All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Warren") and last name ("Johnson")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("W")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Joh")
1784-1787 State Census |
Name |
WM21-60 |
WM-Other |
WF |
B21-50 |
B-Other |
Johnson, William |
1 |
Johnston, William |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1790 Federal Census |
Name |
FWM16- |
FWM16+ |
Slaves |
Johnston, William |
1 |
3 |
Johnston, William |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1800 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Johnson, Wiley |
767 / 14 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
752 / 21 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
762 / 14 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, William S…r |
764 / 13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1810 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Johnson, Warren |
285 / 15 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
288 / 2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, Willie |
275 / 13 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Johnson, John W. |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, Warren |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, West |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, Whitmell |
2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
4 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, Willie |
4 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Johnson, John W. |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, Warren |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, Whitmel |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William |
2 |
3 |
1 |
Johnson, William W. |
1 |
3 |
Johnson, Willie |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70 |
M80 |
M90 |
Johnson, Henry W. |
Johnson, John W. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, Warren |
1 |
Johnson, Whitmill |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, Wilie |
1 |
Johnson, Wilie Jr. |
1 |
Johnson, William |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William C. |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Johnson, William D. |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William P. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Johnson, William W. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Johnnson, Willis |
Johnson, George W. |
Johnson, James Wm. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, Sarah W. |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Warren |
Johnson, Warren |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William W. |
Johnson, Willie P. |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Winiford |
Johnson, Winifred |
Johnson, Worrell |
Johnson, Wright |
Johnson, Wyatt |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Johnson, Edward W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, W. James |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Warren |
Johnson, Wilie |
Johnson, Wilie |
Johnson, Wilie |
Johnson, William Sr. |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William C. |
Johnson, William W. |
Johnson, William, Sr. |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willy |
Johnson, Winford |
Johnson, Winny |
Johnson, Winny |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Johnson, A. W. |
Johnson, Geo. W. |
Johnson, J. W. |
Johnson, J. W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, Rebecca W. |
Johnson, S. W. |
Johnson, S. W. |
Johnson, Sally W. |
Johnson, Sarah W. |
Johnson, Sur W. |
Johnson, W. B. |
Johnson, W. D. |
Johnson, W. D. |
Johnson, W. G. |
Johnson, W. H. |
Johnson, W. L. |
Johnson, W. R. |
Johnson, W. S. |
Johnson, W. T. (Tom) |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter D. |
Johnson, Warren |
Johnson, Westley |
Johnson, Wilcey A. |
Johnson, Wilcy |
Johnson, Willey N. |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William J. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie G. |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willis H. |
Johnson, Willis H. |
Johnson, Wineford |
Johnson, Wineyford |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Johnson, Alan W. |
Johnson, Bettie W. |
Johnson, Clarence W. |
Johnson, Curtis W. |
Johnson, Earl W. |
Johnson, Edmund W. |
Johnson, George W. |
Johnson, Henry W. |
Johnson, Ira W.
Johnson, Iretty W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, Jesse W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, Martha W. |
Johnson, Mary W. |
Johnson, Robert Wiley |
Johnson, Sarah W. |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, W. L. |
Johnson, W. Troy |
Johnson, Wade H. |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter H.
Johnson, Walter S. |
Johnson, Walter T. |
Johnson, Walton |
Johnson, Waren O. |
Johnson, Wayland |
Johnson, Wayman |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William Allen |
Johnson, William D. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William J. |
Johnson, William P. |
Johnson, William P. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William T. |
Johnson, William Thomas |
Johnson, William Z. |
Johnson, Willie
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie R. |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willis D. |
Johnson, Willis F. |
Johnson, Willis H. |
Johnson, Willis R. |
Johnson, Wilsie A. |
Johnson, Winnaford |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Winnie F. |
Johnson, Wyatt |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Johnson, Allen W. |
Johnson, Bettie W. |
Johnson, Curtis W. |
Johnson, Earl W. |
Johnson, Elam W. |
Johnson, George W. |
Johnson, Henry W. |
Johnson, Howard W. |
Johnson, Hurbert W. |
Johnson, I. W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, Laynelle W. |
Johnson, Martha W. |
Johnson, Mary W. |
Johnson, Nellie W. |
Johnson, Nina W. |
Johnson, Robert W. |
Johnson, Sarah W. |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Sir Wm. |
Johnson, Thomas W. |
Johnson, Valaria W. |
Johnson, W. A. |
Johnson, W. David |
Johnson, W. Sellie |
Johnson, Wade A. |
Johnson, Wade H. |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter D. |
Johnson, Walton |
Johnson, Wayland |
Johnson, Waymon |
Johnson, Wilbert T. |
Johnson, Wiley P. |
Johnson, Will A. |
Johnson, Will B. |
Johnson, Will G. |
Johnson, Will H. |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William F. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William J. |
Johnson, William J. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William T. |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie B. |
Johnson, Willie E. |
Johnson, Willie E. |
Johnson, Willie H. |
Johnson, Willie T. |
Johnson, Willie W. |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willis R. |
Johnson, Wilsie |
Johnson, Wilsie A. |
Johnson, Winnefred |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Wm. B. |
Johnson, Wm. B. |
Johnson, Wright H. |
Johnson, Wyatt R. |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Jenkins, Wilbert |
Jhonson, Welson |
John, Wade M. |
Johns, Walter C. |
Johnson, Allen W. |
Johnson, Bettie W. |
Johnson, Carl W. |
Johnson, Carl W. |
Johnson, Charlie W. |
Johnson, Chas. W. |
Johnson, Clarence W. |
Johnson, Georg W. |
Johnson, George W. |
Johnson, Gracy W. |
Johnson, Howard W. |
Johnson, Iradell W. |
Johnson, J. Willard |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, Jas. W. |
Johnson, Johe W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, Kilty W. |
Johnson, Lizzie W. |
Johnson, Loomis W. |
Johnson, Mary W. |
Johnson, Parker W. |
Johnson, Ralph W. |
Johnson, Robert W. |
Johnson, Robert W. |
Johnson, Ruby W. |
Johnson, Sir William |
Johnson, Thad W. |
Johnson, Themon W. |
Johnson, Tom W. |
Johnson, W. Leon |
Johnson, W. Perry |
Johnson, W.H. |
Johnson, Wade |
Johnson, Wade B. |
Johnson, Wade F. |
Johnson, Waland |
Johnson, Waltar |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter E. |
Johnson, Walton |
Johnson, Walton |
Johnson, Wayland |
Johnson, Waynor |
Johnson, Wesley |
Johnson, Weslie |
Johnson, Wiliam E. |
Johnson, Will H. |
Johnson, Willard B. |
Johnson, Willhemina |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William Alfred |
Johnson, William B. |
Johnson, William B. |
Johnson, William D. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William J. |
Johnson, William J. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William T. |
Johnson, William T. |
Johnson, William W. |
Johnson, Willice |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willis D. |
Johnson, Willis G. |
Johnson, Wilmer R. |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Winnie F. |
Johnson, Wm. Edgar |
Johnson, Wm. L. |
Johnson, Wm. R. |
Johnson, Woodroe |
Johnson, Woodrow |
Johnson, Worth |
Johnson, Wright H. |
Johnson, Wyatt R. |
Johnston, C. W. |
Johnston, W. J. |
Johnston, W. M. |
Johnston, Walter |
Johnston, Walter |
Johnston, Willard |
Johnston, William |
Johnston, William K. |
Johnston, Willie |
Johnston, Willie |
Johson, Willie E. |
Johson, Willie R. |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Jenkins, James W. |
Jenkins, William T. |
Johns, Wade McK. |
Johnson, Alma W. |
Johnson, Annie W. |
Johnson, Bettie W. |
Johnson, Carl W. |
Johnson, Charles W. |
Johnson, Ellie W. |
Johnson, George W. |
Johnson, Henry W. |
Johnson, J. Willard |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, James W. |
Johnson, Joe W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, Kilty W. |
Johnson, Lacy W. |
Johnson, Mary W. |
Johnson, Perie W. |
Johnson, Ralph W. |
Johnson, Ralph W. Jr. |
Johnson, Raymond W. |
Johnson, Robert W. |
Johnson, Robert W. |
Johnson, Ruby W. |
Johnson, Si W. |
Johnson, Theron W. |
Johnson, Thomas W. |
Johnson, Thomas W. |
Johnson, Thomas W. |
Johnson, Thurman W. |
Johnson, W. D. |
Johnson, W. Leon |
Johnson, W. Leon Jr. |
Johnson, Wade |
Johnson, Wade |
Johnson, Wade B. |
Johnson, Wade F.
Johnson, Wade H. |
Johnson, Wade H. |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter E. |
Johnson, Walter J. |
Johnson, Walter J. |
Johnson, Walter M.
Johnson, Walter S. |
Johnson, Walter T. |
Johnson, Walton
Johnson, Walton |
Johnson, Warren L. |
Johnson, Wilbert |
Johnson, Wiley |
Johnson, Wiley C. |
Johnson, Will |
Johnson, Willard |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William B. |
Johnson, William B. |
Johnson, William B. Jr. |
Johnson, William C. |
Johnson, William C. |
Johnson, William D. |
Johnson, William D. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William E.
Johnson, William F. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William G. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William M. |
Johnson, William M. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William T. |
Johnson, William T. |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie A. |
Johnson, Willie B. |
Johnson, Willie D. |
Johnson, Willie E. |
Johnson, Willie W. |
Johnson, Wilma |
Johnson, Wilmer |
Johnson, Wilson R. |
Johnson, Wilton F. |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Winnie B. |
Johnson, Wise |
Johnson, Woodroe |
Johnson, Woodrow |
Johnson, Wordell |
Johnson, Wordell Jr. |
Johnson, Wright |
Johnson, Wright D. |
Johnson, Wyatt M. |
Johnston, James W. |
Johnston, Lucy W. |
Johnston, Walton |
Johnston, Wilhelmina |
Johnston, William |
Johnston, William H. |
Johnston, William J. |
Johnston, William R. |
Johnston, Willie |
Johnston, Willie |
Johnston, Woodrow |
Johnston, Worth A. |
Johnston, Wright H. |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Jenkins, Will |
Jenkins, Will Jr. |
Jenkins, Willie |
Jenkins, Willie Lee |
Johns, Wade |
Johnson, B. W. |
Johnson, Bessie W. |
Johnson, Charles W. |
Johnson, Edsel W. |
Johnson, Elizabeth W. |
Johnson, Eva W. |
Johnson, H. Wiliam |
Johnson, Henry Warren |
Johnson, Hubert Wade
Johnson, J. W.
Johnson, J. W. |
Johnson, J. W. |
Johnson, J. W. |
Johnson, J. W. Jr. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, John W. |
Johnson, John William |
Johnson, L. W. |
Johnson, Lucy W. |
Johnson, Marthia W. |
Johnson, Raford W. |
Johnson, Robert W. |
Johnson, Rosa W. |
Johnson, Rufus W. |
Johnson, Shelton W. |
Johnson, W. A. |
Johnson, W. B. |
Johnson, W. E. |
Johnson, W. F. |
Johnson, W. Gardner |
Johnson, W. Gaston |
Johnson, W. J. |
Johnson, W. Leon |
Johnson, W. Lester |
Johnson, W. P. |
Johnson, W. Perry |
Johnson, W. R. |
Johnson, Wade |
Johnson, Wade |
Johnson, Wade |
Johnson, Wade B. |
Johnson, Walon |
Johnson, Walt |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter |
Johnson, Walter Jr. |
Johnson, Walter E. |
Johnson, Walter S. |
Johnson, Walton |
Johnson, Walton C. |
Johnson, Warren L. |
Johnson, Waylon |
Johnson, Waymon |
Johnson, Welch |
Johnson, Wilber R. |
Johnson, Wilbert |
Johnson, Wilbour |
Johnson, Wiley C. |
Johnson, Willa Mae |
Johnson, Willia L. |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William |
Johnson, William A. |
Johnson, William B. |
Johnson, William B. |
Johnson, William D. |
Johnson, William E. |
Johnson, William H. |
Johnson, William I. |
Johnson, William L. |
Johnson, William L. Jr. |
Johnson, William Leon |
Johnson, William M. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, William R. |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie |
Johnson, Willie D. |
Johnson, Willie Mae |
Johnson, Willie May |
Johnson, Willie T. |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willis |
Johnson, Willma M. |
Johnson, Willoden |
Johnson, Wilma |
Johnson, Wilma |
Johnson, Wilmer |
Johnson, Wilson |
Johnson, Wilson |
Johnson, Wilton |
Johnson, Wilton R. |
Johnson, Winnie |
Johnson, Winnie B. |
Johnson, Woodrow |
Johnson, Woodrow |
Johnson, Worth A. |
Johnson, Wright |
Johnson, Wright H. |
Johnson, Wright H. Jr. |
Johnson, Wyatt M. |
Johnson, Wyatt R. |
Johnson, Wyolo |
Johnston, M. William |
Johnston, Walter J. |
Johnston, Willard |
Johnston, Willard |
Johnston, Willard |
Johnston, Willard Jr. |
Johnston, William C. |
Johnston, William D. |
Johnston, William G. |
Johnston, Willie |
Johnston, Willie |
Johnston, Wise |
Bastardy Bonds |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
Date |
Johnson, E. W. |
Underwood, Elizabeth |
25 Apr 1877 |
Johnson, Edmond W. |
Johnson, Harriet |
31 Mar 1870 |
Johnson, James W. |
Overby, Martha |
26 Nov 1866 |
Johnson, William R. |
Capps, Managa E. |
23 Sep 1873 |
NC Yearbooks |
Name |
Year |
Class |
School |
Johnson, Clarence Walton |
1912 |
Senior |
UNC-Chapel Hill |
Johnson, John Wright |
1898 |
Senior |
UNC-Chapel Hill |
Johnson, William Robert |
1930 |
Senior |
UNC-Chapel Hill |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Jamason, Thomas W.
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jameson, J. W.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
E |
Corporal |
Jamieson, William R.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Jamison, D. W.
22nd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jamison, James W.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
E |
Corporal |
Jamison, Jones W.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
E |
Private |
Jamison, William
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jamison, William R.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Jammison, James W.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
E |
Private |
Jammison, James W.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
E |
Corporal |
Jemison, J. W.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
E |
Private |
Jemison, Thomas W.
25th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jenigen, J. W.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
I |
Private |
Jenkins, E. W.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jenkins, E. W.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jenkins, G. W.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jenkins, George W.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
H |
Private |
Jenkins, George W.
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Jenkins, George W.
29th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Jenkins, J. W.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
F |
Private |
Jenkins, James W.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Jenkins, John W.
50th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jenkins, John W.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Corporal |
Jenkins, John W.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
B |
Private |
Jenkins, Loderick W.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
G |
Private |
Jenkins, Ludocie W.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
G |
Private |
Jenkins, Marcellus W.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
A |
Private |
Jenkins, Osborne W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Jenkins, R. W.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, S. W.
Levi's Battery, Light Artillery, Thomas' NC Legion
Private |
Jenkins, T. W.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, T. W.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Sergeant |
Jenkins, Thomas W.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Sergeant |
Jenkins, W.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Jenkins, W.
4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Jenkins, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Corporal |
Jenkins, W. A.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jenkins, W. C.
43rd Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Jenkins, W. F.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
M |
Private |
Jenkins, W. J.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, W. L.
6th Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Jenkins, W. T.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jenkins, William
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Musician |
Jenkins, William
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Jenkins, William
50th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Jenkins, William
Lawrence's Company, NC Volunteers (Wilson Partison Rangers)
Private |
Jenkins, William
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
C |
Private |
Jenkins, William
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
C |
Private |
Jenkins, William
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
H |
Private |
Jenkins, William
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Jenkins, William
49th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jenkins, William
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
D |
Private |
Jenkins, William
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Jenkins, William
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Jenkins, William
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
K |
Sergeant |
Jenkins, William A.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Sergeant |
Jenkins, William A.
46th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Lieutenant Colonel |
Jenkins, William B.
50th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Junior Second Lieutenant |
Jenkins, William B.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
K |
Private |
Jenkins, William C.
58th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Jenkins, William C.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Jenkins, William E.
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, William E.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, William F.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Jenkins, William F.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
G |
Private |
Jenkins, William H.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
K |
Private |
Jenkins, William H.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Jenkins, William H.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Corporal |
Jenkins, William J.
49th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jenkins, William L.
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Jenkins, William R.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, William R.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jenkins, William S.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Sergeant |
Jenkins, William T.
30th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Jenkins, William T.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
K |
Private |
Jenkins, Willis
34th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Jenkins, Wilson F.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Captain |
Jenkins, Winborne
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Jenkins, Winbourne
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Jennigan, H. W.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Jimison, William A.
64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's)
A |
Private |
Jimmison, William A.
64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's)
A |
Private |
Jinkens, William
Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard)
Private |
Jinkins, E. W.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jinkins, J. W.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
B |
Private |
Jinkins, W.
4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Jinkins, W. A.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Jinkins, William
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Jinkins, William E.
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jinkins, William R.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Jinkins, William S.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Sergeant |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
C,L |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
C,L |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
E |
Second Corporal |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Corporal |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
G |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
G |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
H |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
First Lieutenant/Adjutant |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
A |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
H |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
H |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
K |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
K |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
K |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
K |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E,B |
Sergeant |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Corporal |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E,B |
Sergeant |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
D,H |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
L |
Private |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
D |
Teamster |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
F |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C,A |
Musician |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
A |
Captain |
John, W.
3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry
K |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
John, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
John, W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Johnican, W.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
H |
Private |
Johnson, A. W.
62nd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Johnson, A. W.
64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's)
C |
Private |
Johnson, A. W.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Johnson, Alexander W.
8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Johnson, Asaph W.
62nd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Johnson, Bird W.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Sergeant |
Johnson, Bryhan W.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Johnson, Bythan W.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Johnson, C. W.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
G |
Second Lieutenant |
Johnson, C. Waverly
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
H |
First Lieutenant |
Johnson, Charles W.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Johnson, Curtis W.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Johnson, D. W.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Johnson, D. W.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Sergeant |
Johnson, David W.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Johnson, David W.
31st Regiment, N | | | | | |