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» Search Results » LULA HILL
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Hall, Lucy 4 1 1
Hill, Moses L 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Hall, Levi 2 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Hall, Levy 1 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hall, Larkin
8 White Male 830 Earpsboro
Holly, Lucinda
3 White Female 914 Newton Grove
Holly, Lydia
25 White Female 914 Newton Grove
Howell, Laurinda
23 White Female 175 Boon Hill
Howell, Lecretia
2 White Female 173 Boon Hill
Howell, London
2 White Male 175 Boon Hill
Howell, Lydia
38 White Female 574 Beulah
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Haley, Laura Ann M.
11 White Female 69 Selma
Haley, Lula N.
6 Mulatto Female 55 Smithfield
Haley, Robert L.
2 Mulatto Male 55 Smithfield
Hall, Larkin
19 White Male 128 O'Neals
Hall, Laura
0 White Female 254 Elevation
Hall, Lovard
28 White Male 254 Elevation
Hill, Lenoar
9 White Female 208 Clayton
Hill, Lenora
10 White Female 131 Wilders
Hill, Lilly
10 White Female 62 Smithfield
Hill, Lotta
21 White Female 186 Beulah
Hill, Louis
6 White Male 218 Smithfield
Hill, Robb L.
5 White Male 219 Smithfield
Hilliard, Louiza
26 White Female 181 Wilders
Holley, Lucinda
13 White Female 35 Meadow
Howel, Lum
14 White Male 238 Boon Hill
Howel, Lurrenda
34 White Female 238 Boon Hill
Howell, Lydia
40 White Female 62 Boon Hill
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hall, Larkin
25 White Male 298 O'Neals
Hall, Lucy
24 Black Female 109 Bentonville
Hill, Lenora
19 White Female 80 Clayton
Hill, Lewis
17 White Male 181 Ingrams
Hill, Lugenia
5 White Female 166 Clayton
Hill, Thomas L.
10 Black Male 348 Selma
Hilliard, Louisa
34 White Female 1 Wilders
Holley, Livie A.
46 White Female 268 Meadow
Howell, Lanora
14 White Female 350 Boon Hill
Howell, Lorenda
47 White Female 413 Boon Hill
Howell, Luda
1 White Female 38 Bentonville
Howell, Luetta
8 White Female 413 Boon Hill
Howell, Luvenia
19 Black Female 283 Boon Hill
Howell, Lydia
53 White Female 347 Boon Hill
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hall, Edward L.
32 White Male 50 Banner
Hall, Ivey L.
10 White Male 246 O'Neals
Hall, James L.
27 White Male 49 Banner
Hall, John L.
16 White Male 243 Banner
Hall, Leonard B.
6 White Male 200 Banner
Hall, Lillie
2 White Female 431 Smithfield
Hall, Lola
3 White Female 160 Clayton
Hall, Lonnie M.
14 White Male 200 Banner
Hall, Lou E.
18 White Female 200 Banner
Hall, Louisa
40 White Female 212 Banner
Hall, Lucinda
17 White Female 115 Banner
Hall, Luther L.
1 White Male 311 Elevation
Hall, Maggie L.
2 White Female 311 Elevation
Hawley, La- - nada
16 White Female 8 Banner
Hawley, Lenora
8 White Female 8 Banner
Hill, Lessie
8 White Female 135 Clayton
Hill, Lewis
26 White Male 58 Smithfield
Hill, Lillian A.
28 White Female 45 Smithfield
Hill, Lillie
28 White Female 285 Clayton
Hill, Lillie
7 Black Female 88 Smithfield
Hill, Lillie
22 White Female 135 Clayton
Hill, Lissie D.
10 White Female 130 Beulah
Hill, Lou M.
3 White Female 222 Beulah
Hill, Louza
5 White Female 135 Clayton
Hill, Luby L.
3 White Female 130 Beulah
Hill, Minnie L.
11 White Female 44 Smithfield
Hill, Robert L.
4 White Male 44 Smithfield
Hill, Robert L.
35 White Male 44 Smithfield
Hillard, Bessie L.
5 White Female 57 Clayton
Hillard, Louisa
54 White Female 43 Wilders
Holley, Joseph L.
47 White Male 157 Meadow
Holley, Litha M.
10 White Female 161 Meadow
Holley, Louvella
7 White Female 257 Meadow
Holliway, Louis
36 Black Male 298 Clayton
Howell, Leroy
19 White Male 346 Boon Hill
Howell, Lillie
3 White Female 76 Smithfield
Howell, Lillie
15 White Female 56 Wilson's Mills
Howell, Lilly M.
13 White Female 105 Boon Hill
Howell, Lorena
29 White Female 145 Boon Hill
Howell, Lou
45 Black Female 227 Boon Hill
Howell, Loucinda
67 White Female 305 Boon Hill
Howell, Lula
2 White Female 124 Boon Hill
Howell, Luther M.
17 White Male 18 Boon Hill
Howell, Mary L.
57 White Female 8 Boon Hill
Howell, Mary L.
6 White Female 100 Boon Hill
Howell, Rachel L.
22 White Female 18 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hall, James L.
2/3/1900 White Male 41 Banner
Hall, John L.
25 White Male 27 Bentonville
Hall, Laura L.
3 Black Female 116 Pine Level
Hall, Lela
1/10/1900 White Female 209 Banner
Hall, Lenard B.
1/16/1900 White Male 218 Banner
Hall, Leslie
1/9/1900 Black Male 93 Boon Hill
Hall, Lessa
1/4/1900 Black Male 296 Clayton
Hall, Lillie F.
1/9/1900 White Female 236 Clayton
Hall, Lilly
1/26/1900 White Female 294 Banner
Hall, Lilly D.
1/12/1900 White Female 434 Smithfield
Hall, Limia
6 Black Female 137 Wilson's Mills
Hall, Lonie
1/22/1900 White Male 218 Banner
Hall, Louisa
2/22/1900 White Female 42 Elevation
Hall, Louisa
22 Black Female 116 Pine Level
Hall, Lula P.
1/7/1900 White Female 236 Clayton
Hall, Luster
1/5/1900 Black Male 296 Clayton
Hall, Luther
10 White Male 171 Elevation
Hawley, Lafayitte
23 White Male 28 O'Neals
Hawley, Lenor
17 White Female 28 O'Neals
Hill, Cary L.
1/6/1900 White Female 19 Clayton
Hill, Emma L.
1/3/1900 White Female 213 Clayton
Hill, Leon
7 White Male 115 Smithfield
Hill, Lessie A.
5 Black Female 158 Smithfield
Hill, Lewis
45 White Male 56 Smithfield
Hill, Lillian A.
38 White Female 201 Smithfield
Hill, Lillie
2/3/1900 White Female 154 Clayton
Hill, Lillie C.
2/7/1900 White Female 213 Clayton
Hill, Lissie
1/20/1900 White Female 507 Beulah
Hill, Lizzie
36 White Female 115 Smithfield
Hill, Lonzo
1/15/1900 White Male 154 Clayton
Hill, Luba
1/13/1900 White Male 507 Beulah
Hill, Lula
1/22/1900 Black Female 27 Clayton
Hill, Lyda Pearle
7 White Female 158 Smithfield
Hill, Mertie L.
White Female 213 Clayton
Hill, Robert L.
46 White Male 136 Smithfield
Hilliard, Paul L.
23 White Male 110 Clayton
Holaway, Loy
1/15/1900 White Female 170 Beulah
Holley, Laurada
1/27/1900 White Female 96 Banner
Holley, Loy M.
1/4/1900 White Male 96 Banner
Holly, Leroy
8 White Male 14 Meadow
Howell, Laura R.
39 White Female 5 Boon Hill
Howell, Lee
10 White Male 30 Smithfield
Howell, Lela
1/14/1900 White Female 133 Boon Hill
Howell, Lelia E.
1/12/1900 White Female 53 Boon Hill
Howell, Levi B.
3/6/1900 White Male 89 Boon Hill
Howell, Lillian
Black Female 441 Beulah
Howell, Lillie
13 White Female 443 Selma
Howell, Linwood L.
4 White Male 5 Boon Hill
Howell, Lona
1/8/1900 White Female 397 Beulah
Howell, Louie
28 White Female 131 Elevation
Howell, Louvenia
2/20/1900 White Female 53 Boon Hill
Howell, Lovet
Black Male 138 Boon Hill
Howell, Luby
6 White Male 5 Boon Hill
Howell, Lue
49 Black Female 139 Boon Hill
Howell, Lula
13 White Female 30 Smithfield
Howell, Lula
15 White Female 231 Beulah
Howell, Luther
1/27/1900 White Male 114 Boon Hill
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hall, Ella L.
37 White Female 128 Banner
Hall, Harry L.
11 White Male 3 Clayton
Hall, James L.
46 White Male 100 Banner
Hall, John L.
37 White Male 124 Banner
Hall, John L.
54 Black Male 267 Selma
Hall, Johpa L.
White Male 143 Smithfield
Hall, Laura E.
13 Black Female 7 Pine Level
Hall, Lela
22 Black Female 66 Selma
Hall, Lela
Black Female 7 Pine Level
Hall, Lenard
26 White Male 11 Banner
Hall, Lenard B.
26 White Male 183 Smithfield
Hall, Lessie
16 Black Male 359 Clayton
Hall, Lester
4 White Male 77 Bentonville
Hall, Lilie
37 White Female 58 Banner
Hall, Lillie
22 White Female 426 Ingrams
Hall, Lillie
54 Mulatto Female 263 O'Neals
Hall, Lillie
19 White Female 304 Clayton
Hall, Lillie F.
7 White Female 124 Banner
Hall, Lizzie
37 Black Female 355 Clayton
Hall, Lola M.
8 White Female 54 Banner
Hall, Lonny
35 White Male 22 Banner
Hall, Louceile
19 Black Female 155 Cleveland
Hall, Louisa
32 Black Female 7 Pine Level
Hall, Lucy
6 White Female 77 Bentonville
Hall, Lula
17 White Female 304 Clayton
Hall, Lula M.
White Female 124 Banner
Hall, Luna May
18 White Female 156 Elevation
Hall, Lura W.
34 White Female 8 Smithfield
Hall, Luster
19 Black Male 359 Clayton
Hall, Luther
8 White Male 77 Bentonville
Hall, Luther
20 White Male 145 Wilson's Mills
Hall, Mary L.
6 Black Female 267 Selma
Hallie, Lettie
28 White Female 180 Ingrams
Hill, Emma L.
32 White Female 7 Selma
Hill, Fannie L.
10 White Female 253 Smithfield
Hill, L. L.
22 White Male 67 Beulah
Hill, Lala D.
9 White Female 24 Smithfield
Hill, Laph
34 White Male 26 Meadow
Hill, Leary
5 White Male 259 Clayton
Hill, Leon P.
17 White Male 39 Smithfield
Hill, Lessie
15 White Female 61 Elevation
Hill, Levi H.
35 White Male 7 Selma
Hill, Lillan A.
47 White Female 24 Smithfield
Hill, Lillie
27 White Female 253 Smithfield
Hill, Lillie
45 White Female 288 Clayton
Hill, Lillie
47 White Female 180 Clayton
Hill, Lillie F.
7 White Female 50 Elevation
Hill, Lillie M.
White Female 253 Smithfield
Hill, Lizzy
44 White Female 39 Smithfield
Hill, Loice
White Female 181 Clayton
Hill, Lonnie
24 White Male 127 Clayton
Hill, Louis
55 White Male 79 Smithfield
Hill, Louise
5 White Female 288 Clayton
Hill, Luceil
6 White Female 239 Clayton
Hill, Lucile
5 Black Female 224 Clayton
Hill, Lucy B.
26 White Female 50 Elevation
Hill, Lula
28 Black Female 86 Clayton
Hill, Rachel L.
White Female 26 Meadow
Hill, Robert L.
56 White Male 40 Smithfield
Holly, Lela B.
White Female 382 Ingrams
Howell, Dora Lee
11 White Female 101 Bentonville
Howell, Laudell
White Female 81 Selma
Howell, Leamond
White Male 52 Boon Hill
Howell, Leona
7 White Female 363 Clayton
Howell, Letha
1 White Female 173 Boon Hill
Howell, Lewella
39 White Female 8 Clayton
Howell, Lillie
White Female 363 Clayton
Howell, Lillie
22 Black Female 12 Smithfield
Howell, Lindy
35 White Female 106 Beulah
Howell, Lizza
15 Black Female 312 Selma
Howell, Loice
14 White Female 1 Selma
Howell, Lonnie
7 White Male 8 Clayton
Howell, Lou
60 Black Female 58 Bentonville
Howell, Lou
62 White Female 94 Boon Hill
Howell, Louis E.
14 White Female 81 Selma
Howell, Louvester
11 Black Male 312 Selma
Howell, Luedell
White Female 1 Selma
Howell, Luther
36 White Male 309 Boon Hill
Howell, Lyda
3 White Female 52 Boon Hill
Howell, Mae Lee
9 White Female 1 Selma
Howell, Mal L.
9 White Male 81 Selma
Hoyle, Annie L.
23 White Female 14 Clayton
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Haile, Leonard
7 Black Male 180 Selma
Haile, Lucil
8 Black Female 180 Selma
Haley, Lorender
18 Black Male 251 Elevation
Hall, Coy Lee
5 White Male 035 Banner
Hall, Hubert L.
2 White Male 034 Ingrams
Hall, Joseph L.
14 White Male 211 Smithfield
Hall, Laura
19 Black Female 150 Pine Level
Hall, Lelia
12 Black Female 150 Pine Level
Hall, Lena
23 White Female 237 Smithfield
Hall, Lenard
38 White Male 289 Banner
Hall, Lenwood
2+0/12 White Male 319 Banner
Hall, Lewis
6 White Male 050 Cleveland
Hall, Lillie
47 White Female 033 Banner
Hall, Lillie M.
4 White Female 043 Bentonville
Hall, Lois
3 White Female 200 Selma
Hall, Lola M.
18 White Female 013 Banner
Hall, Lonnie
41 White Male 092 Banner
Hall, Louisa C.
1+1/12 White Female 015 Banner
Hall, Louise
48 Black Female 150 Pine Level
Hall, Loyd
3+3/12 White Male 035 Banner
Hall, Luciel
15 White Female 239 Smithfield
Hall, Lucy
25 White Female 053 Banner
Hall, Luther
29 White Male 237 Smithfield
Hall, Luther E.
8 White Male 013 Banner
Hall, Luther M.
1+11/12 White Male 237 Smithfield
Hall, Martha L.
5 White Female 289 Banner
Hall, Mary L.
15 Black Female 171 Smithfield
Hall, Mary L.
10 Black Female 019 Boon Hill
Hawley, Levy L.
6 White Male 038 O'Neals
Hawley, Robert L.
6 White Male 038 O'Neals
Hill, Bessie L.
39 White Female 209 Beulah
Hill, Buck L.
2 White Male 154 Boon Hill
Hill, Carrie L.
3/12 White Female 164 Elevation
Hill, Carry L.
2 White Female 237 Banner
Hill, Dorthy L.
10 White Female 020 Banner
Hill, Edith L.
10 White Female 271 Clayton
Hill, Herbert L.
10 White Male 060 Meadow
Hill, Ishmael L.
5 White Female 266 Clayton
Hill, Joseph L.
4 White Male 112 Smithfield
Hill, Lenoard T.
5 White Male 126 Clayton
Hill, Leon J.
26 White Male 125 Smithfield
Hill, Leona
24 White Female 046 Smithfield
Hill, Lewis W.
2+10/12 White Male 126 Clayton
Hill, Lillie
58 White Female 270 Clayton
Hill, Lillie F.
17 White Female 287 Elevation
Hill, Lilly
56 Black Female 287 Clayton
Hill, Lizabeth
54 White Female 125 Smithfield
Hill, Lois M.
10 White Female 287 Clayton
Hill, Lola
19 White Female 026 Smithfield
Hill, Loma
28 White Female 004 Smithfield
Hill, Lonie
23 White Female 277 O'Neals
Hill, Lonie
23 White Male 277 O'Neals
Hill, Louise
14 White Female 287 Clayton
Hill, Lovie Hill
45 White Male 299 Selma
Hill, Lucile
18 White Female 258 Clayton
Hill, Lucy
7 White Female 103 Meadow
Hill, Lucy B.
36 White Female 287 Elevation
Hill, Lula F.
30 White Female 237 Banner
Hill, Lumas
7 White Male 194 Selma
Hill, Lynda
4 White Female 107 Smithfield
Hill, Maggie L.
13 White Female 154 Boon Hill
Hill, Mary L.
15 White Female 091 Beulah
Hill, Mary L.
8 White Female 219 Ingrams
Hill, Rachel L.
10 White Female 219 Meadow
Hill, Reba Lee
5 White Female 259 Elevation
Hill, Robert L.
14 White Male 154 Boon Hill
Hill, Robert L.
44 White Male 154 Boon Hill
Hillard, Lillie M.
9 White Female 186 Clayton
Hillard, Paul L.
41 White Male 186 Clayton
Hilliard, Lizzie
18 White Female 250 Selma
Holley, Benjiman L.
7 White Male 003 Ingrams
Holley, Lettie
38 White Female 103 Ingrams
Holley, Lola B.
10 White Female 002 Ingrams
Holley, Luther
10 White Male 298 Meadow
Holley, Mary L.
5 White Female 307 Meadow
Holloway, Lexie
23 White Male 060 Pleasant Grove
Holloway, Lonnie
27 White Male 202 Pleasant Grove
Holly, Lettie
20 White Female 021 Ingrams
Holly, Lillian
12 White Female 287 Selma
Holly, Lyssie
15 White Female 287 Selma
Howel, Lomie C
18 White Female 322 Boon Hill
Howell, Clarence L.
8 White Male 257 Bentonville
Howell, Dasey L.
47 White Female 406 Selma
Howell, Fidea L.
22 Black Female 242 Clayton
Howell, Harry L.
8 White Male 124 Clayton
Howell, Leacy
4+6/12 White Female 256 Bentonville
Howell, Lillie
31 Black Female 091 Ingrams
Howell, Linda
44 White Female 305 Beulah
Howell, Lizzie
25 Black Female 026 Selma
Howell, Lois R.
4/12 White Female 099 Beulah
Howell, Lola
15 White Female 038 Smithfield
Howell, Lonnie
18 White Male 124 Clayton
Howell, Lou
67 Black Female 136 Bentonville
Howell, Louise
9 White Female 099 Smithfield
Howell, Louvenia E.
71 White Female 021 Boon Hill
Howell, Lucile
6 White Female 256 Bentonville
Howell, Luella
50 White Female 124 Clayton
Howell, Rosa L.
15 Black Female 242 Clayton
Howell, Rose L.
33 Black Female 242 Clayton
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hale, Larking
23 White Male 193 Elevation
Hall, Annie Lou
3 White Female 85 Banner
Hall, Bertha Louise
6 Black Female 270 Selma
Hall, Clara L.
10 White Female 37 Meadow
Hall, Edna L.
12 White Female 346 Ingrams
Hall, Ella Louise
8 White Female 34 Smithfield
Hall, Ella Lovell
57 White Female 34 Beulah
Hall, J. Lester
24 White Male 336 Smithfield
Hall, John L.
56 White Male 115 Banner
Hall, John L.
9 White Male 115 Banner
Hall, Kathleen Lena
34 White Female 34 Smithfield
Hall, Larry B.
2 White Male 44 Banner
Hall, Laura
30 Black Female 275 Pine Level
Hall, Lela M.
17 Black Female 275 Pine Level
Hall, Lemay
38 White Female 205 Elevation
Hall, Leonard
47 White Male 249 Banner
Hall, Lessie
25 White Female 225b Selma
Hall, Lila
15 White Female 205 Elevation
Hall, Lillian
19 White Female 273b Selma
Hall, Lillian
46 White Female 13 Smithfield
Hall, Lillian
26 White Female 101 Banner
Hall, Lillian
16 White Female 231 Beulah
Hall, Lillie
57 White Female 192 Elevation
Hall, Lillie M.
15 White Female 255 Beulah
Hall, Lind LaRue
1 White Female 35 Banner
Hall, Linwood
12 White Male 161 Banner
Hall, Lois
11 White Female 271b Selma
Hall, Lonnie
52 White Male 194 Banner
Hall, Loucile
17 White Female 43 Banner
Hall, Louis
16 White Male 294 Smithfield
Hall, Louis
3 White Male 229 Beulah
Hall, Louisa
54 Black Female 275 Pine Level
Hall, Louise
2 Black Female 121 Clayton
Hall, Lovell
19 White Male 34 Beulah
Hall, Luby A.
2 White Male 321 Selma
Hall, Lucile
25 Black Female 121 Clayton
Hall, Lucille
5 White Female 232 Beulah
Hall, Lucy G.
36 White Female 35 Banner
Hall, Lula Mae
22 White Female 115 Banner
Hall, Luther
28 White Male 229 Beulah
Hall, Luther Jr.
11 White Male 34 Smithfield
Hall, Luther Leonard
40 White Male 34 Smithfield
Hall, Lyle N.
23 White Male 20 Smithfield
Hall, Mamie Louise
12 White Female 84 Smithfield
Hall, Mattie L.
24 White Female 39 Smithfield
Hill, Bessie L.
31 White Female 138 Pine Level
Hill, Cara Lee
10 White Female 8 Elevation
Hill, Dannie L.
4 White Male 138 Smithfield
Hill, Helen Lee
8 White Female 152 Wilson's Mills
Hill, Joseph L.
14 White Male 138 Pine Level
Hill, Larine
7 White Female 385 Ingrams
Hill, Larry
<1 White Male 13 Selma
Hill, LaRu Rose
7 White Female 68 Smithfield
Hill, Lena
12 White Female 27 Boon Hill
Hill, Leon
14 White Male 15 Beulah
Hill, Leon P.
37 White Male 303 Smithfield
Hill, Leona E.
33 White Female 153 Smithfield
Hill, Leonard
15 White Male 377 Clayton
Hill, Lessie
44 Black Female 145 Meadow
Hill, Lillie
68 White Female 145 Clayton
Hill, Linda
14 White Female 33 Smithfield
Hill, Lois
17 White Female 156 Clayton
Hill, Lois
20 White Female 171 Clayton
Hill, Lou
39 White Female 281 Smithfield
Hill, Lucy
47 White Female 385 Ingrams
Hill, Lucy
16 White Female 71 Meadow
Hill, Lucy H.
1 White Female 255 Smithfield
Hill, Ludy
22 White Female 309 O'Neals
Hill, Lula
42 White Female 27 Boon Hill
Hill, M. L.
45 White Male 308 O'Neals
Hill, Reba Lee
15 White Female 129 Pleasant Grove
Hill, Robert L. Jr.
44 White Male 304 Smithfield
Hill, Robert Lee Jr.
25 White Male 176 Boon Hill
Hillard, Lillie
19 White Female 250 Clayton
Hilliard, Laura
25 Black Female 217 Smithfield
Holley, Lassiter
15 White Male 78 Banner
Holley, Lettie
29 White Female 272 Meadow
Holley, Lossie M.
4 White Female 272 Meadow
Hollie, Leroy
7 White Male 230 Ingrams
Hollie, Lester
17 White Male 230 Ingrams
Holly, Elasco L.
41 White Male 152 Ingrams
Holly, Lola Bell
20 White Female 152 Ingrams
Holly, Luther
19 White Male 156 Meadow
Holly, Mary Lena
15 White Female 157 Meadow
Howell, Harry L.
18 White Male 33 Clayton
Howell, Lama K.
28 White Female 280 Boon Hill
Howell, Lena
22 White Female 234 Micro
Howell, Lenwood
4 White Male 150 Micro
Howell, Leon
17 White Male 101 Selma
Howell, Leonard
3 Black Male 117 Selma
Howell, Lessie
14 White Female 374 Beulah
Howell, Lillie P.
24 White Female 74 Boon Hill
Howell, Linda
53 White Female 22 Selma
Howell, Lizzie
36 Black Female 117 Selma
Howell, Lizzie C.
63 White Female 2 Smithfield
Howell, Lois
13 Black Female 117 Selma
Howell, Lois
10 White Female 41 Beulah
Howell, Lola
4 White Male 173 Micro
Howell, Lonnie
29 White Male 35 Clayton
Howell, Lou E.
81 White Female 99 Boon Hill
Howell, Louise
10 White Female 179 Boon Hill
Howell, Louise P.
39 White Female 193 Smithfield
Howell, Lucile
16 White Female 374 Beulah
Howell, Lucille
12 White Female 179 Boon Hill
Howell, Luella
61 White Female 33 Clayton
Howell, Luther
6 White Male 173 Micro
Howell, Lydia
29 White Female 289b Selma
Howell, W. Landis
1 White Male 161 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Beard, W. J. Holley, Lydia 27 Aug 186
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Hall, Harry Lee 1929 Senior Wake Forest University
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Hailey, J. L. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Hailey, Thomas L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hailey, William L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Haily, Thomas L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hale, David L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Hale, H. L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hall, A. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Militia I First Sergeant C
Hall, Alexander L. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hall, B. L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hall, C. L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry Quartermaster Sergeant C
Hall, C. Landon 15th Regiment, NC Infantry Quartermaster Sergeant C
Hall, George L. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Hall, H. L. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Hall, Haynes L. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Hall, Henry L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hall, Henry L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hall, Henry L. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Hall, J. L. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Hall, J. L. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Hall, James L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hall, John L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hall, John L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Hall, John L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Hall, John L.F. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion G,F Sergeant C
Hall, Joseph L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hall, L. A. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hall, L. Z. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hall, Lawson A. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Hall, Lawson H. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Hall, Leander B. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hall, Leandrew 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hall, Lee W. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Hall, Leonard B. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hall, Levi 16th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hall, Levi 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Hall, Lewis 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Hall, Lewis 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hall, Lewis 66th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hall, Lewis 46th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hall, Lewis 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B,E Private C
Hall, Lewis 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hall, Lewis D. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A,C Private C
Hall, Lewis T. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Hall, Lewis W. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hall, Lillington 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Hall, Linnington 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Hall, Livingston 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops B Private C
Hall, Lofton 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hall, Lorenzo D. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery ACB Private C
Hall, Lovelace N. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hall, Lucian H. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Corporal C
Hall, Lucian J. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hall, Lucian J. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry I First Sergeant C
Hall, Luther R. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops A Laborer C
Hall, Marcus L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hall, Samuel L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Hall, Samuel Lee 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Hall, W. L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hall, W. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F,I Private C
Hall, William L. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hall, William L. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Haul, Levi 16th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hawley, Nathan L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Second Lieutenant C
Hilb, Leopold 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hilburn, Calvin L. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hilburn, Luke 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Hilburn, Luke W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Hildbrand, L. P. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Hildebran, L. P. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Hildebrand, L. P. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hildibrand, Lean P. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Hildreth, Walter L. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hile, Larkin 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hill, A. L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hill, A. L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Hill, Aaron L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Hill, Charles L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Hill, Charles L. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hill, Charles L. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hill, Henry L. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) B Private C
Hill, Isaac L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hill, J. L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Hill, J. L. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hill, James L. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hill, Jesse Lee 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hill, John L. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hill, John L. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Hill, John L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Hill, Junius L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry A Lieutenant Colonel C
Hill, L. B. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hill, L. D. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hill, L. H. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Surgeon C
Hill, Landy 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry G Private C
Hill, Lauriston H. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hill, Lazarus 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hill, Leander 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry G Private C
Hill, Lemuel 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) D,F Private C
Hill, Lemuel H. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hill, Leonidas 66th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hill, Leonidas 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Hill, Levi 58th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hill, Lewis H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Hill, Loranzy 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hill, Lorenzo H. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hill, W. L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Hill, W. L. D. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C First Lieutenant C
Hill, William L. D. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hill, William L. G. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Hilliard, Louis 7th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Lieutenant C
Hilliard, Louis 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry Acting Commissary of Subsistence C
Hilliard, W. L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F&S Surgeon C
Hilson, Louis 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hilton, L. B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hilton, L. D. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hilton, Lee 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hilton, Leroy R. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Hilton, Lorenzo 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Hilton, M. L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Captain C
Hool, R. L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Howell, Daniel L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Howell, Frank L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Howell, Harrison L. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Howell, Harrison L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry Private C
Howell, Harrison L. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Howell, John L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Howell, L. D. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Howell, L. W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Howell, Lemuel M. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Howell, Levi 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Howell, Levi D. Griswold's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Howell, Lewis 38th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hoyle, Jacob L. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hoyle, Lemuel J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Sergeant C
Hoyle, Lemuel J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Junior Second Lieutenant C
Hoyle, Levi 55th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hoyle, Lewis 55th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
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No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Hall, Addie L 1909 1939 Johnson, J. Q.
Hall, Garrett Lee 1987 1987 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Hall, James Leon 1940 2001 Baker/Toler
Hall, John Leonard 1931 1972 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Hall, John Lindsey 1881 1942 Hall
Hall, L Evans 1934 1992 Dixon, William J.
Hall, L Thomas 1936 1950 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Hall, Lena G 1905 1966 Oakland
Hall, Leonard B 1893 1944 Benson City
Hall, Lessie P 1892 1972 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Hall, Levi 1912 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Hall, Lewis H 1967 Bethany Baptist Church
Hall, Lillian Elizabeth A 1913 1947 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Hall, Lillie M 1896 1926 Hall
Hall, Lonnie M 1887 1966 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Hall, Louisa 1855 1918 Banner Chapel Church
Hall, Luby 1929 1946 Parker, Cicero
Hall, Luther L 1899 Oakland
Hall, Sylvia LaRue 1949 1951 Oliver's Grove
Hawley, Lloyd 1898 1967 Kenly City
Hawley, Maude Leon 1902 1974 Evans/Godwin
Hill, Elizabeth Evans (Lib) 1929 1969 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Elizabeth Lee 1891 1967 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Ishmael Lane 1924 1949 Baptist Center Church
Hill, Joseph L 1925 1984 Baker/Toler
Hill, Leon Preston 1902 1964 Sunset Memorial Park
Hill, Lessie Benett 1918 1967 Long Branch Church
Hill, Lillian Anna 1872 1923 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Lillie 1872 1959 Baptist Center Church
Hill, Lilly 1875 1939 Clayton City
Hill, Linda May 1944 1946 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Hill, Lois Battle 1922 1941 Maplewood
Hill, Lola Beatrice 1910 1933 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Louis 1864 1930 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Lucy L 1893 1972 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Hill, Lula Clarence 1886 1890 Rains Crossroads
Hill, Lula Jernigan 1897 Tee's Chapel Baptist Church
Hill, Millard Lee 1895 1956 Hill, Fred
Hill, Robert L Sr 1863 1927 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Robert Lee 1895 1975 Sanders Chapel
Hill, Tabitha Lee 1876 1947 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Hill, Winifred Lee 1935 1936 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Hilliard, Louisa 1848 1908 Salem Primitive Baptist Church
Hilliard, P L 1887 1952 Baptist Center Church
Holley, Elasco L 1898 1958 Barefoot, Pink
Holley, Joseph L 1852 1937 Smith, Joseph A.
Holley, Lettie T 1910 1997 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Howell, Alta Lynch 1922 1978 Selma Memorial Gardens
Howell, Edna L 1899 Howell, John Daniel
Howell, Frances Leona Godwin 1930 2013 Princeton
Howell, L D 1821 1875 Howell
Howell, Laurence R 1904 1963 Howell, John Daniel
Howell, Laurenda 1832 1902 Lane, Millard
Howell, Lazarus 1909 1909 Howell, John Daniel
Howell, Lena E 1918 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Howell, Leon P 1922 Thompson, D. D.
Howell, Leslie Perry Howell
Howell, Levi 1887 1887 Howell
Howell, Lillie Christine 1926 1927 Selah Christian Church
Howell, Lillie Surles 1897 1973 Selah Christian Church
Howell, Lizzie C 1878 1948 Sardis Baptist Church
Howell, Lorena 1872 1932 Howell, John Daniel
Howell, Louise O 1926 1926 Howell, John Daniel
Howell, Louise Porter 1901 1976 Sunset Memorial Park
Howell, Louise Sills 1907 1979 Princeton
Howell, Lousy Rose Howell, H. Franklin
Howell, Luby Allen 1930 Selah Christian Church
Howell, Malchus L 1893 Howell, John Daniel
Howell, Marshall L 1904 Howell, John Daniel
Hoyle, Elizabeth Rackley (Lib) 1918 1998 Benson City
Hoyle, Lydia Creech 1868 1904 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Hall, Haynes Lennon 1910 Cumberland Cross Creek Cemetery
Hall, Walter Leak 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Hildebran, L. P. Burke Burke Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery
Hill, Junius Leroy 1863 Iredell Concord Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Hill, Leander M. 1909 Davidson Kimel Cemetery
Hill, William Lemuel 1913 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Hoyle, Levi Cleveland Hoyle Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Hilliard Bibles Hilliard Family Records
Hill Deaths & Obituaries Tanquilla Hill, 1829
Hill-Brooks Marriages S.J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904
Hill-Brooks Marriages S. J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904
Hill-Shaw Marriages William Hill to Mary Shaw, 1812
Hill-Wilkins Marriages Robert Hill to Christine Wilkins, 1934
Howell-Upchurch Marriages William Howell to Bettie Upchurch 1885
Howell Wills & Estates Elisha Howell - 1793
Howell Wills & Estates Elisha Howell - 1793 - Abstract
Surname Researchers
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HallJohnston Betty Pace
HillHarnett, Johnston Iris Hill Brown
Hill Donna Sherron
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