All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Lula") and last name ("Hill")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("L")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Hil")
1784-1787 State Census |
No Results found |
1790 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1800 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1810 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Hall, Lucy |
4 |
1 |
1 |
Hill, Moses L |
1 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Hall, Levi |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70 |
M80 |
M90 |
Hall, Levy |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Hall, Larkin |
Holly, Lucinda |
Holly, Lydia |
Howell, Laurinda |
Howell, Lecretia |
Howell, London |
Howell, Lydia |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Haley, Laura Ann M. |
Haley, Lula N. |
Haley, Robert L. |
Hall, Larkin |
Hall, Laura |
Hall, Lovard |
Hill, Lenoar |
Hill, Lenora |
Hill, Lilly |
Hill, Lotta |
Hill, Louis |
Hill, Robb L. |
Hilliard, Louiza |
Holley, Lucinda |
Howel, Lum |
Howel, Lurrenda |
Howell, Lydia |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Hall, Larkin |
Hall, Lucy |
Hill, Lenora |
Hill, Lewis |
Hill, Lugenia |
Hill, Thomas L. |
Hilliard, Louisa |
Holley, Livie A. |
Howell, Lanora |
Howell, Lorenda |
Howell, Luda |
Howell, Luetta |
Howell, Luvenia |
Howell, Lydia |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Hall, Edward L. |
Hall, Ivey L. |
Hall, James L. |
Hall, John L. |
Hall, Leonard B. |
Hall, Lillie |
Hall, Lola |
Hall, Lonnie M. |
Hall, Lou E. |
Hall, Louisa |
Hall, Lucinda |
Hall, Luther L. |
Hall, Maggie L. |
Hawley, La- - nada |
Hawley, Lenora |
Hill, Lessie |
Hill, Lewis |
Hill, Lillian A. |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lissie D. |
Hill, Lou M. |
Hill, Louza |
Hill, Luby L. |
Hill, Minnie L. |
Hill, Robert L. |
Hill, Robert L. |
Hillard, Bessie L. |
Hillard, Louisa |
Holley, Joseph L. |
Holley, Litha M. |
Holley, Louvella |
Holliway, Louis |
Howell, Leroy |
Howell, Lillie |
Howell, Lillie |
Howell, Lilly M. |
Howell, Lorena |
Howell, Lou |
Howell, Loucinda |
Howell, Lula |
Howell, Luther M. |
Howell, Mary L. |
Howell, Mary L. |
Howell, Rachel L. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Hall, James L. |
Hall, John L. |
Hall, Laura L. |
Hall, Lela |
Hall, Lenard B. |
Hall, Leslie |
Hall, Lessa |
Hall, Lillie F. |
Hall, Lilly |
Hall, Lilly D. |
Hall, Limia |
Hall, Lonie |
Hall, Louisa |
Hall, Louisa |
Hall, Lula P. |
Hall, Luster |
Hall, Luther |
Hawley, Lafayitte |
Hawley, Lenor |
Hill, Cary L. |
Hill, Emma L. |
Hill, Leon |
Hill, Lessie A. |
Hill, Lewis |
Hill, Lillian A. |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie C. |
Hill, Lissie |
Hill, Lizzie |
Hill, Lonzo |
Hill, Luba |
Hill, Lula |
Hill, Lyda Pearle |
Hill, Mertie L. |
Hill, Robert L. |
Hilliard, Paul L. |
Holaway, Loy |
Holley, Laurada |
Holley, Loy M. |
Holly, Leroy |
Howell, Laura R. |
Howell, Lee |
Howell, Lela |
Howell, Lelia E. |
Howell, Levi B. |
Howell, Lillian |
Howell, Lillie |
Howell, Linwood L. |
Howell, Lona |
Howell, Louie |
Howell, Louvenia |
Howell, Lovet |
Howell, Luby |
Howell, Lue |
Howell, Lula |
Howell, Lula |
Howell, Luther |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Hall, Ella L. |
Hall, Harry L. |
Hall, James L. |
Hall, John L. |
Hall, John L. |
Hall, Johpa L. |
Hall, Laura E. |
Hall, Lela |
Hall, Lela |
Hall, Lenard |
Hall, Lenard B. |
Hall, Lessie |
Hall, Lester |
Hall, Lilie |
Hall, Lillie |
Hall, Lillie |
Hall, Lillie |
Hall, Lillie F. |
Hall, Lizzie |
Hall, Lola M. |
Hall, Lonny |
Hall, Louceile |
Hall, Louisa |
Hall, Lucy |
Hall, Lula |
Hall, Lula M. |
Hall, Luna May |
Hall, Lura W. |
Hall, Luster |
Hall, Luther |
Hall, Luther |
Hall, Mary L. |
Hallie, Lettie |
Hill, Emma L. |
Hill, Fannie L. |
Hill, L. L. |
Hill, Lala D. |
Hill, Laph |
Hill, Leary |
Hill, Leon P. |
Hill, Lessie |
Hill, Levi H. |
Hill, Lillan A. |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie F. |
Hill, Lillie M. |
Hill, Lizzy |
Hill, Loice |
Hill, Lonnie |
Hill, Louis |
Hill, Louise |
Hill, Luceil |
Hill, Lucile |
Hill, Lucy B. |
Hill, Lula |
Hill, Rachel L. |
Hill, Robert L. |
Holly, Lela B. |
Howell, Dora Lee |
Howell, Laudell |
Howell, Leamond |
Howell, Leona |
Howell, Letha |
Howell, Lewella |
Howell, Lillie |
Howell, Lillie |
Howell, Lindy |
Howell, Lizza |
Howell, Loice |
Howell, Lonnie |
Howell, Lou |
Howell, Lou |
Howell, Louis E. |
Howell, Louvester |
Howell, Luedell |
Howell, Luther |
Howell, Lyda |
Howell, Mae Lee |
Howell, Mal L. |
Hoyle, Annie L. |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Haile, Leonard |
Haile, Lucil |
Haley, Lorender |
Hall, Coy Lee |
Hall, Hubert L. |
Hall, Joseph L. |
Hall, Laura |
Hall, Lelia |
Hall, Lena |
Hall, Lenard
Hall, Lenwood |
Hall, Lewis |
Hall, Lillie |
Hall, Lillie M. |
Hall, Lois |
Hall, Lola M. |
Hall, Lonnie |
Hall, Louisa C. |
Hall, Louise |
Hall, Loyd |
Hall, Luciel |
Hall, Lucy |
Hall, Luther |
Hall, Luther E. |
Hall, Luther M. |
Hall, Martha L. |
Hall, Mary L. |
Hall, Mary L. |
Hawley, Levy L. |
Hawley, Robert L. |
Hill, Bessie L. |
Hill, Buck L. |
Hill, Carrie L. |
Hill, Carry L. |
Hill, Dorthy L. |
Hill, Edith L. |
Hill, Herbert L. |
Hill, Ishmael L. |
Hill, Joseph L. |
Hill, Lenoard T. |
Hill, Leon J. |
Hill, Leona |
Hill, Lewis W. |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Lillie F. |
Hill, Lilly |
Hill, Lizabeth |
Hill, Lois M. |
Hill, Lola |
Hill, Loma |
Hill, Lonie |
Hill, Lonie |
Hill, Louise |
Hill, Lovie Hill |
Hill, Lucile |
Hill, Lucy |
Hill, Lucy B. |
Hill, Lula F. |
Hill, Lumas |
Hill, Lynda |
Hill, Maggie L. |
Hill, Mary L. |
Hill, Mary L. |
Hill, Rachel L. |
Hill, Reba Lee |
Hill, Robert L. |
Hill, Robert L. |
Hillard, Lillie M. |
Hillard, Paul L. |
Hilliard, Lizzie |
Holley, Benjiman L. |
Holley, Lettie |
Holley, Lola B. |
Holley, Luther |
Holley, Mary L. |
Holloway, Lexie |
Holloway, Lonnie |
Holly, Lettie |
Holly, Lillian |
Holly, Lyssie |
Howel, Lomie C |
Howell, Clarence L. |
Howell, Dasey L. |
Howell, Fidea L. |
Howell, Harry L. |
Howell, Leacy |
Howell, Lillie |
Howell, Linda
Howell, Lizzie |
Howell, Lois R. |
Howell, Lola |
Howell, Lonnie |
Howell, Lou |
Howell, Louise |
Howell, Louvenia E. |
Howell, Lucile |
Howell, Luella |
Howell, Rosa L. |
Howell, Rose L. |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Hale, Larking |
Hall, Annie Lou |
Hall, Bertha Louise |
Hall, Clara L. |
Hall, Edna L. |
Hall, Ella Louise |
Hall, Ella Lovell |
Hall, J. Lester |
Hall, John L. |
Hall, John L. |
Hall, Kathleen Lena |
Hall, Larry B. |
Hall, Laura |
Hall, Lela M. |
Hall, Lemay |
Hall, Leonard |
Hall, Lessie |
Hall, Lila |
Hall, Lillian |
Hall, Lillian |
Hall, Lillian |
Hall, Lillian |
Hall, Lillie |
Hall, Lillie M. |
Hall, Lind LaRue |
Hall, Linwood |
Hall, Lois |
Hall, Lonnie |
Hall, Loucile |
Hall, Louis |
Hall, Louis |
Hall, Louisa |
Hall, Louise |
Hall, Lovell |
Hall, Luby A. |
Hall, Lucile |
Hall, Lucille |
Hall, Lucy G. |
Hall, Lula Mae |
Hall, Luther |
Hall, Luther Jr. |
Hall, Luther Leonard |
Hall, Lyle N. |
Hall, Mamie Louise |
Hall, Mattie L. |
Hill, Bessie L. |
Hill, Cara Lee |
Hill, Dannie L. |
Hill, Helen Lee |
Hill, Joseph L. |
Hill, Larine |
Hill, Larry |
Hill, LaRu Rose |
Hill, Lena |
Hill, Leon |
Hill, Leon P. |
Hill, Leona E. |
Hill, Leonard |
Hill, Lessie |
Hill, Lillie |
Hill, Linda |
Hill, Lois |
Hill, Lois |
Hill, Lou |
Hill, Lucy |
Hill, Lucy |
Hill, Lucy H. |
Hill, Ludy |
Hill, Lula |
Hill, M. L. |
Hill, Reba Lee |
Hill, Robert L. Jr. |
Hill, Robert Lee Jr. |
Hillard, Lillie |
Hilliard, Laura |
Holley, Lassiter |
Holley, Lettie |
Holley, Lossie M. |
Hollie, Leroy |
Hollie, Lester |
Holly, Elasco L. |
Holly, Lola Bell |
Holly, Luther |
Holly, Mary Lena |
Howell, Harry L. |
Howell, Lama K. |
Howell, Lena |
Howell, Lenwood |
Howell, Leon |
Howell, Leonard |
Howell, Lessie |
Howell, Lillie P. |
Howell, Linda |
Howell, Lizzie |
Howell, Lizzie C. |
Howell, Lois |
Howell, Lois |
Howell, Lola |
Howell, Lonnie |
Howell, Lou E. |
Howell, Louise |
Howell, Louise P. |
Howell, Lucile |
Howell, Lucille |
Howell, Luella |
Howell, Luther |
Howell, Lydia |
Howell, W. Landis |
Bastardy Bonds |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
Date |
Beard, W. J. |
Holley, Lydia |
27 Aug 186 |
NC Yearbooks |
Name |
Year |
Class |
School |
Hall, Harry Lee |
1929 |
Senior |
Wake Forest University |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Hailey, J. L.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
I |
Private |
Hailey, Thomas L.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Hailey, William L.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Haily, Thomas L.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Hale, David L.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
A |
Private |
Hale, H. L.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hall, A. L.
3rd Regiment, NC Militia
I |
First Sergeant |
Hall, Alexander L.
39th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hall, B. L.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Hall, C. L.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
Quartermaster Sergeant |
Hall, C. Landon
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
Quartermaster Sergeant |
Hall, George L.
7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Hall, H. L.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Corporal |
Hall, Haynes L.
51st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Sergeant |
Hall, Henry L.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hall, Henry L.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Hall, Henry L.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Hall, J. L.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
I |
Private |
Hall, J. L.
7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Hall, James L.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Hall, John L.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Hall, John L.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
H |
Private |
Hall, John L.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
K |
Private |
Hall, John L.F.
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
G,F |
Sergeant |
Hall, Joseph L.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hall, L. A.
38th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Hall, L. Z.
16th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Hall, Lawson A.
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
C |
Private |
Hall, Lawson H.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Hall, Leander B.
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hall, Leandrew
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hall, Lee W.
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
C |
Private |
Hall, Leonard B.
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hall, Levi
16th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hall, Levi
8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Hall, Lewis
3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery
C |
Private |
Hall, Lewis
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hall, Lewis
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Hall, Lewis
46th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Hall, Lewis
8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers)
B,E |
Private |
Hall, Lewis
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hall, Lewis D.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
A,C |
Private |
Hall, Lewis T.
3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery
C |
Private |
Hall, Lewis W.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Hall, Lillington
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
D |
Private |
Hall, Linnington
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
D |
Private |
Hall, Livingston
2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops
B |
Private |
Hall, Lofton
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Hall, Lorenzo D.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
Private |
Hall, Lovelace N.
52nd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Hall, Lucian H.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
D |
Corporal |
Hall, Lucian J.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hall, Lucian J.
46th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
First Sergeant |
Hall, Luther R.
2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops
A |
Laborer |
Hall, Marcus L.
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Hall, Samuel L.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Hall, Samuel Lee
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
B |
Private |
Hall, W. L.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hall, W. L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
F,I |
Private |
Hall, William L.
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Hall, William L.
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Haul, Levi
16th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hawley, Nathan L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Second Lieutenant |
Hilb, Leopold
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hilburn, Calvin L.
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Hilburn, Luke
8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Hilburn, Luke W.
8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Hildbrand, L. P.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
G |
Private |
Hildebran, L. P.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
G |
Private |
Hildebrand, L. P.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Hildibrand, Lean P.
8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Hildreth, Walter L.
43rd Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hile, Larkin
47th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Hill, A. L.
60th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Hill, A. L.
6th Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Hill, Aaron L.
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
H |
Sergeant |
Hill, Charles L.
6th Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Hill, Charles L.
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hill, Charles L.
29th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Hill, Henry L.
64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's)
B |
Private |
Hill, Isaac L.
49th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hill, J. L.
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Hill, J. L.
62nd Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Hill, James L.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Hill, Jesse Lee
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Hill, John L.
46th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Hill, John L.
5th Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Hill, John L.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
E |
Private |
Hill, Junius L.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Lieutenant Colonel |
Hill, L. B.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Hill, L. D.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hill, L. H.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
F&S |
Surgeon |
Hill, Landy
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hill, Lauriston H.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hill, Lazarus
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hill, Leander
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hill, Lemuel
8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers)
D,F |
Private |
Hill, Lemuel H.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hill, Leonidas
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Hill, Leonidas
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Hill, Levi
58th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Hill, Lewis H.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Sergeant |
Hill, Loranzy
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Hill, Lorenzo H.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Hill, W. L.
38th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Sergeant |
Hill, W. L. D.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
C |
First Lieutenant |
Hill, William L. D.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Hill, William L. G.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
I |
Private |
Hilliard, Louis
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
First Lieutenant |
Hilliard, Louis
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
Acting Commissary of Subsistence |
Hilliard, W. L.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
F&S |
Surgeon |
Hilson, Louis
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Hilton, L. B.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Hilton, L. D.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Hilton, Lee
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Hilton, Leroy R.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Hilton, Lorenzo
10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery
A |
Private |
Hilton, M. L.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Captain |
Hool, R. L.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Howell, Daniel L.
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Howell, Frank L.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Howell, Harrison L.
39th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Corporal |
Howell, Harrison L.
6th Regiment, NC Cavalry
Private |
Howell, Harrison L.
Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion
A |
Private |
Howell, John L.
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
C |
Private |
Howell, L. D.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Howell, L. W.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Howell, Lemuel M.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Howell, Levi
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Howell, Levi D.
Griswold's Company, NC Local Defense
Private |
Howell, Lewis
38th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Hoyle, Jacob L.
39th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Hoyle, Lemuel J.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861)
K |
Sergeant |
Hoyle, Lemuel J.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
I |
Junior Second Lieutenant |
Hoyle, Levi
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Hoyle, Lewis
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
NC Civil War Sailors Index * |
No Results found |
Southern Claims Commission |
No Results found |
Executions |
No Results found |
Cemetery Graves |
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Cemetery |
Hall, Addie L |
1909 |
1939 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Hall, Garrett Lee |
1987 |
1987 |
Faith Free Will Baptist Church |
Hall, James Leon |
1940 |
2001 |
Baker/Toler |
Hall, John Leonard |
1931 |
1972 |
Benson Grove Baptist Church |
Hall, John Lindsey |
1881 |
1942 |
Hall |
Hall, L Evans |
1934 |
1992 |
Dixon, William J. |
Hall, L Thomas |
1936 |
1950 |
Pauline Primitive Baptist Church |
Hall, Lena G |
1905 |
1966 |
Oakland |
Hall, Leonard B |
1893 |
1944 |
Benson City |
Hall, Lessie P |
1892 |
1972 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Hall, Levi |
1912 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Hall, Lewis H |
1967 |
Bethany Baptist Church |
Hall, Lillian Elizabeth A |
1913 |
1947 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Hall, Lillie M |
1896 |
1926 |
Hall |
Hall, Lonnie M |
1887 |
1966 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Hall, Louisa |
1855 |
1918 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Hall, Luby |
1929 |
1946 |
Parker, Cicero |
Hall, Luther L |
1899 |
Oakland |
Hall, Sylvia LaRue |
1949 |
1951 |
Oliver's Grove |
Hawley, Lloyd |
1898 |
1967 |
Kenly City |
Hawley, Maude Leon |
1902 |
1974 |
Evans/Godwin |
Hill, Elizabeth Evans (Lib) |
1929 |
1969 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Elizabeth Lee |
1891 |
1967 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Ishmael Lane |
1924 |
1949 |
Baptist Center Church |
Hill, Joseph L |
1925 |
1984 |
Baker/Toler |
Hill, Leon Preston |
1902 |
1964 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Hill, Lessie Benett |
1918 |
1967 |
Long Branch Church |
Hill, Lillian Anna |
1872 |
1923 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Lillie |
1872 |
1959 |
Baptist Center Church |
Hill, Lilly |
1875 |
1939 |
Clayton City |
Hill, Linda May |
1944 |
1946 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Hill, Lois Battle |
1922 |
1941 |
Maplewood |
Hill, Lola Beatrice |
1910 |
1933 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Louis |
1864 |
1930 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Lucy L |
1893 |
1972 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Hill, Lula Clarence |
1886 |
1890 |
Rains Crossroads |
Hill, Lula Jernigan |
1897 |
Tee's Chapel Baptist Church |
Hill, Millard Lee |
1895 |
1956 |
Hill, Fred |
Hill, Robert L Sr |
1863 |
1927 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Robert Lee |
1895 |
1975 |
Sanders Chapel |
Hill, Tabitha Lee |
1876 |
1947 |
Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church |
Hill, Winifred Lee |
1935 |
1936 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Hilliard, Louisa |
1848 |
1908 |
Salem Primitive Baptist Church |
Hilliard, P L |
1887 |
1952 |
Baptist Center Church |
Holley, Elasco L |
1898 |
1958 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Holley, Joseph L |
1852 |
1937 |
Smith, Joseph A. |
Holley, Lettie T |
1910 |
1997 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Howell, Alta Lynch |
1922 |
1978 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Howell, Edna L |
1899 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Howell, Frances Leona Godwin |
1930 |
2013 |
Princeton |
Howell, L D |
1821 |
1875 |
Howell |
Howell, Laurence R |
1904 |
1963 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Howell, Laurenda |
1832 |
1902 |
Lane, Millard |
Howell, Lazarus |
1909 |
1909 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Howell, Lena E |
1918 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Howell, Leon P |
1922 |
Thompson, D. D. |
Howell, Leslie Perry |
Howell |
Howell, Levi |
1887 |
1887 |
Howell |
Howell, Lillie Christine |
1926 |
1927 |
Selah Christian Church |
Howell, Lillie Surles |
1897 |
1973 |
Selah Christian Church |
Howell, Lizzie C |
1878 |
1948 |
Sardis Baptist Church |
Howell, Lorena |
1872 |
1932 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Howell, Louise O |
1926 |
1926 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Howell, Louise Porter |
1901 |
1976 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Howell, Louise Sills |
1907 |
1979 |
Princeton |
Howell, Lousy Rose |
Howell, H. Franklin |
Howell, Luby Allen |
1930 |
Selah Christian Church |
Howell, Malchus L |
1893 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Howell, Marshall L |
1904 |
Howell, John Daniel |
Hoyle, Elizabeth Rackley (Lib) |
1918 |
1998 |
Benson City |
Hoyle, Lydia Creech |
1868 |
1904 |
Lee's Chapel Baptist Church |
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database* |
Name |
Death |
County |
Cemetery |
Hall, Haynes Lennon |
1910 |
Cumberland |
Cross Creek Cemetery |
Hall, Walter Leak |
1862 |
Wayne |
Willow Dale Cemetery |
Hildebran, L. P. |
Burke |
Burke Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery |
Hill, Junius Leroy |
1863 |
Iredell |
Concord Presbyterian Church Cemetery |
Hill, Leander M. |
1909 |
Davidson |
Kimel Cemetery |
Hill, William Lemuel |
1913 |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Hoyle, Levi |
Cleveland |
Hoyle Cemetery |
Wills Index * |
No Results found |
Other Resources |
Surname |
Resource |
Title |
Hilliard |
Bibles |
Hilliard Family Records |
Hill |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Tanquilla Hill, 1829 |
Hill-Brooks |
Marriages |
S.J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904 |
Hill-Brooks |
Marriages |
S. J. Hill to Mary Brooks, 1904 |
Hill-Shaw |
Marriages |
William Hill to Mary Shaw, 1812 |
Hill-Wilkins |
Marriages |
Robert Hill to Christine Wilkins, 1934 |
Howell-Upchurch |
Marriages |
William Howell to Bettie Upchurch 1885 |
Howell |
Wills & Estates |
Elisha Howell - 1793 |
Howell |
Wills & Estates |
Elisha Howell - 1793 - Abstract |
Surname Researchers |
NCGenWeb Project USGenWeb® Project USGenWeb® Archives USGenWeb® Archives Srch Tombstone Transcript Proj The Heritage Center JC GIS MapClick JC Register of Deeds NC Yearbook Index ArchiveGrid NC State Archives NCGH Library NCGH Pinterest NCGH Flickr Transcript Proj FamilySearch ACPL Genealogy Center The Family History Guide FamilySearch Learning Center US African American Griots Family Group Sheet Project USGenWeb Kidz |
Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
Johnston County, Oklahoma
Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming
County Coordinator |
W. Kay |
County Volunteers |
Ross Sippel |