annie J.
1/14/1900 Black Female 595 Smithfield
Thorp, James
2/17/1900 Black Male 595 Smithfield
Thorp, James R.
1/10/1900 Black Male 595 Smithfield
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Charlie J.
33 White Male 25 Ingrams
Thomas, Fred J.
37 Mulatto Male 365 Clayton
Thomas, J. M.
34 White Male 102 Beulah
Thomas, J. T.
56 White Male 59 Beulah
Thomas, James P.
Mulatto Male 185 Smithfield
Thomas, Janie
White Female 102 Beulah
Thomas, Jesse
53 Black Male 86 Meadow
Thomas, Joe David
11 White Male 59 Beulah
Thomas, John
53 Black Male 164 Beulah
Thomas, John
48 Black Male 215 Selma
Thomas, John Franklin
Black Male 164 Beulah
Thomas, John H.
23 Black Male 144 Beulah
Thomas, John J.
5 Mulatto Male 185 Smithfield
Thomas, John M.
15 White Male 59 Beulah
Thomas, John R.
28 White Male 68 Ingrams
Thomas, John W.
1 White Male 68 Ingrams
Thomas, Johnnie
8 Black Male 86 Meadow
Thomas, Joseph L.
White Male 25 Ingrams
Thomason, J. B
32 White Male 124 Beulah
Thomason, J. B. Jr.
White Male 124 Beulah
Thomason, Juineta
6 White Female 172 Wilders
Thomes, Allise J.
White Female 45 Smithfield
Thomes, Letha J.
27 White Female 45 Smithfield
Thompson, Henry J.
64 White Male 291 Boon Hill
Thompson, Ida J.
21 White Female 211 Smithfield
Thompson, J. Walter
22 White Male 245 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
6 White Male 267 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
7 White Male 271 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
16 White Male 182 Pine Level
Thompson, James
White Male 290 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
32 White Male 230 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
White Male 230 Boon Hill
Thompson, James D.
43 White Male 265 Boon Hill
Thompson, James F.
26 White Male 65 Pine Level
Thompson, James M.
73 White Male 229 Boon Hill
Thompson, James R.
68 White Male 289 Boon Hill
Thompson, James W.
15 White Male 132 Boon Hill
Thompson, James W.
White Male 65 Pine Level
Thompson, Jasper
15 White Male 78 Pine Level
Thompson, Jeb
27 White Male 159 Selma
Thompson, Jesse
White Female 334 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jesse
28 White Male 231 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jessie
54 White Male 334 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jim
60 Black Male 88 Beulah
Thompson, Joe
9 White Male 271 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
56 White Male 269 Boon Hill
Thompson, Johnnie
16 White Male 271 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joseph L.
6 White Male 319 Ingrams
Thompson, Julia
70 White Female 289 Boon Hill
Thompson, Junious
38 White Male 136 Ingrams
Thompson, Maggie J.
17 White Female 133 Boon Hill
Thompson, Nell J.
27 White Female 65 Pine Level
Thompson, William J.
46 White Male 182 Pine Level
Thorn, John W.
40 White Male 197 Selma
Thorn, Johnie C.
9 White Male 180 Selma
Thorn, Joseph
7 Black Male 232 Banner
Thorn, Tomie J.
21 White Male 196 Selma
Thornton, Bettie J.
51 White Female 20 Elevation
Thornton, J. S.
61 Black Male 82 Ingrams
Thornton, James
White Male 97 Selma
Thornton, James
6 White Male 224 Banner
Thornton, James E.
39 White Male 32 Meadow
Thornton, James F.
50 White Male 24 Ingrams
Thornton, James W.
72 White Male 230 Meadow
Thornton, Jane
84 White Female 121 Bentonville
Thornton, Jasper
11 White Male 224 Banner
Thornton, Jesse
11 White Male 11 Elevation
Thornton, Jim
61 White Male 80 Elevation
Thornton, Jim
16 White Male 101 Bentonville
Thornton, Jimmie
13 White Male 11 Elevation
Thornton, John F.
63 White Male 20 Elevation
Thornton, John F.
28 White Male 89 Elevation
Thornton, John O.
White Male 225 Banner
Thornton, John R.
17 White Male 288 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, Joseph B.
63 White Male 78 Meadow
Thornton, Mary J.
42 White Female 78 Meadow
Thornton, Worth J.
White Male 216 Meadow
Thorp, Jim
59 Black Male 398 Clayton
Toams, John J.
43 White Male 82 Micro
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, Alene J.
11 White Female 423 Smithfield
Thomas, Charlie J.
44 White Male 299 Ingrams
Thomas, Fred J.
48 Black Male 048 Clayton
Thomas, J. D.
3/12 White Male 119 Boon Hill
Thomas, Janie E.
11 White Female 008 Beulah
Thomas, Jesse
66 Black Male 127 Meadow
Thomas, Joel
8 Black Male 048 Clayton
Thomas, John
38 Black Male 158 Beulah
Thomas, John
17 Black Male 127 Meadow
Thomas, John R.
39 White Male 022 Ingrams
Thomas, John R.
64 White Male 064 Beulah
Thomas, John W.
10 White Male 022 Ingrams
Thomas, Johnie
8/12 White Male 064 Beulah
Thomas, Johnie
7 Black Male 75A Clayton
Thomas, Johnie M.
26 White Male 064 Beulah
Thomas, Joseph L.
11 White Male 299 Ingrams
Thomas, Junious O.
8 White Male 299 Ingrams
Thomas, Junius M.
45 White Male 008 Beulah
Thomas, Letha J.
8 White Female 423 Smithfield
Thomas, Letha J.
37 White Female 423 Smithfield
Thomas, Norwood J.
10 White Male 423 Smithfield
Thomlinson, James L.
8 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Thomlinson, John E.
8 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Thompson, Andrew J.
23 Black Male 120 Wilson's Mills
Thompson, Bennie J.
10/12 White Male 247 Smithfield
Thompson, Bettie J.
32 White Female 137 Boon Hill
Thompson, Elbert J.
19 White Male 223 Clayton
Thompson, H. J.
69 White Male 097 Boon Hill
Thompson, J. H.
26 White Male 126 Boon Hill
Thompson, J. W.
6 White Male 420 Smithfield
Thompson, J. Walter
33 White Male 420 Smithfield
Thompson, James
17 White Male 099 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
5/12 White Male 055 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
12 White Male 096 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
2 Black Male 120 Wilson's Mills
Thompson, James
71 Black Male 125 Beulah
Thompson, James Jr.
4 Black Male 125 Beulah
Thompson, James
25 White Male 176 Pine Level
Thompson, James
9/12 White Male 181 Selma
Thompson, James D.
43 White Male 135 Boon Hill
Thompson, James D.
52 White Male 107 Boon Hill
Thompson, James D.
17 White Male 054 Boon Hill
Thompson, James E.
23 White Male 148 Selma
Thompson, James H.
1+3/12 White Male 214 Pine Level
Thompson, James R.
77 White Male 099 Boon Hill
Thompson, Janet
39 White Female 097 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jasper
25 White Male 214 Pine Level
Thompson, Jesse
28 White Male 181 Selma
Thompson, Jesse M.
4+8/12 White Male 230 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jessie
15 White Male 011 Ingrams
Thompson, Jessie
39 White Male 131 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jessie A.
17 White Male 091 Wilders
Thompson, Jessie L.
1+6/12 White Male 249 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jessie M.
2+3/12 White Female 417 Ingrams
Thompson, John
11 White Male 080 Wilders
Thompson, John R.
26 White Male 055 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
67 White Male 046 Boon Hill
Thompson, Joseph
16 White Male 056 Ingrams
Thompson, Joseph H.
1+8/12 White Male 095 Ingrams
Thompson, Joseph L.
19 White Male 054 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jounious
49 White Male 228 Ingrams
Thompson, Joy L.
3 White Female 125 Wilders
Thompson, Juanita
16 White Female 091 Wilders
Thompson, Judy A.
69 White Female 273 Smithfield
Thompson, Julian
30 White Female 080 Wilders
Thompson, Junius
6/12 White Male 160 Banner
Thorington, John H.
35 Black Male 035 Wilders
Thorn, Joseph
17 Black Male 174 Banner
Thorne, Tommie J.
30 White Male 151 Clayton
Thornton, Frank J.
4 White Female 002 Elevation
Thornton, James
14 White Male 155 Selma
Thornton, James A. Jr.
2+8/12 White Male 193 Bentonville
Thornton, James E.
16 White Male 152 Elevation
Thornton, James E.
50 White Male 068 Ingrams
Thornton, James E.
37 White Male 306 Meadow
Thornton, James E. L.
9 White Male 306 Meadow
Thornton, James F.
60 White Male 067 Bentonville
Thornton, James M.
26 White Male 193 Bentonville
Thornton, Jasper B.
22 White Male 221 Banner
Thornton, Jesse
21 White Male 127 Elevation
Thornton, Joe M.
7 Black Male 362 Ingrams
Thornton, John
38 White Male 117 Pleasant Grove
Thornton, John D.
4+1/12 White Male 211 Banner
Thornton, John R.
27 White Male 211 Banner
Thornton, John S.
20 White Male 214 Bentonville
Thornton, Julia
60 White Female 018 Meadow
Thornton, Lessie J.
15 White Female 008 Ingrams
Tomas, John
48 Black Male 032 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Thomas, James
19 Black Male 214 Elevation
Thomas, James
26 Black Male 72 Smithfield
Thomas, James
18 White Male 347 Selma
Thomas, John
60 Black Male 410 Selma
Thomas, John
73 Black Male 140 Beulah
Thomas, John E
10 White Male 134 Clayton
Thomas, John Ivey
23 White Male 334 Smithfield
Thomas, John R.
49 White Male 124 Ingrams
Thomas, John W.
21 White Male 126 Ingrams
Thomas, Joseph D.
10 White Male 9 Clayton
Thomas, Judath
50 White Female 347 Selma
Thomas, Julia W.
22 White Female 334 Smithfield
Thomas, Letha J.`
48 White Female 161 Smithfield
Thomas, Peggy Jean
4 White Female 124 Ingrams
Thomasson, John
21 White Male 252 O'Neals
Thomasson, Julia
40 White Female 252 O'Neals
Thompson, A. J. Jr.
8 White Male 81 Boon Hill
Thompson, Bettie J.
43 White Female 114 Boon Hill
Thompson, J. Elmer
22 White Male 83 Boon Hill
Thompson, J. M.
75 Black Male 45 Micro
Thompson, J. W.
16 White Male 146 Cleveland
Thompson, J. Walter
42 White Male 092b Boon Hill
Thompson, James
22 White Male 124 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
68 Black Male 93 Beulah
Thompson, James
5 White Male 144 Boon Hill
Thompson, James
9 White Male 64 Wilders
Thompson, James
9 White Male 290 Beulah
Thompson, James Jr.
15 Black Male 93 Beulah
Thompson, James D.
62 White Male 110 Boon Hill
Thompson, James H.
11 White Male 165 Pine Level
Thompson, James K.
4 White Male 49 Boon Hill
Thompson, James W.
27 White Male 49 Boon Hill
Thompson, Janice
5 White Female 86 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jasper
35 White Male 165 Pine Level
Thompson, Jassie C.
16 White Male 63 Smithfield
Thompson, Jesse Carrol
1 White Female 147 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jesse M.
12 White Female 137 Ingrams
Thompson, Jessie
14 White Male 78 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jessie
26 White Male 290 Beulah
Thompson, Joe
26 White Male 5 Ingrams
Thompson, Joe L.
28 White Male 50 Boon Hill
Thompson, John R.
36 White Male 46 Boon Hill
Thompson, John W.
76 White Male 53 Boon Hill
Thompson, Jophine
4 White Female 287 Beulah
Thompson, Joseph
12 White Male 130 Ingrams
Thompson, Joy Lounette
13 White Female 189 Wilders
Thompson, Juda Ann
82 White Female 34 Meadow
Thompson, Julia Leigh
27 White Female 132 Smithfield
Thompson, Junius H.
58 White Male 182 Ingrams
Thompson, Mavis J.
3 White Female 68 Pine Level
Thompson, Sallie Jane
21 White Female 91 Boon Hill
Thorn, James
11 Black Male 219 Banner
Thorn, James O.
28 White Male 226 Selma
Thorn, John W.
59 White Male 215 Selma
Thorn, Joseph
27 Black Male 219 Banner
Thorn, Josephine
5 Black Female 219 Banner
Thorne, Hilda Jean
6 White Female 11 Beulah
Thorne, J. B.
65 White Male 71 O'Neals
Thorne, J. B. Jr.
22 White Male 71 O'Neals
Thornton, J. E.
60 White Male 154 Banner
Thornton, James
21 White Male 87 Selma
Thornton, James
1 White Male 35 Meadow
Thornton, James B.
5 Black Male 62 Ingrams
Thornton, James D.
24 Black Male 62 Ingrams
Thornton, James F.
70 White Male 28 Ingrams
Thornton, James W.
33 White Male 53 Elevation
Thornton, Jaunita
1 White Female 19 Beulah
Thornton, Jerry
1 White Male 39 Beulah
Thornton, Jerry
<1 White Male 198 Banner
Thornton, Jesse
31 White Male 42 Elevation
Thornton, Joanna
50 White Female 90 Meadow
Thornton, Joe Mack
18 Black Male 419 Ingrams
Thornton, John
5 White Male 35 Meadow
Thornton, Julia
11 White Female 35 Meadow
Thornton, Lois Jane
1 White Female 55 Elevation
Tomas, John
1 Black Male 321 Cleveland
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
Name Year Member Lodge
Thompson, Dr. J. R. 1852 Yes Fellowship Lodge, No. 84, Smithfield
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Teems, J. P. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Thames, Joseph 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Commissary Sergeant C
Thom, J. A. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, A. J. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, A. J. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, Alexander J. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, Anthony J. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K First Lieutenant C
Thomas, C. J. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, J. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, J. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Thomas, J. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
Thomas, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry B Private U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry L First Lieutenant U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry L First Lieutenant U
Thomas, J. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
Thomas, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry B Sixth Corporal U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C,L Private U
Thomas, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry E Private U
Thomas, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private U
Thomas, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry C Private U
Thomas, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry B Private U
Thomas, J. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
Thomas, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private U
Thomas, J. A. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, J. A. Jr. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Thomas, J. Alexander 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, J. B. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, J. D. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, J. D. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry Surgeon C
Thomas, J. G. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry Surgeon C
Thomas, J. G. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, J. Gray 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Assistant Surgeon C
Thomas, J. H. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomas, J. H. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, J. H. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Thomas, J. L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,C Private C
Thomas, J. M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Thomas, J. M. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, J. M. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, J. M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Thomas, J. N. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, J. O.K. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, J. P. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, J. R. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) C Private C
Thomas, J. R. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, J. T. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, J. W. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Thomas, J. W. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, J. W. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Thomas, J. W. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, J. W. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, J. W. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Private C
Thomas, J. W. Jr. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, J. W. Sr. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Jackson J. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Jacob 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Thomas, Jacob 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Jacob 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, James 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, James 51st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thomas, James 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Thomas, James 46th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, James 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, James 39th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, James 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, James 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, James 13th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, James 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Thomas, James 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thomas, James 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, James 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, James A. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, James A. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Lieutenant C
Thomas, James F. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James G. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomas, James G. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Assistant Surgeon C
Thomas, James H. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, James H. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, James H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, James H. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Thomas, James J. Jr. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F Acting Quartermaster C
Thomas, James K. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, James K.P. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James K.P. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Musician C
Thomas, James M. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James M. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, James N. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, James R. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, James R. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, James R. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, James R. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, James T. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Thomas, James W. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Jasper 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Jefferson 30th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Jeremiah 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) C Private C
Thomas, Jeremiah 66th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, Jesse 4th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, Jesse 44th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, Jesse 49th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, Jesse E. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Jesse G. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Corporal C
Thomas, Job 58th Regiment, NC Infantry C,D Private C
Thomas, Joel 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomas, Joel 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, John 34th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, John 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, John 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Thomas, John 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Thomas, John 45th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, John 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, John Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Thomas, John 13th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thomas, John 13th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, John 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Private C
Thomas, John 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) L Private C
Thomas, John 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, John A. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, John A. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C First Lieutenant C
Thomas, John A. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery B First Sergeant C
Thomas, John B. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John B. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops B Private C
Thomas, John B. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Private C
Thomas, John C. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, John D. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Thomas, John F. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, John G. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John H. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Thomas, John H. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Thomas, John H. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John H. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Thomas, John H. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry L Corporal C
Thomas, John H. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) F,A Captain C
Thomas, John I. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Thomas, John J. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, John J. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John J. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Thomas, John L. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Thomas, John M. 68th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Thomas, John M.B. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John P. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, John P. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John Q. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) D Sergeant C
Thomas, John Q. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C First Lieutenant C
Thomas, John R. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, John W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, John W. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, John W. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, John W. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, John W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, John West 30th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Jonathan 50th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, Joseph 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Thomas, Joseph 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves H Private C
Thomas, Joseph 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Joseph 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Joseph 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, Joseph 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomas, Joseph 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops A Laborer C
Thomas, Joseph B. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Joseph H. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thomas, Joseph H. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops F,G Private C
Thomas, Joseph H. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Thomas, Joseph H. Howard's Cavalry Company, NC Local Defense Sergeant C
Thomas, Joseph J. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Thomas, Joseph L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Thomas, Joseph M. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, Joseph P. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomas, Joseph T. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) L Private C
Thomas, Joseph T. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) C Private C
Thomas, Josiah 12th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Josiah 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
Thomas, Josiah H. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, M. J. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomas, M. J. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Murphy J. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomas, Samuel J. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomas, Thomas J. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomas, W. J. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Private C
Thomas, William J. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Thomas, William J. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomas, William J. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Thomas, William J. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Sergeant C
Thomason, Bevely J. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomason, F. J. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomason, J. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomason, J. R. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomason, James A. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Thomason, James G. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomason, James S. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Thomason, James W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomason, Jesse Pinkney 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomason, John 49th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomason, John A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomason, John L. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thomason, John Pliney 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomason, Joseph 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomason, Pink J. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomason, T. J. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thomason, Thomas J. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomason, William J. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D,B Private C
Thomason, William J. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Private C
Thomasson, Beverly J. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomasson, J. B. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Private C
Thomasson, J. B. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Private C
Thomasson, J. Beverly 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomasson, J. G. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomasson, James 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Thomasson, Jesse 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thomasson, John A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomasson, Thomas J. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomberlin, John 50th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thombs, J. M. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thomerson, Joseph 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Thomesson, Jessey 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thominson, J. B. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Private C
Thomison, Beverly J. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomison, J. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thomison, James W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomison, Jesse P. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thomison, John A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thomison, John P. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, Andrew J. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, Andrew J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thompson, Andrew J. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thompson, Andrew J. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Thompson, B. James 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Thompson, Blount J. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Thompson, David J. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thompson, David J. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, Doctor J.H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Thompson, Henry J. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Sergeant C
Thompson, J. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Thompson, J. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Thompson, J. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Thompson, J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) C Private C
Thompson, J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thompson, J. A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, J. A. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thompson, J. B. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Thompson, J. B. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thompson, J. B. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Thompson, J. B. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thompson, J. B. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, J. B. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thompson, J. B. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Private C
Thompson, J. C. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, J. C. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thompson, J. C. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thompson, J. C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thompson, J. C. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, J. E. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thompson, J. F. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, J. F. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thompson, J. G. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Thompson, J. G. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, J. H. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, J. H. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, J. H. Levi's Battery, Light Artillery, Thomas' NC Legion Private C
Thompson, J. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, J. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, J. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Thompson, J. M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) D Private C
Thompson, J. N. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Thompson, J. Nelson 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Thompson, J. O. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, J. O. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Thompson, J. P. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Thompson, J. R. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thompson, J. Smiley 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, J. T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Thompson, J. W. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, J. W. Wallace's Company, Wilmington NC Railroad Guards Private C
Thompson, J. W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) L Private C
Thompson, J. W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, J. W. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Musician C
Thompson, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Thompson, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Thompson, Jacob 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Assistant Surgeon C
Thompson, James 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, James 1st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, James 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, James 67th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, James 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Thompson, James 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Thompson, James Unidentified NC Private C
Thompson, James 46th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, James 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, James 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, James 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G,A Private C
Thompson, James 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Thompson, James A. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Thompson, James A. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, James A. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, James A. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry F First Lieutenant C
Thompson, James B. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E,I Private C
Thompson, James C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Thompson, James D. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Thompson, James G. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, James H. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Thompson, James H. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry I Second Lieutenant C
Thompson, James J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) G Private C
Thompson, James L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Thompson, James L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Thompson, James M. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry H Private C
Thompson, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, James N. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Thompson, James O. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Thompson, James P. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, James P. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Thompson, James S. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Thompson, James S. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Thompson, James S. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, James Sidney 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Thompson, James W. Howard's Company, NC Prison Guards Private C
Thompson, James W. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry