All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Emily") and last name ("Lee")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("E")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Lee")
1784-1787 State Census |
No Results found |
1790 Federal Census |
Name |
FWM16- |
FWM16+ |
Slaves |
Lee, Edward |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1800 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Lee, Edward |
775 / 10 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1810 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Lee, Edward |
287 / 1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
Lee, Edward |
289 / 6 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Lee, Edward |
2 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
Lee, Edward |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Lee, Edward Jr. |
1 |
1 |
Lee, Edward Sr. |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Lee, Edwin |
1 |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
No Results found |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Edith |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Elam |
Lee, Eldridge |
Lee, Eliza |
Lee, Eliza |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ellender |
Lee, Ellender |
Lee, Ellender |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Laura E. |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Edith |
Lee, Edney |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Eldridge |
Lee, Elean |
Lee, Elijah |
Lee, Eliza |
Lee, Elizar |
Lee, Ellender |
Lee, Ellender |
Lee, Emely |
Lee, Emely |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emoly |
Lee, Emoly |
Lee, Estella |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Evaline |
Lee, Evey |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, Lydia E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Charles E. |
Lee, Delia E. |
Lee, Edgar L. |
Lee, Edith |
Lee, Edith A. |
Lee, Edney L. |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward A. |
Lee, Edward A. |
Lee, Elam J. |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Eldridge |
Lee, Electa |
Lee, Elenor |
Lee, Elino |
Lee, Elisha A. |
Lee, Eliza |
Lee, Eliza |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth D. |
Lee, Elizabeth J. |
Lee, Elizabeth M. |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Emiline |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emily J. |
Lee, Emily J. |
Lee, Emly |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma E. |
Lee, Estella |
Lee, Ester E. |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Eulia E. |
Lee, Everit Merit |
Lee, Evie
Lee, Evline |
Lee, Exene |
Lee, Fereby E. |
Lee, Gincy E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, Lewis E. |
Lee, Lydia E. |
Lee, Malissa E. |
Lee, Marry E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Patsy E. |
Lee, Penny E.
Lee, Rebecca E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Susan E. |
Lee, Tabith E. |
Lee, William E. |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Aldonia E. |
Lee, Anna E. |
Lee, Arthur E. |
Lee, Bette E. |
Lee, Bettie E. |
Lee, Betty E. |
Lee, Charley E. |
Lee, Claudy E. |
Lee, Craven E. |
Lee, Delanie E. |
Lee, Delia E. V. |
Lee, Eady E. |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Eather |
Lee, Ebilena |
Lee, Ed |
Lee, Edda |
Lee, Eddie |
Lee, Edgar L. |
Lee, Edith A. |
Lee, Edny |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward A. |
Lee, Edward A. R. |
Lee, Edward R. |
Lee, Effe |
Lee, Effie |
Lee, Effie |
Lee, Elam |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Elemuel |
Lee, Elenna
Lee, Elenora |
Lee, Eliza |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth J. |
Lee, Elizah J. |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Ellenor |
Lee, Elmond H. |
Lee, Emely J. |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma Ann |
Lee, Emma E. |
Lee, Emma L. |
Lee, Emmie V. |
Lee, Ernest W. |
Lee, Ersulia |
Lee, Eshcol O. |
Lee, Ethelbert |
Lee, Eugene F. |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Evander T. |
Lee, Eveline |
Lee, Freddy E. |
Lee, Harriet E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, James Ervin |
Lee, Jensey E. |
Lee, Jerrey E. |
Lee, John E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, Kitsey E. |
Lee, Kittey E. |
Lee, Lucy E. |
Lee, Lucy E. |
Lee, Lydia Elgie |
Lee, Lzarus E. |
Lee, Malinda E. |
Lee, Mamie E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mattie E. |
Lee, Mealey E. |
Lee, Mellie E. |
Lee, Minnie E.
Lee, Minnie E. |
Lee, Misourie E. |
Lee, Misoury E. |
Lee, Nancy E. |
Lee, Pherebe E. |
Lee, Rebac E. |
Lee, Rebecca E. |
Lee, Robert E.
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Rose E. |
Lee, Rossie E. |
Lee, Samuel E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Susan E. |
Lee, Tempe E. |
Lee, Willie E. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Aldonia E. |
Lee, Bertha E. |
Lee, Bessie E. |
Lee, Bettie E. |
Lee, Bettie E. |
Lee, Charlie E. |
Lee, Cora E. |
Lee, Coy E. |
Lee, Delana E. |
Lee, Earby |
Lee, Earnest |
Lee, Earnest |
Lee, Earnest W. |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Easter E. |
Lee, Eathern |
Lee, Ed |
Lee, Edd |
Lee, Eddie |
Lee, Eddy |
Lee, Edgar |
Lee, Edgar L. |
Lee, Edgar T. |
Lee, Edieth |
Lee, Edith A. |
Lee, Edith M. |
Lee, Edna |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward A. |
Lee, Edward A. |
Lee, Edward R. |
Lee, Effie |
Lee, Elam |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Eldridge |
Lee, Eleanor |
Lee, Elijah |
Lee, Elisa |
Lee, Eliza J. |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella M. |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Ellen L. |
Lee, Ellender E. |
Lee, Ellia |
Lee, Elma |
Lee, Elma H. |
Lee, Elmond V. |
Lee, Elsie G. |
Lee, Emily J. |
Lee, Emly |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma D. |
Lee, Emma E. |
Lee, Emma V. |
Lee, Eppie |
Lee, Erastus |
Lee, Eric A. |
Lee, Ernie |
Lee, Essia D. |
Lee, Esther F. |
Lee, Esther M. |
Lee, Ethel |
Lee, Ethel |
Lee, Ethel |
Lee, Ethel F. |
Lee, Ettie |
Lee, Ettie F. |
Lee, Eula |
Lee, Euler B. |
Lee, Euphema |
Lee, Eva A. |
Lee, Evander T. |
Lee, Ezzra M. |
Lee, Floyd E. |
Lee, Freddie E. |
Lee, Geneva E. |
Lee, George E. |
Lee, Harret E. |
Lee, Henry E. |
Lee, Herbert E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, Jensie E. |
Lee, Jermarah E. |
Lee, Jessee E. |
Lee, John E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, Kitsey E. |
Lee, Kizzie E. |
Lee, Laura E. |
Lee, Leon E. |
Lee, Letha E. |
Lee, Lucy E. |
Lee, Mamie E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Melia E. |
Lee, Minnie E. |
Lee, Minnie E. |
Lee, Mirtie E. |
Lee, Monzonia E. |
Lee, Monzonia E. |
Lee, Nancy E. |
Lee, Nancy E. |
Lee, Phereby E. |
Lee, Rebecca E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robt. E. |
Lee, Rossie E. |
Lee, Sally E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Susan E. |
Lee, Tempey E. |
Lee, Vira E. |
Lee, William E. |
Lee, Willie E. |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Anna E. |
Lee, Annie E. |
Lee, Bessie E. |
Lee, Bettie E. |
Lee, Bettie E. |
Lee, C. E. |
Lee, Cara E. |
Lee, Clarra E. |
Lee, Cora E. |
Lee, Coy E. |
Lee, Eadth |
Lee, Easter E. |
Lee, Edcar |
Lee, Edd |
Lee, Edeny |
Lee, Edgar |
Lee, Edgar L. |
Lee, Edith A. |
Lee, Edith M. |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward A. |
Lee, Effeneous |
Lee, Effeneus |
Lee, Effie |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Elbert L. |
Lee, Elender E. |
Lee, Eliga |
Lee, Eliza Jane |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizebeath |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella A. |
Lee, Ella E. |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Ellen L. |
Lee, Ellie |
Lee, Ellise |
Lee, Elma |
Lee, Elmo |
Lee, Elmon |
Lee, Elmon V. |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Elsie |
Lee, Elsie I. |
Lee, Elvin |
Lee, Emily A. |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma E. |
Lee, Emmie |
Lee, Emmie E. |
Lee, Era |
Lee, Erastus |
Lee, Ereby |
Lee, Eric |
Lee, Erma |
Lee, Erma K. |
Lee, Ernes |
Lee, Ernest |
Lee, Erniest T. |
Lee, Ernon |
Lee, Erric A. |
Lee, Ersula |
Lee, Ervinia |
Lee, Eschol O. |
Lee, Essie F. |
Lee, Estella |
Lee, Esten |
Lee, Ester |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Esther B. |
Lee, Esther B. |
Lee, Esther F. |
Lee, Etha B. |
Lee, Ethel |
Lee, Ethel B. |
Lee, Ethel I. |
Lee, Ethel L. |
Lee, Ettie P. |
Lee, Eugenia P. |
Lee, Eula M. |
Lee, Euler |
Lee, Eunice |
Lee, Euphemia |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Evander T. |
Lee, Evier |
Lee, Eward |
Lee, Exie |
Lee, Herbert E. |
Lee, Herman E. |
Lee, Hettie E. |
Lee, Jessie E. |
Lee, Joel E. |
Lee, John E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, Lonnie E. |
Lee, Malenda E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Maude E. |
Lee, Medie E. |
Lee, Minnie E. |
Lee, Minnie E. |
Lee, Myrtie E. |
Lee, Nancy E. |
Lee, Nathen E. |
Lee, R. E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Roxie E. |
Lee, Sallie E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Susan E. |
Lee, Veda Ellen |
Lee, Vira E. |
Lee, W. Ernest |
Lee, William E. |
Lee, Willie E. |
Lee, Willis E. |
Leegans, Elbert |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Ada E. |
Lee, Annie E. |
Lee, Annie E. |
Lee, Arthur E. |
Lee, Cara E. |
Lee, Charles E. |
Lee, Charles E. |
Lee, Claud E. |
Lee, Coy E. |
Lee, Delia E. |
Lee, Earnest |
Lee, Earnie W. |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Easter A. |
Lee, Ebbie |
Lee, Ed |
Lee, Edgar |
Lee, Edgar A. |
Lee, Edith |
Lee, Edith R. |
Lee, Edna L. Stanley |
Lee, Edna M. |
Lee, Edna M. |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edwin |
Lee, Edwin H. |
Lee, Edwin J. |
Lee, Effeneus |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Elender E. |
Lee, Elijah |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth L. |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella F. |
Lee, Ella M. |
Lee, Ella M. |
Lee, Ellen |
Lee, Ellen M. |
Lee, Ellen R. |
Lee, Ellie |
Lee, Ellie W. |
Lee, Elma |
Lee, Elmon |
Lee, Elmond V. |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Elsie |
Lee, Elsie |
Lee, Elsie I. |
Lee, Elsie M. |
Lee, Elton |
Lee, Emby |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emly |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma B. |
Lee, Emma D. |
Lee, Emma F. |
Lee, Emma L. |
Lee, Emmer B. |
Lee, Ephraim |
Lee, Erastus |
Lee, Erdine |
Lee, Eric |
Lee, Eric A. |
Lee, Erma L. |
Lee, Ernest |
Lee, Ernestine |
Lee, Ernie |
Lee, Ervin |
Lee, Erwin |
Lee, Erwin |
Lee, Erwin D. |
Lee, Eschol O. |
Lee, Essie
Lee, Essie F. |
Lee, Estella |
Lee, Ester B. |
Lee, Ester F. |
Lee, Esther E. |
Lee, Esther M. |
Lee, Esther P. |
Lee, Estus |
Lee, Ethbell |
Lee, Ethel |
Lee, Ethel I. |
Lee, Ethel R. |
Lee, Ettie |
Lee, Ettie F. |
Lee, Eugene |
Lee, Eugene |
Lee, Eugene |
Lee, Eula M. |
Lee, Eula Mae |
Lee, Euphemia |
Lee, Eura M. |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Eva C. |
Lee, Evander T. |
Lee, Everett B. |
Lee, Everline |
Lee, Evlin |
Lee, Fred E. |
Lee, Gency E. |
Lee, George E. |
Lee, Gladys E. |
Lee, Henrietta E. |
Lee, Henry E. |
Lee, Herbert E. |
Lee, Hubert E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, Janice E. |
Lee, Jessie E. |
Lee, Joel E. |
Lee, John E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, Kattie E. |
Lee, Kitty E. |
Lee, Libby E. |
Lee, Lillian E. |
Lee, Lillian E. |
Lee, Lois E. |
Lee, Lomie E. |
Lee, Lucile E. |
Lee, M. Eunice |
Lee, Mamie E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mattie E. |
Lee, Nathan E. |
Lee, Nathan E. |
Lee, Nolie E. |
Lee, R. Edward |
Lee, Rachel E. |
Lee, Ralph E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robt. E. |
Lee, Ruby E. |
Lee, S. Elvin |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Susan E. |
Lee, Thomas E. |
Lee, Vada E. |
Lee, Vergie E. |
Lee, William E. |
Lee, Willie E. |
Lee, Willis E. |
Lewey, Elizabeth |
Lewey, Evelyn |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Lee, Anna Elizabeth |
Lee, Annie Ethel |
Lee, Charles E. |
Lee, David E. |
Lee, E. A. Melia Sr. |
Lee, Earl T. |
Lee, Earl W. |
Lee, Earnest |
Lee, Easter |
Lee, Easter E. |
Lee, Ed |
Lee, Edgar |
Lee, Edieth |
Lee, Edith |
Lee, Edna |
Lee, Edna |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward H. |
Lee, Edwin |
Lee, Edwin |
Lee, Edwin D. |
Lee, Edwin Ray |
Lee, Effanius |
Lee, Elam R. |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Elbert Jr. |
Lee, Elcy |
Lee, Eli |
Lee, Elijah |
Lee, Eliza J. |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Lee, Elizabeth Ann |
Lee, Elizbeth |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella |
Lee, Ella Ann |
Lee, Ella M. |
Lee, Ellie |
Lee, Ellie W. |
Lee, Ellon |
Lee, Elmo |
Lee, Elmon |
Lee, Elmon |
Lee, Eloise |
Lee, Elouise |
Lee, Elton |
Lee, Emily |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma |
Lee, Emma E. |
Lee, Emma J. |
Lee, Emmie |
Lee, Erastus R. |
Lee, Erdine |
Lee, Eric |
Lee, Erma |
Lee, Ernest |
Lee, Ernest |
Lee, Ervin |
Lee, Erwin |
Lee, Erwin D. |
Lee, Eschol O. |
Lee, Essie |
Lee, Essie |
Lee, Essie F. |
Lee, Esther |
Lee, Eston |
Lee, Eston |
Lee, Etta |
Lee, Ettie |
Lee, Ettie |
Lee, Eugene |
Lee, Eugene |
Lee, Eugene |
Lee, Eula M. |
Lee, Eula Maie |
Lee, Eula May |
Lee, Eunace |
Lee, Euphemia |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Eva |
Lee, Evander T. |
Lee, Evelin |
Lee, Evelyn |
Lee, Evrette |
Lee, Georgia E. |
Lee, J. E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, James E. |
Lee, Jane E. |
Lee, Joe E. |
Lee, Joseph E. |
Lee, L. Edgar |
Lee, Lonnie E. |
Lee, Martha E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary E. |
Lee, Mary Elizabeth |
Lee, Maud E. |
Lee, Minnie E. |
Lee, Mirtie Ellen |
Lee, Neva Elon |
Lee, Ralph E. |
Lee, Raymond Earl |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert E. Jr. |
Lee, Ruth E. |
Lee, Sarah E. |
Lee, Susan E. |
Lee, Thomas E. |
Lee, William E. |
Lee, Willie E. |
Bastardy Bonds |
No Results found |
NC Yearbooks |
Name |
Year |
Class |
School |
Lee, Mozelle Elizabeth |
1929 |
Senior |
East Carolina University |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Lea, E.
1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
D |
Private |
Lea, Ellis
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Lee, E.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Lee, E. B.
Giddin's Company, NC Detailed and Petitioned Men
Private |
Lee, Ed
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
H |
Private |
Lee, Edward
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Lee, Edward
50th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Lee, Elam
Giddin's Company, NC Detailed and Petitioned Men
Private |
Lee, Elam
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
I |
Private |
Lee, Elias
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Lee, Elihu
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Lee, Elisha A.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Lee, Erasmus
51st Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Lee, Erasmus
8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Corporal |
Lee, Isaac E.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Lee, J. E.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
I |
Private |
Lee, James E.
2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops
A,G |
Private |
Lee, R. E.
22nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Lee, R. E.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Lee, Robert E.
43rd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Lee, T. E.
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Lee, Walter E.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Lee, Watson E.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Lowe, Edmund
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Lowe, Edwin
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Lowe, Elijah
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Lowe, Elisha B.
38th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Lowe, W. E.
22nd Regiment, NC Infantry
M |
Private |
NC Civil War Sailors Index * |
No Results found |
Southern Claims Commission |
No Results found |
Executions |
No Results found |
Cemetery Graves |
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Cemetery |
Lee, Addie E |
1903 |
1940 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Aldonia Ellie |
1871 |
1957 |
Mill Creek Christian Church |
Lee, Annie Eliza Lassiter |
1829 |
1888 |
Lee, John "Jackie" |
Lee, Anson E |
Lee, Carl |
Lee, Arthur Everett |
1879 |
Princeton |
Lee, Charles Elmer |
1927 |
1962 |
Roselawn |
Lee, Claude E |
1886 |
1971 |
Knollwood |
Lee, Cora E Williams |
1886 |
1946 |
Flowers, Green |
Lee, Coy Eugene |
1907 |
1965 |
Lee, Monroe |
Lee, David E |
Overbee, D. A. |
Lee, Della Ethel |
1886 |
1925 |
Lee, James H. |
Lee, E L |
Allen, J. R. |
Lee, E Rastus |
1906 |
1970 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Lee, Easter Smith |
1898 |
Johnson/Lee |
Lee, Edgar L |
1876 |
1937 |
Lee, Thomas Tilghman |
Lee, Edith |
1820 |
Lee, Littleton |
Lee, Edith A |
1858 |
1917 |
Smith, Joseph A. |
Lee, Edith A |
1860 |
1928 |
Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Edith Strickland |
1898 |
Knollwood |
Lee, Edna Earle |
1932 |
Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens |
Lee, Edward |
1836 |
1912 |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Edward Ambrose Rains |
1835 |
1912 |
Lee, James |
Lee, Edward Augusta |
1879 |
1937 |
Lee, James |
Lee, Edwin Dale |
1936 |
1964 |
Lee, James |
Lee, Effie |
1902 |
1914 |
Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon) |
Lee, Elbert |
1873 |
1937 |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Elder Lester E |
1908 |
1968 |
Lee, Moses |
Lee, Eliza A |
1897 |
1897 |
Lee, J. Claude |
Lee, Eliza A |
1841 |
1910 |
Friendship Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Elizabeth |
Powhatan Church |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1849 |
1926 |
Johnson/Lee |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1826 |
1907 |
Lee, Littleton |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1870 |
1921 |
Lee, Edward |
Lee, Elizabeth |
1868 |
1937 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Lee, Elizabeth E |
1864 |
1940 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Elizabeth J Coats |
1853 |
1929 |
Lee |
Lee, Elizabeth Wood |
1921 |
1998 |
Roselawn |
Lee, Ella |
1882 |
1903 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Lee, Ella Mae |
1908 |
1980 |
Lee, Elbert |
Lee, Ella Mildred |
1904 |
1991 |
Wood, Larry |
Lee, Ella Wood |
1875 |
1954 |
Wood, Larry |
Lee, Ellie W |
1892 |
1940 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Ellie Winford Tart |
1888 |
1966 |
Tart, William B. |
Lee, Elmond Vardell |
1906 |
1948 |
Blackmons Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, Elnora |
1939 |
2005 |
Dixon |
Lee, Eloise J |
1923 |
1959 |
Blackmons Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, Emily Ann |
1885 |
1953 |
Sanders Chapel |
Lee, Emma |
1903 |
1973 |
Lee, Addison |
Lee, Emma Dean Easterly |
1900 |
1977 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Lee, Emma E |
1873 |
1937 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Emma Estelle |
1895 |
1975 |
Princeton |
Lee, Emmie P |
1885 |
1957 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Lee, Erby W |
1889 |
1951 |
Oakland |
Lee, Eric Wood |
1910 |
1954 |
Wood, Larry |
Lee, Ernest Robert Jr |
1926 |
1949 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Ernest W |
1885 |
1939 |
Lee, James |
Lee, Ervin Earl |
1927 |
1996 |
Johnson, Sir William |
Lee, Eschol O |
1890 |
1951 |
Roselawn |
Lee, Essa Barbour |
1898 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Lee, Esther |
1885 |
1885 |
Lee, James H. |
Lee, Esther Ellen Allen |
1882 |
1964 |
Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Esther P |
1916 |
2001 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Lee, Estud |
1892 |
1931 |
Johnson/Lee |
Lee, Ethan |
1895 |
1918 |
Long Branch Church |
Lee, Ethel Mae Daniels |
1917 |
1956 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Lee, Ethel Tippett |
1888 |
1974 |
Friendship Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Etta |
Hood's Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, Ettie Frances |
1885 |
1979 |
Stones Creek Church |
Lee, Eugene F |
1893 |
1918 |
Barber, B. T. |
Lee, Eunice Irene |
1922 |
1982 |
Eason |
Lee, Euphemia W |
1883 |
1963 |
Roselawn |
Lee, Eva Rose |
1910 |
1978 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Lee, Evander Timothy |
1890 |
1966 |
Lee, James |
Lee, Evangeline Castleberry |
1914 |
1974 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Lee, Everett Baxter |
1913 |
1985 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Exure Elder |
1872 |
1945 |
Johnson/Lee |
Lee, Florence Eldridge |
1882 |
1965 |
Riverside |
Lee, Fred Eason |
1896 |
1950 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Lee, George E |
1917 |
Lee, Lovette |
Lee, Herbert E |
1905 |
1975 |
Blackmons Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, J Elam |
1879 |
1946 |
Blackmons Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, J Eli |
1904 |
1959 |
Lee, Monroe |
Lee, J Everette |
1958 |
Stancil, George |
Lee, James E (Russia) |
1833 |
1914 |
Lee, James E. "Russia" |
Lee, James E |
1911 |
1978 |
Knollwood |
Lee, James E |
Lee, James Elbert |
Lee, James Earl |
1933 |
1952 |
Allen, James G |
Lee, James Everett |
1927 |
1928 |
Blackmons Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, Jason E |
1816 |
1917 |
Allen, James G |
Lee, Jencie E |
1866 |
1950 |
Lee, Raney |
Lee, Jerry Edward |
1948 |
2002 |
Roselawn |
Lee, Jerry Eldridge |
1940 |
2003 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Joe Elbert |
1937 |
2003 |
Lee, Aaron |
Lee, Joyce Elizabeth |
1955 |
Friendship Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Julie Elizabeth Packer |
1978 |
2008 |
Oakland Presbyterian Church |
Lee, Kitsy Ella |
1874 |
1950 |
Lee, Isaac D. |
Lee, Larry E |
1934 |
2004 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Lee, Libbie E |
1892 |
1934 |
Allen, James G |
Lee, Lonnie Eldridge |
1881 |
1960 |
Riverside |
Lee, Louis E |
1880 |
1903 |
Beulah Church |
Lee, Lucy E |
1876 |
1912 |
Lee, Moses |
Lee, Lundy Eston |
1937 |
1981 |
Faith Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Lydia E |
1901 |
1902 |
McLamb, William |
Lee, M Ellen |
Lee, John "Jackie" |
Lee, Mariah Earp |
1827 |
1915 |
Jones |
Lee, Martha Eason |
Adams, Rufus |
Lee, Martha Elizabeth |
1848 |
1920 |
Webb, Silas |
Lee, Martha Elizabeth |
1917 |
1925 |
Four Oaks Town |
Lee, Mary E |
1835 |
1910 |
Greenwood |
Lee, Mary E |
1842 |
1927 |
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church |
Lee, Mary E |
1855 |
1888 |
Wood, John S. |
Lee, Mary E |
1958 |
1958 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Mary E M |
1896 |
1935 |
Massengill, William B. |
Lee, Mary Ellen |
1918 |
1987 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Mary Ellen Johnson |
1852 |
1890 |
Tart, Furney |
Lee, Mary Emma |
1918 |
1960 |
Pauline Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Mattie E |
1904 |
1949 |
Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Lee, Maude Edna |
1910 |
1910 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Melia E |
1864 |
1913 |
Lee, G. W. |
Lee, Minnie E |
1885 |
1932 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Missouri E |
1868 |
1945 |
Beulah Church |
Lee, Myrtle E |
1916 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Lee, Nathan E |
1919 |
1972 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Nathan E |
1926 |
1927 |
Johnson/Lee |
Lee, Nola Estelle |
1916 |
1917 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Obelia Ellender |
1880 |
1949 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Percy E |
1912 |
1969 |
Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Lee, Polly Eldridge |
Eldridge, William B. |
Lee, Robert E |
1866 |
1930 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Lee, Robert E |
1885 |
1966 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Robert E Sr |
1923 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Lee, Robert E |
1923 |
1991 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Lee, Robert Edgar |
1911 |
1913 |
Lee, Robert Edgar |
Lee, Robert Edward |
1871 |
1945 |
Lee, Robert E. |
Lee, Robert Edward |
1866 |
1923 |
Langston/Rose/Lee |
Lee, Royce Edward |
1958 |
2000 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Ruby E |
1908 |
1909 |
Lee, G. W. |
Lee, Sarah E |
1882 |
Lee, Littleton |
Lee, Sarah E |
1848 |
1922 |
Lee, James B. |
Lee, Sarah E |
1895 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Lee, Sarah Ellen |
1887 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Susan E |
1905 |
1931 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, Susan E |
1901 |
1946 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Susan E |
1912 |
1933 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Lee, Susan E |
Lee, James B. |
Lee, Susan Elizabeth |
1910 |
1940 |
Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church |
Lee, Susan Eller |
1919 |
1921 |
McLamb, Isham |
Lee, Thomas E |
1958 |
Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Lee, Versal Eldridge |
Lee, J. Claude |
Lee, William E |
1906 |
1958 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Lee, William E |
1919 |
1959 |
Hood's Grove Baptist Church |
Lee, William Edward |
1966 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Lee, William Ernest |
1905 |
1958 |
Johnson Chapel |
Lee, Willis Edward |
1908 |
1979 |
Banner Chapel Church |
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database* |
Name |
Death |
County |
Cemetery |
Law, Edward R. |
1915 |
New Hanover |
Bellevue Cemetery |
Lea, Charles E. |
1864 |
Brunswick |
Old Morse Cemetery |
Lee, Edward Jackson |
1909 |
Durham |
Maplewood Cemetery |
Wills Index * |
Name |
Year |
Lee, Edward
Lee, Edward
Lee, Elizabeth
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