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» Search Results » W SMITH
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Smith, William 1 3
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Smith, William 1 4
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Smith, William 758 / 8 1 1
Smith, William 774 / 13 1 1 1 1
Smith, William 763 / 15 1 3 1 1 8
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Smith, William 274 / 24 2 1 1
Smith, William 275 / 22 1 2 1 9
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Smith, William 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Smith, William 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Smith, William 1
Snead, Robert W. 3 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, George W.
5 White Male 98 Clayton
Smith, W. J.
35 White Male 904 Sandy Level
Smith, Walter
4 White Male 188 Boon Hill
Smith, William
6 White Male 904 Sandy Level
Smith, William
10 White Male 407 Boon Hill
Smith, William
25 White Male 513 Elevation
Smith, William
25 White Male 375 Leachburg
Smith, William
26 White Male 368 Elevation
Smith, William
18 White Male 875 Newton Grove
Smith, William A.
32 White Male 31 Boon Hill
Smith, Winifred
12 White Female 905 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, John W.
33 Mulatto Male 24 Smithfield
Smith, W. J.
50 White Male 134 Wilders
Smith, Walt
24 Black Female 111 Smithfield
Smith, Walter
8 White Female 295 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Wiatt
15 Black Male 42 Ingrams
Smith, William
40 White Male 164 Smithfield
Smith, William
6 Black Male 111 Smithfield
Smith, William
3 Black Male 26 Selma
Smith, William
3 Black Male 207 Selma
Smith, William
56 White Male 184 Clayton
Smith, William
8 White Male 166 Clayton
Smith, William
28 White Male 238 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William
17 White Male 134 Wilders
Smith, William
3 White Male 141 Beulah
Smith, William
1 White Male 46 Smithfield
Smith, William
0 White Male 163 Smithfield
Smith, William
0 White Male 209 Smithfield
Smith, William C.
6 Black Male 22 Smithfield
Smith, William G.
13 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Smith, William G.
34 White Male 219 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Willis
26 White Male 209 Smithfield
Smith, Willis
11 Black Male 167 Smithfield
Smith, Willis
6 Black Male 222 Ingrams
Smith, Willy
26 White Female 165 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Winey
22 Black Female 222 Ingrams
Smith, Winny
23 Black Female 122 Smithfield
Snead, C. W.
35 White Male 10 Smithfield
Snead, Walter
0 White Male 73 Bentonville
Snead, William
5 White Male 73 Bentonville
Snead, William
3 Black Male 176 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Clanoce W.
22 White Male 25 Boon Hill
Smith, George W.
12 Black Male 142 Wilson's Mills
Smith, George W.
13 White Male 234 Pleasant Grove
Smith, John W.
7 White Male 11 Clayton
Smith, Mary W.
7 Black Female 93 Boon Hill
Smith, Nathan W.
24 White Male 144 Bentonville
Smith, W. C.
19 Black Male 79 South Smithfield
Smith, W. E.
1 White Male 24 Beulah
Smith, W. G.
45 White Male 255 Pleasant Grove
Smith, W. J.
60 White Male 233 Wilders
Smith, W. Samuel
5 White Male 165 Elevation
Smith, Wallie
9 White Female 76 Clayton
Smith, Walter
18 White Male 7 Elevation
Smith, Walter
5 Black Male 313 South Smithfield
Smith, Walter S.
23 White Male 455 Boon Hill
Smith, Wat
25 Black Male 150 North Smithfield
Smith, Webley
4 Black Male 338 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Wiley
45 Black Male 24 Boon Hill
Smith, William
6 Black Male 187 South Smithfield
Smith, William
16 Black Male 314 South Smithfield
Smith, William
18 White Male 185 Clayton
Smith, William
27 White Male 142 Clayton
Smith, William
17 White Male 240 Boon Hill
Smith, William
21 White Male 233 Wilders
Smith, William A.
52 White Male 25 Boon Hill
Smith, William A.
66 White Male 130 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William E.
1 White Male 287 Meadow
Smith, William F.
4 Black Male 93 Boon Hill
Smith, William H.
38 White Male 184 Meadow
Smith, William J.
3 White Male 26 Wilders
Smith, William O.
8 White Male 11 Clayton
Smith, Willie
35 Black Female 114 North Smithfield
Smith, Willie Jr.
0 White Male 250 North Smithfield
Smith, Willie A.
30 White Male 250 North Smithfield
Smith, Willie H.
26 White Male 100 Elevation
Smith, Willis
16 Black Male 114 North Smithfield
Smith, Willis
29 Black Male 62 Clayton
Smith, Willis
2 Black Male 128 South Smithfield
Smith, Winnaford
3 White Female 98 Meadow
Smith, Winnie
44 Black Female 128 South Smithfield
Snead, Ed W.
0 White Male 158 Bentonville
Snead, Walter
9 White Male 284 Ingrams
Snead, William
16 Black Male 286 Ingrams
Snead, William
14 White Male 284 Ingrams
Snead, William
15 Black Male 163 Bentonville
Snead, William
35 White Male 196 O'Neals
Sneed, Willie
4 White Male 33 Town of Smithfield
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Brodie W.
11 White Male 25 Meadow
Smith, Charlie W.
4 White Male 99 Banner
Smith, Claude W.
42 White Male 229 Boon Hill
Smith, Dora W.
29 White Female 79 Banner
Smith, Elizabeth W.
39 White Female 74 Smithfield
Smith, G. Washington
45 White Male 161 Banner
Smith, George W.
1 Black Male 181 Smithfield
Smith, J. Willie
28 Black Male 100 Banner
Smith, James W.
38 White Male 27 Cleveland
Smith, Jasper W.
15 White Male 442 Banner
Smith, John W.
29 White Male 184 Elevation
Smith, Nathan W.
43 White Male 14 Bentonville
Smith, Robin W.
25 White Male 165 Meadow
Smith, Walter
30 White Male 226 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Walter
2 Black Male 104 Selma
Smith, Walter
23 Black Male 82 Smithfield
Smith, Walter
4 Black Male 274 Smithfield
Smith, Walter E.
1 White Male 325 Clayton
Smith, Washington
4 Black Male 91 Smithfield
Smith, Welden
17 Black Male 116 Smithfield
Smith, Westley
50 Black Male 276 Wilders
Smith, William
9 Black Male 256 Smithfield
Smith, William
30 White Male 147 Wilders
Smith, William
23 White Male 216 Wilders
Smith, William
9 White Male 121 Beulah
Smith, William
82 White Male 147 Wilders
Smith, William
28 White Male 1 Cleveland
Smith, William
17 Black Male 286 Smithfield
Smith, William
17 Black Male 69 Cleveland
Smith, William
58 White Male 146 Meadow
Smith, William
21 White Male 442 Banner
Smith, William
30 Black Male 253 Smithfield
Smith, William
11 Black Male 110 Boon Hill
Smith, William Jr.
6 Black Male 253 Smithfield
Smith, William A.
51 White Male 74 Smithfield
Smith, William B.
9 White Male 137 Clayton
Smith, William C.
20 White Male 74 Smithfield
Smith, William E.
47 White Female 306 Ingrams
Smith, William G.
64 White Male 46 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William G.
8 White Male 228 Smithfield
Smith, William H.
27 White Male 158 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William H.
14 White Male 325 Clayton
Smith, William H.
17 Black Male 54 Smithfield
Smith, William H.
19 White Male 306 Ingrams
Smith, William J.
70 White Male 27 Cleveland
Smith, William J.
2 White Male 165 Clayton
Smith, William K.
22 Black Male 182 Beulah
Smith, William M.
9 White Male 146 Meadow
Smith, William P.
16 White Male 132 Ingrams
Smith, William R.
32 White Male 190 Selma
Smith, William T.
1 White Male 105 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William W.
10 White Male 322 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
18 White Male 105 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Willie
18 White Male 170 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Willie
26 Black Male 31 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Willie
7 Black Male 69 Cleveland
Smith, Willie
21 White Male 1 Beulah
Smith, Willie M.
9 White Female 439 Banner
Smith, Willie R.
17 White Male 176 Meadow
Smith, Willis
65 Black Male 4 Boon Hill
Smith, Willis
7 Black Male 91 Smithfield
Smith, Willis Samuel
25 White Male 324 Elevation
Snead, Walter R.
2 White Male 33 Bentonville
Snead, William R.
34 White Male 33 Bentonville
Snead, Willie L.
4 Black Male 34 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Ashley W.
55 Black Male 184 Smithfield
Smith, Ashley W.
8 Black Male 114 Clayton
Smith, Bettie W.
49 White Female 205 Smithfield
Smith, Claude W.
51 White Male 7 Smithfield
Smith, Claude W.
5 White Male 7 Smithfield
Smith, George W.
38 White Male 23 Meadow
Smith, James W.
2/4/1900 White Male 26 Clayton
Smith, James W.
33 White Male 282 Wilders
Smith, James W.
47 White Male 108 Cleveland
Smith, John W.
39 White Male 330 Ingrams
Smith, John W.
2 White Male 83 Meadow
Smith, Nathan W.
53 White Male 25 Bentonville
Smith, Robin W.
35 White Male 31 Meadow
Smith, Samuel W.
73 White Male 247 Cleveland
Smith, W. S.
35 White Male 145 Elevation
Smith, Walter
1/15/1900 White Male 521 Smithfield
Smith, Walter
7 Black Male 245 Selma
Smith, Walter
9 White Male 48 Ingrams
Smith, Walter
1/5/1900 White Male 246 Beulah
Smith, Walter
2/18/1900 White Male 110 Elevation
Smith, Walter
5 Black Male 138 Cleveland
Smith, Walter G.
31 White Male 378 Selma
Smith, Walter L.
11 White Male 86 Clayton
Smith, Walter V.
1/6/1900 Mulatto Male 150 Clayton
Smith, Walton
White Male 118 Selma
Smith, Waneeda
1/9/1900 Mulatto Female 413 Smithfield
Smith, Wash
2/23/1900 White Male 190 Banner
Smith, Wayman
2 Mulatto Male 226 Selma
Smith, Wayman
2 Mulatto Male 401 Selma
Smith, Weldon
Black Male 67 Smithfield
Smith, Westley
1/12/1900 Black Male 230 Boon Hill
Smith, Wilbert
2 White Male 536 Selma
Smith, Wilbert
8 White Male 118 Selma
Smith, Wilbur A.
White Male 213 Banner
Smith, Will
30 White Male 118 Selma
Smith, Will C.
30 White Male 100 Smithfield
Smith, Will H.
1/29/1900 White Male 190 Clayton
Smith, Will R.
27 White Male 198 Smithfield
Smith, William
1/16/1900 Black Male 481 Smithfield
Smith, William
1/16/1900 Black Male 397 Smithfield
Smith, William
2/12/1900 Black Male 397 Smithfield
Smith, William
2/11/1900 Black Male 481 Smithfield
Smith, William
38 Black Male 178 Pine Level
Smith, William
7 Black Male 108 Clayton
Smith, William
20 Black Male 70 Boon Hill
Smith, William
1/10/1900 White Male 22 Beulah
Smith, William A.
23 White Male 86 Clayton
Smith, William A.
1/2/1900 White Male 10 Meadow
Smith, William A.
61 White Male 205 Smithfield
Smith, William E.
57 White Female 322 Ingrams
Smith, William H.
27 Black Male 188 Smithfield
Smith, William H.
29 White Male 326 Ingrams
Smith, William H.
37 White Male 116 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William H.
49 White Male 163 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William I.
1/19/1900 White Male 4 Clayton
Smith, William L.
50 White Male 143 Wilders
Smith, William M.
White Male 31 Meadow
Smith, William R.
22 White Male 48 Meadow
Smith, William T.
1/12/1900 White Male 41 Clayton
Smith, William T.
10 White Male 163 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William W.
20 White Male 561 Selma
Smith, Willie
1/22/1900 Black Male 346 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
1/18/1900 Black Male 527 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
16 Black Male 67 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
1/18/1900 White Male 184 Clayton
Smith, Willie
2/4/1900 Black Male 310 Banner
Smith, Willie
17 Black Male 57 Cleveland
Smith, Willie A.
21 Mulatto Female 188 Smithfield
Smith, Willie E.
30 White Male 213 Banner
Smith, Willie P.
3 White Male 26 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Willie R.
28 White Male 26 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Willie S.
34 White Male 254 Cleveland
Smith, Wilson
24 Black Male 155 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Wilton R.
1/9/1900 White Male 10 Clayton
Smith, Winneford
33 White Female 23 Meadow
Snead, Walter R.
12 White Male 10 Bentonville
Snead, William Hawood
1 White Male 10 Bentonville
Snead, Willie L. Roy Dale
14 Black Male 12 Bentonville
Snead, Willie R.
44 White Male 10 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Alex. W.
6 Mulatto Male 394 Smithfield
Smith, Ashley W.
64 Mulatto Male 129 Smithfield
Smith, Bettie W.
59 White Female 72 Smithfield
Smith, Carlyle W.
Mulatto Male 394 Smithfield
Smith, George W.
17 Black Male 193 Selma
Smith, George W.
66 White Male 19 Banner
Smith, James W.
45 White Male 268 Clayton
Smith, James W.
49 White Male 63 Clayton
Smith, James W.
57 White Male 170 Cleveland
Smith, Jasper W.
34 White Male 57 Banner
Smith, Lina W.
55 Mulatto Female 129 Smithfield
Smith, Robert W.
45 White Male 90 Meadow
Smith, W. Henry
39 White Male 186 Ingrams
Smith, Walter
59 White Male 214 Elevation
Smith, Walter
21 White Male 270 Clayton
Smith, Walter
21 White Male 385 Clayton
Smith, Walter
15 Black Male 138 Cleveland
Smith, Walter
19 Black Male 227 Selma
Smith, Walter
22 Black Male 201 Smithfield
Smith, Walter
44 Black Male 51 Ingrams
Smith, Wat
70 Black Male 233 Smithfield
Smith, Wayman
12 Mulatto Male 212 Selma
Smith, Weldon
38 Black Male 78 Micro
Smith, Weldon
9 Black Male 289 Smithfield
Smith, Wellen
6 White Male 138 Smithfield
Smith, Wesley W.
50 Black Male 151 Ingrams
Smith, Wilbert
5 White Male 427 Smithfield
Smith, Wilbur
Black Male 201 Smithfield
Smith, Wilbur
10 White Male 212 Banner
Smith, Wildurn
13 White Male 159 Clayton
Smith, Will
21 Mulatto Male 202 Boon Hill
Smith, Will
37 White Male 198 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Will
26 Black Male 126 Smithfield
Smith, Will H.
37 Mulatto Male 135 Smithfield
Smith, Willard
15 Black Male 19 Smithfield
Smith, William
Black Male 57 Smithfield
Smith, William
42 White Male 51 Wilders
Smith, William
7 White Male 316 Smithfield
Smith, William
19 Black Male 103 Smithfield
Smith, William
5 Black Male 78 Micro
Smith, William
65 White Male 111 Wilders
Smith, William
46 White Male 71 Boon Hill
Smith, William
White Male 337 Clayton
Smith, William
56 Black Male 143 Smithfield
Smith, William Jr.
23 Black Male 143 Smithfield
Smith, William Jr.
6 Black Male 157 Cleveland
Smith, William A.
71 White Male 72 Smithfield
Smith, William F.
37 White Male 66 Banner
Smith, William H.
White Male 186 Ingrams
Smith, William H.
White Male 94 Selma
Smith, William J.
7 White Male 145 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William L.
46 White Male 145 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William M.
29 White Male 89 Banner
Smith, William S.
49 White Male 87 Cleveland
Smith, William S.
White Male 145 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William S.
8 White Male 151 Meadow
Smith, Willie
10 Black Male 91 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
25 Black Male 23 O'Neals
Smith, Willie
3 Black Male 262 O'Neals
Smith, Willie
30 Black Male 132 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
Black Male 384 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
5 Black Male 219 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Willie
36 Black Male 157 Cleveland
Smith, Willie A.
31 Mulatto Female 135 Smithfield
Smith, Willie R.
36 White Male 94 Selma
Smith, Willieneta
4 White Female 90 Meadow
Smith, Willis
44 White Male 94 Smithfield
Smith, Wilson
4 White Male 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Wilton
19 White Male 155 Clayton
Smith, Wm. K.
7 White Male 41 Smithfield
Smith, Woodrow W.
7 White Male 66 Banner
Snead, Walter
21 White Male 33 Bentonville
Snead, Waylon
16 White Male 32 Bentonville
Snead, Willie
25 Black Male 41 Bentonville
Snead, Willie R.
54 White Male 32 Bentonville
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Charles W.
32 White Male 023 Banner
Smith, Charles W.
9 White Male 062 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Charlie W.
30 White Male 360 Banner
Smith, Daniel W.
72 Black Male 273 Clayton
Smith, George W.
50 White Male 075 Meadow
Smith, George W.
25 White Male 133 Boon Hill
Smith, George W.
76 White Female 078 Banner
Smith, Harvey W.
36 White Male 114 Micro
Smith, Hester W.
11 White Female 326 Meadow
Smith, James W.
14 White Male 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, James W.
67 White Male 102 Cleveland
Smith, James W.
55 White Male 008 Clayton
Smith, John W.
22 White Male 068 Meadow
Smith, John W.
12 Black Male 036 Clayton
Smith, John W.
5 White Male 062 Pleasant Grove
Smith, John Wesley
11 Black Male 311 Clayton
Smith, Raymond W.
6 White Male 169 Ingrams
Smith, Robert W.
55 White Male 128 Bentonville
Smith, Robert W. Jr.
10 White Male 128 Bentonville
Smith, S. Willis
54 White Male 100 Cleveland
Smith, Savannah W.
9 Black Female 342 Smithfield
Smith, W. A.
42 Black Male 067 Smithfield
Smith, W. R.
47 White Male 090 Smithfield
Smith, Walter
25 Black Male 032 Cleveland
Smith, Walter
8 Black Male 014 Clayton
Smith, Walter
8 Black Male 344 Clayton
Smith, Warren
9 White Male 128 Bentonville
Smith, Weldon
19 Black Male 204 Beulah
Smith, Westley
37 Black Male 040 Banner
Smith, Wilbert
14 Black Male 014 Clayton
Smith, Wilbert
9 Black Male 399 Smithfield
Smith, William
12 Black Male 384 Smithfield
Smith, William
18 White Male 073 Meadow
Smith, William
14 Black Male 204 Beulah
Smith, William
1 White Male 123 Smithfield
Smith, William
36 Black Male 011 Smithfield
Smith, William
52 Black Male 010 Smithfield
Smith, William
17 Black Male 072 Selma
Smith, William
22 White Male 066 Meadow
Smith, William
25 White Male 229 Banner
Smith, William
12 Black Male 126 Cleveland
Smith, William
27 Black Male 304 Pleasant Grove
Smith, William A.
43 White Male 103 Clayton
Smith, William E.
4 White Male 103 Clayton
Smith, William F.
8 White Male 075 Banner
Smith, William H.
68 White Male 145 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William H.
40 Black Male 072 Selma
Smith, William H.
49 White Male 169 Ingrams
Smith, William H.
14 White Male 169 Ingrams
Smith, William H.
13 White Male 352 Selma
Smith, William H.
12 White Male 352 Selma
Smith, William I.
38 White Male 027 Clayton
Smith, William J.
52 White Male 115 Wilders
Smith, William M.
46 Black Male 145 Cleveland
Smith, William M.
7 Black Male 077 Wilders
Smith, William P.
10 White Male 268 Meadow
Smith, William R.
57 White Male 268 Meadow
Smith, William R.
11 Black Male 414 Ingrams
Smith, William S.
2 Black Male 059 Smithfield
Smith, William T.
4+3/12 Black Male 267 Pine Level
Smith, Willie
36 Black Female 067 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
36 Black Male 008 Banner
Smith, Willie
21 White Female 191 Selma
Smith, Willie
21 White Male 059 Boon Hill
Smith, Willie
25 Black Male 008 Beulah
Smith, Willie C.
8 Black Male 204 Beulah
Smith, Willie F.
42 White Male 075 Banner
Smith, Willie J.
6 Black Male 040 Banner
Smith, Willie M.
8 White Female 313 Banner
Smith, Willie R.
47 White Male 352 Selma
Smith, Wilometo
14 White Female 128 Bentonville
Smith, Wilton
19 White Male 300 Smithfield
Smith, Winfred
1+2/12 White Male 062 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Winnie
3+4/12 Black Male 204 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Wodare
16 Black Male 182 Selma
Smith, Woodrow
17 White Male 075 Banner
Snead, Kermit W.
3+1/12 White Male 258 Bentonville
Snead, Walter D.
8 White Male 258 Bentonville
Snead, Walter R.
32 White Male 258 Bentonville
Snead, Waylon D.
26 White Male 058 Ingrams
Snead, Waylon D.
2/12 White Male 058 Ingrams
Snead, Willie R.
64 White Male 092 Ingrams
Sneed, Warren G.
7 White Male 221 Boon Hill
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Charlie W.
43 White Male 28 Banner
Smith, J. W.
55 White Male 68 Micro
Smith, James W.
77 White Male 232 Cleveland
Smith, Janie W.
74 Black Female 101 Ingrams
Smith, Jesse W.
27 White Male 193 Smithfield
Smith, Jno. W.
32 White Male 10 Banner
Smith, Robert W.
20 White Male 180 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas W.
5 White Male 415 Clayton
Smith, W. E.
9 White Male 81 Selma
Smith, W. F.
18 White Male 163 Banner
Smith, W. Henry
59 White Male 4 Ingrams
Smith, W. M.
49 White Male 30 Banner
Smith, Walt
33 White Male 173 Boon Hill
Smith, Walter
35 Black Male 255 Cleveland
Smith, Walter
28 Black Male 198 Clayton
Smith, Weldon
59 Black Male 220 Beulah
Smith, Wilameta
21 White Female 103 Beulah
Smith, Wilbert
18 Black Male 147 Smithfield
Smith, Wilfred
15 White Male 48 Elevation
Smith, Will
44 White Male 112 Wilders
Smith, Will
57 White Male 324 Selma
Smith, Will F.
18 White Male 353 Elevation
Smith, Will M.
36 White Male 352 Beulah
Smith, William
23 Black Male 371 Smithfield
Smith, William
64 White Male 234 Selma
Smith, William
26 Black Male 225 Beulah
Smith, William
56 Black Male 217 Cleveland
Smith, William
47 Black Male 4 Smithfield
Smith, William
20 Black Male 183 Smithfield
Smith, William
17 Black Male 41 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William
12 Black Male 1 Smithfield
Smith, William
24 White Male 4 Ingrams
Smith, William
39 Black Male 89 Pine Level
Smith, William A.
7 Black Male 1687 Cleveland
Smith, William C.
14 White Male 50 Smithfield
Smith, William F.
48 White Male 94 Clayton
Smith, William H.
79 White Male 120 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William Hooks
27 White Male 22 Smithfield
Smith, William R.
59 White Male 13 Meadow
Smith, William T.
13 Black Male 3 Pine Level
Smith, Williard
82 Black Male 89 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
28 Black Male 240 O'Neals
Smith, Willie
45 Black Male 89 Smithfield
Smith, Willie
40 Black Male 72 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Willie
36 Black Male 66 Beulah
Smith, Willie C.
17 Black Male 220 Beulah
Smith, Willie Lee
15 Black Male 220 Beulah
Smith, Willie May
3 Black Female 167 Cleveland
Smith, Williemae
19 White Female 331 Banner
Smith, Willis
49 Black Male 295 Smithfield
Smith, Willis S.
65 White Male 250 Elevation
Smith, Wilson J.
24 White Male 110 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Wimbish W.
33 White Male 6 Smithfield
Smith, Winfred
11 White Male 48 Elevation
Smith, Winnie May
8 White Female 6 Smithfield
Smith, Wynona
3 White Female 96 Smithfield
Smithwick, John W. Pierce
8 White Male 14 Smithfield
Snead, Walter
42 White Male 370 Beulah
Snead, Warring G.
17 White Male 336 Cleveland
Snead, Waylon
10 White Male 312 Beulah
Snead, Waylon D.
36 White Male 312 Beulah
Snead, Wilbert
10 White Male 228 Beulah
Snead, Willis
45 Black Male 141 Smithfield
Snead, Willis Jr.
6 Black Male 141 Smithfield
Sneed, Daisy W.
42 White Female 294 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Smith, William I. Ellis, Sabrina 27 Feb 1855
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Smith, Williard A. 1963 Senior NC Central University
Name Year Member Lodge
Smith, W. J. 1849 Yes Fellowship Lodge, No. 84, Smithfield
Smith, William J. 1852 Yes Fellowship Lodge, No. 84, Smithfield
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Sandy, John W. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Sandy, William J. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Senate, William L.J. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Shamdy, W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Sheand, Washington 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Shumate, Wesley 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Shunt, C. W.W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Smeed, W. B. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smiggs, Wilson 14th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smily, William H. 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
Smink, G. W. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smisson, William 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) E Private C
Smith, A. W. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Smith, A. W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Amos W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Smith, Anderson W. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Second Lieutenant C
Smith, Andrew W. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, B. W. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Benjamin W. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Smith, Benjamin W. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Calvin W. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Charles W. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Smith, Clement W. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Collin W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Smith, D. W. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, D. W. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Smith, D. W. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Smith, Daniel W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Smith, David W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Smith, David W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Smith, Edward W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Smith, F. W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, G. W. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, G. W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, G. W. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, G. W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Smith, G. W. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, G. W. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, G. W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, G. W. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, George W. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, George W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, George W. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, George W. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery D Private C
Smith, George W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, George W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, George W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Smith, George W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G Private C
Smith, George W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Smith, George W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, George W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, George W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Smith, George W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Smith, George W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Smith, George W. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, George W. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, George W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, George W. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Smith, George W. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Guilford W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, H. W. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Henry W. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, I. W. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Ira W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Isaac W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Smith, J. W. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, J. W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, J. W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, J. W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, J. W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, J. W. Wallace's Company, Wilmington NC Railroad Guards Private C
Smith, J. W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, J. W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Smith, James W. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, James W. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Smith, James W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Smith, James W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, James W. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, James W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, James W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, James W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, James W. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, James W. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G First Lieutenant C
Smith, Jeremiah W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, John W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Smith, John W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Smith, John W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Private C
Smith, John W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, John W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, John W. Lawrence's Company, NC Volunteers (Wilson Partison Rangers) Private C
Smith, John W. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, John W. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, John W. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Smith, John W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, John W. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, John W. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, John W. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry A,E Private C
Smith, John W. Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard) Private C
Smith, John W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Corporal C
Smith, John W. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Smith, John W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Smith, John W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Junior First Lieutenant C
Smith, John W. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry D First Sergeant C
Smith, John W. H. H. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Jonas W. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Joseph W. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Joseph W. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Smith, Joseph W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Joseph W. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery F Corporal C
Smith, Joshua W. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Smith, Josiah W. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) A,D First Lieutenant C
Smith, Josiah W. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry I First Lieutenant C
Smith, L. W. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, L. W. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Smith, L. W. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Smith, Legrand W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Smith, Lewis W. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Neill W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, Neill W. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Smith, Noah W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, Peter W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, Peter W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, R. W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, R. W. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, R. W. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, R. W. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Richard W. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, Richard W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Richard W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, Richard W. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, Richard W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Smith, Rufus W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Rufus W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Smith, S. W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, S. W. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, S. W. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Smith, Samuel W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Samuel W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Sol W. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Smith, Thomas W. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Thomas W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thomas W. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E,K Private C
Smith, Thomas W. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, W. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves I Private C
Smith, W. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Smith, W. A. Snead's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Smith, W. A. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) B Private C
Smith, W. A. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, W. A. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Smith, W. B. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, W. C. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, W. C. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Smith, W. D. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, W. D. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves B Sergeant C
Smith, W. D. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry C Chief Musician C
Smith, W. Donoho 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E First Sergeant C
Smith, W. E. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, W. E. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves G Private C
Smith, W. F. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Smith, W. G. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, W. G. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, W. H. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, W. H. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. H. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, W. H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, W. H. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, W. H. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Smith, W. H. Bass' Company, NC Private C
Smith, W. H. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, W. H. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) D Sergeant C
Smith, W. H. H. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, W. H. H. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, W. J. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, W. J. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, W. J. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Corporal C
Smith, W. L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, W. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Smith, W. M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, W. M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Smith, W. M. McLean's Battalion, NC Light Duty Men B Private C
Smith, W. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Smith, W. Mc. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, W. N. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, W. N. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Smith, W. R. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. R. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. R. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, W. S. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, W. S. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Corporal C
Smith, W. T. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. T. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. T. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) A Private C
Smith, W. W. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, W. W. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves First Sergeant C
Smith, W. Y. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Smith, Walter D. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Smith, Walter J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) H Private C
Smith, Walter J. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Smith, Walter L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Corporal C
Smith, Watson M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Wellington D. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Wellington D. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry G Lieutenant C
Smith, Wellington D. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves G First Lieutenant C
Smith, White 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Smith, Whitson 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops B Private C
Smith, Wilburn S. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Wiley 55th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Smith, Wiley 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves Private C
Smith, Wiley 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, William 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Smith, William 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, William 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, William 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, William 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, William 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William 54th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, William 54th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Smith, William 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Smith, William 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Private C
Smith, William 18th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Smith, William 26th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, William 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Smith, William 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Smith, William Unidentified NC Private C
Smith, William 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Smith, William 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Smith, William 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, William 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William 60th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Smith, William 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, William 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops B Private C
Smith, William 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Private C
Smith, William 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Smith, William 5th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, William 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Smith, William 16th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, William 16th Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Smith, William 20th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, William 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, William 35th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William 44th Regiment, NC Infantry D First Sergeant C
Smith, William Wallace's Company, Wilmington NC Railroad Guards First Lieutenant C
Smith, William 13th Battalion, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Smith, William A. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William A. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, William A. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery F Private C
Smith, William A. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, William A. Snead's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Smith, William A. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, William A. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, William A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William A. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, William A. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William A. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, William A. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, William A. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, William A. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) B Private C
Smith, William A. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, William A. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Smith, William A. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William A. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Smith, William A. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Smith, William B. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Sergeant C
Smith, William B. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, William B. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, William B. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, William B. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Smith, William B. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, William B. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Smith, William B. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Smith, William B. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William B. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Smith, William B. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Smith, William B. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry I First Sergeant C
Smith, William B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F&S Acting Commissary of Subsistence C
Smith, William Beadon 14th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, William C. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, William C. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William C. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A,B Private C
Smith, William C. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, William D. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, William D. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Smith, William D. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William D. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, William D. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, William D. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William D. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C